THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Bondman said:

Some Christians think that just because we're forgiven for all of our sin it doesn't really matter much HOW we live! (Paul deals with this in Romans Ch 6:1-2). WRONG!! It matters! - and when we're judged on our WORKS at the Judgment Seat of Christ all of our life will be revealed (including the hidden things) and we'll either receive REWARDS FROM THE LORD - or LOSE THEM!!! So which group do you think that you'd prefer to be in? (I've decided! *grin*)

So, all our hidden things WILL be revealed and we will be judged, not just our works? But, only the hidden things we did after we accepted Christ, right? What about the things we did wrong after Christ, but we asked forgiveness for? We don't have to confess it to anyone else do we? I think I asked this once before, but then BM said the above and now I'm wondering again. :eek: I need to experience what Mark did and get some confidence, huh? :cool:
We don't have to confess it to anyone else do we?

Hi there.. this just happened to me.. I was still living in sin a part of me.. long story I have an article started about the whole learning process.. but I will say right now for me. that yes we confess to the Lord the sin and ask for forgiveness and he grants is so graciously! Praise you Lord..

However, for my own personal experience.. just in the last 2 days, God kept speaking to me in many ways, through scripture and putting people in my life and telling me that I needed to confess to the one I had wronged.
Sooooooooooo.. the good Lord gave me the strength yesterday to do this.. and man it was soooooooooooo hard! and again today! Yesterday I faced the person I loved and asked his forgiveness for all my snooping ways, and untrusting ways, I then looked up the address of a woman I never met that I said some awful things about and I drove to ask her forgiveness! ( mind you I "feared" this woman for the past 22 months and had not even met her! long story.. )

16Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

After I confessed, prayer was given both times. I am so relieved you cannot imagine.. yes the Lord forgave me, but personally for me.. even though forgiveness was granted by the Lord, it was eating me alive still knowing in my heart what I had done.. I would always have wondered.. what if.. that is just my personal experience for me.. God will speak to you... he spoke loud and clear to me.. I tried to ignore it.. ended a relationship with the one I love and 2 days later found myself face to face saying this is why... and confessed all! It was not so much what the other person had done, it was what I thought he had done, never shared, never shared my pain and hurt.. and more imporantly did not ask for forgiveness from him for what I did.
I was scared of rejection and more hurt.. but guess what! I am here to please the Lord not man.. and through that I may lose ones I love.. but God just wants me whole and loving him.. sacrificing my own life for him.

Just my 2 cents for this God awesome beautiful 90 degree day!

The HUGE truths of who God is, what His creation is and is for, how small we are, and what His promises are; they are often put up in our heads and only breifly thought about. But these are the biggest, most important things He tells us. We are made for His pleasure. He will take care of us, but He is our God all is for Him. These are the truths that need to come in and wipe out any desires when you are tempted. To remind you to give it your all. He will not take your second best, he wants your all.

When you study these truths and think about what that really means you should get a new sense of what you have to do. Let go. Tell Him "Father I am wasting time, don't let me do this, however you'll do it, use me. Take me Lord take me, take my heart it's yours. For you God; your kindom come. Your will not mine. Most of these thoughts are not mine they are counterproductive. Take them from me God. Take me in completely." Surrender your fears and doubts in that moment knowing He will take them.

