THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Let me add to this one if you don't mind in regards to consequences. I had conseqences from my sin of having sexual relations before marriage. A consequence that I will have the rest of my life, that which is the diagnosis of herpes 2. Is it going to kill me ? no. is it a bother at times, yes it can be. Add to that the diagnosis of HPV( human papollo virus (spelling?) the STD that causes cervical cancer.. I had procedure and there was no cancer. Now praises to our Lord that as of now, there was no diagnosis of Aids. There very well could have been with how my behavior was.. and the scary part is that something like that could take 10 years to show up. When we are in the world and do not know our Lord, we do not think of these things- the consequences of our choices. However as we learn of him, and the holy spirit is in us, we get "pricked" and reminded and understand much better about our choices and the consequences that lie ahead of us. But man oh man, the devil does not want us to win!

You are very right and a great reminder to me of about down here is not where we look for good things.

Thanks again!

Dearest Robin, I sure do hope that all here appreciate the way you tell it like it is! This post of yours is amazing! I can't think of many who would be so open and share the deepest things like you do.

What's so great about it is that in this forum and thread you are speaking forth about living as a real Christian in a blighted-by-sin society, about the effects of this when we don't live according to His law (which applies to Christians AND unbelievers alike), and about the worldly traps for us as serious Believers in Jesus.

True, the devil does not want us to win. And it can easily enough feel like he IS winning. But guess what? - at the end he LOSES, badly: he goes to Hell, and WE go to Heaven. And meantime he cannot ultimately win either: Jesus WALLOPED Him at the cross and empty tomb. At that moment the 'oh so clever' devil outsmarted himself, and so ALL OF US CAN NOW SEE, CLEAR AS DAY, THAT HE IS A DEFEATED ENEMY. HIS HANDS ARE TIED - BUT HE'LL TRY TO FOOL YOU THAT THEY AREN'T!!

Please, Robin and everyone here, remember this next time you feel like you not winning - YOU ARE ON THE WAY TO VICTORY IN THE LORD!!! Just hold fast, focus on the Lord, don't give up on your faith and trust in Him, seek to do right and good, and look to the Holy Spirit to give you all the STRENGTH you need for the next move!!!

Blessings to all!

- BM
As many of you know I have had my share of struggles with relationships in my life. Bondman has been so kind and has helped me here and through PM's and emails.

Amazing enough when I met the most recent man that is in my life, I was so impressed he prayed at the restaraunt before dinner. Hey he went to church with me , said he loved me and all that great stuff. As the years (yes you read that correctly - 2 years and a few months now - with a few break ups here and there) many things happened. The rambling I am trying to get to is this.. just because they say they are a Christian does not mean they are a Christian. For me, I need to remind myself of how a true believer lives.

Bondman sent me these scriptures:

2 Corinthians 6:14-17 (Amplified Bible)

14 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers [do not make mismated alliances with them or come under a different yoke with them, inconsistent with your faith]. For what partnership have right living and right standing with God with iniquity and lawlessness? Or how can light have fellowship with darkness?

15 What harmony can there be between Christ and Belial [the devil]? Or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?

16 What agreement [can there be between] a temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God; even as God said, I will dwell in and with and among them and will walk in and with and among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
17 So, come out from among [unbelievers], and separate (sever) yourselves from them, says the Lord, and touch not [any] unclean thing; then I will receive you kindly and treat you with favor,

Serious hey!!! Fixing such a thing is no easy matter. It requires a strong determination and strong action. But God will support you fully to do this - if you throw yourself upon His mercy! You could keep going as you are and end up quite washed up as a Christian - I've seen it over and over - just by continuing what is an illicit relationship before God!!

Now my friends , God's word does show us and tell us. As stated the fixing this is no easy matter as we all know! The strong determination and strong action are the tough part.
Just think, he says right there in the last sentence- I WILL RECEIVE YOU KINDLY AND TREAT YOU WITH FAVOR! Bondman, thank you again for sharing the truth with me and all.


I always appreciate kind words, and try to acknowledge them, as I do here. This, I believe, is right.

