THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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I posted this on the main site too, but I want BM to see it because he hardly goes on the main site.

My son, Jeff, who is 28 years old, was ditched by his girlfriend again. They live in Joplin, Missouri, where they both teach highschool. This is Jeff's first job in the U.S., so he has to stay there at least a year. He taught in Seoul, Korea for a couple years. When he got back, Jordan and him got back together, and now, after another year, she says she still doesn't want to get married. It's been five years they have been together! While he was in Korea, she started going out to drink with the other teachers, and then I knew she was not meant for Jeff. They are both Christians, but Jeff is very moral. He has always been that way. I think it was because of all the drinking we did that he vowed never to let liquor touch his lips. He also said, when he was in highschool, that he would never kiss a girl unless they were married. I think that is in the past now, but he was a Christian before I was.

I just would like for ya'll to pray with me that he will get over this girl and God would bring the right one for him, so we could have some grandkids! :eek:

My daughter, Kim, is 31, and she found out she probably won't be able to have children because her husband if sterile. So, it's just my husband's daughter who has 1 son. That is our only grandchild . . . and they live in Oregon. But, I get to hug and kiss all the babies I want to at Early Head Start where I work. I would just love to have one of my own. Will stop blabbering now. Thanx for your prayers! Sweets

Thanks for that, Sweets! I know people here will pray too. When you say 'got back together' do you mean living together?

I reckon Jeff sounds like a lovely guy who deserves a lovely wife! - and that that's what we need to pray. It wouldn't be easy for him to give Jordan up I wouldn't think. Maybe we can pray that Jordan gets more committed to the Lord OR he finds someone else.

That's sad about Kim and her hubby. Yes, I know you're mad about babies.... *hee!*


I know it's a lot to read (it was a lot to write too! *chuckles!*) and so you could easily get 'bogged down' OR even not read it in the first case!

BUT PLEASE DO TRY TO READ IT ALL! Cos it's possibly the most important post I've done so far.

This is because:

1. It's NOT just about commands

2. There are SO MANY important things in it!

3. It's VERY important in truly understanding:

(a) what the WHOLE BIBLE is about, and

(b) SPECIFICALLY what the NEW TESTAMENT is about for us TODAY...

so that we can live (and ENJOY) the best Christian life possible!!

If that works for you, it sure works for ME!

Love to all!!

- BM
Excellent post, Bondman, on the commandments! I agree, you could see all the work you put into it, but also the love! You wouldnt do it if you didnt love people and desire for them to know the truth and walk in freedom!

What I do is a take an orange highlighter and mark all the commands that I find in the bible as I read it. And sometimes, I read a passage again and find I missed one or two (or more!). Then, later, when I forget what He has told me to do, I just run through and read all the orange highlights. Makes it a little easier and faster. I do green for His promises (there are LOTS of those!). Pink for anything having specifically to do with women/marriage. Yellow for things that the Holy Spirit calls my attention to. (My bible is very colorful! hee!) Blue for praises.

The wonderful thing about God's Commands is, they are not burdensome. They are for our own good. Its to keep us safe, healthy, and enrich our lives.

Its like, think of the person you looked up to the most. That one special person that beleived in you. Wouldnt you do anything and everything for that person? Gladly? Same thing. God believes in you, loves you more than you can imagine. When that sinks deep into your heart, obedience becomes joyful.

But, we do so much better when we rely on God to show us and keep us on the right track. Keep your heart open to Him and listen for Him. He'll never steer you wrong!
... Completed from the previous post

4. It is JUST SO INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT that I set down here what is MEANT by God writing all of these New Testament COMMANDS!

(a) First, in the OLD TESTAMENT were MANY MANY COMMANDS from God with EXTREME AND DIRE CONSEQUENCES IF YOU DISOBEYED THEM. Here's a purely random example: Leviticus Ch 24:16 And whoever blasphemes the name of the LORD shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall certainly stone him, the stranger as well as him who is born in the land. When he blasphemes the name of the LORD, he shall be put to death. Straight and clear: break the COMMAND, in this case blasphemy, and you get STONED TO DEATH!!

