THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Bondman...THANK you for the scriptures...
YES, the Lord is able to do ALL things; we must have faith, believe and PRAY!!!
I am being persistent!!! No. #3 is my fav;

Fluffy: so sorry for the confusion; I hadn't had my first cup of coffee when I wrote this (giggle) we were talking about what is NOT our job but the job of the Holy Spirit and how we "step back" and not try to do the Holy Spirit's part.

So what I meant to say was that just being a woman (his wife), I believe that God can and has used me to better reach my husband than if I try to play the role of the Holy Spirit...:D I hope that is clearer...

It's NOT our job; God can certainly teach him (praying that he is teachable) and that He can bring us together in unity so we can pray together. (I believe this is the Lord's will, I really do...) :pray:
Thank you for praying.
Worshipper! That was much clearer! You meant that it was better you being a woman and not trying to be the Holy Spirit!
I getcha!
Missing you all

Hi there.. It is midnite here in Boston. We fly home tomorrow morning.
The training went well, but I have missed my frequent doses of the good word here in the Inner Room.

I have missed you all. Have been very busy. My faith has not gotten the attention as it was when I was home in my daily routine. I need to work on that when I am away like this.

Please pray for safe travels for me.

From Message #3- Persistance

Bondman said:
What a WONDERFUL assurance! Oh yes, He responds very strongly when you're praying for more GOODNESS to be in your life!!

Bondman: I would like to add also; when we pray for more GODLINESS...:pray:

MOST CERTAINLY, worshipper! I've gone back and modified the sentence to now read:

"What a WONDERFUL assurance! Oh yes, He responds very strongly when you're praying for more GOODNESS (more righteousness, godliness and holiness) to be in your life!!"

which then leads on much better from Message #1 (Personal Righteousness) and Message #2 (Living Right). Check any of these Messages by clicking this graphic:

worshipper said:
Bondman...THANK you for the scriptures...
YES, the Lord is able to do ALL things; we must have faith, believe and PRAY!!!
I am being persistent!!! No. #3 is my fav;

I'm so glad that Message #3 has been a blessing. It's kinda funny going back and reading messages I've written. I can read #3 for example and think with some surprise, "Hey, that's not bad at all!" sorta wondering where I may have got the wisdom to have written it (but we know where the wisdom came from, don't we!!!! "Oh, thankyou Lord for Your blessed Spirit You've sent to live within us and abide with us!!")

Dear heart, you are MOST welcome for any Scriptures the Lord has blessed me by helping me to understand - and then further blessed me by allowing me to share with others!! Praise His Name!!!

worshipper said:
Fluffy: so sorry for the confusion; I hadn't had my first cup of coffee when I wrote this (giggle) we were talking about what is NOT our job but the job of the Holy Spirit and how we "step back" and not try to do the Holy Spirit's part.

I was rather confused by what you'd said too! *hehe*. Thanks for the clarification!

Love n blessings,

- BM



... Continued from Part 1 "About Husbands and Wives"

worshipper said:
21 Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. I agree that this preceding scripture "sets the stage" and it is sorely OVERLOOKED by most teachers and husbands especially; except for you of course. :) I have shared this scripture with my dh and he contends that the husband does not have to submit to the wife in anything; he is the head.:confused:

It appears that hubby is what I'd probably call "dug in" as to what he feels is his role in the marriage. HE'S CERTAINLY NOT ALONE!! - but is standing with many millions of other Christian husbands with a wrong understanding of what the Scriptures really say. For example we could ask concerning Ephesians Ch 5:21 submitting to one another in the fear of God, "What is it about "submitting to EACH ANOTHER" that you don't understand? But of course we WON'T ask him that, because it would be as unloving as it would be futile and VERY counter-productive. We could also ask: "Is it a pure ACCIDENT that God just 'happened' to write this particular verse (v. 21 above) - not just close to all the instructions as to the roles and relationships of husband to wife, and not just as a part of the instructions, but EXACTLY PRECEDING THE WHOLE LOT OF THEM? I don't think so!!!

