THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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The overflowing van

Good afternoon all,

First of all I soooooooooo thankful for all the Inner room has taught me.
Since I last visited here, the Lord has led me do street ministry.

It was cold and overcast this morning. We arrived and unloaded the tables and filled them with clothes. The folks started arriving. As they sift through the clothes, we chat with them and get to know them. We open up to them and allow them to share their hurts and needs. The Lord provides them with bags of food.

I helped the one young woman to the van with her food. As she slid open the door, the van was filled with young children. Children of God who do not know who the Lord is and what he can do for them. I prayed with the woman before she got in the van. This woman and her children are really hurting. Her fiance is in jail and will be getting out in 10 days. Two of her children are in state care.

As the door opened and I saw these young faces looking back at me, my heart just jumped. I know that the Lord will provide for them as he did today with blessing the street ministry with the food, clothes and volunteers. But what he really blessed was the prayers that were given today.

How many times in our lives are overflowing vans put in our life. Have we ever been to busy to overlook the needs of others? There are so many needs. As our group was ending for the day, we stood in a circle on the street and were praying. A young woman came up with her son. They had lost their home last May to a house fire and are still trying to get back on their feet.

What really got to my heart was an older woman who I prayed with after car rying her food to her car. She said to me, may you all continue to bless this neighborhood. She said we are in the end times and I am afraid for all people. We have got to keep sharing the good news with all.

I am thankful for the messages I have learned from here. I am thankful that I continue to grow in my Christian walk, but most of all I am thankful for the Lord's mercy, grace and forgiveness. Each day is a new day and may we all walk forth and watch for overflowing vans and better yet it may just be that one single person that the Lord puts in front of us that we can lead to Christ.

Have a super day all!
there are a lot of christ,s people who are poor,they don,t buckle with the world.we can all be easily be in the same place,a fire etc.:)
Good afternoon all,

First of all I soooooooooo thankful for all the Inner room has taught me.
Since I last visited here, the Lord has led me do street ministry.

It was cold and overcast this morning. We arrived and unloaded the tables and filled them with clothes. The folks started arriving. As they sift through the clothes, we chat with them and get to know them. We open up to them and allow them to share their hurts and needs. The Lord provides them with bags of food.

I helped the one young woman to the van with her food. As she slid open the door, the van was filled with young children. Children of God who do not know who the Lord is and what he can do for them. I prayed with the woman before she got in the van. This woman and her children are really hurting. Her fiance is in jail and will be getting out in 10 days. Two of her children are in state care.

As the door opened and I saw these young faces looking back at me, my heart just jumped. I know that the Lord will provide for them as he did today with blessing the street ministry with the food, clothes and volunteers. But what he really blessed was the prayers that were given today.

How many times in our lives are overflowing vans put in our life. Have we ever been to busy to overlook the needs of others? There are so many needs. As our group was ending for the day, we stood in a circle on the street and were praying. A young woman came up with her son. They had lost their home last May to a house fire and are still trying to get back on their feet.

What really got to my heart was an older woman who I prayed with after car rying her food to her car. She said to me, may you all continue to bless this neighborhood. She said we are in the end times and I am afraid for all people. We have got to keep sharing the good news with all.

I am thankful for the messages I have learned from here. I am thankful that I continue to grow in my Christian walk, but most of all I am thankful for the Lord's mercy, grace and forgiveness. Each day is a new day and may we all walk forth and watch for overflowing vans and better yet it may just be that one single person that the Lord puts in front of us that we can lead to Christ.

Have a super day all!

Lovely story, hon! The need out there is so great.
smellycat, I just loved what you said: "there are a lot of christ,s people who are poor,they don,t buckle with the world."

Man, that is so true. They take their strength from the Lord, not try to find it within themselves (cos we just don't got it!)

It was certainly my intention and expectation that the first Message here for some time would be one of joy and encouragement. But seems the Lord thought otherwise... Please share together with me, below, what life can be like for Christian Believers in other parts of the world.




