THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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God is GOOD! And He CAN be trusted!!)

Amen to that one!

Today driving down the road, a local church had a Free Car Wash.. as I drove by, I saw the sign, and turned around and had my car washed for free.. see when we are obedient he brings blessings into our life.. today it was a free car wash.. ! how awesome is that!
whoo hoo.

Praises to the Lord for giving you the strength to come back and visit here as you are able! :):)

Free Wash


What a beautiful morning, I woke up. The sun was shining bright. Here I was lying in my bed in this new town the Lord led me to. I said “Ok God what is on the agenda today? First on the agenda was to get out of bed and have that morning coffee on my beautiful patio. As I sipped on my coffee, I thought of the day ahead and what should I do.

You see I am struggling. The relationship I was in for 2 ½ years had just ended. I had been feeling much pain the past few weeks. However, I know how awesome God is and he will love me, comfort me, heal me and continue to provide for me.

I threw on my sweats and headed out to pop in to see one of my friends from work who was meeting with another gal from her church. They were getting together in God’s house to brainstorm for ideas on how to reach out to families and youth within their church and the community.

Man that Sandy sure whipped up a great omlette! As we sat and munched on our toast and enjoyed the delicious food that God provided, we chatted about our spiritual gifts that God has placed in each of us. We ended the morning in prayer.

I headed out in my little neon down the highway. God sure is blessing me with my little car that has 115,000 miles on it. I went through the traffic light- green of course.. (I have been known to be daydreaming and go through a red one now and then!).

It is then I saw the sign. A young gentleman was waving it on the side of the highway-Free Car Wash! I drove on by and a voice spoke and said turn around. I turned around and pulled in. There waiting for me was a group of young kids with huge smiles on their face surrounded by loving adults. They got my car park where I needed to be. I got out and started talking with one of the women. As we struck up conversation, the kids were busy washing my car. They washed it down, soaped it up, scrubbed the bugs off and then gave it a good rinse. I then had to get in and move it to the next stop. At this stop, there was a bunch of smiling cheerful young gals. Here is where they dried my car off.

These young kids and adults gave up their Saturday morning to provide a great bargain and show God’s love to the community. A free Car Wash for all!

You are probably asking yourself “Wow how often does that happen? A free car wash?
Well, let me share with you- It happens every day! What you ask? Yes every day!
You see Jesus washes us clean each and every day! He washes us down, soaps us up, scrubs the sins off of us and dries us off with his renewal and forgiveness!

Praise the Lord! We get a free wash each and every day! This group of young kids and adults provided a great service of the Lord today. They helped wash us clean. Free of charge, just like Jesus does. He does not charge us. No the washing we receive each and every day is free! Enjoy that blessing that is given to you!


G'day Bondman and Mrs Bondman
Wow, I had no idea you had written so many God is good, all the time God is good.
I've been thinking ( woo I smell smoke, in here) maybe you should pull all these powerful threads together and put them in a book.
You're opening minds and hearts to the truth of the gospel, and though them lives are being changed...really awesome, I reackon.
May the Lord God continue to bless you, as you have been blessing us here, in CFS.
Your Sis,
Thanks, ya'll! It was something I had completely forgotten about, but was affecting my attitude and behavior toward my husband.
Then, last night, I had to struggle to not get offended AGAIN! I am STILL struggling with that. But in our walk with Jesus, we learn that we are not our own. We are bought with a price, and belong to Someone else. We have no right to get offended at something someone else is totally unaware of.
No, I am not going to bring it to his attention. It is my personal struggle, and he cant do anything to help.
OH, Lord! I give it all to You, again. Please make me clean. Please take this out of me!! I dont want to feel this way!
Well, like I said, the healing has just begun. I guess this is a part of the healing process.
Ya'll have a good day!:)

Fluffy. I'm glad to hear your healing. Too bad you couldn't tell us about it.
A "New" Book

Wow, I just saw "The List!" Can't wait to get the time go through some. I want to copy a post I made on a Woman't Book forum I'm on. Boanerges recommended I read this old book. It may not be old to you, Bondman. You may have heard of it. It is about the O.T., so maybe not, but I did learn a lot, just from the 1st chapter. Had some questions too.

