THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Thank you again for keeping this thread open. Just think of the folks you have touched! By touching me alone, and I go forth and touch all the people that I do.. and when they become close to God, they go forth and the chain awesome is that!

Your messages are what help teach others.. you have given so many.. a thought came to my mind just now.. the good Lord says take all that strength you have left and enjoy watching. .. how awesome God is allowing you to see the seeds grow that you planted!


Thankyou, hon! It was the Lord's idea to reopen the thread for you guys.

Yes, it's certainly a great blessing to me to see lives being changed as He works in our hearts. That's just what the IR was started for - though I did NOT know He would end up developing it into the teaching ministry He did! WOW, HE SURE IS GOOD TO US ALL, HEY!!!

Enjoy the time with your daughter!

- BM
Another conviction

Hey Fluffy , Sweets and all,

I was also convicted of not smoking in my car.. yes that is one thing that I know of that has got to go.

I went on Sat to get my nails done. When I came out there was this pink plastic piece on my drivers seat.. i thought what the heck was that from?
Then I realized there was a disposable lighter in my car, that had blown up. It was an Elite one.. it was clear.. apparently the heat combusted it..praises to the Lord that the car did not catch fire.. but man it was enough of a warning for me not to smoke in my car! ..

slowly.. surely.. he continues to lead! Praise the Lord!
One step at a time, Faithwoman! One step at a time!:D

Great advice! We don't want to be like some whose growth in the Lord somewhat resembles that of a snail, right! On the other hand, if we rush ahead inadvisedly, what happens? WE GET AHEAD OF, and soon are MOTORING GAILY ALONG AHEAD OF THE LORD! Whoa!! Guess where that takes us - onto our OWN path, that's where!

Sometimes the BALANCE can be hard to find, but we must constantly strive for it, and always work at keeping close to the Lord via prayer every day.
Peace, Peace

The chorus is:

Peace, peace, wonderful peace
Coming down from the Father above!
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray
In fathomless billows of love!

Full lyrics are HERE.Music (without lyrics) is HERE, and also HERE.

Oh, Bondman! Thank you, thank you. I am surprised it is so old, 1889! But, when you read all the words, you can tell. I really like this song as a devotional song. It's so loverly. :p Peace to you, my bro.


Billed as one in a million, this was sent to me recently:


God's amazing Nature speaks of His power and goodness, and in this bird smiley of the Joyfulness His Spirit can bestow!​

TODAY: I was thinking how God knows, well, EVERYTHING!! - in fact He knows EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING!!! I find that absolutely mind-boggling!

BECAUSE: Added to the 'everything' that He knows about everything on earth, and about the whole massive universe where our teensy solar system is (including everything about all of us of course), then He also knows everything about the whole of heaven as well - whereas we really know so little.

SO: If I dare to compare all that God knows to all that I know, I have to conclude that what I know is so close to NOTHING as doesn't matter!!! And that's a rather sobering thought...

HOWEVER: What I'm ecstatic about is that concerning God, the Bible and Christianity, not a single one of us can ever know everything - BUT what's absolutely CERTAIN is that we really can know - ENOUGH!!! And THAT thought I find incredibly and wonderfully comforting... You??

- BM
Oh, Bondman! Thank you, thank you. I am surprised it is so old, 1889! But, when you read all the words, you can tell. I really like this song as a devotional song. It's so loverly. :p Peace to you, my bro.


I love words and music like this too, hon! Maybe I'm just a simple man, but give me WORDS that have some DEPTH and MEANING - along with music that goes with the lyrics and is PLEASANT to listen to.
Music from down Under


At the park yesterday where my daughter and I went, we got to hear a concert by the Newsboys:

The Newsboys are a Christian pop/rock band formed in 1987 in Mooloolaba, Australia (although they soon relocated to Nashville, Tennessee). Its core members, John James and Peter Furler, originally hailed from Australia where they played in a band together called The News.

It was an awesome concert.. the lead guy had this little accent that I recalled from speaking to you! It was awesome! Thousands of folks, praising the Lord.. awesome, awesome , awesome~

Roped in Sin and Wild ride

Ok so I got to spend the day with my daughter yesterday, as a matter of fact 4 days lately! whooo hoo!

After arriving at the park, we went on the rollercoaster first thing. That was my first and last rollercoaster ride.. to wild for me.. I literally thought I was going to get sick! As I sat and recovered, it made me think about my day to day life and how it is a rollercoaster with so many ups and downs.. at the end of the evening, we went and and heard the Newsboys play. the songs Something Beautiful and I am Free played.. two of my favorites.. I am so thankful with finding Jesus that I am free.. as a matter of fact, I got a tshirt that says on the front I am Free and on the back it says The price has been paid. We no longer have to be on that wild rollercoaster of life.. if we invite Jesus into our lives, it is such more peaceful. Sure there will be bumps along the way.. but not those darn out of control days!

So later in the day, I searched for an area to have a cigarette as it was a smoke free park with designated areas. I found it.. As I sat on that bench which was in a small area roped in.. yes ropes around the benches.
I thought of being roped in sin.. What sins in our life are we allowing to rope us in.. There is one that can cut those ropes.. and that is Jesus. Ok.. so I sure can say it, but now it is living it. I am getting there. I am being freed. I just have to keep continuing to give it all to him.