(b) Second, compare this with the NEW TESTAMENT. After giving us the FIRST and SECOND Commandments, Jesus then gave us a THIRD, and it's one that we've ALL broken: John Ch 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. Okay, JESUS, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, gave us this incredibly IMPORTANT New Commandment!! So what PUNISHMENT do we cop when we break this Commandment? Well, none actually!!!!! But how come? Because on His Cross of shame and pain HE TOOK THE PUNISHMENT FOR ALL OF YOUR SIN!! Not SOME, but ALL!! Thus HE's already BEEN PUNISHED for when we break His New Commandment!!! And as a result, WE are home free!!!

But that's not fair is it? That we should be LET OFF! You're absolutely right of course, it's NOT fair - but that's EXACTLY what God's love (which we certainly DO NOT DESERVE!) is all about!! Okay, so doesn't that then mean that I can sin and break all of God's commands to us in the New Testament - and I WON'T get punished? If you truly are a Christian man or woman who belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ, the answer is: YES!!! The New Testament is clear: we may break any command and we will NOT be punished - for HE has already paid the price for this!!!

But consider: don't you WANT TO LIVE for the Lord Jesus? Don't you LOVE Him and want to LOVE HIM MORE? Don't you WANT WITH ALL YOU HEART to PLEASE Him? Then you will WANT TO OBEY ALL OF HIS NT COMMANDS, WON'T YOU?? Once again that's a YES!!!

And so here is what we've been getting to in this Message - the incredible truth God writes for us in the New Testament:



And therein lies a TEST for YOU to see if you TRULY belong to Him, and therefore are a genuine Christian: do you SEEK and WANT to OBEY His commands? If NOT, then may I gently say that you need to most seriously reconsider your status in Christ - as to whether you really ARE heaven-bound, or not...

5. Finally, you can trust me that the many commands from the Lord in the New Testament will lead you to great and wonderful things IN YOUR CHRISTIAN WALK - if you LOOK for them - to DO them!! And you will come across them when you're not expecting them! SOME OF THEM ARE TRUE GEMS! And often they come with GREAT ADVICES as well as COMMANDS, SO YOU MAY BETTER LIVE YOUR LIFE IN CHRIST, BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.

As you begin to see these COMMANDS you will more readily begin to SEE all the AMAZING TRUTHS God has for you as you READ and STUDY His Word in the New Testament!! (My strong advice: for best UNDERSTANDING read and study using the Amplified Bible Translation.)

6. It just remains for me to give you some EXAMPLES of COMMANDS for you to OBEY because of your LOVE for Him! These are the sort of things to LOOK for:

John Ch 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. Ch 15:4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
Matthew Ch 5:44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.
Romans Ch 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Ch 12:20 Therefore “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.”
1 Corinthians Ch 10:12 Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.
2 Corinthians Ch 13:5 Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified.

What does 2 Cor 13:5 mean by "unless indeed you are disqualified." ?? What does being disqualified mean; what does it look like?

One more thing, BM, it's just really difficult to accept that if we disobey things God has commanded we do, that we won't be punished. Why is that so hard to believe? Is it because, like a child, we just think we need to be punished? It's just so . . . amazing. I know it's for our own good to obey, but will we not be punished for anything wrong we did?
Thanks for that, Sweets! I know people here will pray too. When you say 'got back together' do you mean living together?

I reckon Jeff sounds like a lovely guy who deserves a lovely wife! - and that that's what we need to pray. It wouldn't be easy for him to give Jordan up I wouldn't think. Maybe we can pray that Jordan gets more committed to the Lord OR he finds someone else.

That's sad about Kim and her hubby. Yes, I know you're mad about babies.... *hee!*

Well, yes, but they are Christians, so they just were doing it to save money. They each have their own bedroom. Do you really think, if you are engaged to get married it's really bad to live together? I guess if I were raised right, maybe I would think differently about it. But, I just wonder how couples know that they are right for eachother if they don't live together first? I guess that's a stupid question, and I will probably get into trouble for thinking this way. Do you think the majority of people do not live together first?
... Completed from the previous post

4. It is JUST SO INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT that I set down here what is MEANT by God writing all of these New Testament COMMANDS!

