THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Speaking of Patience

Me and patience? Yes, I hadn't exactly thought that, but again you're right. Waiting with patience does a Believer no harm, and usually much good. Patience is a gift from God included in the Fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22,23. I prayed for many years for more of this in the Fruit of the Spirit (all nine gifts there are not necessarily in your life equally, and it is okay to pray for one or more that you see you need more of). The Amp translates the Greek word makrothumia as "patience (an even temper, forebearance)".

Hey speaking of patience:

I realized today it has been 4 months since I joined the Forum.. man does time fly!!! and talk about having to have patience.. I am sure learning that one!

Thankyou for that quote Mark! I understand why you wrote it. I also believe that I know enough of your heart by now to reckon you won't mind what I write below.

My Beloved found Kutlass on YouTube. Lyrics we listened to were good. However, I've been on a large Christian forum with piles and piles of teens, many in a great deal of trouble and difficulties in their lives. While there I saw first-hand the effects on youth of the problems with modern Christian music lyrics - where such a lot of them either say nothing at all, or are not good. Or often a mixture of good and not good, if you see what I mean.

Young people listen to this music day and night and (a) mostly are basically NOT learning anything useful about the Word of God, or (b) learning error. Or at least things that can easily lead to error. Example - what does this mean? "You are the head, not the tail. You are on top, not below." I can imagine what the writer may have been aiming to convey, but this is what I heard: "We are the head". NO WAY! - Jesus is, and HAS TO BE, the head! Also: "We are on top, not below". NO, Jesus is our head, and WE are way, way, way below HIM. We're not on top, AND WE SURELY DO NOT WANT TO BE ON TOP in any way at any time!! That's why I deliberately put myself right at the bottom all the time: that is where I am, cos that's now where I see myself - didn't always see this, or desire to be a 'nobody' (in man's sight).

Scriptures - Jesus speaking: Matthew 20:16 So the last will be first, and the first last. Mark 9:35 And He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, “If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all. John the Baptist speaking of Jesus: John 3:30 He must increase, but I must decrease! INDEED and INDEED!!! It's not hard at all to see how people can be led astray by careless words that 'sound pretty cool' but are actually so wrong. *gets down off soapbox! - saunters off*

I believe those songs were in reference to this scripture:
Deu 28:12 The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow.
Deu 28:13 And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them:

Promotion comes from God. If He graces us with authority (which He has) we humbly cast our crowns at His feet. If He grants us favor, power and blessing in the Name of His Son (which He has) we enjoy the blessings as sons of God and give the glory to Him. If He gives us authority in the Name of Jesus (which He has) we humbly build His kingdom at the lead of His Holy Spirit. But we must first realize who and what we are in Christ as new creations- we must understand what is ours and what the purpose for these marvelous gifts are. Such songs are only in recognition of God's promise and can be a positive thing taken in the right context. As long as we are led of the Spirit we will build His kingdom and not our own.
That is just my opinion of course- I love the promises of my Father.
Congrats my sister you are officially a veteran here!:D:):cool:

Hey speaking of patience:

I realized today it has been 4 months since I joined the Forum.. man does time fly!!! and talk about having to have patience.. I am sure learning that one!

What happened, I was sure SS posted after my last one...?

What you're saying here may be similar to what I've seen, and may be a bug in vBulletin (which this forum is based on). There are times when it apparently FAILS to show you that there is ONE MORE NEW PAGE after the one you're on!

I've been caught by this a dozen times at least. It can be quite embarrassing cos you rabbit on in your post, responding to someone else's, quite unaware that 2 or 3 more people HAVE ALREADY RESPONDED TO IT! Happened to me just last night actually!

However, we do need to be aware that while we're writing our post, other members may be writing too and actually put their posts up (before you put yours up). If theirs just happen to START A NEW PAGE then you'll be quite unaware of this page - unless you happened to refresh the page you were on.

So is there a bug or not in vBulletin? - I'm still not totally certain, but I suspect there is.
Good post. That's what I tell my brother too, to be careful. Some songs inject too much pride or anger and what not as well.