Malachi 1:6-14

A son honors his father, and a servant his master. If then I am a Father, where is My honor? And if I am a Master, where is the [reverent] fear due Me? says the Lord of hosts to you, O priests, who despise My name. You say, How and in what way have we despised Your name?
By offering polluted food upon My altar. And you ask, How have we polluted it and profaned You? By thinking that the table of the Lord is contemptible and may be despised.
When you [priests] offer blind [animals] for sacrifice, is it not evil? And when you offer the lame and the sick, is it not evil? Present such a thing [a blind or lame or sick animal] now to your governor [in payment of your taxes, and see what will happen]. Will he be pleased with you? Or will he receive you graciously? says the Lord of hosts.
Now then, I [Malachi] beg [you priests], entreat God [earnestly] that He will be gracious to us. With such a gift from your hand [as a defective animal for sacrifice], will He accept it or show favor to any of you? says the Lord of hosts.
Oh, that there were even one among you [whose duty it is to minister to Me] who would shut the doors, that you might not kindle fire on My altar to no purpose [an empty, futile, fruitless pretense]! I have no pleasure in you, says the Lord of hosts, nor will I accept an offering from your hand.
For from the rising of the sun to its setting My name shall be great among the nations, and in every place incense shall be offered to My name, and indeed a pure offering; for My name shall be great among the nations, says the Lord of hosts.
But you [priests] profane it when [by your actions] you say, The table of the Lord is polluted, and the fruit of it, its food, is contemptible and may be despised.
You say also, Behold, what a drudgery and weariness this is! And you have sniffed at it, says the Lord of hosts. And you have brought that which was taken by violence, or the lame or the sick; this you bring as an offering! Shall I accept this from your hand? says the Lord. But cursed is the [cheating] deceiver who has a male in his flock and vows to offer it, yet sacrifices to the [sovereign] Lord a blemished or diseased thing! For I am a great King, says the Lord of hosts, and My name is terrible and to be [reverently] feared among the nations.

Why would we in this life give Him our second best!? How could we see the sacrifice we need to give Him, then turn to look at the second best sacrifice and choose that insead!? When we feel we can't give it any more, we are being silly. Constantly ask Him to TAKE more. To show you HOW to give more and more. Wherever your time and attention is, there is your treasure, and there your heart will be also. It's a heart issue most have. Serve Him because these HUGE truths we must live by show you why. Not just because. Not just because it's routine and you have to. Ask Him to take away any self reasons to do His work. We ALL wantt he biggest peice of cake. We all, deep down, want to be first in line. That's our human inclination. Drown that out with those larger truths. They ARE reality. Ask Him to help you put them to heart.

What will the world think of your God when they see you not giving Him your all? They will think "Some God He is, if He doesn't deserve your 100%." He says better is it for you to shut the door to the temple than to do this and blasphemise His name.

And do not be ashamed to put your heart where it belongs. Do not put Him inside a box, and push push push diligently in seeking Him repeat and repeat and repeat what is on your heart. Demand He be glorified by you and your body be used completely for His glory. Don't ever limit what you think He'll use you for.
And please, YOU - who feels immature in Christ, YOU - who is not "feeling" Him right now, YOU - who feels inferior - YOU are just as the rest of His children. When you see beauty and wisdom in any one of us, know it is not us!

We've been immature, been much more foolish than even now! Give thanks for the water and credit to the one giving the water - not to the hose!

Any wise words, and words that bring encouragement, faith, love to your heart - they are not ours! They are the springs of living water from God almighty - it is HE who loves you! Humans are at best merely a hose for this life-giving water to pass through! Quite loved and blessed we are for being a hose don't you think!?

It is HE!

God Bless.
The HUGE truths of who God is, what His creation is and is for, how small we are, and what His promises are; they are often put up in our heads and only breifly thought about. But these are the biggest, most important things He tells us. We are made for His pleasure. He will take care of us, but He is our God all is for Him. These are the truths that need to come in and wipe out any desires when you are tempted. To remind you to give it your all. He will not take your second best, he wants your all.

When you study these truths and think about what that really means you should get a new sense of what you have to do. Let go. Tell Him "Father I am wasting time, don't let me do this, however you'll do it, use me. Take me Lord take me, take my heart it's yours. For you God; your kindom come. Your will not mine. Most of these thoughts are not mine they are counterproductive. Take them from me God. Take me in completely." Surrender your fears and doubts in that moment knowing He will take them.

