THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Thanks so much Bondman, I always wondered about this as well, but I think I am actually starting to understand it! Praises! Praises!


Another thing I noticed- many times when helping someone else God speaks to me through the advice I give. It is as if He speaks through and then to me in the same breath. Thank God for His marvelous wisdom, His conviction and correction- I want to dive into it and swim till I am thoroughly cleansed

This is so true! I have found that happening alot lately! It is a great feeling.. On those struggling moments today, I just reach down and rub my angel power ring and remind myself of God's love for me!

Heh Robin- how are we to bear ye one another's burdens if we do not share? Many days when I need someone to talk to I come to my brothers and sisters where I am or here online. We are here to love, encourage and be a strength to one another. It is possible that your Pastor was speaking in another context though
Another thing I noticed- many times when helping someone else God speaks to me through the advice I give. It is as if He speaks through and then to me in the same breath. Thank God for His marvelous wisdom, His conviction and correction- I want to dive into it and swim till I am thoroughly cleansed.
But I digress, keep coming for prayer and encouragement- you are a blessing to us all and it is a joy watching you grow in His grace. Your friend and brother Larry.

Amen and Amen!!

Specially loved "Another thing I noticed- many times when helping someone else God speaks to me through the advice I give. It is as if He speaks through and then to me in the same breath." This is wonderful truth to do with getting guidance! (help and get helped kinda thing!)

I've also found that when I 'speak out' I receive at least as much as I give, and most times more! That's amazing GRACE, hey!

And I must grab the opportunity to say that I'm personally very grateful to have you here, my brother!

- BM
Can't Sleep

Hi there. good morning.. well it is morning here.. 1:30 am.. I can't sleep.
You see I heard an answer loud and clear tonite.
This is going to be long.. so grab your coffee or pepsi..

Remember my happenings on Monday, where I was led to the beautiful apartment and they wanted a 2 year lease.. and I bawled like a baby because I would have to put my life on hold.. remember my life.. anyway they had come back and offered me a 1 year lease.. which is great Praise the Lord.. anway in the meantime I felt it was time to talk to the gentlman I had been dating for almost 2 years. I told him we both needed to exam our hearts to see where this relatonship was headed.. if we were on the same page.. and if so what were our goals .. and how would we work on them together? That was on Monday.. nothing had been said until tonite...
He took me out to a really nice dinner to celebrate my finishing school.
When we got home we had cigar time.. this is where he has a cigar and I smoke those nasty cigarettes.. (i know.. I know.. ) anyway..

I asked him if he had time this past week to think about what I had said and he said yes he had thought about it all week. He thought of everything from A to Z.. but he had no answers for me..
Well I was not going to settle for that.. I told him we had been dating for almost 2 years and we needed to communicate better than that.

There was much said, but I am going to try and give you the short version.. He basically said that he felt I was pushing him into giving me an answer .. and that he does not like to be pushed.. My response... I did not feel like I was pushing for anything.. I was not asking for an engagement right then, but I wanted to know where we were going to work on a common goal together. He just said that he was focusing more on his personal life and his financial situation than he was our relationship where I was focusing more on the relationship aspect.. wrong.. I have been focusing on my spiritual life, my career path, my college and the relationship..

He had told me when I first met him that when he was financially stable in life, he did not have a good woman, and that now that he had a good woman, his financial life was a mess.. I told him tonite that I feel he uses the financial stuff as an excuse... there are many people that do not have a pot to **** in but are very happy!

He told me that there were no red flags with me as with other women he had been involved with.. that is was not me.. that it was him..

A part of me was hoping that he would have started the conversation with this will all work out.. you can live here.. we will work towards marriage and such.. but no.. that did not happen.. and to be honest that is not what God wants.

I ended up telling him halfway into the conversation that I had found a place to live.. but had not told him to begin with because I wanted to see where I stood ..

