THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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You know you'll see that silver lining soon enough. That hope that you so desperately need. Take your mind off of time and know that His will is already done for you. Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS.

We go through cycles. Up, down, up, down, up, down... In your down times, no matter how real and painful they are, know that they are only temporary. Seek what is good. Don't hurt others while your down. Bring hope to others out of love. Your hope will come. Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS.

Some great thoughts there, Mark! Thankyou!
thanks for your faith. God has never disappoint people that have faith in Him.Surly, He will answer you at His own right time.

Absolutely right, man, it's ALWAYS in God's time that He answers. Usually we're in a rush, but He never is - because He knows the end from the beginning anyway!

As for faith, this is His wonderful gift to me and to us all! One more of the 9 aspects of the Fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, self-control: against such there is no law. My faith can never save me. Only JESUS can save me! My trust in Him is just the means, just the path, TO salvation.



Those who've read my messages for some time know well how often I speak about the Christian life not being easy, and that if you're gonna live it, then you can expect it to be hard. In the previous message I quoted where JESUS said this - and He couldn't have possibly have said it any clearer!


The same people know that tho my Christian life is tough, and has been for a long time, they also know the other side of the coin that I experience - that there are so many wonderful pluses to being SOLD-OUT to the Lord and totally His and seeking a life of obedience to Him! I recommend it without reservation!!!


Is it hard to obey the things He commands us to do? IT CERTAINLY IS! But do I "suffer" by the things set down in the New Testament that I've made a determined to OBEY? NO WAY!!! Gives me the GREATEST OF PLEASURE TO PLEASE HIM BY BEING OBEDIENT! Many of you know of our ill-health and life-struggles and hardships - but do I sound like life is really awful for me? I TRULY HOPE NOT - cos exactly the opposite is true!!


Let's see now... I have the absolutely wonder of DEEP-DOWN JOY IN MY LIFE, that not one single thing can ever, or does ever affect in any way! (I'm not talking about 'happiness', which can ebb and flow because it's a surface thing. Holy Spirit JOY, however is ALWAYS there!!) Another wonder is DEEP-DOWN PEACE that nothing can disturb either! And of course DEEP-DOWN LOVE from Him that's, well... it's always there, it's stabile, and it's FOREVER!!! ALL of these are aspects of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit of the living God!!! Whooo-hoooo and hallelujah to His glorious name!!!


Does the UNBELIEVER have constant deep-down JOY, PEACE and LOVE? Of course not! - these come SOLELY from the Lord God!! But let me tell you something that truly IS awful. Do you know who are THE most unhappy and UN-JOYFUL people on the planet? They are those who the New Testament describes as "having [just] a form of godliness, but denying the power of it." 2 Timothy Ch 3:5. That is, church folk, even good church folk, but who have NEVER been born a second time (born again) by the Holy Spirit. Oh dear!!

These dear folk can't "enjoy" the pleasures of the world, because their religion says not to, and they're trying to be GOOD - BUT without any of God's power to enable this! Neither can they enjoy real, fair dinkum Christianity either, because they've never entered in to the narrow way (also in the previous message). They are to be pitied, and I mean that most sincerely. Remember how the Lord said in Revelation Ch 3:16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. STRONG WORDS, and a serious warning!


Don't sit on the fence as many religious, supposedly Christian folk sadly do. GET ONTO THE NARROW WAY AND START TRULY ENJOYING WHAT LIFE IN GOD CAN GIVE YOU!!!

- BM, with his Beloved


Oh, I's sooooo glad to hear you and the Mrs. are feeling better, BM! :israel:
God is good isn't He? I've been into the Word at the end of our day and am feeling emotionally better also.

About traveling, Norm is the one who has always loved to travel and he is retired Navy so we can fly free on military flights anywhere in the world. And the lodging is on the base, so it is only about $28/day. Here in England, it is $42/day because the Euro is involved. What costs us $10 in U.S. money, costs us $20 here in the U.K. So, this trip is a little more expensive. Twice as much to be exact. I have suggested making a trip to a third-world country sometime to do some volunteering in a hospital or an orphanage sometime. I would love to do that, but he has to get a heart for that. I have to fly with him. I cannot fly free on my own.