Then we could go to v. 25 where the Lord issues to us husbands a command that's utterly mind-blowing in its intent, and which I've always said was FAR HARDER to do than a wife submitting to her hubby: Ephesians Ch 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, 26 that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, 27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.

Let's ask a few very pertinent questions here. 1. How does Christ love His church? - TOTALLY!! 2. How MUCH does Christ love His church? - so much that He SACRIFICED His life for her!! 3. How does He treat His church? - He loves and cares about us all SO MUCH, giving Himself completely to us in order for us to grow to be like Him. 4. What is Christ's focus concerning His church? - it's TOTAL and it's CONSTANT and it's COMPLETE, loving us and ALWAYS wanting the very, very best for us. 5. What is Christ's aim and purpose for His church? - v. 27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish, i.e., that through Him, the church should be able to grow to nothing short of perfection, and that's the reason for His astonishing LOVE for church that He has!

And thus a husband is to give himself to His wife to the same extent and way and to the same end. FURTHERMORE, ALL OF THAT IS JUST A SMALL PICTURE OF THE LOVE I AM COMMANDED TO HAVE FOR MY WIFE!!!!! I told you that husbands have the tough task!! So can you wives demand - or even suggest - that your husband should treat you this way? NO!! Treating you right is something between him and God. You have YOUR OWN TASK. You must get on with that. In the same way can we husbands demand - or even suggest - that our wives submit to us? NO!! You submitting to us is something between you and God. We have OUR OWN TASK. We must get on with that.

Of course it's not only fine but a good thing to talk together about these matters - but it takes TWO to discuss. If one is unwilling in any way, then stop right there, and simply pray for him or her. "I pray now for those who are having problems in their marriage, Lord. May each one of us be living in our marriage close - really close - to what YOU say! Please help us all to this end!"

Continued in Part 3 "Wives Can Make or Break Their Husbands"...

- BM, with his Lady


It appears that hubby is what I'd probably call "dug in" as to what he feels is his role in the marriage. HE'S CERTAINLY NOT ALONE!! - but is standing with many millions of other Christian husbands with a wrong understanding of what the Scriptures really say. For example we could ask concerning Ephesians Ch 5:21 submitting to one another in the fear of God, "What is it about "submitting to EACH ANOTHER" that you don't understand? But of course we WON'T ask him that, because it would be as unloving as it would be futile and VERY counter-productive. We could also ask: "Is it a pure ACCIDENT that God just 'happened' to write this particular verse (v. 21 above) - not just close to all the instructions as to the roles and relationships of husband to wife, and not just as a part of the instructions, but EXACTLY PRECEDING THE WHOLE LOT OF THEM? I don't think so!!!

Good question.

Then we could go to v. 25 where the Lord issues to us husbands a command that's utterly mind-blowing in its intent, and which I've always said was FAR HARDER to do than a wife submitting to her hubby: Ephesians Ch 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, 26 that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, 27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.

My dh says that he does JUST that; but there have been a few times; not in the past few years, that I actually said to him "If God/Jesus loves me like you do, and if I wasn't already saved, I don't think I would be interested":(The Lord continued to show me His love through His Word and encouraged me to love my dh with the love that He had given me through Jesus. That is the ONLY way.

Let's ask a few very pertinent questions here. 1. How does Christ love His church? - TOTALLY!! 2. How MUCH does Christ love His church? - so much that He SACRIFICED His life for her!! 3. How does He treat His church? - He loves and cares about us all SO MUCH, giving Himself completely to us in order for us to grow to be like Him. 4. What is Christ's focus concerning His church? - it's TOTAL and it's CONSTANT and it's COMPLETE, loving us and ALWAYS wanting the very, very best for us. 5. What is Christ's aim and purpose for His church? - v. 27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish, i.e., that through Him, the church should be able to grow to nothing short of perfection, and that's the reason for His astonishing LOVE for church that He has!