At the end, he told me I am sure you have more questions than answers after tonight's conversation.. I said no I just know where I stand in your life. I had told him earlier even though he did not have answers tonite, that I was not going to wait a year for an answer.. He said well I am sure you want to know if you are wasting your time... I said I am not looking to go out and find someone right away to marry, but I do want to be able to go forth and do the Lord's work and be open to meeting others.

Go to Part 2..
Part 2 Can't sleep

Ok here is the moral of my story..
I want to share this and have people hear me loud and clear..

you see there were signs all along that this was not for me.. There was the pornography issue in the beginning.. I played number 2 to other women.. He was honest when we first met.. about his weakness and struggle and how he turned to that when he was not in relationships.. well he turned to it while he was with me.. he was finally convicted by the Lord in December and threw away the tapes.

Then there was this "casual" friend.. who he remained friends with and denied calling but I knew better other wise.. They were "just friends"..
he remains friends with all his past relationships.. he is just that kind of kind person so I am told.

Ok with the two examples above , what I want to stress is that we all have "things" we deal with. What is important is that when we find God, we repent, we seek our forgivness and we move forward.. When we love someone, we love them as Jesus did..

When someone tells you they are a Christian, examine their walk, their actions, etc.. many can say they are a Christian, but are they really living it? I am not judging anyone, only the Lord can do that, but I can observe.

I told him tonite there were several times in the past that I felt like walking away because I was number 2 in life.. ie.. the two examples above. In a relationship, The Lord has to be first, then those we love.. ie husband wife, family and all others after that. I told him that I prayed about everything and that was why I was still sitting across from him tonite. What I think about now tonite, is that I did pray.. but I feel I was still living my will.. Most recently I prayed to the Lord in regards to this relationship and if was to shut, please shut it tight.. Well I believe that happened tonite.. when the first response was I do not have an answer for you.. well the silence was the answer.. I have given my life these past 2 years to this man.. done so much.. I am thankful for the relationship because of it.. I was drawn to the Lord , I was drawn to what God wanted from me all along.. including my sexual purity and much more.

Now God is testing me.. Ok Robin, you wanted me to show you loud and clear.. are you going to listen to me tonite, or are you going to live in your free will..

None of this is easy, as I am in the process of moving to a new town, knowing noone (I do have the Lord).. However, it is heck being in a relationship and still feeling alone..

Satan is working overtime.. he is telling me I am not worthy of ever finding one because of my past.. and the consequences I live with from that, he is trying to be in my head , saying I told ya so.. you will always be alone.

However, God's love and word is stronger than Satan. He will crush him, he does crush him, we just need to turn to him.

The final moral is .. when you see the flags, when you feel the discernment within.. RUN! put on the jogging shoes and RUN for the HILLS, keep your eyes focused on the Lord.. he will always Love you no matter what. Proverbs 16: 3 COMMITT TO THE LORD WHATEVER YOU DO, AND YOUR PLANS WILL SUCCEED

Amen.. Good nite
PS. Thanks for listening!:)
I'm so proud of you for taking strong and definite steps on the road of establishing what is the Lord's will for your life on this difficult issue. It's NOT easy to deny ourself (what our flesh wants, what we desire) and to follow Jesus, doing HIS will.

But each time we do this makes us just a little bit stronger, a little more determined ALWAYS to do His will - not our own. Over time it does get easier, but we'll be making such decisions right up to the moment we step through death to be with Him forever!

Once again you are on course to pleasing the Lord!! This is always it's own reward - be fully assured that in saying Yes to Him you can never lose, and you never WILL lose!!


- BM



Thanx for the examples of prayer. It gets easier the closer I get to Heavenly Father. I realized I had such a hard time praying because I didn't truly think He loved me as much as He does. I know in my head it's true, but my heart has to connect somehow and that takes communication, I know. I also know I need to take it slower. Keeps getting better and better! :)

This is a shocking matter that SweetSurrender has touched on here! FACT: anyone who thinks or feels that GOD DOESN'T LOVE THEM is never gonna get anywhere at all, with anything to do with God! The clearest possible message, without any ifs or buts is that:


Not only CLEAR, but SIMPLE as well! There is no stronger truth than this in the whole of heaven and earth!! SO... JUST ACCEPT IT!


