THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Today's Sermon

We had a good Sunday service today, and my hubby was there. The message was on the parable of the hidden treasure.

Mat 13:44 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

Which tells us that the secrets to joy are hidden in Christ and if we want it, we have to give up all we have to purchase that hidden treasure. Pastor told a story about someone who purchased a Harley at a garage sale for $600, looked up the vin # and called Harley Davis to see who'd owned it before. He gave them the vin # and they asked him if they could call him back. When they called back, they offered him $4 million for it, as it had been owned by Elvis Presley. The person he bought it from lost out because they got rid of a hidden treasure.

Not very many of us in this world find what God has provided for us. They go to church and don't really "sell out" to get the treasure He has given each of us if we only accept it. It was very much of an eye-opener to me and I think all of us here on this thread have sold out to God and are discovering more and more hidden joy and peace.

We sang a beautiful song called I Give You My Heart. I copied the words.

This is my desire
To honor You
Lord with all my heart, I worship You
All I have within me
I give you praise
All that I adore is in You

Lord, I give you my heart
I give You my soul
Every breath that I take
Every moment I'm awake
Lord, have your way in me.​

I think there was more. But if you could hear the music, it was soooo pretty. There are so many new songs I'm learning. Such good ones. And then they sing an old hym out of a song book. Some of them have really good words too. I'd like to take one home and look through it.

Pastor told us that a Missionary, Jim Elliot, wrote these words shortly before he was martyred, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose." The Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 3:8, "I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them but rubbish that I may gain Christ."

Robin, I came to see the same thing you discovered also when it comes to wearing certain clothes that didn't bother us before. I just don't feel comfortable wearing them now. But, what I give up isn't worth half of the treasures I find now. Gads! I get to get a whole new wardrobe! :p

Although it may appear to be an unwise decision from the world's eyes, it is the utmost wisdom to give up what is nearly worthless for something absolutely priceless!​
Robin, I came to see the same thing you discovered also when it comes to wearing certain clothes that didn't bother us before. I just don't feel comfortable wearing them now. But, what I give up isn't worth half of the treasures I find now. Gads! I get to get a whole new wardrobe! :p

Although it may appear to be an unwise decision from the world's eyes, it is the utmost wisdom to give up what is nearly worthless for something absolutely priceless!

That is what we must remember- IT IS NOT the world's eyes that we live our lives by, it is Christ's love and eyes and heart we are living for.

Sometimes it is so hard to understand why folks are so darn stubborn, but as I learn more and more they are the ones losing out. I just keep reminding myself of his love for me.

Have a great day!
Hey, ya'll! I know what you mean about the clothing issue! Been thru it, myself! Hee! I like Bonnie's idea, though! A whole new wardrobe! yeah! Although I dont have too much on top, I still get uncomfortable if too much skin shows.

Hey, Faithwoman! What you said about the lost ones is so true. Its humbling to remember that I was once one of those. Blind. Deaf. Foolish.
Yep, I said foolish. Tearing down my house with my own hands instead of building it up. But now, praise the Lord! All that is changed! Hallelujah!
Like Bonnie said, Hidden Treasure in Jesus!
bondman just to let you know i ordered those john powell books today. amazon uk are sold out but i got both second hand for £10. will let ya know how i go with them
I simply MUST honour you lovely gals here who the LORD honours also - cos you've seen how important it is to dress carefully, with heavenly wisdom, so as not to cause temptation. That you've all seen this - AND taken action about it - rather blows my mind! WELL DONE, and God bless each one of you!!!

Definitely a WOW!!

- BM
bondman just to let you know i ordered those john powell books today. amazon uk are sold out but i got both second hand for £10. will let ya know how i go with them

Hey, Staples, hi to you, and that's absolutely wonderful! I look forward to hearing what you think.

For those who don't know what we're talking about, I recommended 2 of John Powell's easy-reading paperbacks that are SO GOOD as to understanding how we tick as individuals, how we relate to others, how our self-worth can be built up, about love, how to retain new truths we learn, and much, much more!