But, just think, if we could transport Bibles or something to someone in need, how much of a blessing we could be to someone. :israel:

Of course there has to be a military base there that our planes fly to and then we are only allowed 70 pounds of luggage for each of us for the bigger planes like DC17s and only 30 pounds ea. on the smaller planes. But I'm sure there is something we could do if we knew what it would be. This is only our second trip and my only other big desire is to visit Australia some time. But, as far as I'm concerned, I'd love to fly to Louisiana where Katrina hit and help on a housing project or anywhere for a while.

If I didn't still have to work, or when I don't have to work anymore, that's what I'd like to do. What we do in this world should count for something or for someone. We are so lucky to have these benefits and I'd like to use them to benefit others.

Wow, I had no idea and am totally stunned at the unbelievable cheapness of how you can move around the world! Hmm... join the navy and see the world. Retire from the navy and still see the world!! - plus bring your partner along as well, hehe!

Because I had no knowledge of what you were really doing means my previous reply to you was not how I'd write it now. Not that what I said was incorrect, just basically not applicable to what you're able to do. *still stunned!!!*

I LOVE your ideas of being able to go to a 3rd world country to do some volunteer work in a hospital or orphanage. You'd only need to do this ONCE to change you life forever! - because we simply have NOT THE FAINTEST IDEA of how life is for people there. I've talked with World Vision people who've told me the experience was shocking and mind-blowing - but sure is the way to get your feet on the ground as to what MOST OF THE WORLD is REALLY LIKE!!!

This is where MY HEART is: where dear folk live a barely subsistence life struggling with poverty, disease, and so much more - AND QUITE WITHOUT JESUS, COS NO ONE'S COME TO TELL THEM THE GOOD NEWS THAT HE CAN SAVE THEM!!!!!!!!

Bless ya, sweetie!

- BM
Thanks very much for your write up. True joy,happiness,peace and so on can only be found from God.They are only available to people that come to Him.
I'm Back


Is it hard to obey the things He commands us to do? IT CERTAINLY IS! But do I "suffer" by the things set down in the New Testament that I've made a determined to OBEY? NO WAY!!! Gives me the GREATEST OF PLEASURE TO PLEASE HIM BY BEING OBEDIENT! Many of you know of our ill-health and life-struggles and hardships - but do I sound like life is really awful for me? I TRULY HOPE NOT - cos exactly the opposite is true!!

Hey all, I am back, don't have a computer at home yet, but can grab one now and then. It is hard to obey the things he commands, believe me I know, it is a pleasure to be obedient, and man he sees it and blesses us for it. I cannot begin to tell you how awesomely he has blessed me recently! My new apartment is just awesome! two blocks from my job, I can walk to work. gas here is getting more and more expensive $ 3.89 a gallon now. He has put people in my path here that I have met.

On the night before moving day Monday, I was up all night, praying that the rain could stop long enough to load at my old place and unload at the new place. guess what .. at 6 am when the truck pulled in.. it quit pouring, when we got to my new town, it was sunshining~ also, when Igot home Friday nite 4 folks showed up to help me pack my stuff.

On Sunday morning, I walked into the restaraunt to take my parents to brunch and there stood the gentleman that I date who lives 2 1/2 hours away to surprise me.. He took off work 2 days to come and help me move...

Also I was able to find someone to rent my old apartment right away, so I do not have to pay the $ 250.00 for half month's rent for May.. how awesome is that!

More importantly.. The Lord has opened my eyes and is really showing me the path he has chosen for me. remember it is not my path.. it is his..
I truly believe when I pledged sexual purity back in January... and have been obedient in that realm for going on 4 months... my eyes and life were opened up to so much..

I thought when sitting in my new living room this morning how awesome he is.. and has blessed me soooooo much. I am not talking about the material things .. like the apartment and such.. no I am talking about the inner spiritual love he has blessed me with.. he keeps refining me for that narrow gate.. and just think what an awesome victorious life he has given me here.. can't imagine what eternity is going to be like ! whoo hoo!

Hugs to you all
:D BEAUTIFUL!! That's so great! So happy for you. :D

The greatest gift He has given us is eternal life but there is so much more! The greatest gift in this life for me was the peace of knowing that He has removed soooo much sin and that now there is nothing hidden between Him and me! There's nothing as good as a clean, clear conscious!