And all indeed who wish to live godly lives in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. 2 Timothy Ch 3:12


Please Note: Some photos below may upset, but I think most folks will be fine.

I just went to get some pics to share with you to do with this subject. I'd seen them before and read what it was about. So I was most surprised at the strength of my emotions when I was copying the photos. Maybe I was somehow identifying with these our Brothers and Sisters. All I know is that suddenly emotions rose up in me and my heart was breaking in a way I've never experienced before.

In Orissa Province of India some of the worst persecution of Christians there in decades has been taking place in recent months. This is not an armed people-group of insurgents attacking another people-group because they want power or change of leadership, like in the Congo. This is pure persecution, stemming out of pure religious hatred of Christians and all that they stand for, with a determination to stamp out Christianity and Christians completely.


The mobs entered villages and attacked Christians, destroying anything and everything that belonged to them.
Some were forced to bring their Bible out and burn it before the crowd!



Countless numbers of simple village Churches have been seriously vandalised,​
or burnt from the outside and even the inside.​


They burned hundreds of vehicles used by individuals and Christians​


The extremists have also burnt thousands of Christian homes, often with the people inside them​


Many Christians have been murdered. A preferred method of the extremists is to burn them alive.​
This young woman escaped such an attack, but will bear the scars for life.​


The authorities have done little to stop the attacks. Christians were overpowered and forced to leave their homes.​
Many ran into the surrounding forests to escape the violence, sometimes pastors and their whole congregations,​
and many still remain there.​
In other places tent cities have been set up for these Believers to live while waiting​
for the authorities to quell this religious persecution.​


Many Christians have been threatened with death if they return to their villages.​
Without homes or a means to support themselves, the future doesn't look all that great​
for a great number of these Orissa Believers.​


After suffering months of unrelenting attacks Orissa Christians are still in shock.​
Tired, hungry, and scared, they desperately need our daily prayers and support.​

Maybe part of what got to me today was that this could be happening to me, to us - and somewhere deep in my heart I somehow became part of their hurt and afflictions.

I am unable at this time to write where you may go to give to help these dear people, but will work to see if this may be possible. Meantime please set to PRAY DAILY for things like:

.. Those who've lost loved ones
.. Those who've been physically harmed
.. Those without money or a means of working
.. For all to be strong in the Lord and not faint because of this persecution
.. For the leaders and pastors of churches
.. For great wisdom for all those seeking to bring help to the victims
.. For the Indian Government to speedily step up their efforts to stem this violence against peaceful and loving Christians and their families.

With love to all!!

- BM with his Lady





Please forgive me for saying it like this but it just astonishes me how stupid we Believers in Christ can be!

This thought came into my head as I was considering a totally simple thing I wanted NOT to do - and immediately reckoned, "Wow, this is gonna be hard!" I'm gonna confess to you what it was. My health is such that I have to eat every couple of hours cos my gut doesn't process food properly.

It's pretty obvious that this means I spend a lot of my day hungry, and that's a problem in its own right. But every so often - like right now - I go through a stage where I not only need food but need SWEET food. Okay I know this is not just me - a lot of us have this problem. When the cravings comes I just want to pig-out on sweet stuff. Mmm... yummy!! Sure - but NOT good for my body, hey!! I should add that I am not overweight from any of this. In fact at 70 yrs of age with very serious Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, my limbs are thin and somewhat emaciated from this raft of dreadful diseases.

Anyway, the story starts when I go in to lie down for a rest. I'd carefully eaten correct food so that I would NOT crave sweets when I hit the bedroom. I sat on the bed and immediately thought about tucking in to about half a dozen sweets. "Yeah, but how am I gonna not do that?" I said half to myself, half to the Lord. And that was when it hit me!!

