Speaking of Patience
Hey speaking of patience:
I realized today it has been 4 months since I joined the Forum.. man does time fly!!! and talk about having to have patience.. I am sure learning that one!

Me and patience? Yes, I hadn't exactly thought that, but again you're right. Waiting with patience does a Believer no harm, and usually much good. Patience is a gift from God included in the Fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22,23. I prayed for many years for more of this in the Fruit of the Spirit (all nine gifts there are not necessarily in your life equally, and it is okay to pray for one or more that you see you need more of). The Amp translates the Greek word makrothumia as "patience (an even temper, forebearance)".
Hey speaking of patience:
I realized today it has been 4 months since I joined the Forum.. man does time fly!!! and talk about having to have patience.. I am sure learning that one!