However, what I'm doing is purely living acccording to my calling from the Lord -

.:: which is to teach and speak His Word (SOMETIMES STRONGLY!!),
.:: as CLEARLY as I can,
.:: in a PRACTICAL WAY so we can truly live it
.:: and to help and support those SEEKING TO DO THIS!

Such is my PRIVILEGE and my JOY!!!

Faithwoman has lived the experience of a man claiming to be a Believer in the Lord, believing this himself, and doing so many of the things that we ASSOCIATE with a Believer - but who can so easily be a wolf in sheep's clothing! The problem here is that we're NOT looking for the right things! What I said "we ASSOCIATE" with someone who is a Believer may be JUST OUTWARD LIVING like that so many other church-goers, but who have never been brought from DEATH to LIVE by the Holy Spirit!! Man, how incredibly sad!!

What we have to do instead of looking at these - I could maybe call them 'church traits' - is to look for nothing less than the FRUITS OF A CHANGED INNER LIFE, WITH THE TRUE SPIRITUAL REALITY OF A CHRISTIAN WALKING DAILY WITH HIS LORD - according to the Living Word of God in the New Testament. So we will carefully look for true agape, a VERY special love that is selfless rather than self-serving. And for a person CLEARLY showing a true commitment to the Lord, i.e, living FOR the Lord, the way HE wants. Also for a person whose life revolves around God - not just around the church but truly around the One Whom the church is/should be promoting!

As in Faithwoman's case, a further problem can be inadvertantly getting into close relationship with such a person. Because she was a new Christian it's taken time for her to see the truth of this man, along with then knowing what to do about it. Please pray for her, dear ones, for a relationship NOT of the Lord to cease - not necessarily easy! - until she is FREE!!

The 2 Corinthians 6 verses above apply to every Christian seeking nothing less than to live for Him. Anyone failing the test of those verses is storing up for himself or herself unhappiness, ungodliness, and often worse (I've seen it far too many times and it is not pretty...)

Faithwoman I will pray, along with others here, until you can say that "When the Son shall set you free, you shall be free indeed!!!" (see John 8:36).

All our love!

- BM and Mrs
One Step vs 12 step

First of all let me begin by saying I am not bashing any of the 12 step programs that are out there such as AA and such. But I learned a valuable lesson tonight after street ministry.

I had coffee with Bridget and Paul the founders of Care-A- Van Ministries.
Over coffee we got to chatting about our testimonies and such.
Paul WAS an alcoholic. It was a Friday night and his 4th DWI that happened on by the stop sign right on his home street. That Sunday 2 days later he went to church, and found himself going forward to the Altar call and gave his life to the Lord. His brother 9 years later who was a drug addict, gave his life over to the Lord. His brother had gone to a 5 day dry out program. At this program they wanted to give him methadone which they use for drug addicts to bring them off of the heroin and coccaine. He refused to take it. Instead he paced the halls with a bible and other Christian books folks gave him over the previous years. He cried out to the Lord unceasingly for the 5 days.

When the family went to pick him up, they could not believe their eyes! They said it was like a different person that walked out of that building.

Paul and his brother now have a Tuesday night men's night at their home.
Paul opens his home to any man that wants to come. Richard the brother had gone to AA and such but said to Paul, that is not working for me, I cannot speak about Jesus and such there. Hence , the two of them started getting together on Tuesday nights and now the group has grown to at least 10-12 men on a given night. There has been at least 100 men that have walked through that door, with several of them being saved at the dining room table.

A sherrif who was a Christian called Paul and told him about this man who had gotten like his 5th DWI. Paul got into the bus, went to where the man was invited him on the bus for coffee. He shared of God's love. The man showed up the following Tuesday drunk. By the end of the night, the man was crying and sobbing and prayed to the Lord to take his life. The man has not had a drink since then.

Paul explained to me tonight, that he tells the addicts that there is only one step to freedom and that is to accept the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. With this one step , they are free! Free at last. They are no longer alcholics, drug addicts and such. How many times do we here people say they are a recovering alcoholic, a recovering drug addict? You do not here that in Paul's home. No, once you accept the Lord, you are no longer the old self, you are created new. You are no longer an alchoholic, a drug addict etc.. YOU ARE FREE! It does work, you have to believe.

