God is GOOD! And He CAN be trusted!!)
Wow! Bondman! I knew there was alot, but seeing the list like that blew me away! God is awesome!![]()
Thanks, ya'll! It was something I had completely forgotten about, but was affecting my attitude and behavior toward my husband.
Then, last night, I had to struggle to not get offended AGAIN! I am STILL struggling with that. But in our walk with Jesus, we learn that we are not our own. We are bought with a price, and belong to Someone else. We have no right to get offended at something someone else is totally unaware of.
No, I am not going to bring it to his attention. It is my personal struggle, and he cant do anything to help.
OH, Lord! I give it all to You, again. Please make me clean. Please take this out of me!! I dont want to feel this way!
Well, like I said, the healing has just begun. I guess this is a part of the healing process.
Ya'll have a good day!![]()
Today driving down the road, a local church had a Free Car Wash.. as I drove by, I saw the sign, and turned around and had my car washed for free.. see when we are obedient he brings blessings into our life.. today it was a free car wash.. ! how awesome is that!
whoo hoo.
Bondman, Praises to the Lord for giving you the strength to come back and visit here as you are able!
Fluffy. I'm glad to hear your healing. Too bad you couldn't tell us about it.
G'day Bondman and Mrs Bondman
Wow, I had no idea you had written so many threads.....wow... God is good, all the time God is good.
I've been thinking ( woo I smell smoke, in here) maybe you should pull all these powerful threads together and put them in a book.
You're opening minds and hearts to the truth of the gospel, and though them lives are being changed...really awesome, I reackon.
May the Lord God continue to bless you, as you have been blessing us here, in CFS.
Your Sis,
Wow, I just saw "The List!" Can't wait to get the time go through some. I want to copy a post I made on a Woman't Book forum I'm on. Boanerges recommended I read this old book. It may not be old to you, Bondman. You may have heard of it. It is about the O.T., so maybe not, but I did learn a lot, just from the 1st chapter. Had some questions too.
Posted by Bonnie on August 3, 2008 at 12:50am in Let's Talk About it!
I just started a new-to-me book! It's called "Let Us Draw Near," by Judson Cornwall. It's an old one, 1977, I guess, but someone told me I'd like it. It's about the Tabernacle the Jews built after their escape from Egypt. It has really opened up the Old Testiment writings to me and helped me understand a lot more, and that God was not a destructive God, who did not know how to communicate with His people. I stopped reading the O.T. because of all the violence in it.
The book explains about the manna the people were fed in the wilderness and how it had to be fresh every morning. They were not to store up more than they could eat, but gather it fresh day after day. It struck me how that is the way we should feed on the Word of God, every morning, read it fresh and not expect it to last from yesterday's reading. And that is how we grow in our strength, by His Word. . . fresh from morning to morning.
Then it told about building a place where God could dwell because the people were fearful of facing God and sent Moses up onto Mt. Sinai because he had seen God before and did not die. It did not name that place where God would dwell, but I think it is the Ark of the Covenant. The one they carried from place to place and were not to touch it because they would die. I always thought that was cruel of God to strike them dead if they touched that thing, even by accident. But now I understand that it was just a fact, that you can't stand in the presence of God because it is so powerful to us. Is that why when we get to Heaven, we will get new bodies, Heavenly bodies, that will not die? Because then we can look upon the face of God and not die? And, is there something to learn about the Ark and us now, how we are carrying Jesus or the Holy Spirit around in our spirits now or something?
I learned that God was actually trying to connect with His people by containing Himself in a small golden box, so they could feel closer to Him. He was trying to show them He cared and not to run from Him. But, they probably didn't understand anymore then I did when I stopped reading the O.T. because it was uncomprehensible to me.
I must continue reading this wonderful book and will post again when I want to share more. I'm sure most of you understand more of the O.T. and know all the stories in the Bible and this is old stuff to you, but I'd still like to share because it is all coming together for me and maybe someone like me, a newbie, will be helped by it. If I was wrong in anything, I'm sure you will also share. Bonnie
Isnt it funny, how when God is in the process of providing, we are oblivious to it? Until one day, BAM! We see the Hand of God at work and wonder. Isnt it wonderful how He knows ahead of time what we will need and provides just the necessary thing?
If we will just relax, and let God take care of everything and just listen for His voice and do what He says, how much better our lives would be!![]()
Thanks, but I am learning to not 'uncover' my husband. Its ok. God is working it out for me!
You are doing a 'spiritual housecleaning'! Keep asking Him if there is anything else that you need to get rid of. You might be surprised at the answer!
But, I suppose, along with all my Mormon books, I should have put the above stuff in the box I took for pastor to burn. Especially the porn cd's. Although I don't know if I should destroy those, as they are Norm's. I was impressed, though!
I was listening to the radio tonight while I cleaned up the kitchen and was getting irritated a bit with the kinda hard rock music I had on (it was a Christian station, but was irritating me for some reason). Anyway, the radio hangs below my cupboards, above my counter and I accidently came up with my hand and bumped it when I was picking up a bowl I thought was heavier than it was. All of a sudden it evidently changed stations because a song came on that was like straight from Heaven. It was so beautiful. I rushed to write down the words I could catch. It went: "Peace, Peace, wonderful Peace coming down from the Father above. Sweep over my spirit . . . with wonderful words of love." Something like that.I couldn't write fast enough, so missed some words, but it was just what I needed in my spirit at that time. I don't know why I was so frustrated, but God sent me away from that station and gave me the peace He knew I needed. Just had to share that with ya. Keep the Faith! Love, Sweets