Oh, I's sooooo glad to hear you and the Mrs. are feeling better, BM! :israel:
God is good isn't He? I've been into the Word at the end of our day and am feeling emotionally better also.
About traveling, Norm is the one who has always loved to travel and he is retired Navy so we can fly free on military flights anywhere in the world. And the lodging is on the base, so it is only about $28/day. Here in England, it is $42/day because the Euro is involved. What costs us $10 in U.S. money, costs us $20 here in the U.K. So, this trip is a little more expensive. Twice as much to be exact. I have suggested making a trip to a third-world country sometime to do some volunteering in a hospital or an orphanage sometime. I would love to do that, but he has to get a heart for that. I have to fly with him. I cannot fly free on my own.
But, just think, if we could transport Bibles or something to someone in need, how much of a blessing we could be to someone. :israel:
Of course there has to be a military base there that our planes fly to and then we are only allowed 70 pounds of luggage for each of us for the bigger planes like DC17s and only 30 pounds ea. on the smaller planes. But I'm sure there is something we could do if we knew what it would be. This is only our second trip and my only other big desire is to visit Australia some time. But, as far as I'm concerned, I'd love to fly to Louisiana where Katrina hit and help on a housing project or anywhere for a while.
If I didn't still have to work, or when I don't have to work anymore, that's what I'd like to do. What we do in this world should count for something or for someone. We are so lucky to have these benefits and I'd like to use them to benefit others.