Thing is they're so amazingly simple, clear, and easy to read paperbacks that truly changed my life when I read them some decades ago. A Doctor and Professor, the only Christian genius I've ever met (quite an experience I can tell you!) was who recommended them to me.

They are Why Am I Afraid to Love and Why Am I Afraid to Tell You Who I Am by John Powell. Check them out on Amazon.

Thoroughly recommended for EVERYONE!!! (cos either they'll help you, or help you to help others! - or hey, maybe maybe BOTH!!)
We had a good Sunday service today, and my hubby was there. The message was on the parable of the hidden treasure.

Mat 13:44 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

Which tells us that the secrets to joy are hidden in Christ and if we want it, we have to give up all we have to purchase that hidden treasure. Pastor told a story about someone who purchased a Harley at a garage sale for $600, looked up the vin # and called Harley Davis to see who'd owned it before. He gave them the vin # and they asked him if they could call him back. When they called back, they offered him $4 million for it, as it had been owned by Elvis Presley. The person he bought it from lost out because they got rid of a hidden treasure.

Not very many of us in this world find what God has provided for us. They go to church and don't really "sell out" to get the treasure He has given each of us if we only accept it. It was very much of an eye-opener to me and I think all of us here on this thread have sold out to God and are discovering more and more hidden joy and peace.

We sang a beautiful song called I Give You My Heart. I copied the words.

This is my desire
To honor You
Lord with all my heart, I worship You
All I have within me
I give you praise
All that I adore is in You​

Lord, I give you my heart
I give You my soul
Every breath that I take
Every moment I'm awake
Lord, have your way in me.​

I think there was more. But if you could hear the music, it was soooo pretty. There are so many new songs I'm learning. Such good ones. And then they sing an old hym out of a song book. Some of them have really good words too. I'd like to take one home and look through it.​

Pastor told us that a Missionary, Jim Elliot, wrote these words shortly before he was martyred, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose." The Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 3:8, "I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them but rubbish that I may gain Christ."​

Robin, I came to see the same thing you discovered also when it comes to wearing certain clothes that didn't bother us before. I just don't feel comfortable wearing them now. But, what I give up isn't worth half of the treasures I find now. Gads! I get to get a whole new wardrobe! :p

Although it may appear to be an unwise decision from the world's eyes, it is the utmost wisdom to give up what is nearly worthless for something absolutely priceless!​

So much in this great post that I can't comment on all of it. But those of us who HAVE found God's TREASURE are blessed way beyond belief!!! I am utterly unworthy. But by His grace, and grace alone, I HAVE JESUS, THE treasure that is beyond price, to me treasure even beyond BELIEF!!! Yet it's true!


Then: "Pastor told us that a Missionary, Jim Elliot, wrote these words shortly before he was martyred, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose." Wow, how powerful are those words! And so true!!

I quite clearly remember when he and 4 other missionaries were martyred. This was first-contact in seeking to reach primative and war-like Auca Indians in Equador who had never heard about Jesus, and they paid the ultimate price, speared to death by those they came to save from hell. But it was not in vain, because relatives of two of the men returned, and ultimately numbers were won to Christ and will be with us in heaven with the Lord. As will the five men who will receive from God the Martyr's Crown!!!

Jesus gave His life for us. The 5 gave their life for Him. Ultimately primative people were saved, and God was VERY pleased!


Trust and OBEY!

As I awoke to a new day here in Australia the Lord clearly spoke to me about OBEDIENCE. "There are numbers here who come to read," He said, "who TRUST Me, but as yet do not OBEY Me." In the words of the wonderful old hymn:
Trust and obey
For there's no other way
To be happy in Jesus
But to trust and obey.
If you truly are trusting in Jesus then this should LEAD to obedience. Obedience is virtually a PROOF of your faith! Truly trusting in Him means that you have grasped something of the magnificence and the extent of Jesus LOVE for you. SUCH LOVE AS THIS DEMANDS A RESPONSE FROM US!! And there's no better response than what for most of us is clearly this DIFFICULT decision:

"Lord, I am DETERMINED to start being OBEDIENT
to everything YOU say that I should do!"

