Part 2 Can't sleep
Ok here is the moral of my story..
I want to share this and have people hear me loud and clear..
you see there were signs all along that this was not for me.. There was the pornography issue in the beginning.. I played number 2 to other women.. He was honest when we first met.. about his weakness and struggle and how he turned to that when he was not in relationships.. well he turned to it while he was with me.. he was finally convicted by the Lord in December and threw away the tapes.
Then there was this "casual" friend.. who he remained friends with and denied calling but I knew better other wise.. They were "just friends"..
he remains friends with all his past relationships.. he is just that kind of kind person so I am told.
Ok with the two examples above , what I want to stress is that we all have "things" we deal with. What is important is that when we find God, we repent, we seek our forgivness and we move forward.. When we love someone, we love them as Jesus did..
When someone tells you they are a Christian, examine their walk, their actions, etc.. many can say they are a Christian, but are they really living it? I am not judging anyone, only the Lord can do that, but I can observe.
I told him tonite there were several times in the past that I felt like walking away because I was number 2 in life.. ie.. the two examples above. In a relationship, The Lord has to be first, then those we love.. ie husband wife, family and all others after that. I told him that I prayed about everything and that was why I was still sitting across from him tonite. What I think about now tonite, is that I did pray.. but I feel I was still living my will.. Most recently I prayed to the Lord in regards to this relationship and if was to shut, please shut it tight.. Well I believe that happened tonite.. when the first response was I do not have an answer for you.. well the silence was the answer.. I have given my life these past 2 years to this man.. done so much.. I am thankful for the relationship because of it.. I was drawn to the Lord , I was drawn to what God wanted from me all along.. including my sexual purity and much more.
Now God is testing me.. Ok Robin, you wanted me to show you loud and clear.. are you going to listen to me tonite, or are you going to live in your free will..
None of this is easy, as I am in the process of moving to a new town, knowing noone (I do have the Lord).. However, it is heck being in a relationship and still feeling alone..
Satan is working overtime.. he is telling me I am not worthy of ever finding one because of my past.. and the consequences I live with from that, he is trying to be in my head , saying I told ya so.. you will always be alone.
However, God's love and word is stronger than Satan. He will crush him, he does crush him, we just need to turn to him.
The final moral is .. when you see the flags, when you feel the discernment within.. RUN! put on the jogging shoes and RUN for the HILLS, keep your eyes focused on the Lord.. he will always Love you no matter what. Proverbs 16: 3 COMMITT TO THE LORD WHATEVER YOU DO, AND YOUR PLANS WILL SUCCEED
Amen.. Good nite
PS. Thanks for listening!