Anyone care to share what sin they feel that the ropes still have them roped in by? We sin every day.. and we are forgiven.. but is there a sin that is driving you crazy.. the chains are so tight around you, that you do not think you will ever be free? There is hope.. hang in there.. hang on tight and turn to the one who will set you free.

I have 5 hour round trip to take my daughter back today.. been an awesome 4 days.

Have a great day!

At the park yesterday where my daughter and I went, we got to hear a concert by the Newsboys:

The Newsboys are a Christian pop/rock band formed in 1987 in Mooloolaba, Australia (although they soon relocated to Nashville, Tennessee). Its core members, John James and Peter Furler, originally hailed from Australia where they played in a band together called The News.

It was an awesome concert.. the lead guy had this little accent that I recalled from speaking to you! It was awesome! Thousands of folks, praising the Lord.. awesome, awesome , awesome~


Accent, huh! Funny that, but I don't notice any accent! Just checked - nar, Beloved doesn't notice one either! Whereas you Americans! - and especially if "ya'll" come from the deep South... well, what can I say... *hee!*

I'm really glad you enjoyed the concert though! I feel like I've heard of a band called the Newsboys, but I'm not really up with bands. Mooloolaba is a charming seaside resort on our Sunshine Coast only about 2 hours North from Brisbane. I must admit that if I found myself living in such a delightful spot as there I would not be leaving!

Up behind the Sunshine Coast there are some small places in amongst the trees on the slopes of the Great Dividing Range, with wonderful views down to blue ocean, white waves, and golden sands! Yep, that's where we'd love to be living!

I always feel 'bad' about writing "The Great Dividing Range", like it's this massively high range of mountains! Nope. Instead it IS very long and it DOES divide the coastal areas where most folks live in Oz, from the rest of the outback where mostly Kangaroos live! - but the whole length of it is really low by most standards. In fact there's nothing high in Australia, which is one of the reasons for our poor rainfall: no high ranges to force the clouds to drop the rain. And in most of Australia's coastline NO ranges at all! Result: NO rain, and much desert country!

Ha, but we are very rich in mineral wealth throughout the vast open spaces of our island continent, one of the three top countries in the world I seem to remember. Maybe that makes up for lack of rain. Maybe!
Ok so I got to spend the day with my daughter yesterday, as a matter of fact 4 days lately! whooo hoo!

After arriving at the park, we went on the rollercoaster first thing. That was my first and last rollercoaster ride.. to wild for me.. I literally thought I was going to get sick! As I sat and recovered, it made me think about my day to day life and how it is a rollercoaster with so many ups and downs.. at the end of the evening, we went and and heard the Newsboys play. the songs Something Beautiful and I am Free played.. two of my favorites.. I am so thankful with finding Jesus that I am free.. as a matter of fact, I got a tshirt that says on the front I am Free and on the back it says The price has been paid. We no longer have to be on that wild rollercoaster of life.. if we invite Jesus into our lives, it is such more peaceful. Sure there will be bumps along the way.. but not those darn out of control days!

So later in the day, I searched for an area to have a cigarette as it was a smoke free park with designated areas. I found it.. As I sat on that bench which was in a small area roped in.. yes ropes around the benches.
I thought of being roped in sin.. What sins in our life are we allowing to rope us in.. There is one that can cut those ropes.. and that is Jesus. Ok.. so I sure can say it, but now it is living it. I am getting there. I am being freed. I just have to keep continuing to give it all to him.

Anyone care to share what sin they feel that the ropes still have them roped in by? We sin every day.. and we are forgiven.. but is there a sin that is driving you crazy.. the chains are so tight around you, that you do not think you will ever be free? There is hope.. hang in there.. hang on tight and turn to the one who will set you free.

I have 5 hour round trip to take my daughter back today.. been an awesome 4 days.

Have a great day!

My experience is that most folks with what we used to call 'a besetting sin' tend to feel guilty about it and so keep it hidden. Not always that easy to get free from such sin either. I think that it often becomes a matter of reaching some sort of desperation point before we'll give up what our flesh loves. Many will go for years or even decades still not free.

Does this ultimately come down to how committed and submitted we are to the Lord do you think?

One of my favourite verses in Ephesians -

Ephesians Ch 2:10 For we are God's handiwork (His workmanship),
recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those
good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us
that we should walk in them.
My experience is that most folks with what we used to call 'a besetting sin' tend to feel guilty about it and so keep it hidden. Not always that easy to get free from such sin either. I think that it often becomes a matter of reaching some sort of desperation point before we'll give up what our flesh loves. Many will go for years or even decades still not free.

Does this ultimately come down to how committed and submitted we are to the Lord do you think?


The answer to that question is YES......when the secrets are continue to be hidden.. well from others (nothing is hidden from the Lord).. i feel folks myself included.. are busy with their minds and the continuation of hiding for fear others would find out.. and through all this junk in the trunk, it does take away how committed and submitted they are to the lord..
Just my two cents from NY..