Now let me explain, I know with the Lord we are free, we are created new, but man for some reason the One step vs. 12 step really hit home to my heart. I also know when we take that One step, we need continued encouragement, we need to keep seeking the kingdom first. We need to allow the Lord to strip away the old.

These words from Paul and his wife really struck my heart tonight. It is like when we take those burdens to the cross, we need to leave them there.. period.. we do not have to take them up ever again. We are free.

So.. that old Robin.. she is gone.. gone forever.. the new one is here getting stonger every day. That one step has been taken

God Bless

First of all let me begin by saying I am not bashing any of the 12 step programs that are out there such as AA and such. But I learned a valuable lesson tonight after street ministry.

I had coffee with Bridget and Paul the founders of Care-A- Van Ministries.
Over coffee we got to chatting about our testimonies and such.
Paul WAS an alcoholic. It was a Friday night and his 4th DWI that happened on by the stop sign right on his home street. That Sunday 2 days later he went to church, and found himself going forward to the Altar call and gave his life to the Lord. His brother 9 years later who was a drug addict, gave his life over to the Lord. His brother had gone to a 5 day dry out program. At this program they wanted to give him methadone which they use for drug addicts to bring them off of the heroin and coccaine. He refused to take it. Instead he paced the halls with a bible and other Christian books folks gave him over the previous years. He cried out to the Lord unceasingly for the 5 days.

When the family went to pick him up, they could not believe their eyes! They said it was like a different person that walked out of that building.

Paul and his brother now have a Tuesday night men's night at their home.
Paul opens his home to any man that wants to come. Richard the brother had gone to AA and such but said to Paul, that is not working for me, I cannot speak about Jesus and such there. Hence , the two of them started getting together on Tuesday nights and now the group has grown to at least 10-12 men on a given night. There has been at least 100 men that have walked through that door, with several of them being saved at the dining room table.

A sherrif who was a Christian called Paul and told him about this man who had gotten like his 5th DWI. Paul got into the bus, went to where the man was invited him on the bus for coffee. He shared of God's love. The man showed up the following Tuesday drunk. By the end of the night, the man was crying and sobbing and prayed to the Lord to take his life. The man has not had a drink since then.

Paul explained to me tonight, that he tells the addicts that there is only one step to freedom and that is to accept the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. With this one step , they are free! Free at last. They are no longer alcholics, drug addicts and such. How many times do we here people say they are a recovering alcoholic, a recovering drug addict? You do not here that in Paul's home. No, once you accept the Lord, you are no longer the old self, you are created new. You are no longer an alchoholic, a drug addict etc.. YOU ARE FREE! It does work, you have to believe.

Now let me explain, I know with the Lord we are free, we are created new, but man for some reason the One step vs. 12 step really hit home to my heart. I also know when we take that One step, we need continued encouragement, we need to keep seeking the kingdom first. We need to allow the Lord to strip away the old.

These words from Paul and his wife really struck my heart tonight. It is like when we take those burdens to the cross, we need to leave them there.. period.. we do not have to take them up ever again. We are free.

So.. that old Robin.. she is gone.. gone forever.. the new one is here getting stonger every day. That one step has been taken

God Bless


I guess that at my age and so long a Christian I don't get surprised often by something new, but what you said from Paul I've never struck before, meaning the One Step concept. And they've done it, and do it, and it works! So that's amazing!!

I see that it could be possible for this to explain the difference between the Christian who gives up any drug of any kind, and never once has another craving for it, compared to the person who struggles and tends to remain 'in recovery'. I must admit I sure am attracted to Paul's spiritual concept of this. (I've always thought the difference was rather a matter of God's choice to cure instantly or not.)

There does sound to be one part of it that tallies with how I view this whole deal, and that is the SERIOUSNESS of what the person is doing with the Lord - what I will tend to refer to as "desperation". Seems to me that when we get to desperation point, we WILL do the thing that we know we should, be it sorting a drug or drugs, a sin or sins, relationships, and so on. In my own life my seriousness and determination (and therefore my 'desperation point') have achieved some truly wondrous things that I am SO GRATEFUL to the Lord about.

