In maybe two weeks or so from now we could be finally FREE of this thing forever! Bring it on, Lord!!!
wow! will keep praying!
In maybe two weeks or so from now we could be finally FREE of this thing forever! Bring it on, Lord!!!
A Moment of Death
As I walked back to my office from my lunch break, I looked down and saw it laying there. It was tiny, black and dead. As I continued down the sidewalk, my mind wandered what brought this creature, God’s creation to it’s death. Was it poison, did someone step on it, or did it just give up on living?
My mind has been heavy with my own struggles of what could be my moment of death. Praises to our Lord for saving me! He has awesomely blessed me with his love, grace mercy and forgiveness. I must stand on his love. I must fill myself with his spirit.
In those tempting times of life, I must continue to stand strong on his love and his plan for this broken vessel that he is restoring.
Oh, BM, I don't understand why the innocent people have to suffer so. I can't imagine growing up feeling like I was less than a person. It makes you wonder why some countries suffer like this. Could it simply be because they have never allowed God to be part of their culture, and instead accepted other gods?
I'm the kind of person who wants to just go to these people and help them somehow, but I could get swallowed up in my zeal. If it were up to me, and I were single, I would live so differently. But, when you do not have a partner who holds the same standards, it is so discouraging. Somehow, I know I must try to do what I can. I am sponsoring a little girl through Compassion right now, but there are so many others in much more harm.
Like you said, you have to take one at a time and just do what you can. After all, this world is not our home. It's but a vapor, and we must have our minds on things other than selfish wants. I just pray that I can keep my mind on things above and the things that will last for eternity. Thank you for your latest postings. Love, Sweets.
Like you said, you have to take one at a time and just do what you can.
I want to apologize if I offended anyone with my post of Moment of Death or if any of the other writings have offended you in any way.
It was unreal for me to see your posts and the numbers. Of course I need to take a geography class to understand where all the countries are.
I never liked geography class in school.
I shared your message with my one co-worker. At service Tuesday night he was talking about the body of the church and how we all have gifts and must use them to serve God and he said to my coworker, isn't that right Sister Carolyn as she has a gift of evangelising. I sent her the message and showed her the numbers, she replied back. I best get busy and keep asking the Lord to keep filling me.
We all get weary, but the good Lord gives us the strength we need to keep going.
Here is a pic of the children where I had supported when I was at my old church.
Thanks for the awesome post and the awesome reminder.
This so reminds me of a story. Its an old one, and if you've heard it already, forgive me. But I think it bears repeating.
A man was walking along the sea shore and saw hundreds upon hundreds of starfish washed up on the beach. There was no hope of getting back into the water before they dried up and died. Down the beach a ways, he saw a young man picking up a starfish and throwing it as far as he could into the water. Then, he'd bend down and pick up another and throw it in.
The man walked up to the younger one, "You'll never have time to save all these starfish," he said, "They will die before you can get to all of them. What does it matter?"
The young man picked up another one and threw it in the water. "It mattered to that one."
Quote: The flooding, which officials say are the worst in 50 years, was caused after the Kosi river broke a dam in Nepal where it originates, unleashing huge waves of water that smashed mud embankments downstream in Bihar state.
Many villagers offered prayers and slaughtered goats to appease the Kosi, known as Bihar's "river of sorrow" for its regular floods and ability to change course.
"We are praying to the river goddess and offering her blood since only she can help us," a village woman in the worst affected Supaul district told a local newspaper.
At least two million people have been forced from their homes and a quarter of a million houses destroyed. So far 55 deaths have been officially reported in Bihar, but activists and local media put the toll many times higher.
Stranded villagers complained of an unbearable stench from rotting carcasses and the United Nations warned of the spread of water-borne disease.
TV stations showed swirling flood waters pouring into homes through windows, submerging hundreds of villages and roads and railway tracks. Telephone and power lines snapped.
Torrential rains have killed more than 1,000 people in South Asia since the monsoon began in June, mainly in India's northern state of Uttar Pradesh, where 725 people have lost their lives. Other deaths were reported from Nepal and Bangladesh.
Some experts blame the floods on heavier monsoon rains caused by global warming, while others say authorities have failed to take preventive measures and improve infrastructure. End Quote
It has not flooded this bad in India in 50 years they say. Doesn't this sound like one of the plagues in the last days? The rotting flesh and waters being poisoned? And, since 911, it seems there has been much chaos in regards to disasters and weather-related calamities. Does anyone think this could the a shadow of what is coming soon? The Tribulation period? The world is trying to blame it on global warming or making it seem like it is man's own fault. They don't think of the fact that nature is just obeying God's commands and that it is man's fault . . . for not acknowledging the God of the universe and asking forgiveness for the sins of our nations. Just as some are making sacrifices to their gods and goddesses, who are "dead in the water" (pun intended) and not bowing down to God and pleading with Him to forgive them their sins.
Oh, how He wants them to know how crazy He is about them and wants to set them free so they can rid their country of all the starvation and diseases because they are His children. Just because they are His children.
I read somewhere on this forum, on someone's post, about how people were praying 24/7 for a revival I think, and have been doing that for quite some time. I believe it was called Fire Something, or IHOP maybe. I believe it will be the prayers and intersessors who will make the difference. They are like the prophet who pleaded with God to spare Israel and not destroy them or punish them before they were taken captive. Or Lot, who pleaded for the salvation of Sodom and Gomorrah, so that God would spare a few more. They don't want anyone to be lost in their sin before the trumpet sounds. And we should be praying that way too. But we also need to be sending funds to missionaries and supporting the ones out there who are working in the trenches to bring the Word to just one more soul.
God help me, if that person who suggested this forum site to me, would have failed to do so, I would still be seeking, or maybe not. I may not have been alive today. I was so discouraged that the Mormon church was not what I was seeking. I was beginning to wonder if there was even a God. But, God in His mercy sent one of His children to direct me to the right place where I would find all my questions answered.
Praise God! Help me to hear You when You call my name and direct me to one of your Lost Sheep. In whatever way it would help, direct me Heavenly Father I pray! Amen.
First of all , thank you for my friends for their continued honesty with me.
It is through your heartfelt words and encourgament that I continue to learn. Thank you for the PM's and the emails you send in helping me strengthen my walk.
I want to apologize if I offended anyone with my post of Moment of Death or if any of the other writings have offended you in any way.
I have alot to learn in regards to my writing - one of them being to slow down before posting the thoughts that come to my mind.
May we all continue to learn and be strengthened by the Lord's love.