:pray:Thank You Lord for Your amazing love for us and the patience to teach us and mold us into the likeness of Your son by using our marriages and spouses to help us be more like You.

And thus a husband is to give himself to His wife to the same extent and way and to the same end. FURTHERMORE, ALL OF THAT IS JUST A SMALL PICTURE OF THE LOVE I AM COMMANDED TO HAVE FOR MY WIFE!!!!! I told you that husbands have the tough task!! So can you wives demand - or even suggest - that your husband should treat you this way? NO!! Treating you right is something between him and God. You have YOUR OWN TASK. You must get on with that. In the same way can we husbands demand - or even suggest - that our wives submit to us? NO!! You submitting to us is something between you and God. We have OUR OWN TASK. We must get on with that.

:pray: I pray that we all see ourselves in these words and trust the Lord to do the work in our hearts that we all need.

Of course it's not only fine but a good thing to talk together about these matters - but it takes TWO to discuss. If one is unwilling in any way, then stop right there, and simply pray for him or her. "I pray now for those who are having problems in their marriage, Lord. May each one of us be living in our marriage close - really close - to what YOU say! Please help us all to this end!"

- BM
[/quote] AMEN...
:pray: "Lord, We will stand in faith and continue to love our spouses as they are; as You gave them to us and we pray that both ourselves and our spouses will be obedient to Your word in ALL ways..." :pray:

Thank you Bondman...



... Continued from Part 2 "More About Husbands and Wives"

Good question.
My dh says that he does JUST that; but there have been a few times; not in the past few years, that I actually said to him "If God/Jesus loves me like you do, and if I wasn't already saved, I don't think I would be interested":(The Lord continued to show me His love through His Word and encouraged me to love my dh with the love that He had given me through Jesus. That is the ONLY way.

:pray:Thank You Lord for Your amazing love for us and the patience to teach us and mold us into the likeness of Your son by using our marriages and spouses to help us be more like You.

:pray: I pray that we all see ourselves in these words and trust the Lord to do the work in our hearts that we all need.

:pray: "Lord, We will stand in faith and continue to love our spouses as they are; as You gave them to us and we pray that both ourselves and our spouses will be obedient to Your word in ALL ways..." :pray:

Thank you Bondman...

Happy to help where I can, worshipper! Judging by what you said to hubby (at top of this post), sounds like maybe you two guys have really been 'telling it straight' to each other for quite some time. Which can sometimes be a good thing, but that's for another time.

I've found that most wives don't realise the truth that "behind every successful man is a good woman". A man DOES need to be successful. I don't mean become a millionaire, or a CEO of a major company, not that sort of success, but rather that he feels like he's doin' good and is a special person in the eyes of his wife. Most wives don't seem to have a clue about this truth either: the power to MAKE or BREAK your hubby IS IN YOUR HANDS! You literally can make him, or you can break him! Serious stuff - so the Christian wife will want to MAKE him, right!!

This time the pertinent verse is at the very END of the husband and wife passage in Ephesians Ch 5!! (I really like that - love the way the Lord thinks, and has led His servant Paul to write as he has.) Okay, here we go from the Amplified Bible, to get the fullest possible understanding of what may be derived from the the original Greek text: Ephesians Ch 5:33 However, let each man of you [without exception] love his wife as [being in a sense] his very own self; and let the wife see that she respects and reverences her husband, that she notices him, regards him, honors him, prefers him, venerates, and esteems him; and that she defers to him, praises him, and loves and admires him exceedingly].

