THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Hey Bondman,
When I go to read their testimony it does not allow me to click on it and go to it?


I know, hon. Me bad!! :eek:hno01: No, it was intentional, and you can blame this on my really bad day in bed first (then the glitch with leadership, now sorted), which has put me WAY behind and so I'm rather stressed and doing 'catch-up'. Sorry!

ABSOLUTELY AS SOON AS I CAN POSSIBLY MANAGE IT, WE'LL GO TOGETHER AND CHECK OUT ALL OF THE THINGS I'VE BEEN TALKING ABOUT IN RECENT MESSAGES - including men and woman waiting for support like in the graphic. Then you can read ALL their testimonies and a LOT more. Please trust me, the wait will have been worth it!!

Love and hugs,

- BM and Mrs


MARTYRDOM IN 2008! - Part 7

... continued from Part 6 ("Two Interesting Facts (One is Shocking!)") Part 1 of the Series is Here.

UNQUESTIONABLY LIFE IS HARD, ISN'T IT! Yet, despite the world seemingly becoming a more violent place, most of us are still able to life out our lives in relative peace! Certainly our lives are NOT (yet!) in danger PURELY BECAUSE WE ARE CHRISTIANS!!

This is not so in the countries I talked about in my 8-Part Message series. Below may help us understand a little more what real Christian persecution is, and the cost of living as a Christian in many Asian countries:


In Orissa State in India, suspected Maoist terrorists gruesomely murdered a top Hindu Swami, a leading opponent of Christianity. This gave the perfect excuse for anti-Christians to blame peaceful Christians for the murder, and go on a rampage against them. Here are some brief details:

At least six GFA-church Christians have been killed, with many more deaths in other Christian groups. Fifteen GFA churches destroyed. 110 church members' homes burned to the ground. There are reports of Catholic nuns being gang raped and murdered by extremists.

Dozens of Missionaries, Pastors and their families have been attacked by roving mobs. Many have fled with their congregations into the surrounding forests. Some children and their parents have been in hiding, without food or water, since the rioting began.

There have been kidnapping threats, threats against GFA Bible Colleges and Bridge of Hope Schools and workers. Pamphlets have been circulated blaming Christians for the Swami's death, and there have been reports of mobs using fire-bombs on churches and homes.

Such is the test of being a true Christian in countries like India, China and other S.E. Asian countries. You give your life to Jesus and that life may be taken from you because of your faith. Those martyred for Him receive the Martyr's Crown from the Lord!

Hmm... maybe OUR LIFE isn't quite so hard after all...

Continued in Part 8 ("Winning Souls to Christ in the 10/40 Window")...

BM, with his Lady


Thanx for those statistics, BM. We all need to be shaken sometimes and have these facts pointed out to us so we can be responsible Christians and not be ashamed when we get to Heaven and all of a sudden realize how much of our lives we wasted. There are so many Children of God waiting to do the work we can't do until we supply them with what we so readily can get. I know I will be out working to get some extra moneys together for this effort. We have absolutely not one excuse to not contribute to this community of Brothers and Sisters who are so willing to risk their lives to win souls to Christ. I feel the burden, I do!

Thanx for sharing this with us! Sweets
Thanx for those statistics, BM. We all need to be shaken sometimes and have these facts pointed out to us so we can be responsible Christians and not be ashamed when we get to Heaven and all of a sudden realize how much of our lives we wasted. There are so many Children of God waiting to do the work we can't do until we supply them with what we so readily can get. I know I will be out working to get some extra moneys together for this effort. We have absolutely not one excuse to not contribute to this community of Brothers and Sisters who are so willing to risk their lives to win souls to Christ. I feel the burden, I do!

Thanx for sharing this with us! Sweets

Wow, Sweets, you sure have the mind of the Lord on all of this - and I don't say that lightly! I can also tell you that what you've said is pretty special, and very exciting to me and my Lady!

