THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Yep, its just flames. I tried to change my avatar to something else, but I got the wrong graphic in there, and I am on a different computer, so the original graphic is gone. The graphic I WANTED to put up doesnt want to change to jpeg so I can get it on photobucket....(gripe gripe gripe groan groan whine....)
:DSo how was your day?
I have a question.....
Forgiving others is not something I have ever struggled with...
but how does one forgive oneself?
I have a question.....
Forgiving others is not something I have ever struggled with...
but how does one forgive oneself?

Here's a reply I gave to someone who told me they'd sinned badly and was finding it very hard to forgive themselves:

That can be very hard. It may help to read this message. Once you see clearly that GOD HAS TOTALLY FORGIVEN YOU - on the basis of Jesus' sacrifice for you - then you can start to forgive yourself!If you think of it this way: if ALMIGHTY GOD HAS FORGIVEN ME, THEN WHY SHOULD I STILL HOLD SOMETHING AGAINST MYSELF? Pretty silly, hey! - but VERY understandable!!


That's all in the past now, and cannot be changed. So please leave it there! Time now to gather yourself again and use all the abilities God has given to you, to learn from this, and grow forward. No experience in life is ever a waste for the true Believer - he can USE it to become better and stronger in Christ in time to come.

Hon, if that doesn't help - as it possibly won't - please PM me to say so, and I'll aim to do a message expanding on above.

Tons and tons of love n HUGS!!!

- BM
Yep, its just flames. I tried to change my avatar to something else, but I got the wrong graphic in there, and I am on a different computer, so the original graphic is gone. The graphic I WANTED to put up doesnt want to change to jpeg so I can get it on photobucket....(gripe gripe gripe groan groan whine....)
:DSo how was your day?

Doesn't photobucket accept other extensions than .jpg - like .gif or .bmp? Maybe try one of them?

(What do you mean that it won't change it to jpeg? What's the extension it has that won't change, and what's it's size?)



...continued from Part 1

When someone really HURTS you, that can be sooo hard to forgive, right? Is this harder than when someone has badly WRONGED YOU? I'm not sure. For most of us, NONE OF IT IS EASY ANYWAY! And it seems to me that forgiving is something you have to actually LEARN - sure don't come NATURAL to us sinful humans! But the great thing is that the more you forgive, and the more you learn how to do this, the easier it DOES get! That's my experience anyway.

Okay, in the 1st Part I was talking about forgiving someone (actually more than one) who'd seriously hurt me - and with His help working hard to get to the point where I could forgive them, actually succeeding in doing this, and feeling really GOOD as a result. Man, I just LOVE the blessings God favours us with when we've done what He wants! Can make you feel just soooo fantastic!

BUT... I believe it was quite a pile of time afterwards that one day the Lord was suddenly saying, "But you haven't finished yet, have you!" I was quite nonplussed until some more light came. I'd FORGIVEN them, sure, but He gently brought me to ask myself this SO important question: "YES, BUT DO I LOVE THEM?" Whoa!!! I was shocked to have to face that I mostly didn't! Goodness, WHY had I not seen this before? I'm truly not sure. But whatever the reason, immediate ACTION was clearly needed!!


Pretty soon I saw that forgiveness had actually been the EASY part! I'd always wanted to forgive, and had done so. But here I was squarely facing that I didn't really LOVE them, and what's more, I could NOT see HOW I COULD!!!... ALL of THAT HURT, and over such a long period... You know how I'm always telling you that the Lord is waiting to HELP YOU with "the impossible" - well, the trouble was that back then I hadn't quite 'got' this clearly! But He helped me anyway!! And this is what He led me to do:

I sat down and considered each person one by one. I was VERY aware of their faults! - ever noticed how good we are at seeing clear as crystal THEIR faults, but NOT our own! - but what I set out to do was write a list of the GOOD THINGS about them! With a couple of them this wasn't too hard. But I knew the ones that WOULD be hard! When I came to them, I had nothing to write!! More prayer. Slowly one thing came, then another. I may have found only about three for the most difficult person, BUT I HAD A LIST - short as it was - OF THEIR GOOD POINTS!! I HAD A LIST!!!