Malachi 1:6-14

A son honors his father, and a servant his master. If then I am a Father, where is My honor? And if I am a Master, where is the [reverent] fear due Me? says the Lord of hosts to you, O priests, who despise My name. You say, How and in what way have we despised Your name?
By offering polluted food upon My altar. And you ask, How have we polluted it and profaned You? By thinking that the table of the Lord is contemptible and may be despised.
When you [priests] offer blind [animals] for sacrifice, is it not evil? And when you offer the lame and the sick, is it not evil? Present such a thing [a blind or lame or sick animal] now to your governor [in payment of your taxes, and see what will happen]. Will he be pleased with you? Or will he receive you graciously? says the Lord of hosts.
Now then, I [Malachi] beg [you priests], entreat God [earnestly] that He will be gracious to us. With such a gift from your hand [as a defective animal for sacrifice], will He accept it or show favor to any of you? says the Lord of hosts.
Oh, that there were even one among you [whose duty it is to minister to Me] who would shut the doors, that you might not kindle fire on My altar to no purpose [an empty, futile, fruitless pretense]! I have no pleasure in you, says the Lord of hosts, nor will I accept an offering from your hand.
For from the rising of the sun to its setting My name shall be great among the nations, and in every place incense shall be offered to My name, and indeed a pure offering; for My name shall be great among the nations, says the Lord of hosts.
But you [priests] profane it when [by your actions] you say, The table of the Lord is polluted, and the fruit of it, its food, is contemptible and may be despised.
You say also, Behold, what a drudgery and weariness this is! And you have sniffed at it, says the Lord of hosts. And you have brought that which was taken by violence, or the lame or the sick; this you bring as an offering! Shall I accept this from your hand? says the Lord. But cursed is the [cheating] deceiver who has a male in his flock and vows to offer it, yet sacrifices to the [sovereign] Lord a blemished or diseased thing! For I am a great King, says the Lord of hosts, and My name is terrible and to be [reverently] feared among the nations.

Why would we in this life give Him our second best!? How could we see the sacrifice we need to give Him, then turn to look at the second best sacrifice and choose that insead!? When we feel we can't give it any more, we are being silly. Constantly ask Him to TAKE more. To show you HOW to give more and more. Wherever your time and attention is, there is your treasure, and there your heart will be also. It's a heart issue most have. Serve Him because these HUGE truths we must live by show you why. Not just because. Not just because it's routine and you have to. Ask Him to take away any self reasons to do His work. We ALL wantt he biggest peice of cake. We all, deep down, want to be first in line. That's our human inclination. Drown that out with those larger truths. They ARE reality. Ask Him to help you put them to heart.

What will the world think of your God when they see you not giving Him your all? They will think "Some God He is, if He doesn't deserve your 100%." He says better is it for you to shut the door to the temple than to do this and blasphemise His name.

And do not be ashamed to put your heart where it belongs. Do not put Him inside a box, and push push push diligently in seeking Him repeat and repeat and repeat what is on your heart. Demand He be glorified by you and your body be used completely for His glory. Don't ever limit what you think He'll use you for.

The two sections of this post really thrilled me, Mark. They sound like you wrote them, but in any case they are very practical, most pertinent to our walk with Jesus, true to Scripture, and your grasp of the topics you covered is really quite wonderful.

I was really blessed reading them!

(And yes, from your other post I feel VERY loved and blessed beyond measure in being a plain old garden-variety hose!! *ear-to-ear grin!*)



...continued from Part 1 ("How to Be Ready to Be Judged by the Lord")

SweetSurrender said:
So, all our hidden things WILL be revealed and we will be judged, not just our works? But, only the hidden things we did after we accepted Christ, right? What about the things we did wrong after Christ, but we asked forgiveness for? We don't have to confess it to anyone else do we? I think I asked this once before, but then BM said the above and now I'm wondering again. :eek: I need to experience what Mark did and get some confidence, huh? :cool:

Some good queries here too! To answer them had both of us in the New King James, the Amplified Bible, my interlinear Greek New Testament, Strong’s meanings of the Greek Text, and Matthew Henry’s Commentary of the Whole Bible, arguably the best Commentary ever written. Here’s our best effort for you, sweetie!