"I am SO not worthy! You have no idea how bad my life has been!" Perhaps not, but how you've lived, or are living, is entirely IRRELEVANT to what we're talking about here! Has no bearing whatsoever! Because here's the absolute truth about this matter: NOT ONE OF US ARE WORTHY!! None! Not ONE single person of the 6½ thousand million people currently alive on the planet IS WORTHY!!! Only ONE PERSON ever has been! You know His name!! So why was Jesus worthy? - cos HE NEVER EVER, EVER SINNED, that's why! Not one sin! Not one failure! Never failed even on what is the very hardest thing of all for US to manage to do: NOT ON A SINGLE THING DID HE EVER FALL SHORT OF THE GLORY THAT IS GOD'S! Wow, that is REALLY something!!!

To underline how we are NEVER going to measure up in order to be worthy of His love, no matter who we are or what we do, Jesus said this shocker:

Luke Ch 17
10 Even so on your part, when you have done everything that was commanded you, say, We are unworthy servants; we have [merely] done what was our duty to do.

So has this total unworthiness - and that means ALL of us! - ever stopped Him from loving you for even one micro-second? NO!! So:


Accept this! Live in it! Enjoy it! Enjoy Him!! - and enjoy the new life you'll begin to start living, once you fully accept this. Having trouble with it? Then ask God His for help! If you're serious about this and are prepared to ask, and KEEP ON asking, then He promises that HE WILL HELP YOU! Matthew Ch 7:7.

EDIT! Maybe you believe this in your HEAD, but are having trouble believing it in your HEART (as well as your head)? - then please go here.

- BM, with his Lady


So has this total unworthiness - and that means ALL of us! - ever stopped Him from loving you for even one micro-second? NO!! So:


Ok I needed that.
Here is what happened this morning. I am to drive 3 1/2 hours to see my daugher for 5 minutes before the prom, I have been trying all week for her to get a definite time to be there. I called again today. I got a text message back that said: If your going to kee stressing me out over this I don't want you coming then, this is suppose to be my fun and my day.

That hurt.. really hurt.. you see after last night realization that the man I love, does not want me 100%, and my daughter does not want my love, I feel very alone.. I feel like I do not belong anywhere, that no one wants me, However, I do know one thing, God loves me, God wants me.. 100% of me!

The verse I first found and learned when I came to Jesus was Jeremiah 29:11 I have a great hope and future for you says the Lord.. .. and then the verse that he is my rock and my salvation... I must believe in this, but it is true.. it is deep within my heart.. each and every moment.. I know this..

I have bawled for the last hour.. I told my friend. I am tired.. the storm in my life right now of moving and all and the feeling of the people here on earth not wanting my love and wanting me has exhausted me.. BUT I thank you for your latest message..

God wants me.. God loves me.. People here on earth fail us.. but HE NEVER FAILS US! Praises to our Lord Jesus..
May he continue to strengthen each and every one of us!


Hey, Faithwoman! Sometimes, God removes people from our lives and takes stuff away from us so that we are totally dependent upon Him. Just remember, He will replace those things later on with something even better than you had before! (no,not a new daugther, but maybe a different relationship with her, huh?)
Your on the right track by clinging to the Lord and shutting out the enemy! yeah! Doing all that you can to stand!

So, God finally got thru

to you! I know you will be blessed by concentrating on your relationship with Him alone now. Then when you are totally sanctified and in His will, the right person will turn up! I think it is when we "turn our eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, then the things of earth will look strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace." I just learned that song Sunday and I love it so much. It will become easier for all of us. You will find yourself seeking Him first and then all "these things will be added unto you." God bless you hon, for facing it face on and then obeying. Bonnie
If you're gonna have
faith, you can't just
have it when the
You have to have it

That graphic of Fluffy's is good, hey! FAITH and TRUST in the Lord must contiue no matter what's happening. Else it's not really faith!