(a) First, in the OLD TESTAMENT were MANY MANY COMMANDS from God with EXTREME AND DIRE CONSEQUENCES IF YOU DISOBEYED THEM. Here's a purely random example: Leviticus Ch 24:16 And whoever blasphemes the name of the LORD shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall certainly stone him, the stranger as well as him who is born in the land. When he blasphemes the name of the LORD, he shall be put to death. Straight and clear: break the COMMAND, in this case blasphemy, and you get STONED TO DEATH!!

(b) Second, compare this with the NEW TESTAMENT. After giving us the FIRST and SECOND Commandments, Jesus then gave us a THIRD, and it's one that we've ALL broken: John Ch 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. Okay, JESUS, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, gave us this incredibly IMPORTANT New Commandment!! So what PUNISHMENT do we cop when we break this Commandment? Well, none actually!!!!! But how come? Because on His Cross of shame and pain HE TOOK THE PUNISHMENT FOR ALL OF YOUR SIN!! Not SOME, but ALL!! Thus HE's already BEEN PUNISHED for when we break His New Commandment!!! And as a result, WE are home free!!!

But that's not fair is it? That we should be LET OFF! You're absolutely right of course, it's NOT fair - but that's EXACTLY what God's love (which we certainly DO NOT DESERVE!) is all about!! Okay, so doesn't that then mean that I can sin and break all of God's commands to us in the New Testament - and I WON'T get punished? If you truly are a Christian man or woman who belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ, the answer is: YES!!! The New Testament is clear: we may break any command and we will NOT be punished - for HE has already paid the price for this!!!

But consider: don't you WANT TO LIVE for the Lord Jesus? Don't you LOVE Him and want to LOVE HIM MORE? Don't you WANT WITH ALL YOU HEART to PLEASE Him? Then you will WANT TO OBEY ALL OF HIS NT COMMANDS, WON'T YOU?? Once again that's a YES!!!

And so here is what we've been getting to in this Message - the incredible truth God writes for us in the New Testament:



And therein lies a TEST for YOU to see if you TRULY belong to Him, and therefore are a genuine Christian: do you SEEK and WANT to OBEY His commands? If NOT, then may I gently say that you need to most seriously reconsider your status in Christ - as to whether you really ARE heaven-bound, or not...

5. Finally, you can trust me that the many commands from the Lord in the New Testament will lead you to great and wonderful things IN YOUR CHRISTIAN WALK - if you LOOK for them - to DO them!! And you will come across them when you're not expecting them! SOME OF THEM ARE TRUE GEMS! And often they come with GREAT ADVICES as well as COMMANDS, SO YOU MAY BETTER LIVE YOUR LIFE IN CHRIST, BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.

As you begin to see these COMMANDS you will more readily begin to SEE all the AMAZING TRUTHS God has for you as you READ and STUDY His Word in the New Testament!! (My strong advice: for best UNDERSTANDING read and study using the Amplified Bible Translation.)

6. It just remains for me to give you some EXAMPLES of COMMANDS for you to OBEY because of your LOVE for Him! These are the sort of things to LOOK for:

John Ch 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. Ch 15:4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
Matthew Ch 5:44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.
Romans Ch 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Ch 12:20 Therefore “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.”
1 Corinthians Ch 10:12 Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.
2 Corinthians Ch 13:5 Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified.

What does 2 Cor 13:5 mean by "unless indeed you are disqualified." ?? What does being disqualified mean; what does it look like?

One more thing, BM, it's just really difficult to accept that if we disobey things God has commanded we do, that we won't be punished. Why is that so hard to believe? Is it because, like a child, we just think we need to be punished? It's just so . . . amazing. I know it's for our own good to obey, but will we not be punished for anything wrong we did?