FIRST, there is the judgment for EVERYONE (including us), which depends on whether we truly belong to Christ, and because we DO – well, that FINISHES that matter, right!

SECOND, still as BELIEVERS, we are then judged on our WORKS at the Judgment Seat of Christ:

(a) REWARDS. Here those with good works will be rewarded, and those without good works will LOSE their rewards - which is pretty bad and sad! That is, this judgment simply concerns REWARDS. Jesus thoroughly checks this all out - and that FINISHES the rewards part.

(b) At the same time our WORKS are fully revealed, both the good and the bad. 1 Corinthians Ch 3:13. They are shown for what they are! NOT judged – just REVEALED, okay!

(c) There is NO PUNISHMENT here. Remember that our wonderful LORD JESUS already took ALL of our punishment in our place!!

THIRD, THE HIDDEN things being revealed:

(a) Yes, the hidden things include everything – every thought, attitude, feeling, and deed. GOD SEES ALL, AND KNOWS ALL – BOTH GOOD AND BAD.

(b) This is just BELIEVERS. No unbelievers are at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

(c) The context of this appears to clearly be the revealing of things only in our lives as CHRISTIANS. Considering that ALL is going to be revealed here I would think should make us seriously consider how we are living!!!!

(d) However I can't see that other Believers will judge us nor be angry, as that would be SIN, and NO SIN shall be there from the moment we step through death or meet the Lord in the air!

(e) To finish, there’s a PLUS here, that when our works are revealed we’ll FINALLY be able to clearly see what was good and what was not in our lives - including the things we may have not been SURE ABOUT here on earth. Then we’ll KNOW the full truth about ourselves! – and that will be a GOOD thing!!


(a) GOD is the One we confess sin to!! This is to keep the lines of communication open between us and Him, and is an important part of our relationship with Him!

(b) The Scriptures do speak of confessing our sins to one another. If we take the verse out of its context we could see this as a command to obey, but in context it it's NOT. So this is optional, and we must take great care and exercise wisdom as to who we share our sins with.

(c) Other than that it is important for us to confess any sin committed against another to that person, so as to say SORRY to them!! Sometimes, however, this may cause more harm to them (and sometimes others also) than if we said nothing. So I would always advise wisdom and caution on this, and certainly prayer to seek the Lord’s will.

- BM and his hard-working Lady!


Hi there.. this just happened to me.. I was still living in sin a part of me.. long story I have an article started about the whole learning process.. but I will say right now for me. that yes we confess to the Lord the sin and ask for forgiveness and he grants is so graciously! Praise you Lord..

However, for my own personal experience.. just in the last 2 days, God kept speaking to me in many ways, through scripture and putting people in my life and telling me that I needed to confess to the one I had wronged.
Sooooooooooo.. the good Lord gave me the strength yesterday to do this.. and man it was soooooooooooo hard! and again today! Yesterday I faced the person I loved and asked his forgiveness for all my snooping ways, and untrusting ways, I then looked up the address of a woman I never met that I said some awful things about and I drove to ask her forgiveness! ( mind you I "feared" this woman for the past 22 months and had not even met her! long story.. )

16Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

After I confessed, prayer was given both times. I am so relieved you cannot imagine.. yes the Lord forgave me, but personally for me.. even though forgiveness was granted by the Lord, it was eating me alive still knowing in my heart what I had done.. I would always have wondered.. what if.. that is just my personal experience for me.. God will speak to you... he spoke loud and clear to me.. I tried to ignore it.. ended a relationship with the one I love and 2 days later found myself face to face saying this is why... and confessed all! It was not so much what the other person had done, it was what I thought he had done, never shared, never shared my pain and hurt.. and more imporantly did not ask for forgiveness from him for what I did.
I was scared of rejection and more hurt.. but guess what! I am here to please the Lord not man.. and through that I may lose ones I love.. but God just wants me whole and loving him.. sacrificing my own life for him.

