THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Bondman is sick. The dental work went okay, but it all wiped him out badly. We won't know until tomorrow how he will be then.

Mrs BM

A. My health has dropped to a new and quite serious state.

A very short time ago my body weakness which I've had for decades from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome took a quite major dive down to a new level, and we've been surprised that it's stayed there, i.e., I've not picked back up. That's the first of the new problems.

The second is my quite enlarged prostate that for maybe 15 years now we've successfully prevented further growth via the consistent use of various medications - quite amazing really. But out of the blue just like the above, suddenly they are not working, leaving me in a deal of trouble. If I was a normal healthy person I'd simply go to hospital for a "rebore" - problem solved. But my grossly weak state means I have no chance of surviving an operation of ANY kind.

Third is also new this year, where I now have a pile more pain in various parts of my body, particularly bad neck and head pain every night, ruining any chance of decent sleep, PLUS, also for the first time in my life, wakefulness every few hours throughout the night.

I don't need to tell you how difficult all this makes life for me and my Beloved. Many of you know how I long prayed for complete healing for us both, along with major money for ministry for our Christian Charity to fulfil our vision to help evangelise tens of thousands of those who are the least unreached for Christ in Asia. I believe God answered both these prayers, and have been waiting for these two miracles since that time, giving daily thanks to Him for them.

B. Well, unless I do somehow pick back up a little, the time is apparently closer than ever. I am very ill and it's not looking like I can continue all that much longer like I am. This could come to a head at any time. If I needed an operation I would go to hospital, placing my self in God's hands. In any case, what it's looking like is that either God heals us or I will soon meet Jesus in heaven. Meantime I continue to fight daily to get out of bed, never give up, and of course I trust the Lord and rely upon Him.

Alright, these health changes now directly affect the IR - and here's what I'll try to do: I think it is possible for the moment for me to continue just to write messages (which I simply LOVE doing!) in order to still help those who wish to understand what the New Testament says, learn how to apply this to your own lives, and be growing in the Lord - towards becoming a Man or Woman of God, mature in the faith and thus a blessing to both the Lord and others. I ACTUALLY NEED TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO KEEP MY MIND AND BODY GOING, i.e., IF I STOP, this signals my body to simply give up (and to die - this has been my situation now for many, many years). Of course I WILL continue to read your posts but likely not comment on them.

C. HOW YOU CAN HELP: Pray obviously, if you feel to do this, both for God to act, as well as me to keep going on a daily basis, and also especially for Beloved as she has to handle this extra load! - and just generally love and support us. Thankyou, dear ones! Short PM's only please (unless urgent/important).
The greatest possible THANKS to every one of you for your love and trust and acceptance. You're truly WONDERFUL, and such a blessing to me as I cannot possibly express!!

Love you all millions!

- BM

EDIT: One way or the other we'll keep you up to date on all eventualities of course!



... will often be the time God moves in to show you a sin, a failing, bring a new challenge, allow or bring some hardship, and so on. It's true that for the serious Believer the Scriptures are perfectly clear that He is always on the job of remaking you!

Ephesians Ch 2:10 For we are God's handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us, that we should walk in them.

I find that so amazing!! Of course you CAN STOP Him from doing His work in you if you want(!) - that's the wonderful free-will He's blessed you with! If you DO stop him like most Christians seem to do (one way or the other, and whether they mean to or not, makes no difference), then you can expect to:
  1. stop learning
  2. stagnate and stop growing and
  3. stop discovering more of Him!
Interestingly, this will possibly make life easier for you for the time being - but goodness, that's not what we want!! We want to KNOW about our sin, KNOW about our failings, be READY for a challenge or change or hardship. Please be VERY, VERY AWARE that if this is NOT the course you're following right now, then what you'll ultimately be MISSING OUT ON is nothing short of ETERNAL in its UNBELIEVABLY high degree of importance!

GREAT NEWS: doesn't matter at all WHERE you are in your GROWTH in Christ at this moment: this WORK OF HIS IN YOU will still be going on! Y'see He never sleeps! lol! But actually it's His constant and powerful love for you that's doing this. The awful fact we need to see very clearly is: we are SO SINFUL! Neither you or I really know how terrible our sin is - but fortunately God does! And BECAUSE HE DOES there's NO WAY that He is going to leave you there!! Furthermore, be assured that He knows EXACTLY what's the next thing to be worked on. Down to the last teensiest detail!

What's YOUR part in this? Oh, that's sooo easy: SIMPLY TO CO-OPERATE with Him in His work in you!! If you LOOK for it, you will get to know what He's moving you toward, or what He's on seeking to do in you, or to show you. And once you do, hey, PLEASE DON'T FIGHT IT! Work WITH Him! Give in, surrender to Him, SUBMIT, and DO what His will is for you. I can ABSOLUTELY assure you that's BY FAR the very best way for YOU, long term!

Yes, I know that sometimes it can be CONFUSING as to exactly what it is you're sposed to do or be. In that case you must TRUST - and pray about it, then relax. And pray and rest. And pray and relax! I'm serious about that!! Remembering that our ATTITUDE is that we have to SEEK and KEEP ON SEEKING for our God. That's how to find His will for you! You WILL get the answer in His time. Then He'll soon enough move you to the next stage in your growth. Works for ME!!

Note that this IS different for everyone. I find it plumb AWESOME that God works in us INDIVIDUALLY. That is, He has enough time, enough care, and enough love just for you, to be working in you, tailored to exactly what's needed for YOUR best growth! Want to be ready for heaven when your time comes? - then the above guides can help you a great deal! COOPERATE - AND LET HIM get get on with HIS WORK IN YOU!!