I've spoken piles of times here how that we try to do things by ourselves ("in our own strength") when this is NOT how God wants it to be for His kids at all!! HOW SO?? Well, Jesus gets us well started on this matter right here (from the Amplified Bible):

John Ch 14
15 If you [really] love Me, you will keep (obey) My commands.
16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever -
17 The Spirit of Truth, Whom the world cannot receive (welcome, take to its heart), because it does not see Him or know and recognize Him. But you know and recognize Him, for He lives with you [constantly] and will be in you. **

Here Jesus is speaking about the coming of the Holy Spirit to be with us and in us. Notice all the meanings broadly contained in the Greek word parakletos: Counsellor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby. And in the New Testament it is perfectly clear that the Holy Spirit of God does all of those. We need a Helper? We have one! We need a Strengthener? We have one! But you see, I didn't think of Him helping with my craving for something sweet. IN FACT I WAS GEARING UP TO TRY AND FIGHT THAT BY MYSELF!! And probably would've LOST, right!!! You know it, and I know it. We are often just not strong enough. But HE is!!!

And He's our Standby, standing by AT ALL TIMES to meet our needs (not wants, needs) - but what was I doing? Well, I was basically ignoring this, IGNORING HIM! Struggling to not hoe into the sweets. How stupid!! Instead of saying, "Lord, Your Spirit is my HELPER, and my STANDBY, and my STRENGTHENER. I'm asking for His help. I need HIM to do those things for me right now. Thankyou!"

When I make requests like this to God, I finish - and then I REST!! Meaning that I just, well, STOP! I rest and I WAIT for God to do His work. Why? BECAUSE AT THAT POINT I'VE DONE ALL THAT I CAN - time now to let HIM work in me! Does this require faith and trust? OF COURSE! - all of our Christian walk does. And isn't that hard? Hmm, can be... But why should I let that happen to me? I've just read inHis Holy Word that the Holy Spirit IS my Helper, and IS with me, and is my Standby - so I'm not going to NOT trust Him, right?!!

So did it work? Yes, it did!! That's a Hallelujah I reckon! Will I be doing this again? OH YES, you can bet on that!! The Holy Spirit will help you (and me) in all things at all times (including the mundane and little ones!)


** Jesus said, "... and will be in you, i.e., future - because the Spirit had not yet come at that time. But at Pentecost after Jesus had returned to the father HE DID COME!!! Thus NOW we can read this verse as, "... and IS in you!!" That is, in you NOW, and ALWAYS, and AT ALL TIMES. Hey, works for me!!!

May His Spirit be your Helper!

- BM, with his Lady


I'm back too!

Yes, my dh said yes when I asked him if I could join CFS again because I missed all my friends. And I'm especially glad to see the Inner Room is alive and well! Sweets
Yes, my dh said yes when I asked him if I could join CFS again because I missed all my friends. And I'm especially glad to see the Inner Room is alive and well! Sweets

Goodness, well that's great, hon! You'll just have to be well disciplined then won't you? First (the most important) things first, an' all that, right!

Love n blessings!

- BM
Bondman said:
** Jesus said, "... and will be in you, i.e., future - because the Spirit had not yet come at that time. But at Pentecost after Jesus had returned to the father HE DID COME!!! Thus NOW we can read this verse as, "... and IS in you!!" That is, in you NOW, and ALWAYS, and AT ALL TIMES. Hey, works for me!!!

Hey, works for me to!!!
All too often we forget that our LORD,councelor, comforter, teacher is no more than our next heart beat away.

Yay! Sweets is back! We missed you!
Hey, Theophilus! Good to see you, too!
Hey, Bondman! Loved your post on the Holy Spirit!:D
Intercessory Prayer

I posted this question on the main post, but have gotten no responses, so I am hoping BM or someone here will have one.

I am reading a book called Beyond the Veil.
This author, Alice Smith, talks a lot about Intercession, the kind of prayer that you travail in for the souls of men. This is the kind of prayer that I have never done, and now I am questioning it somewhat.