But That "You are the head and not the tail" isn't from a song, I think it's in the Bible. I'll tell you the story that goes with me hearing that quote.

At work this couple, I'm guessing int heir 40's - came to buy some pizza. The guy asks me. "Have you heard the coffee joke?" :D
I say "Nope" He says something like "What do you call a cow without his calf?" (heh(?)) I thought, put two and two together and said "Decafe"

They went on about how smart I was for getting it. Asked me if I was in university and I said no, Highschool. They said wow, you're gonna go places. :D Then for some reason they said I was about the 5th one in MB to get it...(?) lol, so I'm thinking where are they from?? How many provinces have they asked that in? :D

When they left after buying pizza they said God bless you. I was surprised, nobody ever says that to me in public, or when they don't know me. They sat down at the tables.

I went soon after to change the garbage over there and The man turns around and says Do you go to church? I said Yup. He says My wife has a word from God for you. And she turns around and starts talking to me, they both went and used a good several hundred words, quoting scripture and prayign for me. They were super filled with the Spirit and were talking all jittery. (By looking at them, many would think they are mentally handicapped) They prayed what seamed like some powerful prayers for me, in the Spirit, and I knew I wouldn't remember much of it so I listened and said amem amen amen. Briefly gave them a bit of my testimony. One of the things they told me is "You are the head, not the tail." Which I just took as - as a Christian doing God's work, I am important. Intelligent. I'm not to be ashamed.

I then told a girl I work with what just happened. She never knew that I quit drinking and have been going to church and what not. She thought I was kidding when It old her. Because I'm known to have that straight forward look when I'm joking. and then say "kidding" or whatever. She's a university girl who is convinced by evolution,a nd this turned into a 1.5ish hour talk about God and Christianity. Meanwhile the girl I was training was listening too, who told me she is in a Christian family, (but she does drugs and stuff) and said that she's sort of undecided of things like this.

What a FANTASTIC story, Mark!!! Wow, I just LOVE this! And ya did just great, man!!

Boanerges has replied to this so I won't comment further here, but probably will do a message on it to catch up any loose ends and draw the whole truth together (to the best of my ability!) cos there are some quite important Scriptural matters here. *still excited about all of this!!!*

Bless ya heaps, my dear brother!

- BM
Speaking of Crowns

Promotion comes from God. If He graces us with authority (which He has) we humbly cast our crowns at His feet. If He grants us favor, power and blessing in the Name of His Son (which He has) we enjoy the blessings as sons of God and give the glory to Him. If He gives us authority in the Name of Jesus (which He has) we humbly build His kingdom at the lead of His Holy Spirit. But we must first realize who and what we are in Christ as new creations- we must understand what is ours and what the purpose for these marvelous gifts are. Such songs are only in recognition of God's promise and can be a positive thing taken in the right context. As long as we are led of the Spirit we will build His kingdom and not our own.
That is just my opinion of course- I love the promises of my Father.

Loved it! and guess what! The Lord crowned me today! I mean literally!
I sat on my patio and gave thanks for all, for the great place he blessed me with to live and such. Today was the first day of my walking to work.
As I sauntered down the sidewalk, I happened to look down as I was walking and guess what was on the sidewalk!

A tierra! I mean there it was a little princess crown right at my feet! Now how awesome is that! I know it was God saying I bless you my little princess, you faithful princess! My little princess, keep being led by my spirit, build up my kingdom, not yours Robin, mine. I promise Robin , I will not leave you or forsake you! All others in life may leave you and they will forsake you, but you my little princess I will love forever!

Praises to our Lord this morning!

Loved it! and guess what! The Lord crowned me today! I mean literally!
I sat on my patio and gave thanks for all, for the great place he blessed me with to live and such. Today was the first day of my walking to work.
As I sauntered down the sidewalk, I happened to look down as I was walking and guess what was on the sidewalk!

