THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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I know I need to get back to where I once was. You have continued to grow so much, FW. I am wandering again. I just told someone that I started getting my eyes off Heavenly Father when I started spending too much time with Norm and lost my time alone with God. That is no excuse. I know my fear of this brought me to where I find myself. I need balance. I will try and find a Spirit-filled woman to go places with and spend time with so I can stop flitting around listening to doctrine like BM says. Sometimes it is better to be alone and be with God if the person you are with does not understand your desire and hunger for the Word.

I stayed up until 3 am this morning to just study in John. I found some other scripture that spoke to me also. Thanx for your prayers. I am spent.

Oh, dear one, what's important is that you KNOW what's needed! So many are blissfully unaware, and so they just wander all the time. *sadness* You know that you have to be in the New Testament, seeking for His word to us, reading what He's said, and discovering what we need to do. You know that unless the Lord takes first place that things will start to go awry.

If feels like a long time since I've stressed this important truth:

OUR PERSONAL AND INDIVIDUAL RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LORD IS WHAT IT'S ABOUT, AND IS OF PRIME IMPORTANCE IN OUR LIVES!!! How can we possibly stay on the path without this? We cannot! We simply HAVE to be constantly RELATING to Him: this MUST be EVERY DAY!! There's can be no time-out called in this. He has to be our EVERYTHING!! This is ongoing, and it's daily - else we are simply nowhere!

Bless you for the heart you have for our Lord and Master!

- BM

Oh, Robin, I just read your post on Low-Self Esteem! It was just what I needed to hear. And it was after I pm'd you. Thanx for sharing. Bonnie
Urgent Prayers Needed

To all my friends here please pray for me this morning.
I woke up not feeling well at all.. I have a rumbling stomach, a bit of a headache and sore throat. I cannot be sick this week-end.

My parents are on their way, I have way to much to do! I am sure the stomach thing is a bit of nerves as well as exhaustion, but I know the good Lord will bring me through all of this.

My computer may be being torn down today.. hopefully not until tomorrow.

Oh, Robin, I just read your post on Low-Self Esteem! It was just what I needed to hear. And it was after I pm'd you. Thanx for sharing. Bonnie

You are so welcome!

OUR PERSONAL AND INDIVIDUAL RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LORD IS WHAT IT'S ABOUT, AND IS OF PRIME IMPORTANCE IN OUR LIVES!!! How can we possibly stay on the path without this? We cannot! We simply HAVE to be constantly RELATING to Him: this MUST be EVERY DAY!! There's can be no time-out called in this. He has to be our EVERYTHING!! This is ongoing, and it's daily - else we are simply nowhere!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please here me this morning. I give praises and thanks to you for cleaning the muck up out my life! Praises to you.. Lord, please continue to help me and guide me so that I remain having you number one in my life. I am so thankful for you in my life and all that you have done.
Satan I rebuke you in the name of Jesus. I rebuke all those thoughts you are trying to put into my head this morning. I am loved. I love the Lord. He lives in me, not you Satan, so get out and stay out! We all here crush you this morning, The Lord is number one in our lives and will remain there forever and ever , no matter what you try to do Satan, the Lord is the almighty one! Lord, please give me strength to deal with all the boxes and keep me healthy in all ways. I love you Lord!

Faithwoman Robin:)
Shutting Down

I am shutting down my computer now. Sat at 5:15 PM.

I will not have access to one until Tuesday.

May the Lord bless all of you.

I will have computer withdrawal.. you have all been my earthly support.

I love you all! but more importantly Jeus loves us all!


Just wanted to let you know that we've started on a task of putting all Bondman messages across onto our website. The 60+ from here, and probably another 50 or so from previous forums I've ministered on.

Some advantages of this will be:
  • All messages will be together and so much easier to navigate to
  • There will be the ability to SEARCH for words and topics that you may be interested in.
Later we may be able to take this further and make it into a sort of Online Mini-Book of some kind, for even more people to be able to come and read as well.

Starting on this has directly come from your ENCOURAGEMENT and appreciation of The Inner Room! Which was rather unexpected, so thankyou so much for that!

PRAYER will be much appreciated as we tackle this job. Beloved has to be well enough to do a lot of the copying across (not exactly a simple task, as here the text is in one programming format, and on the website it has to be in a quite different format - from BBC to HTML). Anyway, we've made a start on it, and hope to get this done not too far down the track.

- BM



Well, at least I hope you are! I often use the expression "true Christians", *you've noticed?? lol* because there are many who are NOT, and what I want SO BAD for you is that you be utterly surrendered to the Lord Jesus, committed totally to Him, submitted to Him, and becoming more and more obedient unto Him. Those who are these things ARE true Christians, and can be assured of their rightful place in heaven with our God forever!!

But they are also SAINTS! Saint Sophie, Saint Jason, Saint Emily! *heavenly smile, lol*

1 Corinthians Ch 1
2 To the church of God which is at Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all who in every place call on the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours:

Throughout the New Testament you are called saints, and are also called to be saints. Yes, I know that the Roman Catholic Church appoints only those who have done many good works and miracles to the status of 'saint'. But the Word of God is my sole life-guide, and the New Testament says many times that every real and serious Christian is a SAINT of the living God!