It seems that she believes "the kingdom of Heaven must be taken by force. And not just John (the Baptist), but even the youngest believer can intercede to rescue souls from the kingdom of darkness by thrusting the enemy's 'strong holder' aside to make clearance for souls to get into the kingdom of God."

It just seems like we should be able to ask of God anything that is in His will (which of course someone getting saved should be), and He will do it. Has anyone else heard of this kind of prayer where you have to work hard at it to accomplish it?

She goes on to say that "itercession is work . . . and leaves the intercessor sapped of his or her strength." I just don't see that as being necessary, to be so intent as to lose strength as if in a battle.

But then there is a lot I don't know, so please enlighten me if this is familiar to you. I really want to know that what I am reading is of God. Thanx, Bonnie
Hey, works for me to!!!
All too often we forget that our LORD,councelor, comforter, teacher is no more than our next heart beat away.


Hey there, Cliff, thanks for your post!

I think I'm gonna 'pinch' your words that He is "no more than our next heart beat away". That's fabulous, and brings home a reality that we so desperately need to be living! Right now I find myself to be most dissatisfied at how well I'm doing on this!

Bless you, man!

- BM
Yay! Sweets is back! We missed you!
Hey, Theophilus! Good to see you, too!
Hey, Bondman! Loved your post on the Holy Spirit!:D

Yay, Fluff visited! I know you're busy, hon, so thanks so much for droppin' in! (Praying about those Texas fires for you and hubby.)
I posted this question on the main post, but have gotten no responses, so I am hoping BM or someone here will have one.

I am reading a book called Beyond the Veil.
This author, Alice Smith, talks a lot about Intercession, the kind of prayer that you travail in for the souls of men. This is the kind of prayer that I have never done, and now I am questioning it somewhat.

It seems that she believes "the kingdom of Heaven must be taken by force. And not just John (the Baptist), but even the youngest believer can intercede to rescue souls from the kingdom of darkness by thrusting the enemy's 'strong holder' aside to make clearance for souls to get into the kingdom of God."

It just seems like we should be able to ask of God anything that is in His will (which of course someone getting saved should be), and He will do it. Has anyone else heard of this kind of prayer where you have to work hard at it to accomplish it?

She goes on to say that "itercession is work . . . and leaves the intercessor sapped of his or her strength." I just don't see that as being necessary, to be so intent as to lose strength as if in a battle.

But then there is a lot I don't know, so please enlighten me if this is familiar to you. I really want to know that what I am reading is of God. Thanx, Bonnie

I can certainly understand why you haven't had an answer, hon, because it's quite a difficult question that's not simple nor easy to answer.

I have checked out Alice Smith's viewpoint previously, have one of her books, and with all due respect to her I believe that often she is not true to the Scriptures as to her interpretation of them, but rather is going off onto her own interpretation - which of course the Scriptures themselves warn us NOT to do! 2 Peter Ch 1:20 ..knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation..

Let's look at where she says, "The kingdom of Heaven must be taken by force. And not just John (the Baptist), but even the youngest believer can intercede to rescue souls from the kingdom of darkness by thrusting the enemy's 'strong holder' aside to make clearance for souls to get into the kingdom of God."


The verse she's talking about is Matthew 11:12, Jesus speaking. The best commentators and Bible scholars disagree with her interpretation of this verse. It is indeed speaking about people getting into God's kingdom, but does NOT say that this is by prayer or intercession at all (whether physically exhausting or otherwise), but rather entrance into the kingdom comes VIA hearing the Word of God spoken or preached!!

Thus having seen that Alice has got that wrong, building her doctrine and practice upon a wrong initial assumption, sadly we must reject much of what she writes that stems from the assumption. Which I believe most of us would perfectly expect!


Next, we need to see that where the verse speaks about getting into the Kingdom by 'force', the most common interpretation of this is that when people are so 'grabbed' by hearing the Gospel preached in great power (as John the Baptist did) and convicted about its mighty and important truth, they will do just about ANYTHING to get into God's Kingdom!!! - even to the point of 'forcing' their way in, as it were! Wow!!! How I wish we still saw that today!!