Yes, this IS a decision - of both the HEART and of the WILL! And God will HELP you to make it, i.e., you do NOT have to do this in your own strength!! Decide that you're going to make the decision, and He will come to your aid!!!

Obedience brings massive rewards - though let me hasten to add that one does NOT choose to obey in order to be REWARDED!! You choose to become an obedient son or daughter of the King, BECAUSE YOU SHOULD - and better still, BECAUSE YOU WANT TO!!

Responding to ALL that Jesus has done for you, you see that the very LEAST you can do in return is seek to PLEASE Him by setting your face towards living a life of doing everything He says!!! And this OBEDIENCE surely does bring its own rewards - one of the first of these being the JOY of knowing that finally, finally you know that you've moved to a place in your Christian life where you've known, maybe for a long time, that you SHOULD be - but you've never taken the step!

And that's it from me! I've delivered the message. It's now in your hands as to what you will do, i.e., to respond, to dilly-dally instead of acting today, or fail to respond altogether. I urge you with every fibre of my being to do the first of these: get down on your knees and say, "Jesus, I want YOU to be Lord over ALL of my life from now on! I give You ALL OF ME - forever! I want to not just TRUST You, but also to OBEY You. Without Your help I know I can't do this, but WITH YOUR HELP I'm starting right now! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou for giving Your life to save me from sin and hell. You gave Your ALL for me. Now I'm choosing to give ALL OF ME to You in return!"


You are in my prayers as you take this momentous step!!!

- BM, with his Love

EDIT! You can trust me implicitly that you will NEVER EVER EVER regret meaning what you say in taking the step of faith in the prayer above!

Hey, in reference to Jim Elliot and the missionaries in Ecuador...there was a movie made about them. It was called "The End of the Spear". It was a very powerful and moving movie! Wonderful account of the forgiveness of God. I highly reccommend it!:D
Hey, in reference to Jim Elliot and the missionaries in Ecuador...there was a movie made about them. It was called "The End of the Spear". It was a very powerful and moving movie! Wonderful account of the forgiveness of God. I highly reccommend it!:D

Didn't know that, hon. Reading how they guys actually came to be speared to death is quite astonishing.


I and ME

Part 1

I wonder if you've noticed how difficult it is to get away from, well, 'yourself'. That is, to get away from what I want, what I feel, asking God for things for me, seeking blessings selfishly, and all that sort of thing. It's really quite AWFUL. Seems like no matter how hard we try, so often it still comes back to "I", and "me" - and that's even when we may think we're doing really great with the Lord!

This is because of at least 2 things I can think of:

First. Our sin nature will be there till the day we step through death to be with the Lord for ever. It keeps on rising up and saying, "Me, me, me!" and that's just to get our attention!! lol. Then it focusses on what it wants. And we can so easily fall into the trap of giving it exactly that! Sometimes we'll even kid ourselves that God is in it, when if you boil it down to it's essence it was still something for "me". (The TEST I use: "What did GOD get out of it?" Usually the answer is 'nothing at all'.)

Second. This is to do with the material things in our lives. Which most of us are still in love with. Our attitude to this really does have to change if we're ever to get away from the "I" and "me", which are so serious because they are a major aspect of our SIN and SINFULNESS which cost the Son of God His LIFE - so we could be forgiven for our bad attitude to them!!!

- BM and Lady

Click for Part 2


I'm new to this forum and thought this thread would be a good place to start meeting people. I'm not sure how this thread works...I liked the links to specific messages. I guess I will just start posting and learn as I go.

To briefly describe myself...

I'm enlisted in the USAF stationed in Texas. I've recently joined a local church that is awesome. Over the years I've bounced around from church to church off and on, but never really committed to one. After attending a few times I felt lead to work with youth and God introduced me to the Leader for the Jr. High group. I've never worked with youth before in a "church" setting before, so I am in unchartered territory. I don't know what I'm doing...but I'm doing it. I hope I can be a good mentor to the kids. I think working with the youth will "force" me to grow stronger in my walk. I want to be a good example for them...and I totally need God to work in me because I need the help. I want to be genuen and not fake. I think the kids can tell if you truely care about God and them.