There's no such thing as a "stupid question" here, hon!!h

What does 2 Cor 13:5 mean by "unless indeed you are disqualified." ?? What does being disqualified mean; what does it look like?

I noticed 'disqualified' when I imported it - not a very good word. It's from the New King James Translation. And this is where access to different translations comes in very handy. You really do need to learn to use BibleGateway to do this. It's really quite easy! In fact if you CLICK on the verse, you'll find that Jeff has programmed it to take you to BibleGateway, and display the verse there, but this time in the original King James Translation. If you do this you'll see that IT uses the word "reprobate" instead of "disqualified" - which doesn't really help, does it!

BUT... while you're there you can EASILY help yourself:

.. Click where you see the words "Kind James Version".
.. Move up two in the menu to where it says "Amplified Bible".
.. Click that.
.. Click Update out to the right.

Now you have a meaning in more understandable English "- unless your are [counterfeits] disapproved on trial, and rejected." So it's saying that Christ IS in you, unless you're fake and thus rejected, i.e., saying and/or thinking you're a Christian - but you aren't!! So... you are tested and rejected (BY GOD). A timely warning, hey!!

And THAT is exactly why I use the Amplified Bible all the time!!!

One more thing, BM, it's just really difficult to accept that if we disobey things God has commanded we do, that we won't be punished. Why is that so hard to believe? Is it because, like a child, we just think we need to be punished? It's just so . . . amazing. I know it's for our own good to obey, but will we not be punished for anything wrong we did?

I'm sure it IS that we are used to the concept of being punished for wrong-doing - we KNOW intuitively that we deserve to be punished.

But NOW we need to swing over to the NEW concept: that Jesus has paid for it all - HE WAS PUNISHED IN OUR PLACE, and so justice has been done and seen to be done - and thus we are always let go free!! It surely IS AMAZING!!!

Here's a way to look at it:

You have committed a very serious crime. You're tried and found guilty. Your crime is so bad that the sentence is to pay an extremely hefty fine of $50million! If not, you go to jail for life, with terribly hard labour.

Meantime your brother, who's done very well in his life as an extremely successful businessman, has been following your trial. He loves you, and always has. When you were doing wrong he was VERY sad - but he never stopped loving you, and never stopped believing in you. He totally believes that you can 'make good'. SO STRONGLY does he feel this, that he desperately wants to give you A SECOND CHANCE! So he takes action. He sells his whole business, his hourse, his car, his furniture - everything he owns to scrape up enough to pay your fine. There's no way YOU CAN pay it - you'll end your life miserably in jail, or more likely you'll die from the hard labour.

He comes to the Courthouse with $50million, hands it over, and PAYS THE TOTAL FINE FOR YOU!! - it takes him every penny he has to do that. That's how much he loves you!! What happens next? Well, your fine has been fully paid, so the jailer comes to your cell, unlocks it, and says, "You're free to go!"

You cannot believe it!! You and your brother hug each other long and hard. He has paid the full price for you, at the cost of losing everything. To him though, this is comletely worth it, for you are now FREE! Right there and then you determine to do all that you can to mend all of your ways - being the very LEAST you can do to show your brother how much you appreciate the astonishing thing he's done for you! And you also determine that you will love and respect your wonderful brother for the remainder of your days!!

- BM



Well, yes, but they are Christians, so they just were doing it to save money. They each have their own bedroom. Do you really think, if you are engaged to get married it's really bad to live together? I guess if I were raised right, maybe I would think differently about it. But, I just wonder how couples know that they are right for eachother if they don't live together first? I guess that's a stupid question, and I will probably get into trouble for thinking this way. Do you think the majority of people do not live together first?

I mean nothing personal in this post.

The Scripture is plain that sex outside of marriage is sin. It's called adultery or fornication. The fact that you may love the other person, or even intend to marry them, does NOT alter the sin. Either ABSTAIN or MARRY! Those are the options.