As to prayer and intercession, I'm not sure she's on track with this either. The New Testament prayer pattern is that we must be sincere and earnest in prayer. AND persistent, spending adequate time, and not giving up or quitting - these things - perhaps rather than wearing onesself out. (Not that I have any problem with folks giving of themselves to earnest prayer for someone or some situation. This is great, and we need much more of it. But Alice is talking about something quite different so far as I can see.)

Above is what we see from Jesus and right throughout the NT. Jesus would get up before dawn and go out to spend time with His Father so He could live the day right!


The most serious kind of prayer recorded in the NT is that of casting out demons from peole's lives. The disciples came to Jesus, Mark 9:28, and asked Him why they were unable to cast out the demon, which Jesus than did quite successfully. In verse 29 Jesus' answer is that this is NOT possible except by prayer and fasting!!


And that's the Biblical prayer truth which is used very effectively today in 3rd World and developing countries. For example many thousands of the missionary pastors in India who I've written about, regularly do this. For example, they often come across very ill people (or someone possesed by a demon) who've prayed to all their god's without result, and tried doctors with the same result. The pastor and his whole congregation of people who he has led to Christ will go to prayer and fasting for the ill person.

This may take hours, or days, or even longer. They continue until God answers. And He does, wonderfully. In the process of this the pastor shares/preaches the Gospel of Christ, the Good News of the One Who brought healing, and in most cases the healed person comes into the Kingdom, and their family with them!!

In the underground house churches in China, same thing. The members of these churches are SO STRONG in the Lord, they report, because that's how they came into His kingdom.


So here are two Scriptural means of prayer, effective, and commonly in practice in places where the church of the Lord Jesus is strong and growing powerfully: people come into the Kingdom by hearing the Gospel spoken or preached, along with prayer and fasting by God's people.

So, dear one, there is a lot more could be said, but it seems that the Lord gave you concerns about what you were reading, and also led you to see something of the truth - and I can do nothing but join with you in rejoicing as to His goodness and care towards you!!

With love!

- BM

P.S. Any further questions anyone may have, please feel free to ask.
O, thank you so much, dear BM. I'm glad I asked and just did not accept that she was right and decide I would never pray like that. Because of you, I've learned to question things when my heart is quickened. I think I will now waste my time reading anymore out of this book, but will move on to another one, perhaps the Bible. ? :p That would be a good one!

O, thank you so much, dear BM. I'm glad I asked and just did not accept that she was right and decide I would never pray like that. Because of you, I've learned to question things when my heart is quickened. I think I will now waste my time reading anymore out of this book, but will move on to another one, perhaps the Bible. ? :p That would be a good one!


You're very welcome, dear one. It's rather exciting that your heart was quickened about this issue. Yup the Bible is good!! But I know that the NT is not always easy to understand, and keep wondering how I can help with this...

One of our favourite authors for a long time now is Max Lucado. Always an easy read (i.e., not deep and hard to grasp), but on Scripture truth he is very solid! He will teach you, but in an interesting yet effective way.

He's written lots of books which are ALL good! And he's just such a lovely man! One we loved was "It's Not About Me", and "He Still Moves Stones" is great, but there are piles more. (Writes kids books also.)

Much love,

- BM

EDIT! We all buy Christian books and then accumulate them on a shelf somewhere (where they're then not doing any good...) Max Lucado writes books that you can read, understand, and "get" what it's about. Time then to pass it on to someone else!!