I WANTED TO LOVE THEM, RIGHT!! So I then used this LIST to seriously and prayerfully THANK the Lord for who they were, and for their GOOD POINTS. WHILE DOING ALL OF THIS I RESOLUTELY BLOCKED MY MIND FROM HAVING EVEN ONE NEGATIVE THOUGHT ABOUT THEM! I prayed for them, and for their good. I found that by this stage of things God had somehow moved in me and I genuinely could want the very best for them! Amazing!! I finished, and not too long afterwards realised THAT I REALLY DID LOVE THEM!!! And I've FORGIVEN and LOVED them ever since! And THAT, dear ones, is GOD!!!

- BM, with his Love


Oh,now Bondman, I do believe this is your best message yet! So often we are told "forgive forgive" but not told what to do afterwards! We are so much like sheep, we have to be told step by step because it doesnt come naturally to us. We just dont know. We want to, but dont even know the right questions to ask sometimes!

About Criada's question, forgiving yourself I think is harder than forgiving others. Like artists are their own worst critics, so are christians their own worst judges. We feel like we should have known better. We are doubly at fault because it is ourselves. We feel like we are being RESPONSIBLE and really paying for it when we keep beating ourselves up over it. We feel like we HAVE to pay for it, because it was OURS. But we dont. Jesus paid it all. This is a lesson that you have to learn, sometimes over and over again, before you 'get it'. Its a process that takes time, and takes learning how wide, how deep, how strong God's love is for you. It takes learning about God and your relationship with Him.
Keep seeking Him and His Word. Keep learning about His Grace and His Goodness, His Mercy and Power. It will come.:groupray:
Hey, Bondman, about my avatar. There is a program on my computer called Printmaster, and I found a picture there that I wanted for my avatar. So I fixed it up, copied it, saved it on my computer as jpeg. There it is, on my computer, but when I tried to "browse" it for my avatar, the one with the jpeg wasnt there! So I get out of the forum, go to My Computer, and there it is, jpeg. I dont know. I"ll keep playing with it, and I"ll get it figured out. :D
Hey, Bondman, about my avatar. There is a program on my computer called Printmaster, and I found a picture there that I wanted for my avatar. So I fixed it up, copied it, saved it on my computer as jpeg. There it is, on my computer, but when I tried to "browse" it for my avatar, the one with the jpeg wasnt there! So I get out of the forum, go to My Computer, and there it is, jpeg. I dont know. I"ll keep playing with it, and I"ll get it figured out. :D

The graphic you're talking about, does it have an extension on of .jpeg or is it .jpg. If the former it may be that the forum doesn't "see" entensions larger than 3 characters. Try changing to .jpg and maybe it will work.
Oh,now Bondman, I do believe this is your best message yet! So often we are told "forgive forgive" but not told what to do afterwards! We are so much like sheep, we have to be told step by step because it doesnt come naturally to us. We just dont know. We want to, but dont even know the right questions to ask sometimes!

Thankyou, Fluf!! I truly appreciate you and thank the Lord Jesus for you!!!

About Criada's question, forgiving yourself I think is harder than forgiving others. Like artists are their own worst critics, so are christians their own worst judges. We feel like we should have known better. We are doubly at fault because it is ourselves. We feel like we are being RESPONSIBLE and really paying for it when we keep beating ourselves up over it. We feel like we HAVE to pay for it, because it was OURS. But we dont. Jesus paid it all. This is a lesson that you have to learn, sometimes over and over again, before you 'get it'. Its a process that takes time, and takes learning how wide, how deep, how strong God's love is for you. It takes learning about God and your relationship with Him.
Keep seeking Him and His Word. Keep learning about His Grace and His Goodness, His Mercy and Power. It will come.:groupray:

Man oh man, another WOW!!! (seems to be a 'WOW' morning for me! *happy grin*)

COS ABOVE IS ALL SOOOO GOOD!!! Yes, Jesus DID pay it all. Let it go, cos there ain't nuthin' left to be FORGIVEN for!!!!!!



... continued from Part 1 ("New or Old Testament??")


So what's the place of the OLD TESTAMENT for us today? Is it irrelevant? Do we just forget it? Not at all! As an astonishing record of God's dealings with mankind, and most of all with His special people the Hebrew Nation, it is an important part of the complete Word of God. We read there how God created heaven and earth and man and woman, how they REBELLED against God's instructions, how they were thrown out of the Garden, and how all of earth has thus been wrecked by SIN ever since... (Don't ever wonder about the devastation caused by earthquakes and tsunamis etc. - they're caused by MAN'S SINFUL ESTATE, and are NOT "God's fault", end of story!)


