THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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If I'm not around much today (Thursday, much of which is actually Friday here) it's because my Darling is still really ill, in bed, and too weak to get up. When her carer and my carer come I have to do a certain amount of things with them, a couple of which will be quite difficult.

Just wanted you to know in case...
If I'm not around much today (Thursday, tho most of it is actually Friday here) this is because my Darling is still very ill, in bed, and too weak to be up. When my carer and her carer come I will need to be there for some of the time, and do a couple of things that will probably be rather difficult.

Just wanted to let you know.

- BM
If I'm not around much today (Thursday, tho most of it is actually Friday here) this is because my Darling is still very ill, in bed, and too weak to be up. When my carer and her carer come I will need to be there for some of the time, and do a couple of things that will probably be rather difficult.

Just wanted to let you know.

- BM
If I'm not around much today (Thursday, tho most of it is actually Friday here) this is because my Darling is still very ill, in bed, and too weak to be up. When my carer and her carer come I will need to be there for some of the time, and do a couple of things that will probably be rather difficult.

Just wanted to let you know.

- BM
guess it's my turn to "fess up" now since Robin did and share with ya'll what I am going through. I wrote what's below to Fluffy in a pm because I didn't think I wanted anyone else to know, but I felt in need of prayer. I'd even asked someone a while back if I had to go through what it seemed everyone else on this forum has gone through because I couldn't imagine ever being down again since I met Jesus. But, guess what . . .

"But, Oh, well. I'm going through a lot of "stuff" right now I guess. Been feeling kinda lost lately. I never thougt I'd get discouraged like I am because I was so high for a long time. I don't want anyone to know, though. Just you. I know I need to find my personal relationship with Heavenly Father somehow. I feel kinda far away. I feel uncomfortable in my own skin right now. I know that sounds odd. I don't even know how to express it. Just that I'm kinda not feeling like smiling, or victorious or something. Who knows. Don't worry, just pray for me. Thanks, Fluffy.
Ok, so there you have it. I'm "there" I guess. By the way, Fluffy's answer was so very good. She said it is a time of refining. I don't think I care too much being in a refining. But I realize I must depend on faith, not always feelings. Thanx for prayers. I guess we have all been here at one time or another and will be because this world is not our home.

Sweet Surrender,
Praises to you this morning. It did take alot to "fess" up..I know it is hard, but for myself I have found when I do.. man.. it is sooooooo powerful.. I Know I am never alone.. I have Jesus.. but more importantly.. Jesus has placed all of you here on earth to help me with my walk.. he does not want us to do it alone.. he wants us to reach out to those who love us.. and care for us. and want the best for us..
I am praying for you.. Like Fluffy said.. we are all just going through that refined fire.. he is preparing us.. and yes it is a struggle.. but I don't know about you but I would much rather be refined and go to heaven than what the other choice is and that is to be in hell...

Hugs and love to you
The Secrets

Man.. what awesome posts lately! especially this morning for me..

For you see, last night I took another huge step.. I called my mom and was talking about my apartment hunting and how stressed and frustrated I was.. Remember the apartment I looked at on Monday? they wanted a 2 year lease.. it was a beautiful place! and 2 blocks from work , I could walk, save on gas and such.. but I did not want to sign "My life" away for 2 years.. I filled out the application and they called yesterday to offer me the place! I prayed before I called back..I explained with being new to the area and a new job, I was hesitant in signing for 2 years as I was not sure where the Lord was leading me and would they consider one year.. they were more than happy to.. I asked them if they could wait until Monday for my final answer as I have to travel back home to see if I can get a moving company and such.. (you see I have to pay for the Month of May at this new place,, plus give 30 day notice to my old place which means I have to pay there as well...they just wanted me to write them a check to hold which I did..

I did alot of soul searching these past few days.. in regards to the dating relationship I was in.. you see in my heart, I really wanted the man to say don't worry about a thing. .you can live here, we can get married and such. That is what I wanted not what what the Lord wants or that would have happened.. hence my struggle.. He is not willing to committ at this time and there truly are issues there that I have been working through with the help of Bondman and others.

