I know I need to get back to where I once was. You have continued to grow so much, FW. I am wandering again. I just told someone that I started getting my eyes off Heavenly Father when I started spending too much time with Norm and lost my time alone with God. That is no excuse. I know my fear of this brought me to where I find myself. I need balance. I will try and find a Spirit-filled woman to go places with and spend time with so I can stop flitting around listening to doctrine like BM says. Sometimes it is better to be alone and be with God if the person you are with does not understand your desire and hunger for the Word.
I stayed up until 3 am this morning to just study in John. I found some other scripture that spoke to me also. Thanx for your prayers. I am spent.
Oh, dear one, what's important is that you KNOW what's needed! So many are blissfully unaware, and so they just wander all the time. *sadness* You know that you have to be in the New Testament, seeking for His word to us, reading what He's said, and discovering what we need to do. You know that unless the Lord takes first place that things will start to go awry.
If feels like a long time since I've stressed this important truth:
OUR PERSONAL AND INDIVIDUAL RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LORD IS WHAT IT'S ABOUT, AND IS OF PRIME IMPORTANCE IN OUR LIVES!!! How can we possibly stay on the path without this? We cannot! We simply HAVE to be constantly RELATING to Him: this MUST be EVERY DAY!! There's can be no time-out called in this. He has to be our EVERYTHING!! This is ongoing, and it's daily - else we are simply nowhere!
Bless you for the heart you have for our Lord and Master!
- BM