We need to look at the LIVES OF GREAT MEN of the OT like Moses, and Abraham and Jacob (Israel) and King David. We need to know something of the myriads of PROPHESIES there about the coming Messiah (the NT name "Christ" means "Messiah", the One Who will provide redemption for all mankind). We need to see lessons for us such as patience and hardship like Moses needed as he waited for decades as a nobody, before God used him to lead his people to freedom! And we certainly need to copy their amazing FAITH (see Hebrews Ch 11).


The OT has much to teach us. Especially we need to understand how all the sacrifices we read there were pointing towards what happened for us all at Calvary. In toto the Old Testament is a record of A COVENANT, a binding Agreement, BETWEEN GOD AND HIS SPECIAL PEOPLE (the Hebrews, today the Jews, or Israelis) - NOT WITH US AT ALL! It was a BLOOD covenant showing how sin CAN NOT be forgiven without BLOOD is spilt - as when they constantly had to sacrifice/kill animals, especially the perfect lamb, as the ONLY way under the Old Covenant to gain atonement and forgiveness for their sins!


Here's a Question for you: do you want to go back and live like THAT? I don't think so! THAT was living back in the Old Testament. Today we ALL (including all Jews) live in the New Testament, under the NEW AGREEMENT, the NEW COVENANT made between us and God. That New Covenant was also made in blood, JESUS' BLOOD, at CALVARY'S CROSS. This time not the blood of sheep and goats were spilt. Instead the blood of the perfect God-man was spilt so we could all be saved forever!!!


And here's the a problem. So many in the church today are trying to straddle something that cannot be straddled, i.e., having one foot in the Old Testament (the OLD Covenant) and the other in the New Testament (the NEW Covenant). NOT the way to go!!!They constantly try because of not understanding that the Old is finished, and a NEW COVENANT took it's place when Jesus died to procure a pardon of all of our sin, rose again from the dead, and is now seated at God's right hand.


Alright then, why is this such a problem? It's a serious problem because it leads to wrong doctrine and wrong practice in the church, i.e., WRONG BELIEFS BEING LIVED OUT IN THE LIVES OF GOD'S PEOPLE, because they are being TAUGHT WRONG THINGS by their LEADERS! This leads to heresy (serious error) in the church and in our lives, which I've spoken of before, and which God is NOT happy about, not one bit!! I don't know about you, but I want to live as close to GOD'S TRUTH as possible, and not have even ONE thing in my life that I can see - or someone can SHOW me - is contrary to His Revealed and Holy Word!

As He leads me, I shall try to write some examples that may shock you, of some of the errors being taught today - effectively STOPPING people from ever becoming true and mature MEN AND WOMEN OF GOD! I BEG OF YOU THIS DAY: ALWAYS AIM TO BE A TRUTH-SEEKER - NO MATTER WHAT THE COST!!

... continued in Part 3 ("The New Covenant (Testament), Better than the Old")

- BM, with his Lady


10 Commandments

Soooo . . . we don't have to obey the 10 commandments? I see now why, if the new commandments are to love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself, all the rest would follow, I think. But what about adultry? Is that a 10 Commandment? Where are they listed in the Old Test.? Not that I want to do that, just that this is a new thought. Why don't pastors preach on this? Do they just think we know all this?
To love Him, you will obey His law. But we are not judged byt he law, like thsoe who are not in Christ.



To love Him, you will obey His law. But we are not judged byt he law, like thsoe who are not in Christ.

I trust you'll permit me to look at some words here to ensure we understand them clearly, according to the Scriptures (I know what you meant, but others may not).

1. The word "Law" is normally used to mean OT law. In the NT we have "commands" or ''commandments" (exactly the same meaning) - but neither of these mean LAW in the OT sense. In fact the NT contains much that's written AGAINST law, e.g., Paul being very outspoken in Galatians, also in Romans and other places. So I'd word that as what I believe you were saying: "To love Him, you will obey Him (obey what He's said to do)."

But why make a FUSS over "law" as opposed to "command/commandment"? Easily answered! Because if we're not specific and clear as to EXACTLY what the New Testament REALLY says then THIS is what happens: people start to stray, and before long they are quite incorrectly back keeping (read: "TRYING to keep"!) OT LAW - and in doing so may easily end up in HELL instead of HEAVEN! So this IS serious!! For example, the early Seventh Day Adventist Church (and still part of that church today) is quite seriously Old Testament - and therefore way off the truth, sadly, as I commented in the first para. of Message #37.