Anway.. I called my parents last night to tell them of the new apartment..
I know deep in their mind they don't understand why I am having to do this all on my own.. as the gentleman lives only 40 min from new job.
I shared with my mom all my "secrets".. I told my mom through many tears of where "my Life" had gotten me.. that I was diagnosed with Herpes 2 a few years back.. that I just went through a scare of potential cervical cancer because of HPV.. I told her how awesome God is.. how he has saved me and that I am working on living God's will now.. I had tried to keep "secrets" from others for so long.. just as we all do with our sins.. but THERE ARE NO SECRET SINS WHEN IT COMES TO THE LORD.. HE SEES ALL AND KNOWS ALL! You see my parents have loved me unconditionally all these 46 years of my life, they have always just wanted the best for me.. just as OUR FATHER wants for us., HE WANTS THE BEST FOR US.. HE GIVES IT FOR US.. HE HAS GIVEN HIS SON FOR US..

This was a huge cleansing for me.. there are no secrets now.. there are no secrets with the ones I love and the ones who love me.. TRULY LOVE ME.. Do you hear this.. the ones who Truly love us.. Praises and thanks to the Lord our Heavenly Father.. for loving me. for placing all of you to help share and help me grow.. I can truly go forth now and do God's will.. you see I have an desire to write and share my story to help others as God sees fit, but deep down I was hesitant because my parents did not know all.. My daughter knows, my parents know.. and of course God knows .. he knew all along! Praises to him.. I encourage you, continue to be open, continue to share, continue to be refined. . what an awesome award awaits us!

I have learned that if it is going to be a lengthy one for me, I type it in word and then copy and paste it.. I hate it when I have a great one written and then I lose it.. sometimes it is hard to say it all again the same way.

Well, this time, it wasnt that long, but I got this message that I didnt have some sort of security something or other. Maybe it WAS too long and I just didnt realize. Anyway, I'll try again later, after I remember what I wrote! eep!
Bringing out the "Trash"

Good afternoon,
I thought about my recent posts and baring it all.. sharing it all.
I am at ease with it.. some are not comfortable and that is fine.

As a matter of fact, a few months back, our Pastor was speaking on sex to the teen of our church and what God's prescription for our sexual desires and actions. The schools are great at handing out condoms, encouraging the gals to get birth control.. they think that is the answer.. be all know God's answer and correct way is abstinence. I kept hearing a voice in the back of my mind.. get up.. I ignored it.. as he went to do closing prayer.. I found myself out of my seat and saying wait a minute.. I have something.. It was the Lord that literally pulled me out of my seat.

I then stood up in front of a congregation of total strangers and told my story in regards to my ways with sex. and the consequences I had to deal with. I shared with the youth what can happen in regards to STD's and such. I have always said if I could save one woman or man going through what I went through and where I have found myself at the age of 46, it would be well worth it.. I cannot save them but Jesus can. but by gosh I sure can help lead them to the Lord.. just as many as you have helped me here on my journey.

I can remember one Pastor saying we do not share our trash.. we do not bring all that out.. My thought? oh really? ... then how in the world are people going to learn that there is a different way of life.. that there is hope and salvation? If we do not share what we are going through , then how are gifted people like Bondman and others going to be led with their messages that the Lord needs us to hear? How are the unsaved who are going through similiar trials and tribulations going to know that there is an answer to their problems? Now when I walk into a crowded room, I know everyone there has a trial or problem they are facing. We are not alone.
No one can judge us, only the Lord can.

For me, if I would have kept all of my struggles hidden within myself, the most recent of relationship issues, I would still be living in a dark, dark place. But as I have learned to trust in the Lord, I have been able to open up to others.. I pray for peace for each and every one of you who takes the time to come to the Inner Room, the Coffee House and all the other sections. I pray that you find comfort. I pray that you find guidance in your spiritual journey. I pray that the spirit may move you to open up as the Lord sees fit to share your journeys, the defeats and more importantly the VICTORIES!!!!! There will be victory as you give it all to him..

Also, just to let you know on your walk, if you find yourself wanting to share but not wanting to share openly on a Forum, take the time to PM someone. I did that and that is what got me started and helped with my openess.