I kind of suspect that Max's books get passed round about as much as anyone's. So go for "a double blessing" - let him bless you, then bless someone else by giving it to them (and encourage them in turn to do THE SAME! - like write your name in the front of the book, then under it write: "Please pass on to someone else when you've read this!")
Amazing, I was just sitting and reading the book of Mark this morning!
I took a rest day from work today to get some things done around my house and get my house in order- my whole "house". I needed to be in God's word today. Like many others, I have read many books and Bondman you are right- let us not let them pile on our shelves. I mean honestly, how many times do we actually pick those books back up?
We do need to bless others with these. There is only one book that we should pick up again and again and that is the Bible.

I just read Max Lucado's book 3:16. Something he wrote in there touched my heart- Go home and take care of your family- how can you take care of the person across the hall if you cannot take care of your family? This struck me right in the heart in regards to my daughter and sons. I need to be taking care of them first- this has not always been the case. The Lord has forgiven me of my sins and my past. Each day as Cliff said we are only one heart beat away. I am working with God on searching my heart to show me how to restore the relationships that my sin and my own selfishness has destroyed.

I hope you all have a blessed day!




I just read Max Lucado's book 3:16. Something he wrote in there touched my heart- Go home and take care of your family- how can you take care of the person across the hall if you cannot take care of your family? This struck me right in the heart in regards to my daughter and sons. I need to be taking care of them first- this has not always been the case. The Lord has forgiven me of my sins and my past. Each day as Cliff said we are only one heart beat away. I am working with God on searching my heart to show me how to restore the relationships that my sin and my own selfishness has destroyed.


There ya go, I said to y'all *tries to pretend he's from Texas - fails!* that Max Lucado is great to read!! Faithwoman comes straight in with a gem from him to do with our family! WOW!!

I've failed in the family area too, Faithwoman. I was busy working for the Lord with children and teens, teaching other folks kids MORE than I was teaching my own. But FAMILY is important! Paul writing to Timothy:

1 Timothy Ch 5
8 But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.


The Other Side of the Coin

Now we need to see MORE ABOUT THIS in the NT to fully grasp all that's involved in this important matter. Jesus concerning his earthly family:

Matthew Ch 12
47 Then one said to Him, “Look, Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside, seeking to speak with You.”
48 But He answered and said to the one who told Him, “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?” 49 And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said, “Here are My mother and My brothers! 50 For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.”

His DISCIPLES are His mother and brothers, Jesus says - turning His back on Mary and His earthly brothers!! Does that surprise you?? Then goes on, "Whoever does God's will are My brother, sister, mother." How incredible!!

Mark Ch 10
28 Then Peter began to say to Him, “See, we have left all and followed You.”
29 So Jesus answered and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel’s,
30 who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time—houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions—and in the age to come, eternal life.

Here Jesus is not saying to FORGET about family and possessions, for that would contradict 1 Timothy Ch 5:8. What He IS saying is that if it comes to which must take FIRST PLACE, then it has to be He and His gospel - then spells out that that NO ONE WILL LOOSE FOR DOING SO - both now and in the age to come (in eternity)!! Please note that Jesus says we'll receive reward in doing this, but also be PERSECUTED!!


It seems to me that the answer to whether we are to focus on FAMILY or on JESUS and HIS WORK MUST BE PRECISELY WHAT HE GUIDES US TO DO!!! I can see no other way to do it. And so this stresses to us all the HIGH IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING TO HEAR HIS VOICE SO AS TO KNOW HIS WILL!! NOT something many of us are terribly good at, I venture to say, but the challenge is: TO START LEARNING THIS - STARTING NOW!

"Lord, help us all to learn to hear and to do Your will, and so please You out of our love for You!"

- BM, with his Beloved


Ya'll (hey, I AM from Texas! hee!) these past posts have blessed me, so much!
Thank you, Sweets, for bringing up that question! I havent read her book, but I have heard of what she is talking about. I have questioned it, myself.
Good answer, Bondman! That cleared up, alot!!!
Faithwoman, thank you for telling me where Batavia was. I almost thought it was another country! hee!
Gods_Child tells me her home internet is cut off, so she wont be on line much for awhile until she gets it turned back on.
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