Sweets how awesome is that! Praises to our Lord!
Let us know how it went.
Let us know how it went.
Good afternoon,
I don't know if I mentioned that the Lord had me minister to a young man and woman with 2 children on the streets Friday night. They expressed an interest to go to church but they did not have a vehicle. The one Van went and picked them up this morning. This is the church where Paul and Bridgette went. I went with Bridgett on the van today to pick the folks up. This young couple and the two children were on the van.
The message was so powerful today. At the end of the service, they gave the salvation message and asked non believers and believers alike who may have back slidden to come foreward if they wished to.
I went foreward to receive powerful prayer for healing today and guess what! The young couple went forward and gave their lives to Christ today! Oh my gosh it was such a moving experience.
Praises to our Lord for he is good.
I may be off again for awhile to just study the Bible. I am studying the Rapture again cause I listened to a sermon online and the preacher talked about it and he had some pretty good scripture why we should expect to be present through all the Tribulation. It was really interesting. I'll see if I can find the stie again, so you all can listen to it.
It's always confusing to me how Christians can have so many different interpretations of scripture. I'm almost ready to side with BM and just not go to church, and get my answers from the Word instead. Except, I need the fellowship. But, I do need to stop asking so many questions and search for my answers in scripture. I need to stop being lazy.
My Baptism was just really great. I didn't have anything to worry about. Nothing really big happened. I did cry, but it was so different than I thought. You know, how things are never what you expect? Anyway, there were 10 of us, and most of them were children. Just me and another guy were adults. I don't know why, but that was different. I didn't ask.
So, thanx for the prayers for me. It was a big step to take.
Yes my first! Praise the Lord!
The gentleman said I want to ask you about this Bible.. he sat and read it last night and today. She as well was excited and they wanted to know their roles in their relationship. He said how come the bible does not say much about women. I said oh but it does.. keep reading.. told him of some of the women from the bible.
Encouraged him to go to the men's group on Tuesday nights at Paul's home.
On another note, my insurance company denied having the Cat Scan done stated it was not medically necessary.. I am to see an ear, nose throat specialist now,, but we all know the specialist of all is watching over me.. Praises to our Lord!
Sweets.. how great again for the Baptism. I am keeping it in prayer for me.
Finally this is doing what the Scriptures say about TAKING THE GOSPEL TO THE WHOLE WORLD then DISCIPLING (TEACHING) CONVERTS, so they can eventually take THEIR PLACE IN SPREADING THE GOSPEL, and so on!! THAT'S HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO WORK, FOLKS!!! Matthew 28:19-20 and Mark 16:15-16. Click these to read Jesus' commands to us ALL!!!
You know what was on my heart last night? I think the street ministry is great and all but what I thought of last night, is what you said above.. discipling them. I thought about all the hearts that are touched on Saturday with the Care-A Van and all, but what do these people do when the get home? What about all the folks that do walk into a church .. get moved, then go out the door. How many Christians go out and go back on knock on those doors and share the love?
Sure they get blessed by the food, we share them Christ love, we encourage them to come to church and such, but once they are in the door, what are the other folks there doing to feed them spiritually?
Last week-end on the streets, I was led to help a young gal carry her groceries back to her apartment. As she gathered her groceries, the other woman working with me said she needs prayer. When we got back to the apartment, I asked her if I could pray for her. She invited me in. I sat there for half an hour. She poured out her heart. Her story was that she was being accused of child molestation. Now this young gal knew God. She cried and said she was innocent. She stated this 2 year old boy kept pulling her pants down and lifting up her shirt. As she was pulling her pants back up from him grabbing them, the mother walked in and instantly thought something was going on. Hence the charge for the molestation. She said she knows that God knows the truth and the truth will come out. This young gal is now told by the courts that she cannot leave the county for Christmas to go and see her father in another state. We prayed for the truth to be shown. It had been in the newspaper and of course the media just had a hayday.
God does not want us gossiping. We see much in the homes and on the street. I talked to Paul about this. We (he , his wife and I) share about what is going on as folks are continually coming to them, or the bus on Saturdays. There are folks that will "use" the system, because they know no other way.
As a matter of fact as I type this, I think of a few times some folks in the ministry say it gets discouraging when they dont' see a change, but again it dawned on me last night, who is going and sitting and sharing the word? We can plant the seed with the clothes, the food, a prayer and show them the love of Christ, but who is stepping up and continuing to feed them? Now I know many will say, they have got to want it, they have got to take the step.. we cannot enable them..
Let me tell you something this morning.. I AM THANKFUL THAT NONE OF YOU, NOT ONE OF YOU GAVE UP ON ME!
I am thankful you put up with my PM's, my emails, my posts.. You did not enable me, you just kept pouring out our God's love on me. Because of that , that is where I am today. Praises to our Lord!
Please continue to pray for my health situation. Also pray for good weather that I may get to be with my daughter this week-end!
I love you all!
Bondman: excellent posts, as usual! I totally agree with what you have been saying! Especially about the Rapture and the discipling New Borns. Something that I noticed a few years ago in a mainstream church. People come up to the front to join the church or be baptised, then they are never seen again. Bothered me, alot! Then later, realized why it was. They were left to fend for themselves. Shame!
Wow, two people came to the Lord Jesus through your initial contact with them!!! Dear heart, that is SO AWESOME!!!!!
Yesterday saw over 260 visits to The Inner Room! This is quite a deal higher than the average, and amongst the highest of days to date.
First of all let me say
That is awesome! Bondman I want to encourage you to keep sharing your love and messages. Even though at times it may become discouraging if like people are not participating through posts and such, they are reading, they are "lurking" in the background. When I was actively involved in Empowered Recovery www.empoweredrecovery.com a forum for non alcoholics in an alcoholic relationship, there were many at times that people were not actively posting, but they were "lurking". Some of those lurkers came forth, even after a year to share from their hearts. They were reading and learning. It takes alot of courage to come forth and share what is really going on in our lives.
But as you well know me by now, I am not a lurker. I come forth and share all, some may say TMI (to much information) but what I have found is that others are in the background going through the same things I had gone through and just need a little direction and guidance. Our mighty Lord has gifted me with the gift of sharing and the gift of a open mouth (hmm I must be careful at times..lol!)
Anyway keep sharing!
The lesson I learned yesterday was one you have taught us but I need to be diligent in which Sweets is doing... Studying the scriptures, seeking the answers. It is even more important to me now that the Lord has led me to the streets, so when folks question me about the best book of all, I help lead them and guide them like you and many others do. This young gentleman had poured over the book and when I stopped yesterday he and his girlfriend had many questions. Some I could help with, others I struggled a bit with. Then it boils down to how we have said that scripture will speak to all of ous in different ways, but if we are seeing God's truth, he will speak to us and show us what we need to hear and learn.
I have appointment with Ear, Nose and Throat specialist on Friday. Keep praying!