Thankyou so much for your support of what I'm trying to do for all those utterly lost souls, believing in 'dead' things as gods, none of which can do anything for anyone. You'll soon be able to hear the stories how over and over people come the Jesus when they've tried their gods for something serious, nothing's happened (obviously!), and God sends them a Misho to tell them about Jesus' love and sacrifice AND sorts their problem by His Power! They then accept Him, starting their Christial life with a FOUNDATION of KNOWING God is real, ANSWERS PRAYER, and has TOTAL POWER!!! Thus their FAITH is strong for all of their days! Works for me!!!

Bless you heaps!

- BM

To use the Index of recent Messages from #61 on please click HERE.

All of The 10/40 Window Messages are now in this Index: Parts 1 to 8, to make it easier to find and read them.

The ultimate Part of the Series is now Part 8, is completed, and should be up tomorrow! (it's really late and I've run out of time tonight - well that's my excuse, anyway, an' I'm stickin' to it!) *I know, I know, you believe it is never going to happen in any case!! Hee!*

I'm really happy with it and quite excited! I expect to be putting it on our own website, because it's my wish to avoid causing any kind of difficulties here (concerning forum rules related to money donations) - but of course I'll give you the URL to go to it, no probs!

Love and blessings!

- BM (heading for bed - zzzzzZZzzz!)

EDIT: Hrmph! I was so tired when I wrote this that I completely forgot to post it!! (Better late than never is spose.....)

Message #135

"Winning Souls to Christ in the 10/40 Window - Part 8"

has been shifted to 3 posts below.

- BM
Faithwoman's comment here, and my response concerns Part 8 of my Message series, which has been shifted to below this post.

Awesome message! Unbelievable ministry!


THANKYOU so much, hon, for those comments and sharing what you feel.

I pray that our love and care for the lost - the most unreached in this world - in the 10/40 Window, will grow and grow as we attune our hearts to GOD'S heart! I pray that many will engage in the crucial work in this very sad part of our world. We CAN make a difference!!

Bless you heaps!

- BM



... continued from Part 7 ("Martyrdom in 2008") Part 1 of the Series is Here.

Is this really possible for ordinary folks like you and me? Winning souls? Surely not... Like are you saying that I - ME myself - can be responsible for actually getting dear people into heaven, who otherwise would end up in hell? Ahhhh, that is to say, ummm, er, well... YES!!!!!
And so as to stress this, what I'll add is:

You can! You CAN!! YOU can!! YOUCAN!!! - and that's literally STARTING TODAY!! Hey, I reckon that's definitely gotta be a major HALLELUJAH!!! What's been so hard for me for some years now is knowing that I could encourage others to DO THAT, yet unable to do anything about this! You guys are now THE VERY FIRST! The vanguard to what, please God, CAN become a massive WORK OF GOD!!! Sweets has very firmly thrown her hat in the ring ALREADY!!! Committed herself to what she is going to do - and stated it PUBLICLY!! Way to go, sweetie!! So that's us and her so far, and you know what the Lord says: just 2 or 3 together - THAT'S ALL HE NEEDS! - and promises that HE IS IN THEIR MIDST!! Wow-ee!!


I dare to believe, and dare to PRAY, and ask the LORD for MANY OTHERS! It's such an exciting vision I have for you and us and many others that you can share with, for us all to help change so many lives - as you'll see is so POSSIBLE to do as you read on!! Okay, let's hit the trail, shall we! You can go to read about EVERYTHING at, nice and easy to remember! But first I'll give you a run-down of some of the things you can look for there - it's a fair sized site! And this Message is FINALLY completing all the info I've given you in all the Parts of this Message series. *did I hear sighs of relief there!...* Don't try to do ANY large section on the site all at once though or you'll never get to bed! (there's always tomorrow!)

Along the top is a white on black Menu. "Photos/Videos" is a great place to browse when you have time. There's PILES to look at there, visually getting a feel for who and what GFA is about! "Donate" is a quite excellent to start because it shows you what you will be involved in via GFA's outreach. And I know some of you will want to rush to "Sponsor"! But before you do anything let me just share with you some of our experiences in giving (which may give you options to help you to get started).