-BM, with his Beloved


Dear Heavenly Father,

As I read Bondman's message, I come to you in tears this morning. Tears of joy, tears of thankfulness but also tears of sadness. Dear Heavenly Father, I praise you! I thank you! I thank you for all that I have for it is all from you. I give you thanks for Bondman and the Mrs and their guidance they have offered myself and so many others seeking to understand and to know you.

Dear Heavenly Father,
We read that all is in your timing, but Dear Heavenly Father, I just pray that you can act now, you are so mighty, you do heal, I just pray Dear Father that Bondman and the Mrs. be restored so that they may have the strength to continue what you have called them to do. You know Lord of their vision to help the thousands in Asia, we pray dear Lord that those prayers continue to be answered, we pray that you show us and them soon dear Father as to how this is to happen and who and what is needed to accomplish this mission that has been called to their hearts. Life is so short dear Father, I thank you for the strength that Bondman does have that he can continue to type the messages to others that you have given him.

Oh Father! It is hard living in your will. I have learned so much through the Inner Room. I continue to have my life "mucked" out by you. I thank you for that. I cannot imagine dear Father that it is time for Bondman to go home with you. There is so much yet to be done.. He has not given up Lord, he has continued love for you even with all that he has been through. That is what we learn Father. Oh Father,
please come quickly.. please heal Bondman and the Mrs. continue to give them the strength they need to go on. Oh Father
he trusts you, I trust you. .. Lord , let us continue in your will.


Dear Heavenly Father,

As I read Bondman's message, I come to you in tears this morning. Tears of joy, tears of thankfulness but also tears of sadness. Dear Heavenly Father, I praise you! I thank you! I thank you for all that I have for it is all from you. I give you thanks for Bondman and the Mrs and their guidance they have offered myself and so many others seeking to understand and to know you.

Dear Heavenly Father,
We read that all is in your timing, but Dear Heavenly Father, I just pray that you can act now, you are so mighty, you do heal, I just pray Dear Father that Bondman and the Mrs. be restored so that they may have the strength to continue what you have called them to do. You know Lord of their vision to help the thousands in Asia, we pray dear Lord that those prayers continue to be answered, we pray that you show us and them soon dear Father as to how this is to happen and who and what is needed to accomplish this mission that has been called to their hearts. Life is so short dear Father, I thank you for the strength that Bondman does have that he can continue to type the messages to others that you have given him.

Oh Father! It is hard living in your will. I have learned so much through the Inner Room. I continue to have my life "mucked" out by you. I thank you for that. I cannot imagine dear Father that it is time for Bondman to go home with you. There is so much yet to be done.. He has not given up Lord, he has continued love for you even with all that he has been through. That is what we learn Father. Oh Father,
please come quickly.. please heal Bondman and the Mrs. continue to give them the strength they need to go on. Oh Father
he trusts you, I trust you. .. Lord , let us continue in your will.


Thankyou dear heart, your love for us is very special indeed!


Sweetie, thanks for your continued encouragement and support. Means a very great deal to us! - and always has!!



How hard is it to forgive? Can be really, really difficult! Especially if you feel that the other person has really, really, really wronged you! I mean that's the worst, isn't it? What you feel like is gettin' 'em back BIG-TIME for what they've done to you - FORGIVING them is about the LAST thing on your mind!!

Here's what Jesus instructs us to do:

Luke CH 6:27 “But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.

Let's see now: 1. Love your enemies. 2. Those who hate you - do good to them. 3. If they curse you, bless them. 4. Pray (lovingly!) for those who are bad, unfair, nasty, or abusive to you. Hmm... Jesus' way IS A WHOLE NEW WAY OF THINKING AND LIVING, ISN'T IT? QUESTION: So how could you POSSIBLY OBEY these commands UNLESS YOU'D FORGIVEN THE PERSON?!! Truthfully, you simply couldn't, right!

But in the real world, how PRACTICAL is it really, to forgive someone who has it in for you, has hurt you really badly, or has taken you down, or maybe worse - won't forgiving them just encourage them to do even worse still? COULD BE!! So what then? Continue to forgive! THIS IS A TEST OF YOUR OBEDIENCE. Are you going to DO WHAT GOD SAYS? - OR FALL AT THE FIRST HURDLE, AND FAIL HIM?

Mark CH 11:25 “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.

Clear enough I think. You want God to forgive your sins, don't you? Then ENSURE that you're forgiving others!! Failure on this matter is really QUITE SERIOUS!

So if you're finding this HARD, what should you do? Maybe you're even finding it impossible. Okay, FIRST, consider what it cost JESUS to enable the Lord God to FORGIVE YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SINS! Doesn't that make you feel that the very least you can do in return is to work hard to OBEY GOD'S WORD TO YOU and FORGIVE the other person?

But as always, you DO NOT HAVE TO DO THIS ALL ALONE. All you need to do is get to the point where you TELL GOD THAT YOU'RE WILLING TO FORGIVE THEM. That's all He's waiting for! Next, ASK FOR HIS HELP - if you are genuine in this, HE WILL COME TO YOUR AID!! But what if you're NOT WILLING? - then your first prayer is to ask the Lord to HELP YOU BECOME WILLING!!! (and keep praying till you ARE willing, okay!)

I've found in my experience that when I've finally managed to forgive someone who's REALLY HURT ME, I've reckoned that I'd done the whole job. Clearly from the above words of Jesus, I was WRONG! That and more I'll explain in PART 2.

- BM, with his lady-love


Thank you, BM. I am not online as much, but I do read them. Thanx for the last lesson and I too am awaiting the next part. I'm praying for your strength. Love you, Bonnie
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