2. It's true we're not judged by law - neither Believers OR unbelievers are. We're judged in TWO WAYS:

(a) ALL MANKIND. As to whether we've taken the Lord Jesus as our Saviour from sin and as Lord over all of our lives, seeking to obey Him because we LOVE Him, and therefore obeying Him cos we WANT to! This clear way of living is what will ASSUREDLY save us from HELL and get us to HEAVEN!!

(b) BELIEVERS. We're judged on our works, whether good or bad. This is at the Judgment Seat of Christ: 2 Corinthians Ch 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.

That's pretty clear. Then in 1 Corinthians Ch 3:12 Paul begins talking about how we BUILD our lives, what we build them on - i.e., meaning whether built on things like good or on bad, on right or on wrong, on whether we're living righteous lives or not, on whether we're being obedient or not. He goes on to say that DEPENDENT UPON how we live according to such things, at the Judgment Seat we'll then RECEIVE REWARDS! - OR we'll LOSE REWARDS!!! Our WORKS, Paul goes on to say, will be tested by FIRE: good works will stand up under this test; others will be burnt up and lost. 1 Corinthians Ch 3:14 If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. 15 If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.

Some Christians think that just because we're forgiven for all of our sin it doesn't really matter much HOW we live! (Paul deals with this in Romans Ch 6:1-2). WRONG!! It matters! - and when we're judged on our WORKS at the Judgment Seat of Christ all of our life will be revealed (including the hidden things) and we'll either receive REWARDS FROM THE LORD - or LOSE THEM!!! So which group do you think that you'd prefer to be in? (I've decided! *grin*)

continued in Part 2 ("More About Being Ready for Judgment")...

- BM, with his Love


Soooo . . . we don't have to obey the 10 commandments? I see now why, if the new commandments are to love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself, all the rest would follow, I think. But what about adultry? Is that a 10 Commandment? Where are they listed in the Old Test.? Not that I want to do that, just that this is a new thought. Why don't pastors preach on this? Do they just think we know all this?

Great post, hon! I'm writing a message on the important points you've raised here - tomorrow hopefully.

Meantime the Ten Commandments are in Exodus 20:1-17.

Broadly speaking, the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament are:

1. Do not have any other gods except me.
2. Don't make or worship any image of anything made by man.
3. Don't blaspheme - don't use the name of the Lord in any way other than worshipfully and respectfully.
4. Keep the Sabbath day holy (the seventh day - sundown Friday to sundown Saturday); no work of any kind allowed.
5. Give honour to your father and mother.
6. Do not commit murder.
7. Do not commit adultery.
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not witness falsely against your neighbour.
10. Do not covet (wish you had/want your neighbour's house, wife, and a whole lot more things).
You can break it down like this:
The first 4 is love God. The other 6 are to love people.
To break it down further: Love.

Just the other day, I was flipping thru the tv and came across the christian channel. Got interested until I realized they were teaching bondage. (I mean they were advocating legalism as in following Jewish traditions) Changed that channel right quick!
In Acts, there was a big arguement over whether the Gentiles should be made to follow Jewish rules. Some said it was what God commanded, others said it was too much of a burden for people not used to it. They had a big council, sought the Lord, and came up with a handfull of "abstain from these and do these". Acts 15:6-29
Big relief for us Gentiles!:D
MESSAGE WEBSITE. I'm feeling somewhat upset that the Messages and complete Index are still not over on our website - meaning that the Index on CFS is still stopped at Message #62 because a post cannot be longer than that!

It's slowly happening. I've had to learn some more new programming to set the Messages up in the most effective way (CSS for those who understand these things...) - and this is taking time as I determine NOT to overdo it each day. It's sure gonna be EXCITING the day when I can finally tell you where to go to see all of our work!!

HEALING. Thankyou for your continued prayers! Getting closer! I cannot wait to be a MIRACLE of God!!! And to finally be able to start the work I've visioned and longed to do for so many, many years! By your prayers YOU will be a part of the miracle! (I'll fully detail it all for you so you can rejoice and give Him all the thanks and praise and glory!)

Bless you greatly in the Lord Jesus!

- BM
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