Now here's something that I find utterly amazing and really quite WONDERFUL: true and committed LOVE can and will bring about all of the above!!!!! How do I know? Well I've been strictly forbidden not to write this - but I'm trusting that Beloved won't kill me for being 'disobedient'! FACT: she was doing ALL of the above BEFORE ever reading it in the Amplified, i.e., true, serious, committed love does them all without ever having to read it in the Word!! (I hereby swear you all to total silence about this, else Bondman may never write another word here ever again! hehehehe)

The result of treating me like this - CHANGED MY WHOLE LIFE!! So much so that I literally would NOT be here writing this, no way! - couldn't POSSIBLY have become who I am today to be able to, but for the effects INTO MY LIFE of the love and respect and especially the encouragement and honour and esteem with which she has treated me (she's always maintained that 'it's no big deal'!) IT'S A FACT THAT I HAD NO BELIEF IN MYSELF AT ALL - until her love started changing me.

So you gals, you have the power!!! The power to do good or the power to do bad. The Holy Spirit is right there in you to give you all the love you need to change your man for the better. SUGGESTIONS: Start building him up, not tearing down. Please do this truthfully, i.e., don't tell him what's not true, but rather look for what he has abilities and compliment/encourage him about them.

Figure out a way to let him know that you believe in him. Be creative. Give him some (genuine) compliments. Don't overdo it; just here and there, even as if it's a throw away line till he gets used to you complimenting. It has to be REAL too, or he'll sense that it's just words. Help him to feel his importance to you as a real man, that he really is 'someone' to you (not a 'no one'). And of course first DO spend time considering and PRAYING about all this.

Will you have to push past or give up current thoughts and feelings in order to do the above? Almost certainly. But God WILL help you - because this is being obedient to what HE wants you to be and do!! I reckon that's enough! Feel free to share problems, successes or queries here. Bless you ladies who can do amazing things in your husband's life!

- BM, with his Love


Wonderful! Wonderful as usual!
There is a great book out called "Love and Respect". I know I've touted that book before, but its that good!
In it, he says that the most primary need a man has is to be respected. He needs other things, too, but the highest on the list is respect. If he has respect, he can survive without love. (us women have a hard time believing that, but if you think about it, its true) Start giving him the respect he needs (even if he doesnt DESERVE it, give it to him because of his position, your husband) and you will see amazing changes in your man.
I know my man has alot of work to be done, but there is some good stuff happening because of the above.
My brother in law, that passed away a couple of years ago, made the comment to me that he never hears me say anything negative about his brother. I told him that wasnt always the case, but I had learned.
A good step is learning to control your tongue, not just in front of him, but to other people, whether he is around, or not. To always say good things about your husband to other people. That is one way to build him up.
Now, there is a time to vent. When you need to get things off your chest and get a different perspective on things. But that is not to say to go around telling everybody all about it, all the time. Find one good person that you can trust to not only keep their mouth shut, but to not think less of him when you air out your dirty laundry. That can be the tough part.
My best friend for this is Jesus. He lets me vent all I need to, then He shows me a different perspective on the situation and it changes. Amazing how that works!
Goodness! I am quite the Chatty Cathy this morning!
And in return, wonderful as usual! *loving grin* And I sure ain't gonna argue about the 'respect' thing! Or about who's the best to talk with about real serious stuff (Jesus is always 'online', and the best listener I know; 'tis all so wonderful!!)

We need a witness to our lives. There's a billion people on the planet... I mean, what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things... all of it, all of the time, every day. You're saying 'Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go un-witnessed because I will be your witness'."

I've shared here how I recently started praying a great number of times each day for our SPEEDY total and permanent healing and receipt of our multi-millions of ministry funds.

It's been going great, 'pestering' the Lord every time I thought to do so throughout every day - or PPP as worshipper termed it: "Perpetual Pestering Prayer"!! Persistence IS the key word, along with faith (believing that He hears and answers), again as worshipper commented. All of this is totally Scriptural!!

Okay, here's where THE HOLY SPIRIT comes into the picture.

It's easy enough to forget to pray for some hours obviously, as you're engaged in doing other things. I was doing quite okay - but the Lord decided to help me anyway - WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT ACTUALLY REMINDING ME TO PRAY!!!!!

