Good morning all
Bondman I was wondering when you have time, if you could share on something.
As I was sitting having my morning coffee this morning, I was looking around my apartment and seeing all of the "stuff". It is daunting looking at all the empty boxes. It is daunting to look at the walk in closet and the dressers and see all of the clothes etc.. I had to call the mover yesterday and he is coming next week to give me a quote on moving my belongings.
I have way to much "stuff" including furniture. I have a chair that use to sit in my grandmother's living room. I have an old Mason chair that use to sit on the front porch of the cottage that my great grandmother use to sit in. The list goes on and on.
As I sit here and think about a new place to live, I think about having to find an apartment that would fit my "stuff". You know so many people hang on to things to pass down to their children because it was in the family. Well I realize that the one and only thing I really need to pass down to my children, is the love and knowledge of living for the Lord.
As far as my clothes, with my new job I will need to wear "nicer" clothes. Alot of my clothers were from when I was bigger, which I can get rid of and will. As far as the smaller clothes, waiting for me to get into , those need to go.
The bottom line is that all of this "stuff" is not what is important in life. To many people base their value on material things. I was never a materialistic person. Everything here in my home, all furniture and stuff was given to me by family. (really everything I have in life is given to me by the Lord).
There is scripture I know somewhere about selling all possessions and following him. I really do think that now is a good time in my life to simply things. I am just being honest, there is a part of me that is struggling with that. I know there is scripture also about Do not worry for what you will eat, or wear etc. it relates to the birds.
Bottom line here , as I continue to learn about his love and how he wants my life to be, it is a changing of my mind and my daily living. Is it exciting? Yes! Is it easy. No..
Society here in America is way to focused on "stuff" in life. So can you help enlighten me on what a great way would be to get my heart in the right frame to really downsize the "stuff" in my life and continue to open up my heart more for the Lord?.
Comments are welcome from others as well