A tierra! I mean there it was a little princess crown right at my feet! Now how awesome is that! I know it was God saying I bless you my little princess, you faithful princess! My little princess, keep being led by my spirit, build up my kingdom, not yours Robin, mine. I promise Robin , I will not leave you or forsake you! All others in life may leave you and they will forsake you, but you my little princess I will love forever!

Praises to our Lord this morning!


Goodness, my dear one, you are one of the most "spoilt" Christians I know at the moment. How about that!!! Whoo-hoo! Saint Robin has now been crowned as well!! *thinks: hmm... I thought that was sposed to happen in heaven, hehe!*

Thank You, Father, for the MANY blessings you have given us! Including the wonderful people here on this forum and especially in the IR! They are so good to give You glory, and praise and honor. Good to encourage, and lift up. One doesnt have to worry about being put down or chastised. But love abounds. And maturity in You is growing, growing, growing! How wonderful it is to see, Father, the glorious works of Your Hand! Thank You, Father, for giving boldness to Your children to allow them to openly talk about You and Your mighty works! How encouraging it is to read of Your Provision and Love!
May You bless each one here that posts and/or reads. Bless them with song, dance, beauty, health and peace.
That was such a blessing, FW. And, Bo, yes our rewards will be saved for heaven, but some of us need this little favor in His site once in awhile and so they will ocassionally happen to us if He sees we need them. :p
Loved it! and guess what! The Lord crowned me today! I mean literally!
I sat on my patio and gave thanks for all, for the great place he blessed me with to live and such. Today was the first day of my walking to work.
As I sauntered down the sidewalk, I happened to look down as I was walking and guess what was on the sidewalk!

A tierra! I mean there it was a little princess crown right at my feet! Now how awesome is that! I know it was God saying I bless you my little princess, you faithful princess! My little princess, keep being led by my spirit, build up my kingdom, not yours Robin, mine. I promise Robin , I will not leave you or forsake you! All others in life may leave you and they will forsake you, but you my little princess I will love forever!

Praises to our Lord this morning!

I can't think of a nicer lady to be wearing that!:D
That was such a blessing, FW. And, Bo, yes our rewards will be saved for heaven, but some of us need this little favor in His site once in awhile and so they will ocassionally happen to us if He sees we need them. :p
If we walk under the shadow of His wings we walk in His favor every day and His blessing covers us at every hand. Even the things meant for harm turn out to manifest a blessing in our lives as He works all things for good. When driving my car I am always checking the rear view mirror as I know those blessings are even now overtaking me.:) Salvation = deliverance. Salvation is now not just eternity- enjoy you walk with God now, serve Him now and find real joy.:D:cool:

Thank You, Father, for the MANY blessings you have given us! Including the wonderful people here on this forum and especially in the IR! They are so good to give You glory, and praise and honor. Good to encourage, and lift up. One doesnt have to worry about being put down or chastised. But love abounds. And maturity in You is growing, growing, growing! How wonderful it is to see, Father, the glorious works of Your Hand! Thank You, Father, for giving boldness to Your children to allow them to openly talk about You and Your mighty works! How encouraging it is to read of Your Provision and Love!
May You bless each one here that posts and/or reads. Bless them with song, dance, beauty, health and peace.

So true, so true, so true! So what can I possibly say to this but AMEN and AMEN!!! *oh, and Hallelujah, too!*
If we walk under the shadow of His wings we walk in His favor every day and His blessing covers us at every hand. Even the things meant for harm turn out to manifest a blessing in our lives as He works all things for good. When driving my car I am always checking the rear view mirror as I know those blessings are even now overtaking me. Salvation = deliverance. Salvation is now not just eternity- enjoy you walk with God now, serve Him now and find real joy.

I love "enjoy your walk with God now"! We can, can't we? Enjoy it? Long as we cease our struggles and let Him work in us, I sire can't see any reason why not!