God never ceases to amaze and astonish me, and that's one reason I refer to the Christian life as AN INCREDIBLE ADVENTURE, where you literally never know what's going to happen next! Love it!!

So, the Holy Spirit reminding me to pray so I manage to be effectively pestering the Father for an early answer!! - now that really IS something!!!

Home computer down

Hi there Just a quick note, my home computer is down.. talk about withdrawal, but as soon as I am back up and running. I will check in.. hopefully today..

hugs to you all

The Stranger

Good morning!
Computer is back up and running.
Need I say there has been lots going on in my life with my own personal struggles and with issues with my daughter.

In my counseling session on Friday with a Christian counselor, he explained to me that I needed to pray and ask God to put me under his microscope and to really examine all areas of my life and help guide me as to areas where there may be unrepented sin and areas where I needed to clean up and "fix the holes in my umbrella of faith". As we read , sin passes through generations and brings generational curses. I remember reading about this and how the good Lord can break those curses. I have been praying fervently to God to keep showing me.

I decided yesterday I just had to get all this financial stuff in order and get my paperwork in order here at the house.

As I was cleaning and doing this, I came upon a video series that was given to an old friend and I by his sister and brother-in-law. We had never watched it. I decided yesterday was a good day. It is like a 6 series of DVD;s with a workbook. It is called The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus.

It was awesome! It is a clear an simple explanation of the World's Best Seller- the Bible. I continued to learn some very simple things that I never knew before. The one being about Lucipher and how he was thrown to the earth. I now understand about the serpent in the garden. We all here how Satan will come before us in the most angelic light. Man got me to thinking of some things that is for sure! It went on about how God is holy and does not tolerate any sin of any kind.

One thing that stuck in my mind is that Satan is a malicious playmate and a cruel companion.. hmmm so those things that we enjoy or do that are not of God but tend to bring us worldly pleasure we are enjoying with a malicious playmate .. a cruel companion.

It has made me stop and think in a different way of sin. Also when we sin we become a Victim of Mentality.. we tend to blame someone else.

Satan leaves us with our bones dry.. he eats our flesh right down to the bone. Those things only provide us temporary pleasure and leave us feeling empty. God's love fills us. With sin we become a friend of the world and an enemy of God. When we sin, we want to run and hide because of the guilt. How we hide comes in different shapes, form and circumstances.

I don't know about you.. but I sure had gotten tired of my hiding ways.

Anyway, this series is just great. I think from where I have come on my spiritual journey, I am now able to understand so much more.

Bondman, you are right. We cannot forget to pray. We need to be in God's presence each and every day , no matter how busy our daily life is.

Today, I am doing something I have never done before. I am going to a horse show. It is one that starts with a parade of the horses and carriages and the folks in their old time outfits, then there is competitons in the afternoon.

Have a wonderful day today everyone and may you choose not to be with any malicious playmates or cruel companions today.




As we read , sin passes through generations and brings generational curses. I remember reading about this and how the good Lord can break those curses. I have been praying fervently to God to keep showing me.

The generational curse teaching that you will come across from time to time is Old Testament NOT New Testament taught by people who don't understand that we are now under a new and much better Covenant!

Hebrews Ch 8:6 But now He (Jesus) has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises. 7 For if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second.

I've come to clearly see that I am NOT under any curses - generational or otherwise. How could I be? Jesus already bore in my place any and all curses at Calvary!! HE'S ALREADY TAKEN THEM, in order that I should be FREE. And that's a HALLELUJAH!!

Galatians Ch 3:13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree,

According to the New Testament the only way I could be cursed is 1) If I am an unbeliever, or 2) If I were to foolishly place myself under the law:

Galatians Ch 3:10a For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse;

Jesus came to FREE us TOTALLY. Obviously you're not free if you're under a curse. Jesus speaking of Himself:

John Ch 8:31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

We're released from the law's condemnation by Jesus. We can then live in His Word (New Testament), and know THE TRUTH of salvation and growing to maturity in Christ, and so being CLEAN and FREE via His sacrifice!!! Generational curses? - nope, not for me: He's cut them off forever!

