Bondman, and for all the others that have been praying for him:
I was praying yesterday morning, and havent had the chance to get back on line until now.
But while I was praying, and even in other times since, I have been filled with a deep 'knowing' that Bondman is going to be healed. A deep, deep something inside that refuses to say anything else.
Healed. Restored. Nothing missing. Nothing lacking. Complete.
Awhile back, do you remember that christian reporter that got kidnapped in Iraq? We prayed for her, and God told me that she was going to be delivered.
"With the coming of the dawn, you will see the mighty move of My Right Hand."
Boy, we were excited! We watched the news every morning for weeks!
Then, after awhile, people lost interest, but every time the subject came up, there was that deep "knowing".
One morning, just on chance, I turned on the news and there she was! Somehow, without explanation, her captors loaded her up in a car, drove her out, dropped her off and drove away without a word. She was FREE!!!
I rushed over to the door and looked outside, and dawn was just peeking over the horizon! Talk about celebration!!!
Bondman, just the fact that you are able to get on the computer and post something you've already written is encouraging to me. And I still have that deep "knowing" about you AND the missus!
I was praying yesterday morning, and havent had the chance to get back on line until now.
But while I was praying, and even in other times since, I have been filled with a deep 'knowing' that Bondman is going to be healed. A deep, deep something inside that refuses to say anything else.
Healed. Restored. Nothing missing. Nothing lacking. Complete.
Awhile back, do you remember that christian reporter that got kidnapped in Iraq? We prayed for her, and God told me that she was going to be delivered.
"With the coming of the dawn, you will see the mighty move of My Right Hand."
Boy, we were excited! We watched the news every morning for weeks!
Then, after awhile, people lost interest, but every time the subject came up, there was that deep "knowing".
One morning, just on chance, I turned on the news and there she was! Somehow, without explanation, her captors loaded her up in a car, drove her out, dropped her off and drove away without a word. She was FREE!!!
I rushed over to the door and looked outside, and dawn was just peeking over the horizon! Talk about celebration!!!
Bondman, just the fact that you are able to get on the computer and post something you've already written is encouraging to me. And I still have that deep "knowing" about you AND the missus!