Hugs to you all
Hey, Robin! Sharing and helping and encouraging is what we call "coming alongside" someone. That is just what you are doing when you can relate to someone about a problem in their life and can encourage them to follow the right path to freedom! hallelujah! What an awesome God we serve that provides for us people to come alongside us and we them!

Hey, Bondman! I remembered now part of what I was trying to post!
I dont think any of us feel like you think you are "above it all". It is an amazing testimony of the power of Jesus working in your life that you can maintain such a positive and encouraging outlook, considering the trials you are going thru! Your messages are so encouraging and uplifting and point us all to the right direction. Which is onward and upward! ha!
Would you believe not long ago, while reading this thread I thought about that VERY thing and thought about giving the advice Faithwoman just did...but for some reason I didn't bother?

Hey Mark!

So glad to have you on board in the Inner Room.
Keep sharing as your heart leads.
You are doing great!
Remember there are no DOH"s.. there are just aha moments.

Hugs to you
I'm a Little Confused

I'd ask: "How many triangles?" "One!" they'd call out. "How many corners?" "Three!" "How many God's?" "One!" "How many Persons?" "Three!" I'm sure they 'got it' with the simplicity of their young minds and understanding better than I did! Hope it helps. Because there really are THREE separate Entities - three Persons. Jesus is separate from His Father. I'm sooo sorry Bondman, but I just don't get it I guess. It almost sounds the same as the Mormons believe the way you said this. So, is what I learned at church last night wrong? They said that God went through everything Jesus did because they are one. Grrrr! I know I'm a blond . . . some things just don't come as easy for me. I think maybe my batteries are low. :( How many God's?" "One!" "How many Persons?" "Three!" Is it as simple as "only 1 God, but three persons?" As if to say, 1 God with 1 other person (Jesus) and then a spirit . . . God's spirit like we have a spirit? That would be 3 persons? I thought I had it all figured out, but some things you say don't sound like what I thought. I figured that there is one God, with different relationships. As in Bondman the father, Bondman the son, and Bondman the husband. Because Jesus was there when the earth was created as was God because they are one and God has a spirit. The Jesus part of God was "loaned" to the world to that the God part could learn about humanity by coming down to dwell with man and experiencing what we experience. Just tell me if any of these thoughts are correct. And, if you each on line could put your understanding into it, maybe your way of communicating will light my light bulb :p so to speak. Sometimes Norm and I just do not speak the same language, so please feel free. I'm sorry, I'm just being honest like I am supposed to be.

Otherwise He'd have to be seen as this utter fool on earth - talking to Himself!

You may think of it like this. They are so ALIKE, that it's "as if" ??? they are one Person. But they are three Persons. Sometimes it's said like this: "Three Persons in one God. One God in three Persons." In a marriage, the Word says that TWO have become ONE flesh. Do they really? Of course not! ONE married couple - and if it's a great marriage, no disharmony, working together, almost like they really ARE one! Yet at all times there are still two PERSONS. That's a poor picture of what we refer to as the Trinity, but I think it does help give us some clues.

Alright Jesus was the One who was on earth on the Cross. The Father was still in heaven. Jesus took all of the sins of everyone in the world upon Himself while on the Cross. The Father was the One Who put them there! - so that The Perfect Lamb could pay sin's full penalty of hell: which is TOTAL SEPARATION FROM GOD THE FATHER. That's what ultimately killed Jesus! A broken heart if you like!! - cos He and His Father and the Holy Spirit had been together from forever - and now Jesus is there suffering the cruelty of the cross, and left completely on his own!!!

But why DID the Father leave Jesus utterly ALONE? Because SIN SEPARATES!!! When you were unsaved, you were "dead in your sins" the NT says. This deadness was because you were completely SEPARATED from God BY YOUR SIN!! That's what sin does! That's why unbelievers can seem to know so little, and be so 'dumb' about the whole deal. They don't know God!! Nor can they, until they come to Him via Jesus.

continued next post...[/quote]
Hey, Bonnie! The trinity is difficult to understand. That is why alot of other religions accuse us of worshipping multiple gods!
There are different ways of describing it. One way is the solar sun. It has three parts to it. It has a body (or form), heat and light.
But the BEST way I've heard it is the ocean. The ocean has a body (or form), tides or currents, and waves. The body represents God. The tides represents the Holy Spirit (power), the wave represents Jesus. He was visible, you could touch Him, hear Him, watch Him work. Yet He was seperate, yet still part of the ocean.
That's the way I learned to grasp it.
Good afternoon,
I thought about my recent posts and baring it all.. sharing it all.
I am at ease with it.. some are not comfortable and that is fine.

