Thanks so much all!
There are days when I still need the stop signs out that is for sure. The thoughts can come racing in. But honestly each day I really am trying to get stronger. Just think how awesome one day if it is the Lord's will, what my future husband will be like! He is busy preparing him right now.. if that is his will for my life. But right now, the Lord has to be my Mr. Right.
Here is a great one on Secrets I wrote.. The secrets in are life will definitely kill us!
It is a spiritual test of faith to whether we really trust the Lord and have died to our own wants and desires. Thank you so much for sharing these messages with us...sending HUGS your way today!!!
There are days when I still need the stop signs out that is for sure. The thoughts can come racing in. But honestly each day I really am trying to get stronger. Just think how awesome one day if it is the Lord's will, what my future husband will be like! He is busy preparing him right now.. if that is his will for my life. But right now, the Lord has to be my Mr. Right.
Here is a great one on Secrets I wrote.. The secrets in are life will definitely kill us!
A silent word
One not to be heard
A word that is
so deceiving in life
One that causes
much guilt and shame
The can be so hurtful
they cause so anguish and pain
The innocent ones of life are inflicted
with the darkness and depths of them
They are not shared
The others are kept
in suspense, waiting and wondering
But amazingly
The secrets come out
Come out in a flurry
of what if’s and What was?
When they are revealed to all
The innocent ones always
take the fall
This innocent one has learned
the secrets of within
You tried to run and make
It all look like me
What matters the most
is the Truth
and that I know
I have the knowledge and wisdom
to now know-
Don’t Look Back-
Look Ahead
Don’t let the secrets
Destroy my Doing All
Buffy September 7, 2005
Wow that was written back in 2005! My nickname was Buffy on another forum I was involved in for Non- alcholics ( me) in an alcoholic relationship. I did alot of writing way back then. Have a super day!
This gal from NY is stompin in God's love and grace today!
PS.. It is the truth we all should be seeking!