Hollywood has spent many many decades teaching society that this is not only a-okay, but to be desired! (Does that remind you or something that happened in the Garden of Eden?!!) They have strongly contributed to this breakdown of Biblical morality in our societies. This is no surprise because satan controls the visual media: movies and TV.

So many people today do live together before marriage, and I believe I've read that marriage breakup is higher for them than when marriage is done correctly. Of course, many who live together never get married at all - this can be from an unwillingness to ever commit, AND to be able to leave for someone else any time.

Hollywood also strongly contributed to the concept of sex with anyone, anywhere, any time. Same as above. And recently to helping to get our societies to agree that active homosexuality is also a-okay. It's NOT!! Click to read Romans 1:19-32.

None of these things are a-okay IN ANY WAY! But here's the WONDERFUL thing: if we Christians repent of our wrong, we are forgiven of it all, and can start afresh.

Okay why did I say repent there when in other posts here I've NOT mentioned it along with being forgiven? Here's why:


As I say over and over, the New Testament says that true Christians are forgiven for ALL sin. BUT... if we keep WILFULLY and DELIBERATELY committing sin over and over and over, we DO NEED TO REPENT OF IT!

Repentance is:


(b) It's also saying to Him THAT YOU WISH TO COMPLETELY CHANGE AND CEASE THAT SIN!! To repent is to turn around 180 degrees and START GOING the RIGHT way!

Okay, then suppose you repent, know you're forgiven - but again you fall. NO PROBLEM! Go to the Lord again! And as many times as you need.



If this is you, then my most SERIOUS ADVICE is to get HELP and get it FAST!!! For it may be that you are not even saved, even though you think you are! The Scripture is clear and it's plain:

1 John Ch 3:9 No one born (begotten) of God [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin, for God's nature abides in him [His principle of life, the divine sperm, remains permanently within him]; and he cannot practice sinning because he is born (begotten) of God.

- BM, with his Beloved


Excellent post, Bondman, on the commandments! I agree, you could see all the work you put into it, but also the love! You wouldnt do it if you didnt love people and desire for them to know the truth and walk in freedom!

What I do is a take an orange highlighter and mark all the commands that I find in the bible as I read it. And sometimes, I read a passage again and find I missed one or two (or more!). Then, later, when I forget what He has told me to do, I just run through and read all the orange highlights. Makes it a little easier and faster. I do green for His promises (there are LOTS of those!). Pink for anything having specifically to do with women/marriage. Yellow for things that the Holy Spirit calls my attention to. (My bible is very colorful! hee!) Blue for praises.

The wonderful thing about God's Commands is, they are not burdensome. They are for our own good. Its to keep us safe, healthy, and enrich our lives.

Its like, think of the person you looked up to the most. That one special person that beleived in you. Wouldnt you do anything and everything for that person? Gladly? Same thing. God believes in you, loves you more than you can imagine. When that sinks deep into your heart, obedience becomes joyful.

But, we do so much better when we rely on God to show us and keep us on the right track. Keep your heart open to Him and listen for Him. He'll never steer you wrong!

SUCH A GREAT POST!! Clearly summarises things SO well!

(The use of colour in your reading of the Word is great, and using Fluffy's colours should work well for you!)

- BM
I must say awesome, awesome awesome posts lately! Thank you Bondman for such great messages and to the others as you as well.

Bonnie, I read your post about living together before marriage. For me and my understanding of the bible this is not what God wants. It is what our flesh wants and our flesh says it is ok.

Bondman wrote:

Repentance is:


(b) It's also saying to Him THAT YOU WISH TO COMPLETELY CHANGE AND CEASE THAT SIN!! To repent is to turn around 180 degrees and START GOING the RIGHT way!

Okay, then suppose you repent, know you're forgiven - but again you fall. NO PROBLEM! Go to the Lord again! And as many times as you need.



If this is you, then my most SERIOUS ADVICE is to get HELP and get it FAST!!! For it may be that you are not even saved, even though you think you are! The Scripture is clear and it's plain:

1 John Ch 3:9 No one born (begotten) of God [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin, for God's nature abides in him [His principle of life, the divine sperm, remains permanently within him]; and he cannot practice sinning because he is born (begotten) of God.