Well, I actually need to go to tonights meeting...I'm looking forward to meeting you all.:groupray:
I'm new to this forum and thought this thread would be a good place to start meeting people. I'm not sure how this thread works...I liked the links to specific messages. I guess I will just start posting and learn as I go.

To briefly describe myself...

I'm enlisted in the USAF stationed in Texas. I've recently joined a local church that is awesome. Over the years I've bounced around from church to church off and on, but never really committed to one. After attending a few times I felt lead to work with youth and God introduced me to the Leader for the Jr. High group. I've never worked with youth before in a "church" setting before, so I am in unchartered territory. I don't know what I'm doing...but I'm doing it. I hope I can be a good mentor to the kids. I think working with the youth will "force" me to grow stronger in my walk. I want to be a good example for them...and I totally need God to work in me because I need the help. I want to be genuen and not fake. I think the kids can tell if you truely care about God and them.

Well, I actually need to go to tonights meeting...I'm looking forward to meeting you all.:groupray:

Welcome, Pulse!

Kids indeed can tell if you're real or fake! And giving yourself to them in the Lord will certainly grow you in your walk with Him. One of the things we really major on here is that "I can't do it - but He can!" That is, I choose to do what's right and live as He wants, then He gives me the ability to actually DO this (which for us alone is impossible).

Bless you greatly!

- BM



I and ME

Part 2 (Click for Part 1)

I agree!!

Heaven's gonna be SO good cos our salvation will be fully and finally 'completed' then, with the old man of sin/our sinful nature finally gone! I can't wait for this because the "I/me" that has dogged me all my life, will at last be DONE WITH/NO MORE/GONE FOREVER!!! Wow, what a day THAT'S gonna be! *did I say I can't wait? hehe*

Until then though there's GOOD NEWS!! - very important for us to dig right into!! Okay we see clearly that our sin nature is still with us, trapping us into worldly attitudes and living - but meantime we have received from God "the new man" (as opposed to "the old man"), which Paul referred to as "a brand new creation" in 2 Corinthians Ch 5:17. And further, let's look closely at THIS AMAZING PASSAGE:

Ephesians Ch 4
21 Assuming that you have really heard Him and been taught by Him, as [all] Truth is in Jesus [embodied and personified in Him],
22 Strip yourselves of your former nature [put off and discard your old unrenewed self] which characterized your previous manner of life and becomes corrupt through lusts and desires that spring from delusion;
23 And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude],
24 And put on the new nature (the regenerate self) created in God's image, [Godlike] in true righteousness and holiness.

So this is ACTION that WE have to take!! God is telling us:

Verse 21: IF we really ARE Christ's man or woman

Verse 22: then we must get rid of the old nature which was so full of selfish lusts and desires, and even being DELUDED about how we're really living! - and then

Verse 23: ensure that we are constantly being renewed in our attitude of mind and heart (by focusing on things of God to do with the Spiritual realm, NOT on things of earth that are around us, and that we're still trapped into wanting);

Verse 24: as well as refusing to give in to our old self-centered and sinful "I/me" nature (verse 22), we must also daily put on the NEW man, the NEW nature that we got when we submitted our life to Christ, i.e., the REGENERATED man within us, which is actually created in God's image being a new man of righteousness and holiness. (See also Messages 34 and 35)

So for the serious Christian it's no longer living like the world around us at all! Our Christian life is to be characterised by NEWNESS and DIFFERENCE! We are to be centered in Jesus, focused on Father God, and our lives CLEARLY demonstrating right-living (righteousness) as well as holiness (i.e., the whole of our lives showing as being set aside as HIS and for HIM)!

I find this all INCREDIBLY EXCITING!! I see this as me being able to be RELEASED from the worldly and selfish things of my former life to now live a life of INCREASING righteousness, holiness and godliness - just like He wants for us!

"God please guide us all to this new life you've so astonishingly provided for us!"