Oh, now another thing just popped into my head. I also see that those who take a straight out 'there and then' decision about what they should do often succeed, as opposed to those who will procrastinate and put it off and may take an age to finally get serious - who, I would suspect, may not succeed with a One Step situation. Maybe you could run this past Paul and see what he says.

Paul and family sure are wonderful and doing a wonderful job. To me, a great encouragement to us ALL! Thankyou so much for sharing this, hon!

- BM
Oh, now another thing just popped into my head. I also see that those who take a straight out 'there and then' decision about what they should do often succeed, as opposed to those who will procrastinate and put it off and may take an age to finally get serious - who, I would suspect, may not succeed with a One Step situation. Maybe you could run this past Paul and see what he says.

see that it could be possible for this to explain the difference between the Christian who gives up any drug of any kind, and never once has another craving for it, compared to the person who struggles and tends to remain 'in recovery'. I must admit I sure am attracted to Paul's spiritual concept of this. (I've always thought the difference was rather a matter of God's choice to cure instantly or not.)

I have heard folks say that as well, that it was God's choice to cure instantly or not, but this concept brings it a little deeper. To truly believe, to truly be seeking the kingdom of God first. Maybe the person who struggles does not know or cannot comprehend the power of Jesus.. (hence me included ie.. the whole battle with smoking and such.

God blessed me with putting Paul , his wife and the ministry in my life. Posted my new writing of last night in the coffee house. I emailed Paul your question and I will see them tonight as we are downtown Batavia tonight with the bus for Christmas in the City. Last year 500 folks came through the bus! God bless!

Maybe the person who struggles does not know or cannot comprehend the power of Jesus..

Or they are not yet very determined and deadly in earnest about quitting something that wrong or destructive, i.e., not desperate enough yet.

I'll be intererested in Paul's wisdom.

- BM

Still waiting on an answer to that question to Paul but he sent me this email after reading OH Holy Night that I wrote about last nite (copy on the coffee house)


Our coffee pot is never empty....and there is usually always an empty chair to be filled for cheers or tears. You are welcome!

I like your article and the title to is my favorite Christmas song!

In the late 70's me and my older brother ran a drug paraphernalia booth called One Step Ahead. Never did I think that it would be the true one step that would set me free from the life that came with that adventure.
See, what satan meant for bad God turned into good. I thank you God...and I also want to be a branch that bears much fruit. I like to think that all of the testimonies from the ministry is like the Holy Spirit blowing on us keeping the fire in us alive! He surely directs our paths, and our destinations for Thursday evenings. Sometimes I come home with a bon fire going, and it doesn't matter how much the wind blows or how hard it rains (works of the enemy) the fire can't be quenched.

Thanks for being blessed and also for being a blessing to this ministry!

Keep the light on !

Isnt' it amazing about the ONE STEP.. that years ago he had a drug booth called One step ahead and now how God has shown him the ONE STEP!
It is amazing.. woweeeeeeeeee!!

Isnt' it amazing about the ONE STEP.. that years ago he had a drug booth called One step ahead and now how God has shown him the ONE STEP!
It is amazing.. woweeeeeeeeee!!


JUST ONE STEP sure can make a difference!!! See the One MOST MAJOR Step I took in the next Message #148.



... Continued from Part 1


In Part 1 we've looked at TWO of the "secrets" of living a full Christian life. Our aim can be nothing less than learning to:


From TRUST AND OBEY,Let's do the next two. Even unbelievers often know the first one: Jesus has to be YOUR SAVIOUR if you are ever to get to spend eternity with God!! I realise this one is kind of a "given" but I wanted to put it with what it belongs with, which I'll now write - and it's surely NOT so much of a "given"!

I've said before how I was only told about Jesus as Saviour when I met the Lord Jesus at age 18. Even as a helper in the Billy Graham Crusade in Brisbane in 1959 (I think) it seemed to me that he was telling folks that Jesus had to be their Saviour from sin. I started preaching and preached that. Sometimes we said, "You must accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, and give your life to Him," yet I didn't realise what "give your life to Him" really meant.