The words "sanctify", "sanctified", and "sanctification" are from the same Greek root as "saint". So is the word "holy". So as well as being saints, we are also sanctified. But what does that strange word mean? A most WONDERFUL thing actually! - "sanctified" means "set apart for a purpose", and the purpose is: WE ARE "SET APART FOR GOD'S USE"!!! Don't you love that! As a saint of God when you totally belong to Him, and therefore as one who is sanctified BY Him and FOR Him, you have been called and set apart for God's special use! For any who have problems with their personal self-image or self-worth, I hope this lifts you up as you see WHO GOD SEES YOU AS!!

We're really good in the West with the "I-me-my-mine" syndrome, aren't we? Well, this is the exact OPPOSITE to that! I'm not called and set apart for "me", to live my life for myself and MY pleasure. Rather I'm called to be a saint, sanctified, set apart for our GOD - for HIS PLEASURE!! You see, God really, really, really WANTS you!!!

I want to tell you about three different and IMPORTANT aspects of being a sanctified saint. First, as an act of your free-will God has given you, you have to WANT to be sanctified. God's NOT going to MAKE you be set apart as His man or woman, and for Him, unless you really want to! PLEASE AGREE TO BE!!! Second, as a Christian Believer you ARE sanctified and a saint. That's who you are in the Lord Jesus!! Thirdly, you can grow as to HOW MUCH YOU ARE WILLING TO BE SET APART FOR HIM, i.e., you can GROW in your sanctification! And when you do, you'll be becoming more HOLY - because these two things are very very similar!

So when we've talked earlier about our righteousness and right-living as a Christian, and of being holy and godly, HERE, this was also talking about us being saints, and being set apart SPECIALLY and SPECIFICALLY for the Lord God of heaven and earth! I hope that's all something of an encouragement to you, and will spark you to become even more and more His - as one of His SAINTS!!

- BM, with his Love


that is a very goog job.It is my prayer that God will supply you everything you need for the success of that great task.Amen.​
Hey, ya'll! Just checking to let you know all is well and getting better. The funeral was a bit hard, but we got thru it with God's help and we are doing well.
Will try to catch up, later, but goodness! Ya'll been busy!
Love ya'll!
Hey, ya'll! Just checking to let you know all is well and getting better. The funeral was a bit hard, but we got thru it with God's help and we are doing well.
Will try to catch up, later, but goodness! Ya'll been busy!
Love ya'll!

Yes dear one, busy, busy, busy!! lol. But it's so good to hear that you're doing well.

But wow, have we ever MISSED YOU!!! - and still are!


SCRIPTURE (7) - Matthew 7:13-15
Understanding the New Testament!!

Those who are studying the New Testament and KNOW the Scriptures have TWO MAJOR PLUSES: 1. They are able to assure themselves that they truly belong to God and are heaven-bound. 2. They can tell others the same truths, to help THEM to also become heaven-bound! This is SO important to be able to share with the many church-goers who may call themselves Christian, but really aren't - and so, tragically, are hell-bound often WITHOUT KNOWING IT! *heart-breaking!*

Matthew Ch 7
13 Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and spacious and broad is the way that leads away to destruction, and many are those who are entering through it.

Jesus is saying that for every person on the planet there's a choice of just TWO WAYS to go: through the narrow gate, or through the wide gate. The wide gate is NOT the way you want! It's a wide and easy way - but it leads to destruction! (hell). WARNING #1: Most people are on this way!! WARNING #2: Everyone on earth is on this way UNLESS and UNTIL they choose to look for, and find, and ENTER and LIVE OUT the narrow and hard way!

14 But the gate is narrow (contracted by pressure) and the way is narrow and hard that leads to life, and few are those who find it.

Clearly THE NARROW GATE is the one you want! I didn't say this, JESUS DID! Ensure you find it, then go through it! Being the exact opposite to the wide and easy way, THIS way will be narrow and hard for you - BUT while the other way leads to hell, this is the one that leads to Life with a capital "L" - with God forever!!! VERY SERIOUS WARNING: it's only a very FEW people who actually find this way!!! I didn't say this either, JESUS DID!

15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you dressed as sheep, but inside they are devouring wolves.

Finally, there are numbers of false teachers, preachers and churches around, who pretend to be sheep - and do you no harm - but actually are the exact OPPOSITE! What they say may sound right, and what they do may look right, BUT THEY ARE NOT! They can EASILY lead YOU and MANY OTHERS along the BROAD WAY TO HELL and DESTRUCTION. BEWARE of trusting THEM!!

There is a way to tell the sheep from the devouring wolves, which we'll look at soon... Till then!

