CFS fair blows me away! I can't believe the amount of agape there is here! And of course an important part of agape is encouraging other Believers. The amount of THAT which goes on here also stuns me!
However there are folks in the church who think this is WRONG. They say, "Don't tell them they're doing great. This will just TEMPT them to PRIDE." I strongly DISAGREE! I can't think of anyone who I've complimented and encouraged in whom I ever saw pride developing as a result. Instead I see a major need in this sad ole world of ours, for us to be BUILDING UP our brothers and sisters in Christ!!
Thus when I told blankgirl in a post earlier today that I thought her blog was great, in no way do I believe that I was tempting her to pride. No way. I was encouraging her out of my LOVE for her. She was expressing how unsure she was that she'd done the right thing with the blog. I read it, reckoned she had done right and good, told her so, and expressed that I thought what she's doing is good. That's part of agape isn't it? I would have thought so!!
Okay, but the other side of the coin IS how WE think about ourselves. When someone compliments me on a Message or whatever, I love hearing this. It tells me that I'm on-track with what God's called me here to do. I NEED the feedback. Does it tempt me to pride? NO. But it could if I was foolish about it. FACT: We all need what I'll call a "wholesome" appreciation of who we are. A realistic one too. We should be feeling good about ourselves as God's kids, right!! But while it's okay for me to be told I did great, it's not good for ME to start thinking that I am GREAT!
God is the One Who's GREAT! Not me. He is my Master; I'm His lowly servant. And just in case we have a problem in this area, Jesus was kind enough to put me and you exactly back to where we need to be:
Luke Ch 17:9 Does he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him? I think not. 10 So likewise you, when you have done all those things which you are commanded, say, ‘We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do.’”
Kind of brings things back to reality, doesn't it? No matter HOW GOOD, HOW RIGHTEOUS, HOW MATURE IN CHRIST I become, no matter HOW WELL I SERVE HIM - I'm only doing what He's commanded me to do. So I CANNOT stand up and say, "Hey, look at me!" but rather will humble myself by prostrating myself before my Master's throne of glory, flat on the floor before at His nail-scarred feet, remaining there, not worthy to raise my head or my eyes towards the Lord or Lords and King of Kings!!
From that position may I bless each and every one of you who bless me by being part of the IR!
- BM, with his Beloved