Many of you know that I declared sexual purity to the Lord January 26, 2008. Wow almost a year. This has not been easy! let me tell you! I will admit I stumbled 3 times in the past 10 months. Am I proud of my stumbling? No. Am I human and fall short of the glory.. yes.. I have gone to the Lord each stumbling time.

I look to where my life is today and I am sooooo thankful. I believe in my heart if I keep seeking the Lord and his truth, my life will get better and better. But I got to tell you, this journey is not easy. I have had to rid myself of the "me" things of life and the world is not making it any easier for me.

My latest inner struggle is the feeling of not being worthy, being rejected and such because of my past. I am working through all of this and working with the Lord to keep stripping me of things that are not of him.

It is one day at a time.
Again there has been awesome posts. I am so thankful we can share our hearts openly and that none of us are judged here. Accountability is what has been really helping me get stronger.
Love ya all!
Big News

I do not want to take away from the great conversations going on here, but I had to share that I had an article printed in our local newspaper.
I had sent it as a Letter to the Editor, but they gave it a title and printed it with my own by line! I posted it in Fluffy's coffee house.
Man this was awesome!

I owe an apology to my son because I am the one who suggested to him it would be a good idea for Jordan and him to live together. I led him astray. But this was before my conversion. I really didn't thing that much about it even afterwards because it has been going on for so long. I just need to renew my mind in this area. Just because my dh and I lived together for 2 years before marriage, doesn't mean it was the right thing to do. I know that now.

And being Christian doesn't change things, doesn't make it more acceptable. I gathered from your posts that doing this acctually can ruin a relationship. I see now that in the back of a person's mind, you are free to end it at any time, not making the commitment God intended for a healthier relationship.

I'm so sorry, and it will be hard to explain this to Jeff, knowing it was my suggestion. But, we all learn I guess. Some just slower than others. Thanx for all the advice. Sweets
And being Christian doesn't change things, doesn't make it more acceptable. I gathered from your posts that doing this acctually can ruin a relationship. I see now that in the back of a person's mind, you are free to end it at any time, not making the commitment God intended for a healthier relationship.

Amen Sister. It truly does ruin a relationship. I mean after all, now that I am born again.. I know the our Lord has great things waiting for me.

Can you just imagine, if it is God's will for me to be married, how awesome my husband will be.. and hey.. just got to say.. I bet I will have the best lovemaking I ever had! whoo hooo.. (sorry.. just a little excited on that thought).. Seriously, it is not easy walking the Christian walk. But man I wish I would have done it years ago! I would not be sitting here alone in Batavia that is for sure.

But now that the good Lord is cleaning me up, I just have to be in line with him.
Sweets, we are all learning.. and as we learn we must continue to be bold for the Lord and speak up.

I must say awesome, awesome awesome posts lately! Thank you Bondman for such great messages and to the others as you as well.

Bonnie, I read your post about living together before marriage. For me and my understanding of the bible this is not what God wants. It is what our flesh wants and our flesh says it is ok.

Bondman wrote:

Repentance is:


(b) It's also saying to Him THAT YOU WISH TO COMPLETELY CHANGE AND CEASE THAT SIN!! To repent is to turn around 180 degrees and START GOING the RIGHT way!

Okay, then suppose you repent, know you're forgiven - but again you fall. NO PROBLEM! Go to the Lord again! And as many times as you need.



If this is you, then my most SERIOUS ADVICE is to get HELP and get it FAST!!! For it may be that you are not even saved, even though you think you are! The Scripture is clear and it's plain:

1 John Ch 3:9 No one born (begotten) of God [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin, for God's nature abides in him [His principle of life, the divine sperm, remains permanently within him]; and he cannot practice sinning because he is born (begotten) of God.