Answered Prayer

I am soooo excited because today, one of my prayers were answered. I am talking to this 33-yr. old single parent at work about God. We were talking about the classes she is taking, as she is also going to college to become a nurse. She just broke up with the father of her three boys (although they were just living together), who is a bouncer at a night club. As we talked about her classes, she said one of her favorite is Religion. She also stated that she believes there is a God, but she isn't sure about Jesus. From her religious classes, she thinks she would be a better Jew than a Christian. It makes more sense to her. ?? I thought that rather odd.

Anyway, at my class in church on Wed. night, I requested they pray for Susan and her 3 boys, 5, 3, and 18 mos old. I wanted the Holy Spirit to draw her so that she would hunger more and provide an opening for me to present my testimony to her and what Jesus has done for me.

It went so smoothly today. Not only were we completely alone so she could bring it up, but she asked all the right questions and even said she was just so ready for something new in her life and that she was thinking of going to a church. I told her my story about how I surrendered my life to God, and I suggested she just talk to God about showing her if Jesus was real and if He was, to tell Him how much she needed Him in her life and surrender to Him, everything so that He would be that something to fill her emptiness. Something to that effect. I don't know, it just came out so good. She was very thoughtful and I invited her to church Sunday, knowing that I probably was not going to be there, because we were planning on leaving Sat. to go to Oregon to help my daughter and family move to Texas.

Well, just then, Norm walked in and said we wouldn't be able to make it to Oregon, because we just can't afford the car rental from the Military base in Washington to Salem. They have gone sky-high in prices and the gas being so expensive, we figured it would cost $600, just for the car, which we don't have available and I was so glad he made that decision cause now I can go with Susan to church Sunday. I will see her again tomorrow and will find out if she prayed a life-changing prayer tonight. Isn't it exciting!! It is so much easier depending on God and the Holy Spirit to move, rather than me figuring out what and when to say the right thing.

Also, I am reading another amazing book called The Shack. It's something new out and I don't remember the author, but a tragedy forces a man into a face-to-face encounter with God, Jesus, and the H.S. who try to explain to Him the Trinity and how they are one and always have been one. It makes so much sense and it would be a great book-made-into a movie. You will have to look it up and see what you think.

Man, BM, I hope you and the Missus are doing just a tad better these days. No worries? Love, Sweets
I am soooo excited because today, one of my prayers were answered. I am talking to this 33-yr. old single parent at work about God. We were talking about the classes she is taking, as she is also going to college to become a nurse. She just broke up with the father of her three boys (although they were just living together), who is a bouncer at a night club. As we talked about her classes, she said one of her favorite is Religion. She also stated that she believes there is a God, but she isn't sure about Jesus. From her religious classes, she thinks she would be a better Jew than a Christian. It makes more sense to her. ?? I thought that rather odd.

Anyway, at my class in church on Wed. night, I requested they pray for Susan and her 3 boys, 5, 3, and 18 mos old. I wanted the Holy Spirit to draw her so that she would hunger more and provide an opening for me to present my testimony to her and what Jesus has done for me.

It went so smoothly today. Not only were we completely alone so she could bring it up, but she asked all the right questions and even said she was just so ready for something new in her life and that she was thinking of going to a church. I told her my story about how I surrendered my life to God, and I suggested she just talk to God about showing her if Jesus was real and if He was, to tell Him how much she needed Him in her life and surrender to Him, everything so that He would be that something to fill her emptiness. Something to that effect. I don't know, it just came out so good. She was very thoughtful and I invited her to church Sunday, knowing that I probably was not going to be there, because we were planning on leaving Sat. to go to Oregon to help my daughter and family move to Texas.

Well, just then, Norm walked in and said we wouldn't be able to make it to Oregon, because we just can't afford the car rental from the Military base in Washington to Salem. They have gone sky-high in prices and the gas being so expensive, we figured it would cost $600, just for the car, which we don't have available and I was so glad he made that decision cause now I can go with Susan to church Sunday. I will see her again tomorrow and will find out if she prayed a life-changing prayer tonight. Isn't it exciting!! It is so much easier depending on God and the Holy Spirit to move, rather than me figuring out what and when to say the right thing.

Wow, that's all very wonderful, sweetie!! I'm SO happy for you, and truly thrilled to bits at the place you are with the Lord!

I bless all those who've helped you in your journey and of course most of all the Lord for His grace, care and love!!

- BM
Man, BM, I hope you and the Missus are doing just a tad better these days. No worries? Love, Sweets

It's a case of 1 up 1 down: Beloved has been able to get at least a little out of her bad time last week, but I'm still on the downward trail physically, was very ill this morning, and my best assessment of the situation is that my body truly cannot go down much further...

However I am relaxed and at peace in the Lord, as I continue to believe God for our total healing. The reason is really quite simple -I KNOW He answers prayer, I KNOW He can and does heal, and I KNOW that we can trust Him always and in all ways!! My trust in Him means that if He should choose not to heal that's okay, because I'm fully ready to meet my Jesus, my Master!!

Bless you for caring, Sweets!

- BM
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