THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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No time! No time!
Just wanted to say excellent posts, ya'll!
Simplify! yeah!
Truth. Hey, I heard a preacher say one time that the "belt of truth" in the scriptures is actually the mind set of seeking truth in all things. In Roman armour, the belt held everything together, and all his tools hung from it. So everything depended upon the belt. So when we dont take someone's word in a rumor, or when someone is speaking against a person, but seek out the truth of the matter; when we dont just take a preacher's word, but look it up for ourselves in the bible; that applies to teachings as well; when we are honest in all our dealings and conversations....THAT is wearing the belt of truth. Seeking truth in ALL things.
Good posts, ya'll!:groupray:
No time! No time!
Just wanted to say excellent posts, ya'll!
Simplify! yeah!
Truth. Hey, I heard a preacher say one time that the "belt of truth" in the scriptures is actually the mind set of seeking truth in all things. In Roman armour, the belt held everything together, and all his tools hung from it. So everything depended upon the belt. So when we dont take someone's word in a rumor, or when someone is speaking against a person, but seek out the truth of the matter; when we dont just take a preacher's word, but look it up for ourselves in the bible; that applies to teachings as well; when we are honest in all our dealings and conversations....THAT is wearing the belt of truth. Seeking truth in ALL things.
Good posts, ya'll!:groupray:

I'll say great post in return, sweetie! (And echo the no time, no time!)

Hey, Bondman! Everything alright? Are you on the road to recovery after your set back? How are you? How's the missus?

Hey, Bondman! Everything alright? Are you on the road to recovery after your set back? How are you? How's the missus?

Hi Fluffy! Very kind of you to ask. I'm still alive and kicking but my poor ole body is not doing well and I don't feel very good at all. The Doc has told Beloved that he's very concerned about me and that I've lost a lot of ground. Also that as I'm coming up towards 70 it's not just the CFS but now my age is working against me as well. So the struggle has just intensified! Nonetheless, every day is blessed cos He is here!!



I'm rather surprised I've not done a message on this major topic.

For a long time now I've said that relationships are the hardest thing on the planet! And the closer the relationship the harder it is! So husband and wife is the toughest, then parent to child and child to parent, and so on. The reason we struggle with relationships is quite simply our sinfulness where we are focused on #1 more than on others! This easily brings conflict, and the next minute we're sticking up - or fighting - for our point of view, or what we want! It's really all rather sad.

But there are some important things we can do to help. FIRST is the matter of GOODWILL. Goodwill means that we give the benefit of the doubt concerning what the other guy has said or done, i.e., if there's a bad way and a good way to take it, you choose the GOOD way. Makes sense, right. If BOTH parties make a pact to DO this, then a whole PILE of upsets can be avoided!

Which raises the SECOND matter: it takes TWO to tango. That is, unless you are BOTH maintaining GOODWILL, then the relationship is either in deep trouble, or soon will be. I well remember a serious situation where I retained GOODWILL but the other person didn't. It took almost NO time for it to become patently obvious that my goodwill was having no effect whatever in maintaining that relationship! - so with great sadness I had to relinquish it...

THIRD is COMMUNICATION. It still stuns me the proportion of people who seem blissfully aware that life simply cannot WORK without COMMUNICATING! - much less have any chance of WORKING well!! So talk! Speak! Speak up!! TELL your partner or friend or whoever, what you're thinking - AND feeling! Do this BEFORE it all blows up into an all-out barney! That is, if you don't talk about the problem, then it will very soon become A PROBLEM!!! So keeping the lines of communication open is arguably the very BEST way to retain goodwill, care, understanding and love!!!

continued in Part 2...

- BM, with his Love

THANKYOU once again to all of you who keep this thread going so amazingly by coming and reading here regularly.

This still mind-boggles me - and is so ENCOURAGING! Please pray for each one who reads, that God the Holy Spirit will HIGHIGHT to him or her exactly what they need.

PRAYER CHANGES THINGS. It changes people! If we'll pray we can ultimately rise up a great army of those who LOVE and SERVE the Lord of Lords and King of Kings!