Many of you know that I declared sexual purity to the Lord January 26, 2008. Wow almost a year. This has not been easy! let me tell you! I will admit I stumbled 3 times in the past 10 months. Am I proud of my stumbling? No. Am I human and fall short of the glory.. yes.. I have gone to the Lord each stumbling time.

I look to where my life is today and I am sooooo thankful. I believe in my heart if I keep seeking the Lord and his truth, my life will get better and better. But I got to tell you, this journey is not easy. I have had to rid myself of the "me" things of life and the world is not making it any easier for me.

My latest inner struggle is the feeling of not being worthy, being rejected and such because of my past. I am working through all of this and working with the Lord to keep stripping me of things that are not of him.

It is one day at a time.
Again there has been awesome posts. I am so thankful we can share our hearts openly and that none of us are judged here. Accountability is what has been really helping me get stronger.
Love ya all!

I peronally appreciate greatly how Robin openly shares her life with us. Not an easy thing to do! The things she reports help us see that the things we thought that only WE experienced, are not unique at all - that there are times that all of us find life difficult, and we all share them!

Also that what we must do is never quit, or get 'worn out' by what life brings to us, but to continually restore our spirit by going to the Lord for care, for love, and for support. HE DOES CARE!!

- BM
I do not want to take away from the great conversations going on here, but I had to share that I had an article printed in our local newspaper.
I had sent it as a Letter to the Editor, but they gave it a title and printed it with my own by line! I posted it in Fluffy's coffee house.
Man this was awesome!


That's marvellous, hon! (May we enquire what the article was about?)
I owe an apology to my son because I am the one who suggested to him it would be a good idea for Jordan and him to live together. I led him astray. But this was before my conversion. I really didn't thing that much about it even afterwards because it has been going on for so long. I just need to renew my mind in this area. Just because my dh and I lived together for 2 years before marriage, doesn't mean it was the right thing to do. I know that now.

And being Christian doesn't change things, doesn't make it more acceptable. I gathered from your posts that doing this acctually can ruin a relationship. I see now that in the back of a person's mind, you are free to end it at any time, not making the commitment God intended for a healthier relationship.

I'm so sorry, and it will be hard to explain this to Jeff, knowing it was my suggestion. But, we all learn I guess. Some just slower than others. Thanx for all the advice. Sweets

None of us know everything, nor can know all that we need to at any point in our lives. So it's okay that you suggested what you did - no one, including God! - is gonna condemn you for not knowing. And for those of us who've sinned in areas like this, once again God does NOT condemn the true Christian, but rather is loving and caring, cos according to Him we've never sinned!!! WHAT A GOD!!!

Yes, even tho God lets us off completely when we sin, such sin CAN have human consequences that we may cop, and simply have to handle! I've committed sin that I was still suffering from decades later! This was NOT God (NOT Him punishing me at all!) - simply human 'effects' of what I did wrong (God forgives - other humans do not necessarily forgive!!)

All of us need to be VERY BUSY INDEED renewing our minds, like you said. Great thought!

Living together IS 'an easy way out'. But it is WRONG for us Christians. (It's wrong for everyone, cos His laws apply to ALL - but we must not think we can condemn unbelievers for doing it, as I've known Christians to do. We need to realise that they have no help from God (like we do), to do things RIGHT! And maybe no knowledge oF what's right and wrong either. Plus, in any case, it's NOT our job to be condemning someone else for ANYTHING!)

Praying for you, and Jeff and his lady (if I know her name, I can't currently remember it cos of my poor old Chronic Fatigue brain *sigh*).


- BM
Amen Sister. It truly does ruin a relationship. I mean after all, now that I am born again.. I know the our Lord has great things waiting for me.

Can you just imagine, if it is God's will for me to be married, how awesome my husband will be.. and hey.. just got to say.. I bet I will have the best lovemaking I ever had! whoo hooo.. (sorry.. just a little excited on that thought).. Seriously, it is not easy walking the Christian walk. But man I wish I would have done it years ago! I would not be sitting here alone in Batavia that is for sure.

But now that the good Lord is cleaning me up, I just have to be in line with him.
Sweets, we are all learning.. and as we learn we must continue to be bold for the Lord and speak up.