Just my 2 cents for this God awesome beautiful 90 degree day!



Yes, we're here to please the Lord, not man, and this sure can be hard at times. But you continue to take the narrow road, which is not easy, but by which we learn and we grow.

You've done what you believed the Lord said to you, despite feeling scared. Well done once again! He seems to give you a 'boldness' that's beautiful to see. As you continue to DO WHAT HE SAYS you are on the path to becoming a true Woman of God! Glory be to His Holy Name!!

- BM
As you continue to DO WHAT HE SAYS you are on the path to becoming a true Woman of God! Glory be to His Holy Name!!

That is what I truly want! to be a true Woman of God!

I am soooooooooooo thankful for everything that transpired since the prayer service last Tuesday. The sleepless nite Wed, everything on Thursday ( and I thought it was over at this point) however.. the Lord was not done with that situation. He continued right up to sitting that woman next to me at Graduation that said.. God said to tell you to Trust.. I knew at that point.. and yes as you say we do need to take caution and wisdom in confessing to someone.

You know Bondman, I wanted to do that back in December and my Pastor told me to wait.. it was not time. He knew through the Lord I was not ready nor was the relationship with me and the Lord, and the other person not ready. I definitely could not have handled it emotionally or spiritually back then.. it is all about patience.. I have learned that through all of this.

I feel like a new woman today.. yes I still have things to work on.. always will until I go home to be with him. Now that the Lord has revealed so much to me, I believe I am going to pray on the fact of going to a Christian counselor here to help sort some of that trust factor out.. where it truly came from and my steps in going forward. I know the Lord will guide me.. after all, you have been one of the greatest counselors and messengers I ever have known!
Thanks from the bottom of my heart!

Why would we in this life give Him our second best!? How could we see the sacrifice we need to give Him, then turn to look at the second best sacrifice and choose that insead!? When we feel we can't give it any more, we are being silly. Constantly ask Him to TAKE more. To show you HOW to give more and more. Wherever your time and attention is, there is your treasure, and there your heart will be also. It's a heart issue most have. Serve Him because these HUGE truths we must live by show you why. Not just because. Not just because it's routine and you have to. Ask Him to take away any self reasons to do His work. We ALL wantt he biggest peice of cake. We all, deep down, want to be first in line. That's our human inclination. Drown that out with those larger truths. They ARE reality. Ask Him to help you put them to heart.

What will the world think of your God when they see you not giving Him your all? They will think "Some God He is, if He doesn't deserve your 100%." He says better is it for you to shut the door to the temple than to do this and blasphemise His name.

And do not be ashamed to put your heart where it belongs. Do not put Him inside a box, and push push push diligently in seeking Him repeat and repeat and repeat what is on your heart. Demand He be glorified by you and your body be used completely for His glory. Don't ever limit what you think He'll use you for.

Awesome posts! Thanks so much for sharing!

That is what I truly want! to be a true Woman of God!

I am soooooooooooo thankful for everything that transpired since the prayer service last Tuesday. The sleepless nite Wed, everything on Thursday ( and I thought it was over at this point) however.. the Lord was not done with that situation. He continued right up to sitting that woman next to me at Graduation that said.. God said to tell you to Trust.. I knew at that point.. and yes as you say we do need to take caution and wisdom in confessing to someone.

You know Bondman, I wanted to do that back in December and my Pastor told me to wait.. it was not time. He knew through the Lord I was not ready nor was the relationship with me and the Lord, and the other person not ready. I definitely could not have handled it emotionally or spiritually back then.. it is all about patience.. I have learned that through all of this.

I feel like a new woman today.. yes I still have things to work on.. always will until I go home to be with him. Now that the Lord has revealed so much to me, I believe I am going to pray on the fact of going to a Christian counselor here to help sort some of that trust factor out.. where it truly came from and my steps in going forward. I know the Lord will guide me.. after all, you have been one of the greatest counselors and messengers I ever have known!
Thanks from the bottom of my heart!