- BM, with his Beloved



am back again. im so sorry that i cant come here often to contribute.. only to just expect a listening ear. but thank you for putting up with me. just started blogging. Jesus i need You. and i feel so stupid about the blog. its like, can someone please read the blog and confirm my feelings of stupidity? its like, i dont know what im doing. initially i had the inspiration that i shud maybe write a bit about what im experiencing too, just like this other guy at More Than Coping, and now i feel so guilty about it. its like i want self pity or something! but yea i went and put it on my msn, my blog address so that people mite be a bit educated about mental illnesses but now i don noe if wad im doin is that? arrghhh!!!
Faithwoman said:
Good morning!
Computer is back up and running.
Need I say there has been lots going on in my life with my own personal struggles and with issues with my daughter.

In my counseling session on Friday with a Christian counselor, he explained to me that I needed to pray and ask God to put me under his microscope and to really examine all areas of my life and help guide me as to areas where there may be unrepented sin and areas where I needed to clean up and "fix the holes in my umbrella of faith". As we read , sin passes through generations and brings generational curses. I remember reading about this and how the good Lord can break those curses. I have been praying fervently to God to keep showing me.

I decided yesterday I just had to get all this financial stuff in order and get my paperwork in order here at the house.

As I was cleaning and doing this, I came upon a video series that was given to an old friend and I by his sister and brother-in-law. We had never watched it. I decided yesterday was a good day. It is like a 6 series of DVD;s with a workbook. It is called The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus.

It was awesome! It is a clear an simple explanation of the World's Best Seller- the Bible. I continued to learn some very simple things that I never knew before. The one being about Lucipher and how he was thrown to the earth. I now understand about the serpent in the garden. We all here how Satan will come before us in the most angelic light. Man got me to thinking of some things that is for sure! It went on about how God is holy and does not tolerate any sin of any kind.

One thing that stuck in my mind is that Satan is a malicious playmate and a cruel companion.. hmmm so those things that we enjoy or do that are not of God but tend to bring us worldly pleasure we are enjoying with a malicious playmate .. a cruel companion.

It has made me stop and think in a different way of sin. Also when we sin we become a Victim of Mentality.. we tend to blame someone else.

Satan leaves us with our bones dry.. he eats our flesh right down to the bone. Those things only provide us temporary pleasure and leave us feeling empty. God's love fills us. With sin we become a friend of the world and an enemy of God. When we sin, we want to run and hide because of the guilt. How we hide comes in different shapes, form and circumstances.

I don't know about you.. but I sure had gotten tired of my hiding ways.

Anyway, this series is just great. I think from where I have come on my spiritual journey, I am now able to understand so much more.

Bondman, you are right. We cannot forget to pray. We need to be in God's presence each and every day , no matter how busy our daily life is.

Today, I am doing something I have never done before. I am going to a horse show. It is one that starts with a parade of the horses and carriages and the folks in their old time outfits, then there is competitons in the afternoon.

Have a wonderful day today everyone and may you choose not to be with any malicious playmates or cruel companions today.


Some really good stuff here!

But it kind of set me back in the traces reading of how you now understand about the serpent in the garden. I realise that I've not written about such, shall we say, basic things, and so I feel bad that I haven't - kind of assuming that everyone would know. Sorry, hon!

You said, "One thing that stuck in my mind is that Satan is a malicious playmate and a cruel companion.. hmmm so those things that we enjoy or do that are not of God but tend to bring us worldly pleasure we are enjoying with a malicious playmate .. a cruel companion."

I'm sure it's good for us to realise satan's busyness to mess in our lives, and to remember his power. And the above is true - but I just feel it's a bit too strong. And why I say that is that there's a lot of teaching that gives the devil FAR too much of "a place", leaving people feeling that they are battling against him all the time, and thus may seldom get to really ENJOY the personal freedom that our Jesus brings into our lives, as in my earlier post (FREED FROM CURSES).

