I am soooo excited because today, one of my prayers were answered. I am talking to this 33-yr. old single parent at work about God. We were talking about the classes she is taking, as she is also going to college to become a nurse. She just broke up with the father of her three boys (although they were just living together), who is a bouncer at a night club. As we talked about her classes, she said one of her favorite is Religion. She also stated that she believes there is a God, but she isn't sure about Jesus. From her religious classes, she thinks she would be a better Jew than a Christian. It makes more sense to her. ?? I thought that rather odd.
Anyway, at my class in church on Wed. night, I requested they pray for Susan and her 3 boys, 5, 3, and 18 mos old. I wanted the Holy Spirit to draw her so that she would hunger more and provide an opening for me to present my testimony to her and what Jesus has done for me.
It went so smoothly today. Not only were we completely alone so she could bring it up, but she asked all the right questions and even said she was just so ready for something new in her life and that she was thinking of going to a church. I told her my story about how I surrendered my life to God, and I suggested she just talk to God about showing her if Jesus was real and if He was, to tell Him how much she needed Him in her life and surrender to Him, everything so that He would be that something to fill her emptiness. Something to that effect. I don't know, it just came out so good. She was very thoughtful and I invited her to church Sunday, knowing that I probably was not going to be there, because we were planning on leaving Sat. to go to Oregon to help my daughter and family move to Texas.
Well, just then, Norm walked in and said we wouldn't be able to make it to Oregon, because we just can't afford the car rental from the Military base in Washington to Salem. They have gone sky-high in prices and the gas being so expensive, we figured it would cost $600, just for the car, which we don't have available and I was so glad he made that decision cause now I can go with Susan to church Sunday. I will see her again tomorrow and will find out if she prayed a life-changing prayer tonight. Isn't it exciting!! It is so much easier depending on God and the Holy Spirit to move, rather than me figuring out what and when to say the right thing.