Posted by Bonnie on August 3, 2008 at 12:50am in Let's Talk About it!

I just started a new-to-me book! It's called "Let Us Draw Near," by Judson Cornwall. It's an old one, 1977, I guess, but someone told me I'd like it. It's about the Tabernacle the Jews built after their escape from Egypt. It has really opened up the Old Testiment writings to me and helped me understand a lot more, and that God was not a destructive God, who did not know how to communicate with His people. I stopped reading the O.T. because of all the violence in it.

The book explains about the manna the people were fed in the wilderness and how it had to be fresh every morning. They were not to store up more than they could eat, but gather it fresh day after day. It struck me how that is the way we should feed on the Word of God, every morning, read it fresh and not expect it to last from yesterday's reading. And that is how we grow in our strength, by His Word. . . fresh from morning to morning.

Then it told about building a place where God could dwell because the people were fearful of facing God and sent Moses up onto Mt. Sinai because he had seen God before and did not die. It did not name that place where God would dwell, but I think it is the Ark of the Covenant. The one they carried from place to place and were not to touch it because they would die. I always thought that was cruel of God to strike them dead if they touched that thing, even by accident. But now I understand that it was just a fact, that you can't stand in the presence of God because it is so powerful to us. Is that why when we get to Heaven, we will get new bodies, Heavenly bodies, that will not die? Because then we can look upon the face of God and not die? And, is there something to learn about the Ark and us now, how we are carrying Jesus or the Holy Spirit around in our spirits now or something?

I learned that God was actually trying to connect with His people by containing Himself in a small golden box, so they could feel closer to Him. He was trying to show them He cared and not to run from Him. But, they probably didn't understand anymore then I did when I stopped reading the O.T. because it was uncomprehensible to me.

I must continue reading this wonderful book and will post again when I want to share more. I'm sure most of you understand more of the O.T. and know all the stories in the Bible and this is old stuff to you, but I'd still like to share because it is all coming together for me and maybe someone like me, a newbie, will be helped by it. If I was wrong in anything, I'm sure you will also share. Bonnie
Today driving down the road, a local church had a Free Car Wash.. as I drove by, I saw the sign, and turned around and had my car washed for free.. see when we are obedient he brings blessings into our life.. today it was a free car wash.. ! how awesome is that!
whoo hoo.

As I read above, it popped into my head that there's an astonishing blessing you already had that's maybe as much as 2,000 times better than the one you received!! YOUR CAR!!! (worth maybe that amount more than the value of the free wash).

Take 'em for granted don't we?? But for a few billion people in our unfair world, whenever they need to go somewhere they don't just hop in their car or truck, they don't take a cab, or a bus, or a train - THEY WALK!! Like a couple of miles every day to the village well, then carry back the full weight of the whole day's water supply that has to serve for every purpose!!

Did I mention taking things for granted???

Bondman, Praises to the Lord for giving you the strength to come back and visit here as you are able! :):)


Praises indeed, hon!! Like I've said, I gotta have sumpin' to do or I end up in bed (and then because of CFS, soon after that, dead in bed! *erp!*) Truth to tell, I can't keep away from you beautiful peoples here!!

May I share with you how incredibly PRACTICAL our God is, in enabling me to actually BE here: He helps with every-day things as well as spiritual ones (but they, of course, are the most important). Thus, years ago now, a way to prop myself up here at the computer, well, more or less just "happened"! It happened cos we somehow had the exact right height desk, and what we call a 'wheelie chair' (office chair with wheels) to sit in which was height ajustable. And it was comfortable and had arm-rests each side.