- BM, with his Love


Here I is again *sigh* - sittin' all alone in the Room here... *wonders if Mark's around?*

(Actually I know I'm not alone. And I just can't BELIEVE that I've not used one of my most favourite words here, like I have on all other forums I've been on: I know that there are lots of people lurking here!!! Doncha just love that word! *I can see you lurking over in the corner there, hee!*)
Slinking around

I'm here, Bondman! I've been "slinking" around in London. Being pulled from one place to another when I just want to sit somewhere and read. We have been having a good time however. It's just that my heart is elsewhere.

I am supposed to meet Jax tomorrow (Wed) at Victoria Station in London. I can't wait to talk with her. She only has from 11am to 1:45, so it won't be as long as I had wished, but at least I will be able to hug her and become more familiar with her.

Violet and Sylvanus cannot be reached to make plans. And Housesitter's wife was in the hospital and so they need prayer. But, so far, Jax has hung in there to make my wish come true. I do hope to meet you and the Mrs. next year around this time. Or maybe it should be sooner than that because of weather. My goal is to travel around meeting anyone who is willing. Is that a "no, no?" Would that be intruding on other's privacy? I everyone in the U.S. should meet at some point. Well, at least we should all be able to have a reunion in Heaven, right?

I will have more time when I return to the Statess to communicate more. Hope you are really feeling better, BM and the Mrs. also. Let us know. Bonnie
I'm here, Bondman! I've been "slinking" around in London. Being pulled from one place to another when I just want to sit somewhere and read. We have been having a good time however. It's just that my heart is elsewhere.

I am supposed to meet Jax tomorrow (Wed) at Victoria Station in London. I can't wait to talk with her. She only has from 11am to 1:45, so it won't be as long as I had wished, but at least I will be able to hug her and become more familiar with her.

Violet and Sylvanus cannot be reached to make plans. And Housesitter's wife was in the hospital and so they need prayer. But, so far, Jax has hung in there to make my wish come true. I do hope to meet you and the Mrs. next year around this time. Or maybe it should be sooner than that because of weather. My goal is to travel around meeting anyone who is willing. Is that a "no, no?" Would that be intruding on other's privacy? I everyone in the U.S. should meet at some point. Well, at least we should all be able to have a reunion in Heaven, right?

I will have more time when I return to the Statess to communicate more. Hope you are really feeling better, BM and the Mrs. also. Let us know. Bonnie

"Slinking around", huh! Well I'm not quite sure how that compares to "lurking", lol! All that you're doing over there sounds interesting, and I do hope your meet-ups go well.

As for meeting people round the world that you asked about, by the standards of Western Christianity that would be quite normal. But in order to figure if it's really okay by the Lord, you'd have to consider and measure it in the light of the billions of people in the world who are starving, by a comparison of our rich life-style with their chronic poverty, and finally by a consideration of best use of money in the respect of eternal issues. My answer to this would be quite clear, but in the IR am I never in the business of telling anyone else how they should manage their personal lives - this being between them and the Lord.

We're actually feeling a little bit better, hon! - which is not something we get to say very often in our lives, so it's rather nice to actually speak it! Doesn't mean that life with our ill-health is really any different, just managing a tad better than we were. Only miracle healing by the Lord can fix the relatively serious and very wide-spread health issues of us both, and that's something I'm still believing God for!

Love ya heaps!

- BM
thanks for your faith. God has never disappoint people that have faith in Him.Surly, He will answer you at His own right time.
You know you'll see that silver lining soon enough. That hope that you so desperately need. Take your mind off of time and know that His will is already done for you. Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS.

We go through cycles. Up, down, up, down, up, down... In your down times, no matter how real and painful they are, know that they are only temporary. Seek what is good. Don't hurt others while your down. Bring hope to others out of love. Your hope will come. Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS.
Oh, I's sooooo glad to hear you and the Mrs. are feeling better, BM! :israel:
God is good isn't He? I've been into the Word at the end of our day and am feeling emotionally better also.

About traveling, Norm is the one who has always loved to travel and he is retired Navy so we can fly free on military flights anywhere in the world. And the lodging is on the base, so it is only about $28/day. Here in England, it is $42/day because the Euro is involved. What costs us $10 in U.S. money, costs us $20 here in the U.K. So, this trip is a little more expensive. Twice as much to be exact. I have suggested making a trip to a third-world country sometime to do some volunteering in a hospital or an orphanage sometime. I would love to do that, but he has to get a heart for that. I have to fly with him. I cannot fly free on my own.

But, just think, if we could transport Bibles or something to someone in need, how much of a blessing we could be to someone. :israel:

Of course there has to be a military base there that our planes fly to and then we are only allowed 70 pounds of luggage for each of us for the bigger planes like DC17s and only 30 pounds ea. on the smaller planes. But I'm sure there is something we could do if we knew what it would be. This is only our second trip and my only other big desire is to visit Australia some time. But, as far as I'm concerned, I'd love to fly to Louisiana where Katrina hit and help on a housing project or anywhere for a while.

If I didn't still have to work, or when I don't have to work anymore, that's what I'd like to do. What we do in this world should count for something or for someone. We are so lucky to have these benefits and I'd like to use them to benefit others.
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