We originally Sponsored a Missionary. You get his/her pic and updates for prayer from time to time. $30 a month very well spent!! Your $30 is added to a few others, so that maybe 4 Western Christians are fully paying the total $1,500 to $2,200 support FOR A WHOLE YEAR for maybe a single man or woman, and 6 or 7 for maybe a full missionary family. THIS "SHARING" of support of a Missionary Pastor IS QUITE FABULOUS, BECAUSE IN THE 10/40 WINDOW WE ALL HAVE TWO TASKS: GIVING and PRAYING!! They RELY on us to pray!!! With 4 to 7 Sponsors dedicated to PRAYING for their Missionary, wow that's quite awesome!!


We had to stop sponsoring our guy when GFA Australia started. So we changed to $30 a month given to A DIFFERENT AREA area each time. Find these in the "Donate" Page under "Tools for Missionaries": we've used the 30 bucks to pay for Bibles (only $3 each, printed in India by GFA presses), money towards a bike (full cost $105), Gospel Literature ($1 for 125 tracts), we've "mixed and matched" a Kerosene Lantern $24 (needed for night-time work - no electricity in villages) along with 2 Bibles, and money towards their AMAZING Radio broadcasts $45 (EVERYTHING done themselves, now broadcasting the Gospel Message in an ASTONISHING 100 different languages spread right across India AND surrounding Asian countries!!! Man, oh, man, these guys sure are SERIOUS!!!)


More recently we've been increasing our giving to $40 a month and now $50 (out of our $11,000 each per year Invalid Support Pensions) and back on the "Donate" Page, this time under the heading "Major Ministeries" have paid for Battery-powered Radios ($45) to give to people to listen to GFA Radio. We just ADORE Jesus Wells, so we've sent quite a few $50's towards these! The Film Ministry is then THE most effective tool to reach people for the Lord Jesus, so we've donated towards that. Say, how about money towards a complete Church that costs just $11,000! Isn't that amazing!! One day I can see someone downsizing to a smaller home for simpler and less worldly living and paying for a whole Church - or maybe even 2 - with the money they save!!


Down at the bottom of the "Major Ministries" page you'll see "Sponsor a Child" for $28 per month, which we've also given towards (not sponsored). Do click and go read the incredibly exciting work of Bridge of Hope, where many "Untouchable" Dalit kids are given a full education and more. They are taught in English so they can get a decent job later, and get out of the generation after generation of being less than human in the lowest caste of all. Many BOH kids receive Christ! Many take home what they learn and then their parents receive Christ!! In this way many NEW churches have been PLANTED via this so important children's education work!!! You may also give whatever you like to an Unsponsored Child. Similarly you can give to an Unsponsored Missionary. Wonderful way to give I think.


Now maybe go and enjoy the "From the Stable" Page. We've given a pair of rabbits $10 and I think $10 a pair of chicks as well from there! You can also give to "Where Most Needed"which will go to, for example, flood or monsoon help, persecution relief, and more - GFA cares for people's physical needs as well as the Spiritual.

Do I need to remind you that EVERY CENT you give gets to the field! That's a MAJOR plus, and an indication of the utter INTEGRITY of every aspect of Gospel for Asia!! When you sign in and send a gift you'll start getting REGULAR NEWS FROM THE FIELD from KP, and this is fantastic for PRAYER. The most important emails are when there is trouble and he lets us know, for example, of a Pastor and 3 other men from his church having been kidnapped and hidden, after threats of killing them. An email immediately goes out to all GFA supporters around the world for prayer, and Praise God that over and over the end result has been good. But not always!... All GFA workers are ready to be harmed or to die for Jesus! That's part of their strong commitment to God and to His work!!

- BM and his supportive Lady



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The moderator team is pleased to announce the reopening of the Inner Room.:)
The moderator team is pleased to announce the reopening of the Inner Room.:)

Thanks and salutations to Bo and the Moderator Team for reopening the Inner Room!

Greetings to all, including all my old friends who I've missed! I bless God for each and every one of you!!

With love,

- BM
Whoo hoo! Glory be! The Inner room is back! Bondman is back!
Praise the Lord!

Welcome back! :):):):)

Off to do street ministry this morning, now if you would have told me a year ago, I would be pounding the streets of Batavia, I would have never imagined it!

Hugs to all!

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