Good post!

But what was interesting was where my mind went straight after reading it! I'll go along with the idea of "great sex", no problem! But I immediately thought: "Down here" is not where we look for good things - "up there" IS!!

Down here is a time of preparation for eternity - for ourselves AND for those we minister to (we all have a daily ministry). Instead we seem to live as if down here it's soooo important. Compare our life with the Lord in eternity, with now - which wins? Strictly NO CONTEST! So for as long as I am looking for "good things" here (with the strong disappointment if it doesn't work out), then MY FOCUS is all horribly up the creek!

Colossians Ch 3:2-3
2 And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth. 3 For [as far as this world is concerned] you have died, and your [new, real] life is hidden with Christ in God.

Reckon that pretty-much says it all!

Bless you!

- BM
Yes, even tho God lets us off completely when we sin, such sin CAN have human consequences that we may cop, and simply have to handle! I've committed sin that I was still suffering from decades later! This was NOT God (NOT Him punishing me at all!) - simply human 'effects' of what I did wrong (God forgives - other humans do not necessarily forgive!!)

Let me add to this one if you don't mind in regards to consequences. I had conseqences from my sin of having sexual relations before marriage. A consequence that I will have the rest of my life, that which is the diagnosis of herpes 2. Is it going to kill me ? no. is it a bother at times, yes it can be. Add to that the diagnosis of HPV( human papollo virus (spelling?) the STD that causes cervical cancer.. I had procedure and there was no cancer. Now praises to our Lord that as of now, there was no diagnosis of Aids. There very well could have been with how my behavior was.. and the scary part is that something like that could take 10 years to show up. When we are in the world and do not know our Lord, we do not think of these things- the consequences of our choices. However as we learn of him, and the holy spirit is in us, we get "pricked" and reminded and understand much better about our choices and the consequences that lie ahead of us. But man oh man, the devil does not want us to win!

But what was interesting was where my mind went straight after reading it! I'll go along with the idea of "great sex", no problem! But I immediately thought: "Down here" is not where we look for good things - "up there" IS!!

You are very right and a great reminder to me of about down here is not where we look for good things.

Thanks again!

Being with an Unbeliever

As many of you know I have had my share of struggles with relationships in my life. Bondman has been so kind and has helped me here and through PM's and emails.

Amazing enough when I met the most recent man that is in my life, I was so impressed he prayed at the restaraunt before dinner. Hey he went to church with me , said he loved me and all that great stuff. As the years (yes you read that correctly - 2 years and a few months now - with a few break ups here and there) many things happened. The rambling I am trying to get to is this.. just because they say they are a Christian does not mean they are a Christian. For me, I need to remind myself of how a true believer lives.

Bondman sent me these scriptures:

2 Corinthians 6:14-17 (Amplified Bible)

14 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers [do not make mismated alliances with them or come under a different yoke with them, inconsistent with your faith]. For what partnership have right living and right standing with God with iniquity and lawlessness? Or how can light have fellowship with darkness?

15 What harmony can there be between Christ and Belial [the devil]? Or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?

16 What agreement [can there be between] a temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God; even as God said, I will dwell in and with and among them and will walk in and with and among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
17 So, come out from among [unbelievers], and separate (sever) yourselves from them, says the Lord, and touch not [any] unclean thing; then I will receive you kindly and treat you with favor,

Serious hey!!! Fixing such a thing is no easy matter. It requires a strong determination and strong action. But God will support you fully to do this - if you throw yourself upon His mercy! You could keep going as you are and end up quite washed up as a Christian - I've seen it over and over - just by continuing what is an illicit relationship before God!!

Now my friends , God's word does show us and tell us. As stated the fixing this is no easy matter as we all know! The strong determination and strong action are the tough part.
Just think, he says right there in the last sentence- I WILL RECEIVE YOU KINDLY AND TREAT YOU WITH FAVOR! Bondman, thank you again for sharing the truth with me and all.


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