Bless you with a thousand blessings in Jesus!!

- BM



That's good to know that you don't have to ask forgiveness daily. I have been doing that. I thought it was like seeking for the Holy Spirit, which you need to do daily. So, what about the sins you committed before? You don't need to lay them before God, each one of them, one statement of "please forgive me" covers all of them? I never thought of that before, but I ask forgiveness for them in case I forgot one every night. Not that I think I have not been forgiven. I just thought everyone did that. I was saved in my bedroom and did it the best I knew how. This is the first time I've heard this addressed.

Dear heart, there is no problem whatsoever with what you don't know. We all come via different routes. I don't know everything. No one but God does. We're all learning. That's what The Inner Room is for!! So we can learn - and GROW! And the glory of it all is that we're doing this TOGETHER!!! Wow-eeeee!!


Yes, it's important to come to the Lord about our sin, to CONFESS it, to THANK Him for forgiving it - and ask for the Spirit's help and power so as not to sin again. That's it! Okay, for some sins you may end up doing this piles of times as you're trying to get 'on top' of it. No matter. God never gets tired of you telling Him you flunked out again, and thanking Him for forgiving and cleansing you. All of that helps keep your slate clean before Him, and is great for moving your Christian walk ever forward.

On the matter of 'cleansing', you are already completely snow white and clean via Jesus total sacrifice on your behalf! So you don't need to beg for cleansing either. Again just THANK Him for it!


Now obviously you don't need to ask forgiveness for something that's already forgiven! So, no, you don't even need the 'one statement forgives all' either. It's DONE! It was accomplished for you the moment Jesus said, "IT IS FINISHED!" - a cry of TRIUMPH from the Cross as He KNEW that He had succeeded in redeeming every sinner who would ever come to Him for salvation!!! You've done that, so all your sin was knocked out of the arena, forever, by the Lord Jesus on the Cross. Is that a Hallelujah, or is that a Hallelujah!!!

Maybe to finally grasp the sheer ENORMITY of this stupendous truth, consider this. The NT says that Jesus died for the sins of the world on the Cross. He paid full price for every sin - of everybody! How astonishing is that!! Only those who FULLY ACCEPT THAT AND ACCEPT HIM AS LORD OVER THEIR LIFE CAN RECEIVE THE FULL FORGIVENESS HE PROVIDED. So considering that He paid the price of ALL sin, then obviously our past sin, present sin, AND future sin is all forgiven - WAS forgiven long ago!!


Let me introduce a new word into this, that probably I should have done earlier. The feeling that we NEED to ask for forgiveness stems from the fact that we DO need to REPENT of our sin and sins, i.e., to turn away from them as bad and wrong, to determine to give them up, and to acknowledge to God that He was right when He says we are hopeless sinners, who sin and fall short of His perfection continually!!!

Repentance is a change of direction if you like: AWAY from sin, TOWARDS God! Does that work for you? Does for me!! So my aim is OBEDIENCE to all that He commands of me and wants of/from me. That's a 180 degree turn AWAY FROM sin and sinful living - TOWARDS holiness and righteous living. And this is why I wrote above that we CONFESS our sin to Him, AND we turn away from it as we ask the Spirit to help us not sin again. In a Christian's early days a lot of confession and repenting may well be needed. The further you go into life, the more this lessens.


So instead of asking for FORGIVENESS of our sins we confess, repent, thank, and ask for power to do better. We don't need to make this any sort of 'ritual'. Not at all. Do this any time or times of the day, as needed. A quick "Sorry, Lord!" as many times as you like during the day is great! Then maybe talk to Him a bit more about it later. What God is seeking is a CLOSE DAILY RELATIONSHIP with us - of God our Father to His Son or Daughter. That's the way to live The Life!

I hope that has helped make these matters a little clearer for us all.

- BM and his Beloved

With God in our lives [anything is possible]. When we can walk no more [He carries us.]