I was aged 31 before I heard on tape the first ever sermon about "The Lordship of Christ" (by an Anglican Priest). This new Scriptural information about "JESUS AS LORD OF MY WHOLE LIFE" utterly blew my brain!! And He said that Jesus HAD to be Lord in and over all my life!!! Man oh man!!! I believe I acted upon this right away, and while I was with God taking Jesus AS MY LORD I realised that THIS STEP WAS FOREVER - once I did it ,THERE WAS NO GOING BACK!! And I've never ever wanted to! - in fact, I couldn't!! In our churches are people who can accept the Lord and later turn their back on Him, and drift away. I doubt they ever knew and understood about Jesus' ESSENTIAL LORDSHIP OVER THEIR LIVES!!!

So what does LORDSHIP mean? It means all the things we said about OBEDIENCE in Part 1:

:: ALL of my life, all that I AM, and all that I DO REVOLVES AROUND JESUS!!!

Does all that sound RATHER DRASTIC? WELL, IT IS!! DOES IT SOUND KIND OF 'OVERBOARD'? A friend once looked at me and quietly said, "You're really sold out to the Lord, aren't you!" I was rather stunned, cos I'd never thought of it that way. BUT YES, I AM - UNASHAMEDLY SO!!! I can say that today all that I do revolves around Jesus (HE gets all the Praise for this - none for me!)

Okay, if you've never taken Him as Lord over ALL of your life, then today is the time to do it. NOTHING LESS WILL DO FOR THE SERIOUS CHRISTIAN BELIEVER!! You've heard the saying: "Unless He is Lord of all, He's not Lord at all!" ABSOLUTELY TRUE! And UNLESS you HAVE given all of your life over to Him as Lord, there has to be some doubt (maybe even considerable doubt) that you really are heaven-bound. I say this because throughout the whole of the New Testament, the teaching there is nothing less than TOTAL COMMITMENT TO HIM and COMPLETE SUBMISSION TO HIM - and THAT is LORDSHIP!!!

If you've NOT yet done this, then I strongly urge you to do it today. Make the Lord Jesus Christ your SAVIOUR AND your LORD!! Bless you as you take this wonderful step!!

Just one more to go!!

Continued in Part 2a...

- BM, with his Lady


If you've NOT yet done this, then I strongly urge you to do it today. Make the Lord Jesus Christ your SAVIOUR AND your LORD!! Bless you as you take this wonderful step!!

Amen Great post Bondman!

Paul emailed back:

The person who wrote the response was correct. The one step most likely will not work for someone who does not get born again. Although there are some people who are strong willed that can do it on their own.

Wether they procrastinate on their decision to accept the Lord and the freedom that comes with that, or they keep putting off treatment they will most likely stay in their addiction, or whatever is holding them back.

I do not discount the AA program, because it does help those who are looking for help.
Some people do need the support and weekly meetings to stay accountable. I try to help people to understand the new life they can have in Christ and the freedom that comes with it. One step. It does come with the degree of faith that you have. To the degree that you give it to God to that degree will He take it. When looking to Christ for release from addiction you must surrender all. When Jesus healed the blind man, Jesus didn't say you're blind, he said you're healed.
So with a new life in Christ we can say we are healed and are no longer addicts.

I hope this helps

Ok I am off to the city. Tonight is Christmas in the city and we are serving hot chocolate and brownies. Last year about 500 folks came through the bus! Have a great week-end!


Urgent Prayer needed

Hi there,
I had to have a Carotid Doppler and Ultrsound done of my neck on Thursday due to some pain and other symptoms. When the tech was done she came back in the room and said the radiologist wants me to come back Friday AM so he can do the test.

I went back at Friday at 7:30 AM. He took a look at the live pictures. They have detected something on the left side of my neck near the Lymph node. He wanted me to have a CT Scan done with dye so they can see exactly what it is. We are waiting for my insurance company to give the authorization which will hopefully be Monday.