As a matter of fact, a few months back, our Pastor was speaking on sex to the teen of our church and what God's prescription for our sexual desires and actions. The schools are great at handing out condoms, encouraging the gals to get birth control.. they think that is the answer.. be all know God's answer and correct way is abstinence. I kept hearing a voice in the back of my mind.. get up.. I ignored it.. as he went to do closing prayer.. I found myself out of my seat and saying wait a minute.. I have something.. It was the Lord that literally pulled me out of my seat.

I then stood up in front of a congregation of total strangers and told my story in regards to my ways with sex. and the consequences I had to deal with. I shared with the youth what can happen in regards to STD's and such. I have always said if I could save one woman or man going through what I went through and where I have found myself at the age of 46, it would be well worth it.. I cannot save them but Jesus can. but by gosh I sure can help lead them to the Lord.. just as many as you have helped me here on my journey.

I can remember one Pastor saying we do not share our trash.. we do not bring all that out.. My thought? oh really? ... then how in the world are people going to learn that there is a different way of life.. that there is hope and salvation? If we do not share what we are going through , then how are gifted people like Bondman and others going to be led with their messages that the Lord needs us to hear? How are the unsaved who are going through similiar trials and tribulations going to know that there is an answer to their problems? Now when I walk into a crowded room, I know everyone there has a trial or problem they are facing. We are not alone.
No one can judge us, only the Lord can.

For me, if I would have kept all of my struggles hidden within myself, the most recent of relationship issues, I would still be living in a dark, dark place. But as I have learned to trust in the Lord, I have been able to open up to others.. I pray for peace for each and every one of you who takes the time to come to the Inner Room, the Coffee House and all the other sections. I pray that you find comfort. I pray that you find guidance in your spiritual journey. I pray that the spirit may move you to open up as the Lord sees fit to share your journeys, the defeats and more importantly the VICTORIES!!!!! There will be victory as you give it all to him..

Also, just to let you know on your walk, if you find yourself wanting to share but not wanting to share openly on a Forum, take the time to PM someone. I did that and that is what got me started and helped with my openess.

Hugs to you all

Heh Robin- how are we to bear ye one another's burdens if we do not share? Many days when I need someone to talk to I come to my brothers and sisters where I am or here online. We are here to love, encourage and be a strength to one another. It is possible that your Pastor was speaking in another context though
Another thing I noticed- many times when helping someone else God speaks to me through the advice I give. It is as if He speaks through and then to me in the same breath. Thank God for His marvelous wisdom, His conviction and correction- I want to dive into it and swim till I am thoroughly cleansed.
But I digress, keep coming for prayer and encouragement- you are a blessing to us all and it is a joy watching you grow in His grace. Your friend and brother Larry.



Continued from Part 2


Seems like I didn't help with the "Trinity", Bonnie, but confused you more. Maybe some Scriptures will help. But first:

· NO, God is NOT split up into 3 parts or sections.
· Yes, there is only ONE GOD.
· Yes, there are THREE PERSONS: God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In this tri-unity - all are God.


These three are SEPARATE even while they are ONE. Their "ONENESS" makes ONE GOD. They never disagree. They love each other perfectly. They are all totally perfect. They act and think as "one", yet they ARE still quite separate AND different.


Okay, here's where it's at: the harder you try to understand this, the more you'll get confused! It CANNOT be understood by our tiny pea-brains (no offense to anyone!) What we must do is just ACCEPT: ONE GOD, THREE PERSONS. And that's it really. Like I said in a recent message: We CANNOT know (understand) everything about God, but we CAN know (understand) ENOUGH!!!


Now to God's Holy Word: I do think that one of the areas that can bring confusion is the use of the word "God" in the New Testament. Most of the time this is referring to God the FATHER - as quite separate from Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Example: John Ch 3:16 "For God loved the world so much that He sent His only Son..." Meaning, God the Father sent Jesus the Son to earth to die to save us.