Oh, you are TOTALLY welcome, dear heart. That's exactly what the Lord brought me here for!!

Yes, He will always GUIDE you. You of all people have the "proof" of that by Him bringing people into your life at different times recently with specific messages from Him direct to you - such as the lady at graduation! That's very special!

And she said that you must TRUST. Indeed and indeed! This is for ALL of us. Without we place our TRUST in the Lord, sufficient that we be prepared to place OUR WHOLE LIFE in His mighty hands, then we're gonna be going absolutely NOWHERE!!!

Seems to me that what you've been doing well in your life as you've had these serious issues to work through has been 'going a step at a time'. Not rushing. Trusting instead! Waiting for Him to tell you to move, and how to do this. I know how DIFFICULT this has all been. And wearing on the psyche - but you've truly done WELL.

And thus you've learned PATIENCE - realising how important it is to BE patient. We do tend to be 'bull at a gate' people in the "instant" societies we live in, where everyone wants everything NOW! In God you don't GET everything now!! He knows that would be sooo counter-productive.

Thankyou for sharing your walk with us. Hopefully you can take a little time to regroup now, to take a few deep breaths and regain strength to continue your journey.

Bless you heaps!

- BM
Who are you listening to?

And thus you've learned PATIENCE - realising how important it is to BE patient. We do tend to be 'bull at a gate' people in the "instant" societies we live in, where everyone wants everything NOW! In God you don't GET everything now!! He knows that would be sooo counter-productive.

It is true, we tend to be the bull at the gate people, however with patience and trust in him, it will all come together.

One important thing I want to share and what I have learned is to listen to the Lord. What I mean by this is we do need to share our struggles with others, we are to be one Body of Christ, we do need to ask for guidance, we need to learn through the sharing of our everyday walks, but when it comes down to do what is best for oneself, WE NEED TO LISTEN TO WHAT GOD IS SAYING.

Just with the most recent happening last week when God kept me up all night, and I knew what I had to do, a girlfriend of mine drove over here and shared some stuff with me, she encouraged me , she agreed with me, that I needed to face and walk away from the person that I love, I knew God had spoken, but her last minute talk might have influenced how I handled it.. no I know it did..

God knew that I had not done what he told me to do.. hence he loved me so much the next few days continued with his loving hand and guidance I was able to clean up and do what he wanted me do.. no matter the cost of fear and rejection. For you see, it was the trust in the Lord, that I had rejected for so long.

There are many opinions, words shared here on the forum and our every day lives. Those words encourage us, sometimes they "ouch" us.. in a good way that is, they help us see the truth, but the down to brass tack and truth comes from the Lord Jesus. I so much at times want someone to tell me what to do. . you all know that.. we can share his love , we can share our personal experiences, but when it comes down to who we really need to listen to, that is the Lord.. I am thankful he was patient with me, he never left me.. I left him. .. Praise the Lord today! For he is mighty, may he continue to strengthen each and every one of you today, may your hearts, eyes and ears be open to him!


Ok, so I was going to post and ask what the scripture was about the Lord Bottling our tears. But then I remembered to learn the Word and truth, I need to seek those scriptures.. thank goodness for biblegateway!

I found the scripture I needed to understand what happened to me last night. When I was at the prayer service and on my knees and crying, with joy, praise and asking for continued healing, I realized my tears were not streaming down my face even though I was crying. I took time to feel them, they were going up and across my forehead into my head. it was such a weird feeling, then I remembered he will take the tears.

Revelation 21:4

4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

Revelation 7: 17

17For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd;
he will lead them to springs of living water.
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."

I can truly feel the old order of things passing away! Praise the Lord.. He continues to lead me to living waters. He is wiping away the tears of my pain.. Alleluia!

It is true, we tend to be the bull at the gate people, however with patience and trust in him, it will all come together.