If you choose to trust the Lord Jesus then you do it seriously and fully - which can/should take you through both good times and bad. It's easy to have faith when things are going great. The test will always be when they don't!

Thanks Fluf!!



Hard Times are for Our Ultimate Good!

I know that is exactly what he is calling and wanting.. total dependency..

Hi hon! Wow you're really going through a rough time - and then some. I feel for you so strongly! I know what it's like! I understand the inner feelings - and all the emotions that can rage through you, threatening to tip you quite upside down!!

BUT if ever you wanted PROOF of, firstly, how much GOD LOVES ROBIN:

Hebrews Ch 12
6 For who the Lord loves He chastens!

and then of the fact THAT YOU ARE HIS DAUGHTER:

7 If you endure chastening God is dealing with you as sons [and daughters too!]
8 But if you are without chastisement, of which all are partakers, then you are bastards, and not sons.

... then you just got that wonderful proof!!! Plus God's truth that He openly speaks to us, acknowledging exactly what life will be like for His sons and daughters, i.e., THAT LIFE WILL BE HARD:

11a Now NO chastening for the present seems to be joyous;

but then adds:

11b nevertheless afterwards it yields the peaceable fruit of a great harvest of righteousness to those who are prepared to go through it.

So in time to come you get this harvest of RIGHTEOUSNESS - because you are prepared to let God chastise, discipline, teach and train you!

Then this is rather like a DEFINITION: "People will hurt you!" They will and DO! I've had Christian people doing this to me now for 20 years! Thus I endure more or less constant chastening from the Lord via them! Which is pretty sad!

Yet it's okay - I forgive them, and that's how He grows me!! I've even learned to rejoice in the hard times (which took me years to learn):

1 Peter Ch 4
12 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you:
13 But rejoice, seeing ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.

"This isn't strange," Peter's saying, and adds, "Don't be surprised." But rather REJOICE, he says, because what's happening is that we have chosen to align ourselves WITH THE LORD JESUS here, and thus: He suffered appallingly for us - so we who are His then suffer with Him. That's how it works! - and the end results are fantastico!!!

Plus in all of this we must keep firmly in mind who WE are, and Who HE is, and the relationship we have with our Lord and Master:

Matthew Ch 10
24 The disciple is not above his teacher, nor the servant [bond-slave/bondman] above his master.
25 It is enough for the disciple that he should be like his teacher, and the servant [bond-slave/bondman] like his master.

Hope this may help in some way as you probably continue feeling bad about all of this that's seemingly been dumped on you all at once. You don't "deserve" it! You're doing good, not bad! God is simply using it FOR YOUR ULTIMATE GOOD! - COS THAT'S HOW MUCH HE LOVES YOU!!!!!

It's as sample and as profound as that!!

Much love,

- BM and Mrs


The Messages

Hope this may help in some way as you probably continue feeling bad about all of this that's seemingly been dumped on you all at once. You don't "deserve" it! You're doing good, not bad! God is simply using it FOR YOUR ULTIMATE GOOD! - COS THAT'S HOW MUCH HE LOVES YOU!!!!!

It's as sample and as profound as that!!

Thank you so much Bondman and others. I know there was concern about the posting here and fear that the messages sent by the Lord through Bondman would get lost. But I honestly truly feel, that the messages God speaks through all of our trials, is helping one another.. I pray that the worry of the messages getting lost, is lessening.
Yes I agree that at times, it may be tough for all of us to get lost amongst the posts, but if we are truly seeking him, and dedicated to him, he will provide the time for us to sort them out, after all what is our priority in life? He wants it to be him, I have always said if I could lead one person to him, then it would be so worth it.

Bondman, I believe you along with others here have led many to the way to find him, love him and obey him.
I can only speak for myself. By my being allowed to post my struggles, and yourself giving the Lord's messages and others responding, has helped me immensely.