So, is what I learned at church last night wrong? They said that God went through everything Jesus did because they are one.

Without meaning to judge, I would respectfully have to disagree that the Scriptures anywhere say this. As I've said: they are one, but there's no way that they are to same! Therefore what Jesus experienced was what He experienced, and what the Father experienced is what He experienced! Similarly what the FATHER is doing will be/is different from what JESUS is doing, and the HOLY SPIRIT different again. This is all quite clear in the New Testament.


May I suggest you read John Chapter 17 right through - Jesus' very heart-felt and wonderful prayer to His Father prior to Calvary - to see how Jesus and the Father are two separate Persons. It starts like this: 1. When Jesus had spoken these things, He lifted up His eyes to heaven and said, Father, the hour has come. Glorify and exalt and honor and magnify Your Son, so that Your Son may glorify and extol and honor and magnify You. Here is Jesus praying to His Father!!! Not talking to Himself - or to another part of Himself!

Part 4 continued in next post...




...continued from previous post above


That there are three individual persons Who together are God, or "together make up God" if you like, is in the Old Testament, and then all the way through the New Testament. In the Old Testament: Genesis Ch 1:26a God said, Let Us [i.e., Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness. "Us" and "our" means "more than one person", right!

In the New Testament: 1 John Ch 1:3. Grace be with you, mercy and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. Note here: "God the Father" and Jesus the Son of the Father". Very clear I think.


And here's a rather unique NT passage when all three Persons are spoken about at the one time: Matthew Ch 3:16 And when Jesus was baptized, He went up at once out of the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he [John] saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on Him. 17 And behold, a voice from heaven said, This is My Son, My Beloved, in Whom I delight! So here is God the Father in Heaven, Jesus the Son on earth, and the Holy Spirit coming from heaven to alight on Jesus! Wow!!

Then John Chapter 14 also speaks of all three Persons of the Godhead. 23. Jesus answered, If a person loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home (our abode) with Him. What a wonderful promise! Here again is "we" and "our". Two Persons making their home with you and me!! Then just a few verses back (verses 16 and 17) Jesus spoke of sending the Holy Spirit (Who He called the Comforter or the Paraclete) to be with us after He left!

In Acts Chapter 1, this time it's Jesus and the Holy Spirit mentioned. Jesus Speaking: Acts Ch 1:8 But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth. 9 And when He had said this, even as they were looking [at Him], He was caught up, and a cloud received and carried Him away out of their sight. Here Jesus again promises to send the Holy Spirit that we may have power to witness for Him, and then He ascends in the clouds back to heaven.

The NT says that when He ascended it was to be seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven. Here are more verses that refer to the three Persons. Peter is here preaching the first Christian sermon, and referring to how the Holy Spirit had just come upon the Disciples in power, just as Jesus promised! Acts Ch 2:32 This Jesus God raised up, and of that all we [His disciples] are witnesses. 33 Being therefore lifted high by and to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit, He has made this outpouring which you yourselves both see and hear.


Note the words: "This Jesus, God raised up." Clearly it's saying that the One who raised up Jesus, ("God") had to be God the Father - a good verse showing that "God" in the NT does usually means "The Father".


I think that's enough to show that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are separate Persons. The final step in this "puzzle" is to show that as well as the FATHER BEING GOD - so is the SON: Hebrews 1:8 But as to the Son, He [the Father] says to Him, Your throne, O God, is forever and ever (to the ages of the ages), and the scepter of Your kingdom is a scepter of absolute righteousness (of justice and straightforwardness). JESUS IS GOD!!

And so is THE SPIRIT! Acts Ch 5:3 But Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself? 4 While it remained, was it not your own? And after it was sold, was it not in your own control? Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God.” THE HOLY SPIRIT IS GOD!

It's my earnest hope and prayer that the Scriptures here clearly show ONE GOD, but THREE PERSONS - and we cannot understand this with our finite minds, JUST ACCEPT IT AS TRUE!!

Bless you, hon! - and others who may find this something of a puzzle.

- BM, with his Lady


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