One important thing I want to share and what I have learned is to listen to the Lord. What I mean by this is we do need to share our struggles with others, we are to be one Body of Christ, we do need to ask for guidance, we need to learn through the sharing of our everyday walks, but when it comes down to do what is best for oneself, WE NEED TO LISTEN TO WHAT GOD IS SAYING.

Just with the most recent happening last week when God kept me up all night, and I knew what I had to do, a girlfriend of mine drove over here and shared some stuff with me, she encouraged me , she agreed with me, that I needed to face and walk away from the person that I love, I knew God had spoken, but her last minute talk might have influenced how I handled it.. no I know it did..

God knew that I had not done what he told me to do.. hence he loved me so much the next few days continued with his loving hand and guidance I was able to clean up and do what he wanted me do.. no matter the cost of fear and rejection. For you see, it was the trust in the Lord, that I had rejected for so long.

There are many opinions, words shared here on the forum and our every day lives. Those words encourage us, sometimes they "ouch" us.. in a good way that is, they help us see the truth, but the down to brass tack and truth comes from the Lord Jesus. I so much at times want someone to tell me what to do. . you all know that.. we can share his love , we can share our personal experiences, but when it comes down to who we really need to listen to, that is the Lord.. I am thankful he was patient with me, he never left me.. I left him. .. Praise the Lord today! For he is mighty, may he continue to strengthen each and every one of you today, may your hearts, eyes and ears be open to him!


Thankyou for your sharing! You're right: while there's a lot more that's involved, ultimately we DO have to listen to our Lord Jesus.



Decades ago I read a few verses in Ephesians about the extent of GOD'S POWER in us, that fair stunned me out of my brain! Trouble was I could NOT get a hold of them! - I understood them in my head, but there I was stuck... Talk about frustrating!! I always said that if I could ever truly 'get' a hold of them they would just about blow me straight into eternity. Today, by a simple story in my life, I hope I may be able to convey to you Inner Roomies some sense of what the Lord is saying in these Scriptures.

Paul wrote to the folks at Ephesus what his prayer for them was (Ephesians Ch 1:17) ...that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of His power in (into) us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power 20 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead...


Folks, WE cannot do THAT! That's
direct from GOD!!!




May I then share something that to me was absolutely astonishing! I've long experienced what I call "deep-down" aspects of the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians Ch 5:22-23) - like DEEP-DOWN and CONTINUAL JOYFULNESS. I'm not talking about happiness, which is a superficial thing that comes and goes, depending on how we FEEL at the time, right!

Okay, I woke feeling absolutely dreadful. My health the last few days has been really bad. Pain in my muscles. I was incredibly tired. My head was awful. And I was so WEAK! I struggled out of bed, then shuffled along on my crutches towards the bathroom, and as I was sitting there feeling like death warmed up, I SUDDENLY REALISED THAT I WAS HAPPILY SINGING!!! As further realisation dawned on me it quite blew me away! I stopped singing, and grinned from ear to ear in sheer JOY!!! Here I was, almost too ill to be living, couldn't have felt much more dreadful - BUT WITH SUCH JOYFULNESS DEEP INSIDE ME THAT WITHOUT REALISING IT I'D BROKEN OUT INTO SONG!!!


"To you ALL the Glory, Lord!! You make the dead to live, turn darkness into light, and make the sinner to be a saint! You even make the very ill to experience heavenly joy! YOU ARE THE LORD!!!

- BM, with his Lady


That is fantastic, BM! :dance:A touch of that kind of power will be what will bring you outa sickness, yes? It sure put a smile on my face. Bless you.

"To you ALL the Glory, Lord!! You make the dead to live, turn darkness into light, and make the sinner to be a saint! You even make the very ill to experience heavenly joy! YOU ARE THE LORD!!!

Awesome message.. must have been mental telepathy going on this morning from Australia to NY... I sang for an hour this morning! .. it was just there.. the JOY!!!!

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