I am asking all of you today for prayer. Prayer is a powerful thing. I have the faith of our Lord. I know that he can take away anything in my body that is not of him.

Will you please pray continually this week-end for me. This is hard on me as my family is not here with me, but our Lord is.

Today I am going to a women's fellowship, and then street ministry again at 10:30. I am just keeping busy to keep my mind off of it all and praying alot. I love you all!

Amen Great post Bondman!

Paul emailed back:

The person who wrote the response was correct. The one step most likely will not work for someone who does not get born again. Although there are some people who are strong willed that can do it on their own.

Wether they procrastinate on their decision to accept the Lord and the freedom that comes with that, or they keep putting off treatment they will most likely stay in their addiction, or whatever is holding them back.

I do not discount the AA program, because it does help those who are looking for help.
Some people do need the support and weekly meetings to stay accountable. I try to help people to understand the new life they can have in Christ and the freedom that comes with it. One step. It does come with the degree of faith that you have. To the degree that you give it to God to that degree will He take it. When looking to Christ for release from addiction you must surrender all. When Jesus healed the blind man, Jesus didn't say you're blind, he said you're healed.
So with a new life in Christ we can say we are healed and are no longer addicts.

I hope this helps

Ok I am off to the city. Tonight is Christmas in the city and we are serving hot chocolate and brownies. Last year about 500 folks came through the bus! Have a great week-end!


Okay, sounds like Paul has about the same view as I've held for a long time. Thanks a lot, hon!
Hi there,
I had to have a Carotid Doppler and Ultrsound done of my neck on Thursday due to some pain and other symptoms. When the tech was done she came back in the room and said the radiologist wants me to come back Friday AM so he can do the test.

I went back at Friday at 7:30 AM. He took a look at the live pictures. They have detected something on the left side of my neck near the Lymph node. He wanted me to have a CT Scan done with dye so they can see exactly what it is. We are waiting for my insurance company to give the authorization which will hopefully be Monday.

I am asking all of you today for prayer. Prayer is a powerful thing. I have the faith of our Lord. I know that he can take away anything in my body that is not of him.

Will you please pray continually this week-end for me. This is hard on me as my family is not here with me, but our Lord is.

Today I am going to a women's fellowship, and then street ministry again at 10:30. I am just keeping busy to keep my mind off of it all and praying alot. I love you all!


Praying, dear one!! Keep that faith up - for there is nothing, absolutely NOTHING that He cannot do!!!

- BM

P.S. We have a young friend who was diagnosed with a cyst on an ovary. Four doctors and many, many tests later, it turns out she has no cyst, nothing wrong, and is completely healthy!! Did God take it away? Only HE knows, but quite possibly He DID!!!!

Love you!!
P.S. We have a young friend who was diagnosed with a cyst on an ovary. Four doctors and many, many tests later, it turns out she has no cyst, nothing wrong, and is completely healthy!! Did God take it away? Only HE knows, but quite possibly He DID!!!!

Love you!!

I know how powerful our Lord is. I am standing strong on my faith. I have kept busy all week-end with God.
It is now 11:15 Pm Sat nite. My mind started going a bit, but that is the enemy. I am standing strong. Everyone I have run into today, I just keep asking them for prayers. Even the folks I prayed for today on the streets, I asked them back for prayers! Praises to our Lord for he is awesome!

I'm getting Baptized in Water tomorrow morning. Please remember me in prayer, and celebrate with me.

Pastor said we might received the Baptizm of the Holy Spirit, so help me to forget myself and accept what He has to offer without trepidation. Thanx. Sweets
Faithwoman, I think it was when I was praying last night that I felt I didn't respond as well as I should have to Paul's reply when I said:

Okay, sounds like Paul has about the same view as I've held for a long time. Thanks a lot, hon!

What I did not comment on, and feel I certainly should have, was this part of his reply:

Faithwoman said:
When looking to Christ for release from addiction you must surrender all. When Jesus healed the blind man, Jesus didn't say you're blind, he said you're healed.
So with a new life in Christ we can say we are healed and are no longer addicts.