That is, we commit sin by our own volition. We choose. The devil does not make us do it. He may encourage you, but as a Believer cannot make you. But if you sin He will then probably get involved where he can. Obviously you make an 'entrance' for him via your sin, and so it's kind of inviting him to participate!

But please remember that you are indwelt by ALMIGHTY GOD!!! And I stess the "almighty"!!! His little fingernail is more powerful than the devil and all his demons put together. The devil can only get at you from outside. MY GOD LIVES INSIDE ME!! That's why I never fear satan. I respect his power and what he can do, but he gets NO air-play in my life.

James Ch 4:7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

I will utterly reject ANYTHING that looks like he's hanging round, and the Word of God says he has to FLEE!! So hey, guess what, I'M THEN FREE!!!

- BM

am back again. im so sorry that i cant come here often to contribute.. only to just expect a listening ear. but thank you for putting up with me. just started blogging. Jesus i need You. and i feel so stupid about the blog. its like, can someone please read the blog and confirm my feelings of stupidity? its like, i dont know what im doing. initially i had the inspiration that i shud maybe write a bit about what im experiencing too, just like this other guy at More Than Coping, and now i feel so guilty about it. its like i want self pity or something! but yea i went and put it on my msn, my blog address so that people mite be a bit educated about mental illnesses but now i don noe if wad im doin is that? arrghhh!!!

Hi, sweetie, I read the first (bottom) post on your blog at Jesus i need You and thought it was great!!! You are sharing yourself and what you say is the truth, and it could well help others. I think you have done a good thing!

Depression is SO destructive in anyone, Believer or unbeliever. It affects the whole person. It knocks you down. It stops you from relating to others properly, from coping with life, and from what I've seen it affects your relationship with the Lord, making it a whole lot harder than for people who are well.

So that's my take on your blog. You are ALWAYS loved, and it's always nice when you are able to drop in!! Praying daily for you!!

- BM

EDIT: Just read your great quote in a later blog:

"Isnt it glorious to know that no matter how unjust something may be, even when it seems to have come from Satan himself, by the time it reaches us it is God's will for us and will ultimately work for our good."

That is so true and so wonderful, and so few people are taught it!! I say to the Lord that whatever comes across His desk to me is absolutely fine by me. I TRUST HIM NOTHING CAN EVER HAPPEN TO ME (from outside) THAT HE HAS NOT ALLOWED OR INSTIGATED.

Hebrews Ch 12:5 And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons:

“ My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD,
Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him;

6 For whom the LORD loves He chastens,
And scourges every son whom He receives.”

7 If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? 8 But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons.
Hey, Robin, I have to agree with BM about the generational curses. I had a lot of them, and God brought them to my attention. But I think only to help me understand why I thought the way I did and to be aware of the traps I could fall into with my eyes shut. I'm sure I fell for what the Mormon's shared with me because of my Eastern Star/Mason background. But, I didn't know that until I surrendered my life to Christ.

Lots of people told me about generations curses and I even took all my Mormon, new age, Eastern Star, Yoga stuff, and Mason stuff, including a Mason Bible to my pastor to burn because of that. But, you know what? I have put off having a burning ceremony just because I was busy changng jobs and all, and because I have devoted a lot of time on my knees and reading His word, and just basically getting to know Heavenly Father better, this generational stuff has not bothered me at all. I just realized that after what BM said. In fact, it was going to be a big thing at church, some saints were going to counsel me, give me books to read, prayers to say, etc., but I lost interest because I realized it was a lot of "hoopla" for nothing. I lost all interest in it and they have noticed my growth also. So it has not been persued. It was something I would have been conscentrating on instead of just simply putting Jesus first and foremost in my life by making time for Him.

I would suggest you don't spend too long wasting your time on this because time is at a premium in your life right now. Doncha' think?