As I continued to get weaker we added pillows to further support my body and kinda prop me up, and so here I am, miraculously WITH EVERY POSSIBLE ANGLE RIGHT FOR MY WEAK, WEAK BODY!!! - giving TOTAL support of my legs and feet, my back and body, and my arms and even my wrists. SO right in fact, that as I'm typing here every part of me is supported and wholly relaxed (else it would wear out in absolutely NO time at all, and that would be that!!) and the only part of me doing any work at all are my fingers tapping the keys!!! Pretty neat, hey!!

If this HADN'T "happened" I'd have had to give up the computer a long time ago - and so you can see how miraculous this is, if we changed just one thing - say the height of the desk - then EVERY OTHER THING GOES STRAIGHT OUT OF WHACK, AND IT'S VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO ADJUST THEM ALL, TO GET THE HEIGHTS AND ANGLES ALL PROPERLY WORKING TOGETHER!! So to me that was a Godly miracle that's SPECIFICALLY enabled me to love and minister to many people for a number of years, even while being ill!!!

"Oh, yes, praise be to Your wonderful name, Jesus, my Lord and Master!"
Isnt it funny, how when God is in the process of providing, we are oblivious to it? Until one day, BAM! We see the Hand of God at work and wonder. Isnt it wonderful how He knows ahead of time what we will need and provides just the necessary thing?
If we will just relax, and let God take care of everything and just listen for His voice and do what He says, how much better our lives would be!:eek::D

G'day Bondman and Mrs Bondman
Wow, I had no idea you had written so many God is good, all the time God is good.
I've been thinking ( woo I smell smoke, in here) maybe you should pull all these powerful threads together and put them in a book.
You're opening minds and hearts to the truth of the gospel, and though them lives are being changed...really awesome, I reackon.
May the Lord God continue to bless you, as you have been blessing us here, in CFS.
Your Sis,

Hi Kiwi Sis,

Busy, busy, that's me! Been like it all me life. My Dad was the same. Being a workaholic can have it's drawbacks though, so I do try to take care.

When we can get the 120 Messages onto one place, one after another, and with the Search Engine to allow phrases and words to be searched for (that's the plan), in some ways that's even better'n a regular book, hey (do you ever wish you could search a book you've just read like it was on the Net? - "Blow me down I know he said that somewhere, but WHERE?)

Yep, I'd love to have the health to mold it into book form of some kind, but I don't, so it will just have to wait for our healing and then see what the Lord says.

It was nice to read what you said about the Messages. You seek the Lord for what to write, set it down, then post it - not always certain what it may have achieved. Because I am definitely a 'results' person I've had to learn to be relaxed in the Lord, just write what He says - and trust in Him to do with it what He wants. But thankyou so much for what you wrote, Autumn!!

- BM
Wow, I just saw "The List!" Can't wait to get the time go through some. I want to copy a post I made on a Woman't Book forum I'm on. Boanerges recommended I read this old book. It may not be old to you, Bondman. You may have heard of it. It is about the O.T., so maybe not, but I did learn a lot, just from the 1st chapter. Had some questions too.

Posted by Bonnie on August 3, 2008 at 12:50am in Let's Talk About it!

I just started a new-to-me book! It's called "Let Us Draw Near," by Judson Cornwall. It's an old one, 1977, I guess, but someone told me I'd like it. It's about the Tabernacle the Jews built after their escape from Egypt. It has really opened up the Old Testiment writings to me and helped me understand a lot more, and that God was not a destructive God, who did not know how to communicate with His people. I stopped reading the O.T. because of all the violence in it.

The book explains about the manna the people were fed in the wilderness and how it had to be fresh every morning. They were not to store up more than they could eat, but gather it fresh day after day. It struck me how that is the way we should feed on the Word of God, every morning, read it fresh and not expect it to last from yesterday's reading. And that is how we grow in our strength, by His Word. . . fresh from morning to morning.