I really was frustrated and was lead to this Forum then to the Inner Room, the Coffee House and was able to post some of my poetry.

I am so thankful that I no longer live in the dark. My fleshly part wants to fight against it, but I read your messages, I read the love others here have for Jesus, what their struggles are and it uplifts my walk.

This morning I woke up moody, (my choice of course). I am in my old apartment. staring at how the heck am I going to get this done when I live hour and half away now. The movers cannot me on the week-end that I needed. They can only move me during the week, and of course the beauty shop below is open during the week, and I Have to use the front entrance to get everything out. Today I will go to church, come home and do some things. then travel back to my new town. I may have to take some time off from my new job to get this all settled. God will provide a way. I know that in my heart.

You are right he is chastening me. There will be victory in the end.. There are victories each day, but I allow myself to get caught up in the fleshly moods.. that has got to stop!

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!

Thank you so much Bondman and others. I know there was concern about the posting here and fear that the messages sent by the Lord through Bondman would get lost. But I honestly truly feel, that the messages God speaks through all of our trials, is helping one another.. I pray that the worry of the messages getting lost, is lessening.
Yes I agree that at times, it may be tough for all of us to get lost amongst the posts, but if we are truly seeking him, and dedicated to him, he will provide the time for us to sort them out, after all what is our priority in life? He wants it to be him, I have always said if I could lead one person to him, then it would be so worth it.

Bondman, I believe you along with others here have led many to the way to find him, love him and obey him.
I can only speak for myself. By my being allowed to post my struggles, and yourself giving the Lord's messages and others responding, has helped me immensely.

I really was frustrated and was lead to this Forum then to the Inner Room, the Coffee House and was able to post some of my poetry.

I am so thankful that I no longer live in the dark. My fleshly part wants to fight against it, but I read your messages, I read the love others here have for Jesus, what their struggles are and it uplifts my walk.

This morning I woke up moody, (my choice of course). I am in my old apartment. staring at how the heck am I going to get this done when I live hour and half away now. The movers cannot me on the week-end that I needed. They can only move me during the week, and of course the beauty shop below is open during the week, and I Have to use the front entrance to get everything out. Today I will go to church, come home and do some things. then travel back to my new town. I may have to take some time off from my new job to get this all settled. God will provide a way. I know that in my heart.

You are right he is chastening me. There will be victory in the end.. There are victories each day, but I allow myself to get caught up in the fleshly moods.. that has got to stop!

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!


Oh, dear one, what a beautiful post. Thankyou! For me also CFS has been and is a wonderful place to be, and to those who love us, encourages us and pray for us, our heartfelt thankyous! I truly don't know what we'd do without you all!!

With so much love from our hearts to yours!

- BM and Mrs BM
I just pray that the good Lord keeps Bondman and his Mrs. healthy and around here for a long time..

I pray that the Lord allows you to see the seeds you are planting.. grow..

I honestly don't know where I would be without you and everyone here.

Ok.. I got to go pack.. the movers came this morning.. they are moving me in 8 days.. out of those 8.. I have 2 to pack!

Just wanted to drop in and say hi to my dear friends.
Praying for you, Bm and Mrs. BM, very, very much.
You are so precious.... thank you for your faithfulness.. you bless me somuch.

Fluffy.. love you, sister. ((((((hug))))))

God bless you all.
I just pray that the good Lord keeps you and Mrs healthy and around here for a long time..

I pray that the Lord allows you to see the seeds you are planting.. grow..

I honestly don't know where I would be without you and everyone here.

Ok.. I got to go pack.. the movers came this morning.. they are moving me in 8 days.. out of those 8.. I have 2 to pack!


Seeds sprouting and growing sure works for me, hon! Thankyou!!

Remembering you before the Lord as you S-H-I-F-T!!!

EDIT! In fact I'm kinda greedy for lots of growth: I wanna see them there plants growing straight n tall...
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