I've always wanted to see Australia. I understand it has great diversity.
Mountains, plains, lots of coastline.
It would be just different enough from the U.S. to make every day very interesting.
Your "deer" stand up on their hind legs!
The water in the toilet flushes the other direction.
You can get a sun tan in January.
It often amazes me how many people believe that our God would have all of us fit into one tiny little mold.
People often think that we all need to be "This way" and "This way" and that is what God wants.
I say, our God who has created such great diversity, loves diversity.

He loves it so much that he doesn't even make two snowflakes the same.
There was once a time when the earth was watered from the ground. And then God caused it to rain. Talk about "Climate Change!" We have found mammoths in arctic conditions with tropical plants in their mouths. And I can remember when I was young, we had much more snow in the winter than we do now.
It would seem to me, that Gods love for diversity is not limited to you, and me, and the animals, or even limited to snowflakes, rather His great love for diversity even extends to the climate, and beyond.
Let us pray...
Father I give you thanks for the strength and richness you provide to us by giving us so many new experiences. We offer our praise for such magnificent change and diversity in each of our lives.
To you alone be all of the glory.
Continue to guide and to protect us this day and in the days to come. Continue to teach us, and continue to share your love for us in new ways each day. Teach us to love one another and to appreciate our differences, as we learn to appreciate the changes we encounter in our travels, and in our lives.
This we ask in Jesus most precious name.