Then it told about building a place where God could dwell because the people were fearful of facing God and sent Moses up onto Mt. Sinai because he had seen God before and did not die. It did not name that place where God would dwell, but I think it is the Ark of the Covenant. The one they carried from place to place and were not to touch it because they would die. I always thought that was cruel of God to strike them dead if they touched that thing, even by accident. But now I understand that it was just a fact, that you can't stand in the presence of God because it is so powerful to us. Is that why when we get to Heaven, we will get new bodies, Heavenly bodies, that will not die? Because then we can look upon the face of God and not die? And, is there something to learn about the Ark and us now, how we are carrying Jesus or the Holy Spirit around in our spirits now or something?

I learned that God was actually trying to connect with His people by containing Himself in a small golden box, so they could feel closer to Him. He was trying to show them He cared and not to run from Him. But, they probably didn't understand anymore then I did when I stopped reading the O.T. because it was uncomprehensible to me.

I must continue reading this wonderful book and will post again when I want to share more. I'm sure most of you understand more of the O.T. and know all the stories in the Bible and this is old stuff to you, but I'd still like to share because it is all coming together for me and maybe someone like me, a newbie, will be helped by it. If I was wrong in anything, I'm sure you will also share. Bonnie

You did a great job, Sweets! You now have a lot of new understanding of the OT. I'm not at all sure that all here would know the things you wrote, so good one, hon! The OT was God revealing to His People Who He was. He gave them many rules to help them in their lives. He instituted sacrifices of animals because without the shedding of blood no sin can be forgiven and taken away. This was a picture of the perfect lamb of God Who was to come - AND DID! - allowing His body to be mutilated and to bleed copiously, then to die FOR OUR TOTAL SALVATION!!

Interesting thought of reading His Word daily like God's daily supply of manna in the wildernes. Similar for prayer, hey! Man, this is our SPIRITUAL FOOD. GOD HIMSELF IS THE FOOD OF OUR SPIRITS! Would we go for a week without eating? I don't think so!!! Yet we will happily ignore Him for that long then maybe wonder why we're not the Christian we expected to be - or get caught up in some sin even. Such foolishness...

Yes, God's presence was too much for a human to 'bear' in OT times. But now we've seen God in human form in the Person of the Lord Jesus, Who not only died for our redemption, but rose from the dead the third day - so things now are not the same as before. As for getting a new glorified body once we step through death, well, where we arrive at that moment is in ETERNITY - where there is no earth, nor time and space. In order that we can EXIST in this incredibly different situation, we need a very very new kind of body - just like Jesus' body!! We can't be totally certain of all that this body will be like from what the NT tells us of Jesus' glorified body, but IT'S SURE GONNA BE SOMETHIN' ELSE!!!

I would certainly expect to be able to 'see' God there without any problems! EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE DIFFERENT!! And remember that the NT says we are His children, His kids, and His inheritance. We're His, belonging to Him, REDEEMED by the sacrificed blood of His precious Son!! I personally think that being with God for ever and ever is all gonna be just so fantastic-a-mundo - and I just can't wait!!!

With love!

- BM
Isnt it funny, how when God is in the process of providing, we are oblivious to it? Until one day, BAM! We see the Hand of God at work and wonder. Isnt it wonderful how He knows ahead of time what we will need and provides just the necessary thing?
If we will just relax, and let God take care of everything and just listen for His voice and do what He says, how much better our lives would be!:eek::D

Oh, man, is that all a great word to the wise! Thankyou, Fluf!

Thanks, but I am learning to not 'uncover' my husband. Its ok. God is working it out for me!

Wonderful to hear! (And some things we must not share else we hurt someone, to no good effect.) Praying for you still!
Strip Search Part 1

Lots happened today.. will update on that later, but my day ended with me getting an email from a gal who had moved to Vermont. She "knows God". but her belief is in a more spirtual realm. I had shared this via email with Bondman but thought all would benefit from it so posting here. Her name is Robin as well, but she had it legally changed.