Congratulations on all the marvelous provisions! May He bring more and more and more and more....FOREVER (and He will!) :)
Hey ya'll! Something that I have recently learned in my walk of obedience.... I had a falling out with my parents awhile back, and said some things that should have not been...anyway, the Lord convicted me to ask forgiveness and make up and I was obedient.
Now that my dad is gone, I am so glad he left with us on good terms! That would have been so hard to lose him, knowing that we were still fighting.
So obedience is soooo crucial to maintaining peace, joy and love!
This time of trial wasnt nearly as hard as it could have been, because I have the peace of God in me.
Love you guys!
BEAUTIFUL!! That's so great! So happy for you. :D

The greatest gift He has given us is eternal life but there is so much more! The greatest gift in this life for me was the peace of knowing that He has removed soooo much sin and that now there is nothing hidden between Him and me! There's nothing as good as a clean, clear conscious!

Congratulations on all the marvelous provisions! May He bring more and more and more and more....FOREVER (and He will!)

That is what is great.. he has removed so much sin and now the hiding is gone which is a wonderful thing! .. and I know he will bring more and more.. that is what is really helping me with my obedience..

Our God is Good.He always give us what we need to obey Him.That is why He does not allow us to face anything that is beyound our ability accounding to His provision for us.challenge we encounter in life,Go knows that we have the grace to face it.
May we never never misuse His Grace in our lives.Amen
Man alive, it's gone from FAMINE to FEAST in the Room here!! One minute my steps are echoing off the walls as I walk alone - next minute it's so CROWDED *hehehehe!* I can hardly get in the door. Whoo-hoo!

So okay, seeing a lot of folks have posted, I'm a-gonna respond to every one individually. So get ready to see posts by BM, followed by BM, then BM, BM, BM, and BM. *hee!!*

Thanks very much for your write up. True joy,happiness,peace and so on can only be found from God.They are only available to people that come to Him.

You're most welcome my dear friend from Nigeria! Aren't the things we get from the Holy Spirit astonishing! Just blows my brain how much HE FREELY and LOVINGLY GIFTS TO US!!! And it's individual - "tailored" by His wonderful hands to suit each of us right where we are! Wow, I love that!!

Can you give us any idea of how to pronounce your name please (assuming it IS your name, of course)? - I truly haven't a clue how to... I'm guessing there may be a letter or so that's not pronounced, but.......

Blessings, man!
:D BEAUTIFUL!! That's so great! So happy for you. :D

The greatest gift He has given us is eternal life but there is so much more! The greatest gift in this life for me was the peace of knowing that He has removed soooo much sin and that now there is nothing hidden between Him and me! There's nothing as good as a clean, clear conscious!

Congratulations on all the marvelous provisions! May He bring more and more and more and more....FOREVER (and He will!) :)

Welcome to The Inner Room, Judy! I am SO with you about knowing that "He has removed soooo much sin" leaving "nothing hidden between Him and me! That's a WOW!! And it's very exciting to me to read what you said: that there's nothing as good as a clean, clear conscience! Amen to that!!

I read your Profile and clearly you've been through a LOT of hardships in your life. We (my Lady and me) sure can RELATE! And you said you still go through them - ditto! If you wish to share any of these here or on Fluffy's Coffee House, people will pray and love and care.

- BM

EDIT. Great verse in your Sig (which many don't understand)!
Hey ya'll! Something that I have recently learned in my walk of obedience.... I had a falling out with my parents awhile back, and said some things that should have not been...anyway, the Lord convicted me to ask forgiveness and make up and I was obedient.
Now that my dad is gone, I am so glad he left with us on good terms! That would have been so hard to lose him, knowing that we were still fighting.
So obedience is soooo crucial to maintaining peace, joy and love!
This time of trial wasnt nearly as hard as it could have been, because I have the peace of God in me.
Love you guys!

WELCOME BACK, FLUFFY!!! I missed you like CRAZY - as I'm sure many others did too.

That flower is looking so delightfully "mushy"!! (Beloved reckons "goopy" even!)