As I said when you first wrote this, this was a NEW THOUGHT to me, that the alcoholic CAN get FREE of ALWAYS BEING DRAWN to again DRINK - rather than ALWAYS remaining 'a recovering alcoholic'. From what you reported earlier, clearly Paul and his brother have seen alcoholics completely freed from any DESIRE to ever drink again! WOW!!

That's utterly astonishing, and is quite OUTSIDE of the world's "conventional widsom", i.e., IN CHRIST SOMETHING MIRACULOUS IS AVAILABLE TO US CHRISTIANS!!! And this does tally with Scriptures like you reported from Paul: we TRULY ARE NEW PEOPLE in Christ! 2 Corinthians Ch 5:17 Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!

What a POWERFUL and ASTONISHING Word from the Lord!!! I NEVER want to be one who is 'downgrading' the MIRACLE of the New Birth in Christ - and the quite AMAZING Godly POWER that FLOWS INTO OUR LIVES from that!!!

Seems like we're often living as paupers, when God wants us living as kings and queens in Christ Jesus! Let's work on lifting up our faith and claiming ALL that He has for us!!!

Praying for God's FULL power into the lives of each one of us!!

- BM



... Continued from Part 2 . Part 1 of this Series is here

In Part 2, you'll remember how I related my 'discovery' of the truth of The LORDSHIP of CHRIST JESUS, and as a result took THE most MAJOR STEP in my whole Christian life, and DEFINITELY a "ONE STEP" according to Faithwoman's friend Paul, which she and I have been discussing here. Wow, I'm really getting to LOVE the idea of just ONE STEP!!! I took ONE STEP - and this brought CHANGE into my life that I AM STILL PROFITING FROM TODAY!!! - NO EXAGGERATION!!

Because of it being my MOST MAJOR LIFE STEP I want to add some more to Part 2 on this most important of TOPICS for the genuine Believer!!

Someone who FULLY owns his house has in his possession a very important document, called a Title Deed - as PROOF of his ownership! This Title Deed says with 100% certainty, that (a) He completely owns the house, and thus (b) He may do whatever he wishes with the house! HE HAS COMPLETE CONTROL!! With Jesus as LORD over ALL of your life, THESE THINGS WILL BE TRUE FOR YOUR CHRISTIAN LIFE ALSO!!! You need to write out a Title Deed and pass it to Him, giving HIM complete ownership of you and all your life, forever! AND handing over COMPLETE CONTROL!! A tad DRASTIC maybe? - not at all!! Just in case you're worried about this, HE WILL NEVER TAKE AWAY YOUR FREEWILL AND ABILITY TO CHOOSE!!! Jesus being LORD of your Life is always still in YOUR hands!

Furthermore, whatever you may think that you may lose in taking this MAJOR step, will count as NOTHING TO ALL THAT YOU GAIN! Consider this Scripture from Jesus our LORD Himself: Matthew Ch 16:26 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

I wonder if you know that as a real Christian man or woman that you are an HEIR of GOD Himself - you are God's heir receiving all that He's promised!!! Romans Ch 8:17 ..and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together. Galatians Ch 3:29 And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. James Ch 2:5 Listen, my beloved brethren: Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him?

So those for whom Jesus is LORD and SAVIOUR are heirs with Christ of God's promise of the Kingdom!!! How WONDERFUL is THAT!!

Someone who before God suddenly saw that Jesus MUST become his LORD, reported how this happened for him: "Dropping to my knees, I presented it [the Title Deed to his life] to Him, 'Here it is, all that I am and have forever. Now you run the house. Just let me stay with you as houseboy and friend.'"

All I can say to each one of you here is, "PLEASE DO IT!!"

Just one to go (and it's a 'biggie'!)

Continued in Part 3 here...

- BM, with his Lady


I'm getting Baptized in Water tomorrow morning. Please remember me in prayer, and celebrate with me.

Pastor said we might received the Baptizm of the Holy Spirit, so help me to forget myself and accept what He has to offer without trepidation. Thanx. Sweets

I'm sorry for not resonding to this, Sweets. Celebrating with you most excitedly!! Way to go, girl!!...

With love,

- BM

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