Let me add to this one if you don't mind in regards to consequences. I had conseqences from my sin of having sexual relations before marriage. A consequence that I will have the rest of my life, that which is the diagnosis of herpes 2. Is it going to kill me ? no. is it a bother at times, yes it can be. Add to that the diagnosis of HPV( human papollo virus (spelling?) the STD that causes cervical cancer.. I had procedure and there was no cancer. Now praises to our Lord that as of now, there was no diagnosis of Aids. There very well could have been with how my behavior was.. and the scary part is that something like that could take 10 years to show up. When we are in the world and do not know our Lord, we do not think of these things- the consequences of our choices. However as we learn of him, and the holy spirit is in us, we get "pricked" and reminded and understand much better about our choices and the consequences that lie ahead of us. But man oh man, the devil does not want us to win!
You are very right and a great reminder to me of about down here is not where we look for good things.
Thanks again!
Dearest Robin, I sure do hope that all here appreciate the way you tell it like it is! This post of yours is amazing! I can't think of many who would be so open and share the deepest things like you do.
What's so great about it is that in this forum and thread you are speaking forth about living as a real Christian in a blighted-by-sin society, about the effects of this when we don't live according to His law (which applies to Christians AND unbelievers alike), and about the worldly traps for us as serious Believers in Jesus.
True, the devil does not want us to win. And it can easily enough feel like he IS winning. But guess what? - at the end he LOSES, badly: he goes to Hell, and WE go to Heaven. And meantime he cannot ultimately win either: Jesus WALLOPED Him at the cross and empty tomb. At that moment the 'oh so clever' devil outsmarted himself, and so ALL OF US CAN NOW SEE, CLEAR AS DAY, THAT HE IS A DEFEATED ENEMY. HIS HANDS ARE TIED - BUT HE'LL TRY TO FOOL YOU THAT THEY AREN'T!!
Please, Robin and everyone here, remember this next time you feel like you not winning - YOU ARE ON THE WAY TO VICTORY IN THE LORD!!! Just hold fast, focus on the Lord, don't give up on your faith and trust in Him, seek to do right and good, and look to the Holy Spirit to give you all the STRENGTH you need for the next move!!!
Blessings to all!
- BM