I'll tell you one thing God has been doing for me, though, and it's showing me my childhood in my dreams. Bringing back memories while I sleep that help me figure out why I am so needy in the love area, and other things I need to work on and ask forgiveness for. I think he takes each of us individually, according to our needs, and works on us in just the right way.

Of course I have a unique history in that I have no memories before age of 5, almost 6 because my twin sister died then and I even have blanks in my memory bank that I have no idea what was going on at that time. Like 3rd grade, which I failed. Never could figure out why and no one in my family knew either. They just thought I was a little brat and a meanie. I would blow my tonette in the kids' ear and was generally a bully. Well, someone told me I was just acting out because I was very angry that my sister died. Thank you, Jesus, for opening that up to me. I'm asking God to let me see Barbie's face, which is a blank to me right now. I have to look at a pic to remember how she looked. And, I believe He could give me a dream in my sleep about meeting Barbie, if and when He knows I'm ready.

I also had a really realistic dream about when we lived in Ohio for 3 yrs. while my Dad was learning to be a carpenter. Mom had taken in a reformed drug addict when I was about 13 and I remembered him and all that occurred in my life at that time in this dream. I remembered even his name. He was so sweet to me and I remember sitting on his lap all the time and him taking me with his friends on hay wagon rides and fun stuff. He was 30 at the time. Mom told me if I were older, I could marry him! I thought that was great. Anyway, for some reason, she made him sleep in my bed because it was the biggest bed we had and I remember how I loved him because he held me paid attention to me like I never had with my daddy. My daddy acted like I wasn't even there and I needed him to recognize and accept me. Well, this bro certainly did. I knew he would never hurt me and I trusted him. I'd do anything to get the love he gave me. It made a huge impression on me that he was there for me. I cried when he left after 3 mos. and begged him to stay. Now I know this was the reason I was "easy" in high school and had such a weakness in this area of my life.

I believe God can show you things in your past that you never faced, even generational things that you never knew, but I agree with BM and do not believe you are cursed anymore than a demon can enter your mind because you are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Pray about it, and forgive me for sharing more than most of you needed to know. Once I start, I just can't stop! :eek: I think we are both growing leaps and bounds, Robin, and learning as we go. But, I would think twice about going backwards and delving into the generational curse thing. Hugz, Bonnie
Robin and Bonnie: You ladies are both so awesome!!!
Thank you so much for sharing these things with us. I have very little understanding of Mormonism, Eastern Star/Mason and this emphasis on generational curses but that the later is a "big" thing in some church denominations. This all reminds me of King Saul:
1 Samuel 15:22-24 (KJV)

22And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.

23For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king. 24And Saul said unto Samuel, I have sinned: for I have transgressed the commandment of the LORD, and thy words: because I feared the people, and obeyed their voice.

So glad to hear that you ladies are listening to the Lord and trusting in His word. There is so much deception (even in the church), we must try the spirits to see if they are of God; that include "doctrine or church teachings". ;)

1 John 4:1-4

1Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
2Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

Thank you all for your replies..
and I know Bondman.. new testament, new testament..

It is late, and I had a rough day. To be honest, just please pray for me.
I have much confusion in my life right now. and yes I need to be on my knees and praying and this confusion will go away.

There is still things going on with my daughter. I had not shut off the text messaging, but am about to. I looked at my online bill and she was still texting this 20 year old boy. When I called her tonite, and asked why, she said they were just friends. I told her she did not need to be being friends with a 20 year old boy. I told her it stops right this minute, or the text messagging is off. I had shut off the photos and video portion last week.

I have yet to discuss anything with her father, as he is 2 1/2 hours away.. I did not really want to by phone, but my car is not running real well right now as well.

I know deep down the Lord will provide and take care of all but I am just being honest about feeling overwhelmed and struggling.


PS Bondman,, there are many simple things I do not know of in the bible, but I continue to learn. Thanks so much!
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