FORGIVENESS, OBEDIENCE - why are we so slow to see how CRUCIAL these are if we're to ever hope to live a serious Christian life. That you proved them in this family situation, and ended with such a great result just makes my heart SING!!!

When you said:

"So obedience is soooo crucial to maintaining peace, joy and love!
This time of trial wasnt nearly as hard as it could have been, because I have the peace of God in me."

(emphases mine) wow, that REALLY GRABBED ME!!! OBEDIENCE IS GOOD! IT IS!! Thankyou sweetie for this confirmation to all of our hearts and lives!

And it's SO lovely that your Dad went to the Lord with nothing remaining between you that shouldn't be. It's a timely reminder to each of us to KEEP SHORT ACCOUNTS! - to NOT allow unforgiveness or whatever to stay unsorted!!
Hey all, I am back, don't have a computer at home yet, but can grab one now and then. It is hard to obey the things he commands, believe me I know, it is a pleasure to be obedient, and man he sees it and blesses us for it. I cannot begin to tell you how awesomely he has blessed me recently! My new apartment is just awesome! two blocks from my job, I can walk to work. gas here is getting more and more expensive $ 3.89 a gallon now. He has put people in my path here that I have met.

On the night before moving day Monday, I was up all night, praying that the rain could stop long enough to load at my old place and unload at the new place. guess what .. at 6 am when the truck pulled in.. it quit pouring, when we got to my new town, it was sunshining~ also, when Igot home Friday nite 4 folks showed up to help me pack my stuff.

On Sunday morning, I walked into the restaraunt to take my parents to brunch and there stood the gentleman that I date who lives 2 1/2 hours away to surprise me.. He took off work 2 days to come and help me move...

Also I was able to find someone to rent my old apartment right away, so I do not have to pay the $ 250.00 for half month's rent for May.. how awesome is that!

More importantly.. The Lord has opened my eyes and is really showing me the path he has chosen for me. remember it is not my path.. it is his..
I truly believe when I pledged sexual purity back in January... and have been obedient in that realm for going on 4 months... my eyes and life were opened up to so much..

I thought when sitting in my new living room this morning how awesome he is.. and has blessed me soooooo much. I am not talking about the material things .. like the apartment and such.. no I am talking about the inner spiritual love he has blessed me with.. he keeps refining me for that narrow gate.. and just think what an awesome victorious life he has given me here.. can't imagine what eternity is going to be like ! whoo hoo!

Hugs to you all

Hon, it's a long time since I've struck anyone who seems to manage to pack as much "life" into short periods of time as you do!! (Sometimes leaves me feeling a little worn out reading it! - but it's good!!)

Wow, I think the Lord "spoilt" you with how all the shift went *hee!* So lovely to hear. I must admit that I did wonder of B. would turn up or not, but he did.

Reading Fluffy's post and then yours sure highlights how important it is for us to focus on LIVING AS HE EXPECTS US TO:
  • being OBEDIENT,
  • being FORGIVING,
  • TRUSTING Him for all of our NEEDS,
  • determining to grow in RIGHT-LIVING (righteousness)
  • and PURITY (holiness),
  • and more.

THANKYOU!! *thinks: probly should have made a message out of all that!*
Our God is Good.He always give us what we need to obey Him.That is why He does not allow us to face anything that is beyound our ability accounding to His provision for us.challenge we encounter in life,Go knows that we have the grace to face it.
May we never never misuse His Grace in our lives.Amen

Beautiful, gbemiga!!! And all so true!

It was so LOVELY responding to all those lovely posts!

I am now taking the rest of the day off. As for some time now, the Holy Spirit gives me STRENGTH for ministry here - AND THAT IS ALL!!

Thus I'm simply not succeeding with some 'extras' I have to deal with at the moment - one being a massive change in my health situation that we can't see what to do about... So that I don't collapse again, I'm trying to somehow either 'omit' these, put them on hold, or figure out a solution or way around them (NOT exactly easy!)

Please pray for wisdom and guidance from the Lord for us to know what to do about these 'extras'. I don't ever ask for relief from hardship these days, but just for wisdom to know one way or the other how to manage it all - in and by HIS strength!


- BM
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