Aw, I finally get a chance to get on, and your gone!
Oh well. I know you'll get back later! hee!
Hey, I always thought holiness and right living were the same things! I guess they are so close in definition its hard to seperate them.
Hmmm, learn something new everyday!
I'm here with you Bondman and I love you!!!!
Oh, Bondman, thank you for reminding me about checking scripture for myself. I always did that before. I think I was just so glad to be helped in a deliverance ministry that I ended up trusting everything that was said instead of being cautious. I will have to revise this author's list I guess. Hope it will still be uplifting.
We leave on our trip on Sunday for London. I will be able to study a lot because we will be doing a lot of waiting around for flights. I will make my list then. I wish I had a laptop, but, I will probably be able to find a computer on the bases and can print my list out then.
Don't be lonely, Bond (James Bond) Be happy and visit some of the new posts while you can. Again, thanx for pointing me in the right direction. Bonnie :israel:
There are always computers on the AirForce Bases where we stay. I'll still be checking up on ya! So, behave yourselves! No talking behind my back, ya hear?
I think I underestimate the experience you guys have with your advice and the things you've seen and the places you've been in your lives. I thank you so very much for sharing your wisdom.
Alright then, which of these groups of people are the most dangerous to us? ALL OF THEM ARE!! For unless we:
(a) ENSURE that we are surrendered to Jesus as Lord of our lives, and
(b) trust the Holy Spirit to INTERPRET and REVEAL the truth to us, and
(c) seriously work, over time, at learning HOW to STUDY the Scriptures for ourselves,
then we are never going to know, and be sure that we are sitting on TRUTH rather than a pile of UNTRUTH!
I have learned so much in my walk to be a mature Christian. I continue to learn.
I am being honest this morning, that I feel a piece of me is still trying to hold on to what I want... and not relying on him 100%..
What I mean by this is:
I was apartment hunting the other day.. It was a nice place and all, when speaking with the Landlord, they stated they require a 2 year lease.. I got an application to fill out.. when I left.. I found the nearest parking lot pulled over and started to bawl.
Why you might ask? Well I felt by potentially signing a 2 year lease that "MY" life would be put on hold. You see I am in a dating relationship, have been for almost 2 years now.. my heart's desire is to be married again, to have a family unit.. to not be alone, to wake up every day, come home every day to a husband, to have someone to hold me, cherish me etc.. you get the picture? The Lord really has blessed me.. he truly has.. I have come great strides in my walk with him.. I must admit that the sexual purity one and others can be frustrating at times.. You see there is a part of me that still wants things in "my' time.. I had thought that I had let go of the majority of that.. but it came rushing back in to me.. However, after praying and such it was good.. it really made me truly look at the relationship I was in and what it was all about.. as the Lord has worked on other things there as well.
Life is to short.. each day is ticking away.. I ask myself this morning:
Do you remeber your dreams? Do you really want to?
How am I going to get there?
Well the answer is simple.. but I try to make it complicated. Trust in him, give it all to him.. walk each moment of life with him..
I will start this morning with reminding myself with the message of Bondmans that I quoted.
But more importantly.. I need to focus on what the Lord's dream for me is.. his is simple.. not complicated.. he just wants me.. me and my heart.. doing that.. he will continue to bless me and see the desires of my heart.
Glory be to the father this morning!
The biggest thing I learned was that when Jesus was born a baby in the manger, and even when He was crucified, it was also God who was going through those things because the Father and Jesus are one. It was a new idea to me, even though I do believe in the Trinity now. It was just an eye opener to me. Have you all thought about this? I spose you have. But, it did bring up new questions also. Like, how was it that Jesus prayed to God and asked Him to remove "this cup?" And when God turned away from Jesus? I'll settle for any answer. I'm not doubting, just wondering.
Bonnie said:This new study is on the Old Test. which is so hard for me to understand. The book is called "Be Amazed" by Warren W. Wiersbe. The other thing I learned is that all or most of the O.T. stories actually happened. I thought they were parables, like when Jonah was in the belly of the whale. And when the Red Sea was parted for the Israelites.
Once again we see a God Who is WAY ABOVE US. We can neither understand all of Him - NOR all of His ways! NEVER QUERY GOD!! (asking "Why?" and that sort of thing). With our tiny minds we TRY to comprehend Him. But we CANNOT. No matter how much of the Bible we know, and how mature a Christian we become, what we still comprehend is as nothing!Anyway, I learned about a prophet who God told to marry a prostitute! Now, that made no sense to me. But then they told how it was commanded by God to try and convince the Jews that it is what they have done by worshipping other gods. And God was actually going to destroy all the Jews at one time because of their disobedience but one of the prophets talked Him out of it by explaining that the other people (Gentiles?) would never think of Him as a merciful God, destroying His own people!