BM, with his Lady

Ephesians Ch 4
21 Assuming that you have really heard Him and been taught by Him, as [all] Truth is in Jesus [embodied and personified in Him],

22 Strip yourselves of your former nature [put off and discard your old unrenewed self] which characterized your previous manner of life and becomes corrupt through lusts and desires that spring from delusion;
23 And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude],
24 And put on the new nature (the regenerate self) created in God's image, [Godlike] in true righteousness and holiness.

So this is ACTION that WE have to take!! God is telling us:

Thanks so much for the great message. Came at a super time for me. I have been struggling these past few days and not being renewed in the spirit of my mind and putting on my new nature.
I have allowed the stress of all that is going on in my life, take over my emotions and feelings. I made the comment tonite that I feel very displaced, that I feel like I do not belong anywhere. I should have been praising the Lord.. for all that he has done, but instead I was focusing on living out of suitcases and boxes, having to travel here and there to find a computer to use to work on my research paper, focusing on not having a permanent place to live, focusing on the woe is me.. then I came back and logged in and got your message.

Before I read your message, I got out the Bible and read some of the word and prayed and confessed how I was feeling. I asked the Lord for continued strength to help me through all of this.
This week-end I will be traveling to see my daughter which will be great. I have to finish this research paper and write one more before May 5th. I know deep in my heart that the Lord will be with me each step... I had been focusing on the storms and not the praises.. shame on me.. :(
Ok so each new minute, is a new minute.. time for renewal.. we do not have to wait for a new day.. we can be renewed right this very minute.
Have a great evening


PS.. Welcome Pulse! some day I see myself working with youth as well in regards to God's prescription for relationships and loving oneself.. I know he is preparing me.. maybe for some duties to serve here.. but more importantly preparing for my coming home to be with him.. :):)



FIRSTLY, I want to say a personal and heartfelt THANKYOU to my faithful posters here, without whom The Inner Room thread could not possibly achieve the things in the Lord Jesus that it does and is!

Thankyou, dear ones!!!

And so to a comment and a question, both of great importance. First the comment:

Faithwoman said:
PS.. Welcome Pulse! some day I see myself working with youth as well in regards to God's prescription for relationships and loving oneself.. I know he is preparing me.. maybe for some duties to serve here.. but more importantly preparing for my coming home to be with him.. :):)

"... but more importantly preparing for my coming home to be with him." Yes, yes, YES!!! I ask: why on earth do we live as if we have 500 more years before that blessed event?? Fact:

Our destination is HEAVEN!

Our destiny is HEAVEN!

Living down here is of such incredibly minimal importance UNLESS, that is, WE'RE SPENDING THE TIME GETTING READY FOR ETERNITY WITH THE LORD!!! THEN, but only then, does it become of completely maximum importance!!!... a major, major, difference!

THE NEXT 10 BILLION YEARS IN ETERNITY!!! And that's just for starters! Yet just that small period compared to 70 years here, is an importance-factor of: 10,000,000,000 to 70.
If that doesn't get the message across to us as to what being here is REALLY ABOUT, than I'm not sure what will.

The Bible warns us that the time is SHORT. Sure is! And as always it's about our FOCUS, our PRIORITIES, and our ATTITUDE. What ARE we really on about? What's of PRIME IMPORTANCE to us? Most common is: Living a good life. Enjoying ourselves. Ease of life and living. Seeking selfish blessings from God. And so on...

NO, it's about things like sacrifice. About giving of ourselves. About whatever hardships He lovingly brings our way - so that we may learn and grow towards maturity. It's about HIM, and what HE'S feeling and WANTS - NOT about what I want and what I'm feeling!

Going back to an importance-factor again, in percentage terms it's GOD 100 and me about 1 or 2. *realises that doesn't add up to 100, lol* Let me tell you what I mostly see as I look around the world at Western churches, including the largest and most successful and most well-known ones, right down to the least: THE EXACT REVERSE OF ABOVE. Looking at attitudes and actions it looks clear as a bell that WE ARE WAY UP THERE ON THE SCALE - NOT HIM!