The pain and the ails that consume us are nothing compared to the peace and comfort that He has in store for us.

Are you His....
Prayer people here...

I'm looking for 1 or 2 more pray-ers who know how to pray, to join a small personal prayer team for us and for the IR. Needs are rather great...

Please simply PM me if you think you could help. Thankyou!!!

- BM and Mrs BM
God is SO amazing!! He just blows my mind, sometimes! He does provide our strength, our courage, our very breath!!

A common problem that I have seen in not only myself, but in others is that once a sin is forgiven and overcome, you dont need to repent and ask for forgiveness over and over again.
Take for example, adultery. (I am talking about myself here, not pointing fingers at anyone.) Lets say, someone in the past, has committed adultery. They have since stopped, turned completely around, and is absolutely faithful to thier spouse. They have asked forgiveness, been forgiven, all that.
Then, it comes back to their mind "You are an adulterer. You did this and this and that." Used to, I would cry and ask for forgiveness all over again. And again, and again, and again.
But I have since got it into my head as well as my heart that it is taken care of. It no longer needs to even be brought up, unless its to witness to someone the cleansing power of Jesus! But if it comes up again, just say "yep, that WAS me, but its forgiven and under the blood!" AMEN!:D
very good fluffy.God gives you to the world like pure gold,but the world does not want you,hence you are not on tv,etc teaching our youth.
God is SO amazing!! He just blows my mind, sometimes! He does provide our strength, our courage, our very breath!!

A common problem that I have seen in not only myself, but in others is that once a sin is forgiven and overcome, you dont need to repent and ask for forgiveness over and over again.
Take for example, adultery. (I am talking about myself here, not pointing fingers at anyone.) Lets say, someone in the past, has committed adultery. They have since stopped, turned completely around, and is absolutely faithful to thier spouse. They have asked forgiveness, been forgiven, all that.
Then, it comes back to their mind "You are an adulterer. You did this and this and that." Used to, I would cry and ask for forgiveness all over again. And again, and again, and again.
But I have since got it into my head as well as my heart that it is taken care of. It no longer needs to even be brought up, unless its to witness to someone the cleansing power of Jesus! But if it comes up again, just say "yep, that WAS me, but its forgiven and under the blood!" AMEN!:D

Oh wow, Fluffy, what can I say but HALLELUJAH and HALLELUJAH!!! What a testimony to GOD'S FORGIVENESS and POWER TO CLEANSE and TO MAKE US ANEW!!!

Sweetie, you are just such a bright light in Jesus! I feel so privileged to be your friend!

You just made my week!!!

very good fluffy.God gives you to the world like pure gold,but the world does not want you,hence you are not on tv,etc teaching our youth.

Just love that "pure gold", SC! Amen and bless you heaps!
Joan rang to say that her Uncle had just pre-paid for her and her hubby to go on this world trip costing over $20,000. What an amazing gift! She was so excited she could hardly get all the words out!

A bit later this thought: Jesus has PRE-PAID for us to go to heaven! Fully paid for, AND everything ready and completely arranged!!! (John Ch 14:2,3 - works for ME!!)

- BM



For a long time I've just adored what Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus. With so many passages I love it's hard to choose which to do, but this one is VERY, VERY POWERFUL:

Ephesians Ch 2, Verses 4 to 10

But that God of ours!! What can we say! He is so ABOUNDING in his mercy towards us! Like, because of His incredible and, well, magnificent LOVE for us, basically He just couldn't help Himself! - and simply had to satisfy His love for us in this way:

While we were still separated from Him and quite Spiritually DEAD in all our sins and wrongs and failings - what did He do? Well, He changed us from 'dead' and brought us to LIFE. How? By a rather clever means, i.e., by actually JOINING us to Christ - Who had been dead Himself of course - but God RAISED HIM UP OUT OF DEATH, RAISING US UP WITH HIM at the same time! How about that!!