Here is her email:

Sounds like things are going well for you. Unfortunately here it is a different story. I just came back from a weekend in the Adirondacks - mainly to get away from the crazy lady who lives here - only to be told 5 minutes after I arrived back home that she wants me out by the 10th. I have no where to go, nor any means to get there. Undoubtedly Tom will help, but it is such a shame that he has to go through this because of his knowing me. I have a couple of leads on jobs in the Adirondacks, which is where I truly want to be, but somehow I doubt that a job AND housing will come through in a week!! This woman is truly insane, but there's nothing I can do.

Please remember me in your prayers and send some good energy my way. This month has been an incredible strain - like one I can't remember seeing before. Even the time when my Dad died and I had to pack up and move to Lakeville was not this intense ... there, I had some time and some money banked. I've gone through my savings in the move here, so that's gone. You know the rest.

After this week, I have no idea when I'll be back online, or even where I'll be. I'll do my best to keep in touch, but I hope you understand that I don't have much time here to get whatever I need to accomplished.

My response:

Hi there back,

I am sorry to hear of the turn of events in your life.

You wrote:

Undoubtedly Tom will help, but it is such a shame that he has to go through this because of his knowing me. I have a couple of leads on jobs in the Adirondacks, which is where I truly want to be, but somehow I doubt that a job AND housing will come through in a week!! This woman is truly insane, but there's nothing I can do.

I know you are thankful Tom is there. He has chosen to continue to love you and help you through all of this. It sounded way to negative when you said because of knowing you.. you are a great person. Now for doubting that a job and housing will come through in a week. I believe in my heart this can happen. The God I know and Love does provide for our daily needs.

When we get on our knees and we pray to him, and tell him he has our heart, our whole heart that we no longer can do it on our own and in our way, he will and does guide us each step of the way. He will provide for you. As the Bishop at the church I visted today said. God will provide for you, but we have to take the steps which you are doing.

Any doubts that you have in your mind, is coming from the evil one.. preventing you from what God has waiting for you.
I know you have the spiritual side to you.

Ok.. I am rambling a bit.
To the part of when you left and how hurt you felt because I had a church event and such and felt like I did not want to see you before you left.. (that email is at work so I am paraphrasing a bit) . I ask for your forgiveness for the hurt that I may have caused you at that time. It is not that I did not want to see you, I had committments as well, I had Monday through Wed to come over, but you wanted to spend as much time with Tom before you left, so I completely understood that. I felt bad as well that we did not get to see each other before you left for Vermont. We both made choices at that time to do what we felt we had to do at that point in time. Please know that during your silent time towards me, I continued to pray for you as I do now.

I was happy to hear that you went back to Robin. This was the person that was born. The name given to her at the time was Robin. She as myself have been seeking in life to find who we really are and what is within. We stray away at times and try to be someone that we were not created to be even maybe changing our names, which is understandable with all you have gone through.

Robin, God is not a God of of Confusion. There is scripture somewhere that attests to that. We are the ones who brings confusion to our lives. As we seek him with our whole heart, he clearly does show us the path. I am living proof of that with all that has happened in my life especially since January.

Ok.. now as far as the housing and such.. we talked awhile back. didn't Dave have a place in the Adironondacks that you potentially was going to go stay in?
A "bam" thought just came to me.. pray, pray, pray, as the Lord to show you where you should be. you truly want to be in the Adirondacks, but maybe that is not where the Lord wants you to be.. it is apparent that it is not in Vermont.

Robin in closing I want to say this, I am here. I have always been. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. I truly believe we were put in each other's lives by God for many reasons.
If there is something I can do, please let me know. Just let me know . Just remember this, God knows all and he sees all, He truly uniquely desgined and fabricated you for a purpose .. his purpose.. he will show you each step.. just as he will guide you through this trial right now.

Jeremiah 29:11 I have a great hope and future for you says the Lord.