In any case, PLEASE put yourself way down LOW. John the Baptist said it: "He must INCREASE, but I must DECREASE." John Ch 3:30. WOW! Put Him, what He wants, obeying His will for us, giving all of us to Him, and so on, way up top! THEN YOU'LL START TO SEE YOUR LIFE WORKING LIKE PAUL'S AND PETER'S AND JOHN'S, AND THE REST OF THEM!!!

How I earnestly wish this, and pray for this, for everyone here! I love you!!

Next, continued here with the question...

- BM, with his Lady




Continued from the comment here

Bondman, can you explain exactly what holiness means; give examples maybe?


Holiness is basically and quite simply put, GOODNESS, i.e., doing good because you've somehow learned how to "BE" GOOD. But how is it possible in this sinful world with all its temptations to do the opposite to good, to actually "BE" GOOD? How indeed! But can you think of anyone who is truly GOOD? Okay then, we have to somehow be "LIKE" HIM. But once again HOW?

A New Testament COMMAND is to 'Be holy as God is holy' (see 1 Peter Ch 1:15,16). CLEARLY IMPOSSIBLE!!! - so being holy is solely of and from God! It's actually NOT being LIKE God at all: rather it's having GOD'S holiness in us and working out through us! And also rather than US seemingly "being" good, again this is GOD'S goodness and holiness in us!!

In the New Testament many times the Spirit of God is just written as the "Spirit", but at other times as the "Holy Spirit". The Spirit is HOLY. And Who has lived in us and is constantly with us from the moment of our salvation? - the HOLY Spirit!! As we've said so many times before, here once again is an IMPOSSIBILITY FOR US, and therefore WE ARE TOTALLY DEPENDENT ON GOD and His Spirit in order to be Holy!


Everything God does is GOOD! We need to focus on the same thing. There is no good or holiness in me, thus I am SO dependent on the Spirit to bring HIS HOLINESS into my life! That is, trying and struggling to be HOLY simply will not work! The holiness and perfection of Jesus Himself, our Lord and Master and Saviour, is brought to us by the Spirit Whom He promised that He'd send to us - and did - and so any and ALL holiness in me is going to be CHRIST!

EXAMPLES: In order for the Lord to be able to live out holiness in and through us, He gave us three commands: Love GOD. Love all OTHERS. And the third 'New Commandment': love EACH OTHER, i.e., love our Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Every time you obey - DO - something to fulfil one or more of these commands (if you did it via the Spirit) then THAT'S HOLINESS!!! Simply BEING GOOD! BIG things and LITTLE things:
I hardly have any money - but I gave $25 to James' family who had no food left in the house. I took back the biro I stole from work. I forgave Mary who is STILL running me down to others and painting me as a bad person. I spoke nicely to the check-out chick and thanked her for serving me. I started supporting an indigenous missionary in India working in the slums of Calcutta.

BUT THE RUB with these examples, and the central part of this whole Message is: if we think that WE can do good things, then we will FAIL dismally. Doesn't matter if it 'looks' good and/or 'feels' good - unless we are IMPELLED (led) by the Holy Spirit and EMPOWERED by the Holy Spirit of God to do it, then it's simply useless works that are totally un-holy (no matter HOW good they look, or how good they FEEL).

You see, the 'good' things we do, so often are purely humanistic, and ultimately done by US - to give us a good FEELING. Nothing wrong with that per se, but often that's our unrealised, but quite sinful AIM - rather than a holy action which the SPIRIT helps and leads us to do. Can you see the difference? YOU can never be holy. And YOU can never do even ONE holy deed. But Jesus in you, by His Spirit in you - CAN!!!

Let's set ourselves from this moment on towards nothing less than holiness of life and thought and deed - by His Spirit!

- BM, with his Beloved


Excellent posts, as usual, Bondman!
Lots of good "meat" in there!

Welcome, Pulse! Hey, the best way to learn something is to teach it! ha!

Ah, Faithwoman! Hit the nail on the head again! Dont look at your circumstances, look at God! yeah!

Hello, Bonnie!
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