But going further, let's make absolutely no mistake about this crucial truth: we are saved in Jesus, purely and solely by God's utterly undeserved love and favour, i.e., by His GRACE towards us! But there's more - and this is almost unbelievable - we know He raised us up with Christ, but not satisfied with just that, He then took each one of us and sat us down WITH CHRIST in the heavens, effectively giving us JOINT SEATING right there WITH THE LORD JESUS HIMSELF!!

His reason for doing this? - so that He could demonstrate and show with absolute clarity right through all the periods of time and ages to come, that the richness and fullness of His grace is limitless and quite unmeasurable - showing us the beautiful goodness and kindness of His lovely heart towards us by and in the Lord Jesus Christ.

This must be REPEATED because it's so important: it is by God's grace alone (His undeserved love and favour towards us) that we are saved from the consequences of our sin! Pure and simple, this is His free GRACE to us - which we then just simply ACCEPT BY FAITH!! How amazing!

But here's something that needs to be asked. Does any of this come though US, or by what WE can do? NO WAY!! Please get this: NO WORKS BY US, or trying to keep laws and things like that, are anywhere remotely near good enough to get us saved!! Rather it's all SOLELY an astonishing GIFT from God to us!! - and as a result not a single one of us can ever stand up and feel proud because WE did it!

Now to finish, here's another almost unbelievable thought which leads on from this: WE ARE GOD'S OWN HANDIWORK. WE ARE HIS WORKMANSHIP - isn't that mind-blowing! So what is it that He's doing in us? Well, nothing less than RECREATING US and REMAKING us to be more and more new - in and through and by Christ! And right here and now can be revealed His ultimate and crucial purpose in doing this...

It's so that we undeserving people who are now saints of God can start doing really, really, really GOOD works and DEEDS, living lives of GOODNESS and HOLINESS!! PLUS - as if that's not enough already - here's the clincher: these good things that we now do, God already set them down for us way, way beforehand, i.e., PREPARED FOR US TO DO THEM!! Maybe you thought YOU just did this great thing? - BUT GOD HAD ALREADY PLANNED THIS OUT FOR YOU TO DO!!! Can you handle that?!!

With much love,

- BM, with his Lady

Prayer people here...

I'm looking for 1 or 2 more pray-ers who know how to pray, to join a small personal prayer team for us and for the IR. Needs are rather great...

Please simply PM me if you think you could help. Thankyou!!!

- BM and Mrs BM


Because I said (just) 1 or 2,
maybe this then said to you,
"Oh, well... they won't need me!"

And so you didn't let me know
by sending a PM
to offer that you'd pray
for us and the IR!

But as I said
the need is great,
we do need YOU -
if it should be that
He has whispered to you:


- BM and Mrs BM
Now to finish, here's another almost unbelievable thought which leads on from this: WE ARE GOD'S OWN HANDIWORK. WE ARE HIS WORKMANSHIP - isn't that mind-blowing! So what is it that He's doing in us? Well, nothing less than RECREATING US and REMAKING us to be more and more new - in and through and by Christ! And right here and now can be revealed His ultimate and crucial purpose in doing this...

It's so that we undeserving people who are now saints of God can start doing really, really, really GOOD works and DEEDS, living lives of GOODNESS and HOLINESS!! PLUS - as if that's not enough already - here's the clincher: these good things that we now do, God already set them down for us way, way beforehand, i.e., PREPARED FOR US TO DO THEM!! Maybe you thought YOU just did this great thing? - BUT GOD HAD ALREADY PLANNED THIS OUT FOR YOU TO DO!!! Can you handle that?!!

It is all amazing. to think he had this already planned out.. wow..
I wrote this back a bit:

OH lord why is it
So hard for me to see?
My mind goes and goes
Rambling thoughts
Keep going through
This head of mine!
Help me lord
Help me to see!
What is happening to me?
I am in such pain
It is hard for me
To imagine what your
Son went through for me!
My pain and suffering
I am sure is mild to his
Help me lord!
Help me to see!
Robin 1/13/04

Just to think he has been showing me more and more since 2004.. now looking back... I see the small steps of the journey..
Does anyone here keep a journal of their journey each day?

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