That was such a blessing, FW. And, Bo, yes our rewards will be saved for heaven, but some of us need this little favor in His site once in awhile and so they will ocassionally happen to us if He sees we need them. :p

Hon, His love for us, His presence always WITH and IN us, His care always, His mercy (His love and favour), and more, these are our rewards here. They will keep you going!

But most of all HE HIMSELF and knowing Him - THAT'S OUR REWARD WHILE ON EARTH!!! And it is enough!!!
Just wanted to say hi... thanks for the blessing this place is.
Love you all, and praying for you very much, BM and Mrs.
Just wanted to say hi... thanks for the blessing this place is.
Love you all, and praying for you very much, BM and Mrs.

Thanks to the LORD for Him blessing us here in the Inner Room!!!

Thanks for your prayers, sweetie. YOU are a blessing to us!!




I'm not sure HOW LONG AGO this really was. Possibly 25 to 30 years ago. Maybe more. I do know that I'd already belonged to the Lord for a considerable period of time! Similarly I don't know what sparked it off, but there I was praying and of a sudden I had this overwhelming desire to say just 4 very special words. At that moment I was in no doubt whatever that I'd NEVER said them before. Not within a COUNTRY MILE of saying them in fact! - and that in itself shocked me almost senseless!!

But nothing gained and all that, so I tried to speak them out - but to my utter astonishment absolutely nothing happened!! I simply could not say them!!! Again I don't remember now how many times I tried. Maybe just the once, maybe twice. It was something like I choked on them... Man, this was way beyond shocking!

Maybe you've said them a thousand times. Or maybe not. Maybe this was just ME. Anyway, the 4 simple but very, very special words were:

"I love You, Lord!"

So it has to be asked - DID I in fact REALLY love Him at that time? I think so... No, I'm SURE I did. But when you consider it, it IS a rather major worry that I choked over trying to actually SPEAK THEM! Don't you agree?

But I'm a rather determined person (as you've maybe figured by now). No way I was gonna let THIS pass, and so I THOUGHT HARD and PRAYED about this blockage till it finally happened that for the very first time ever in my whole life I said to Jesus: "I LOVE YOU, LORD!" SUCH BLESSED RELIEF!!!

But d'ya know, the SHOCK of all this has never left me. Could it be that unless you're really, really sold out to Jesus, utterly surrendered to Him, completely HIS, and totally fair dinkum and serious with Him now and for always... that you really don't love Him enough to be able to actually SAY IT?!!

I wonder what's your experience has been?

- BM, with his Lady-love


Maybe there was a LITTLE something you needed to take care of. Just for example. If you say you love God, but turn around and hate a man, you are a liar. So if in your mind, even far back, you were holding sometign against someone, and then trying to say those four words, maybe He was just kinda stopping you and saying "No no no. Think about it." "If you meant what you are about to say, you would have to change something about what's in your heart right now."
I have never had trouble saying "I love You, Lord". But then, He started convicting me that to love Him was to obey Him, and was I really obeying? Hmmmm, that took alot of soul searching and found for some parts yes, some parts no. So I started working harder to turn my no's into yes's! ha!

Hello, Criada! Long time no write!!!
Maybe there was a LITTLE something you needed to take care of. Just for example. If you say you love God, but turn around and hate a man, you are a liar. So if in your mind, even far back, you were holding sometign against someone, and then trying to say those four words, maybe He was just kinda stopping you and saying "No no no. Think about it." "If you meant what you are about to say, you would have to change something about what's in your heart right now."

Wow, excellent post, Mark, and totally on-the-ball as to how we must live! Like it could have been unforgiveness, lovelessness, and so on.

My story is now so far back in the mists of time *hee!* that I have no idea if what you've written applied or not. And because I never really had decent teaching about how to live the Christian life, but have had to do it all for myself for over 50 years (pulling myself up my my boot-straps as I often call it! lol) then goodness knows WHAT I may have been doing wrong at that time - but without having the faintest idea that I was! Pretty sad, hey.

Actually I feel like it probably was something quite personal to me, such that I could NOT say the 4 words to Him until I learned HOW to really and truly LOVE HIM!!
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