God bless and many hugs from me


Her response back to me:

Robin, my dear, I do love you - but, please, you are preaching, and that is not what I need. I know you believe in your convictions with all of your heart, but you also need to allow others to believe as they choose to. And to respect that. I have seen you over the last year speak more and more from the Bible, with little coming from Robin - and once again, I know this is your path and your love - but please remember that not everyone believes as you do, and to rely only on that can push people away.

I have a lot to do in the next several days, so not sure when I will be online again.

Now Go to Part 2 of Strip Search
Strip Seach Part 2

People.. I am more of the bible each and every day. I will not change. I want and have the hunger to have more and more! If I push people away with my beliefs, maybe it is not people I need to have in my life.
Do I sometimes maybe not present it well, possibly.. but I speak from my heart and ask God to guide me each and every day.

At a church I attended today the Bishop spoke that God is strip searching us right now. That whatever hell we are going through right now that God is using that hell to strip search us of any thing that we may have within us that keeps us from believing in him. It is the devil that tries to take it away and how does the devil do that? In one way.. by taking your mind.
It is time to bite the devil back. It is time to take God's word and know and shout that no matter what you are going through right now. Jesus is there. He will not leave you. Keep shouting the praises. If it is financial difficulty, Jesus is there, if it is health, Jesus is there. no matter what .. Jesus is there. God is powerful. He can all of this.

I got on a roll after her email. I am of the bible and the Jesus I yearn to serve is in my life. He has provided for me and will provide for me. He will give me all the pleasure I need in life. Not one thing, no one else will.

I got such on a roll that I went into my bedroom and started strip searching .. I threw away the vibrator that was in my drawer, I threw away all of the sex things that were hidden way back in the back of the drawer that I had not even thought of for months, I threw away the book of Kama Sutra that showed sexual positons. I do not need those things. I have the most awesome person that can give me pleasure and that is Jesus. I got on my knees and prayed! I know in my heart, if it is of God for me to have a Godly husband , he is preparing that for me. But right now, God is strip searching my soul and my home to have it all be of him.

I am thankful for Jesus in my heart. As the Bishop said today. It is time to quit being Mamby Pamby Christians and start speaking up and taking your power back.

The other Pastor said if you know of God , go forth and share that. Do not be the 98 pound weakling. tell people of God.. think of the elevator going to Heaven.. you are going up one side to Heaven, you look over and there is your loved one, your neighbor , your coworker, and they are on the way down to hell and looking over at you and saying.. Why didn't you tell me? Now that is a chilling thought!

I will continue to believe in the Lord Jesus. He has great things here on earth for me.. so yes at first I was put off by her email... then I took God's power .. looked at where she is in her life.. (not judging, just observing..).. my life is much more awesome in many ways! Praises to the Lord tonight!

Faithwoman! Lovely woman of God! How pleased He is with you tonight! You have not backed down from your faith! yay!
From what I see in her response is she is being convicted in her heart, and she is reacting to it.
I think Joyce Meyer said it this way: (if I get it wrong, at least I got the gist of it, anyway) When we pray for someone and they seem to get worse, rejoice! Because that means that the Holy Spirit is working on them, and they are having a reaction. (ok, that's not verbatim, but you get the idea)
They usually have a negative reaction to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. But that is not the time to give up on them, but a time to press in harder. Maybe not verbally, but in prayer.
I am so proud of you, too, for getting rid of the 'idols' in your house. You are doing a 'spiritual housecleaning'! Keep asking Him if there is anything else that you need to get rid of. You might be surprised at the answer!
Love you!:D
Robin, it is late, but I read your post and was intrigued by your "strip search" and tossing all that stuff. I have been into the Word and prayer so much lately that my mind has not even wondered "there" anymore. But, I suppose, along with all my Mormon books, I should have put the above stuff in the box I took for pastor to burn. Especially the porn cd's. Although I don't know if I should destroy those, as they are Norm's. I was impressed, though!

I was listening to the radio tonight while I cleaned up the kitchen and was getting irritated a bit with the kinda hard rock music I had on (it was a Christian station, but was irritating me for some reason). Anyway, the radio hangs below my cupboards, above my counter and I accidently came up with my hand and bumped it when I was picking up a bowl I thought was heavier than it was. All of a sudden it evidently changed stations because a song came on that was like straight from Heaven. It was so beautiful. I rushed to write down the words I could catch. It went: "Peace, Peace, wonderful Peace coming down from the Father above. Sweep over my spirit . . . with wonderful words of love." Something like that.I couldn't write fast enough, so missed some words, but it was just what I needed in my spirit at that time. I don't know why I was so frustrated, but God sent me away from that station and gave me the peace He knew I needed. Just had to share that with ya. Keep the Faith! Love, Sweets
You are doing a 'spiritual housecleaning'! Keep asking Him if there is anything else that you need to get rid of. You might be surprised at the answer!

I am sure there is more to come! I know one.. :)

But, I suppose, along with all my Mormon books, I should have put the above stuff in the box I took for pastor to burn. Especially the porn cd's. Although I don't know if I should destroy those, as they are Norm's. I was impressed, though!

The CD's that are Norms, I know you want to through them away. I can remember being in the relationship with the alcoholic and wanting to destroy every beer bottle in the place.. but that was my co-dependcy coming out.. same as with my recent boyfriend.. I admit I threw alot alot of the "sex toys" that he had bought when we were. into that game playing and when all my suspcions were rising high.
It was not right of me.. you know something he had never asked me about them... I finally as the Lord was cleaning up the relationship confessed to him what I had mind you I bet he had spent $ 150.00 of God's money on those things... just as he continues now to purchase a membership on an Adult dating sex site.. God sees all and knows all, he will deal with him, but right now.. God I am allowing God to deal with me. Looking back I had no right to throw away those things, because they were his, they were in his home .. a home that I did not live in. I felt desperate at the time thinking it would be one less thing that was a reminder of the sexual ways. Now if they were in my home and polluting my home, that would have been a different situation, even if he had bought them. We have come to see the light, and so much want others to .. including my friend and Norm. We must continue to pray and ask the Lord to lead and guide us as you are becoming FABO on! As I look back up above, the damage had already been done, remember our minds are a computer they store all the images of whatever was looked at or whatever was acted upon.. We just need to be sure to renew our mind and not hit replay.. ok I am rambling once again.

Today is going to be a great day! My daughter comes today!
Please pray for safe travels for her and I



Thank you again for keeping this thread open. Just think of the folks you have touched! By touching me alone, and I go forth and touch all the people that I do.. and when they become close to God, they go forth and the chain awesome is that!

Your messages are what help teach others.. you have given so many.. a thought came to my mind just now.. the good Lord says take all that strength you have left and enjoy watching. .. how awesome God is allowing you to see the seeds grow that you planted!

I was listening to the radio tonight while I cleaned up the kitchen and was getting irritated a bit with the kinda hard rock music I had on (it was a Christian station, but was irritating me for some reason). Anyway, the radio hangs below my cupboards, above my counter and I accidently came up with my hand and bumped it when I was picking up a bowl I thought was heavier than it was. All of a sudden it evidently changed stations because a song came on that was like straight from Heaven. It was so beautiful. I rushed to write down the words I could catch. It went: "Peace, Peace, wonderful Peace coming down from the Father above. Sweep over my spirit . . . with wonderful words of love." Something like that.I couldn't write fast enough, so missed some words, but it was just what I needed in my spirit at that time. I don't know why I was so frustrated, but God sent me away from that station and gave me the peace He knew I needed. Just had to share that with ya. Keep the Faith! Love, Sweets

The chorus is:

Peace, peace, wonderful peace
Coming down from the Father above!
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray
In fathomless billows of love!

Full lyrics are HERE.Music (without lyrics) is HERE, and also HERE.
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