THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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I am ready to sign up as well.. I need to learn to give up my desires and look for gods..I realize I have been going in the wrong direction for a long time and I need to find Gods Directions.. I am truly proud to have found this forum.. Thank you Jesue for opening this door for me! God Bless each and everyone of you..

Hi ajoyfulsound! Welcome to The Inner Room!

Here you can find much to read that will help you as you seek to reunite with the Lord once again, giving up your own desires as you said, and seeking His will in and for your life.

May God abundantly bless you as you seek for a closeness with Him once more!

- BM
Hi all! Well, since my Baptizm, I have been really praying to God and getting back that personal relationship I once had. I don't where I got off track, but I'm getting back on. Perhaps all the emotional journey my dh and I were having dumped me by the side of the road. HeHe. Anyway, I have not been worrying about my tears and blubbering and going on and on. Just getting re-acquainted. I have tons of books that are collecting on the shelves that I need to read also. But, I think I should put the list up for others to peruse to see if the authors are reputable and not way off, like The Shack and others I've gotten into.

Well, I'd better get back to work. I've only got one week left to cleaning the library, and then I'm laid off. They guy lost one big job ($700/mo), which caused him to put me on notice until he can replace it. Which means he will be cleaning this place until he can make up what he lost. I just had a feeling this was going to happen, and so I didn't rush to pick my missionary to sponsor. What a disappointment. I wanted to get a bicycle too for one of them who needed one. But, I will pray and ask God to give me another 2nd job, maybe he will be merciful and give me a less back-breaking one. Norm has been helping me lately, so that the work is less. Amazing! That way, he stays away from certain things that have him down. That's another blessing.

Thanx for being here. I am one of those lurkers, if I get a moment at the library. HUGZ, Sweets

Good to have you back - missed ya, hon! I think you're a spruiker as well as a lurker!! And a good questioner. (Love your questions!)

It's so important to stay CONNECTED to the Lord, hey! Without that we cannot HELP but stray, and lose piles of GOOD things our of our life. HE is our source of power to live the life. Without Him, we're right off the rails...

Sorry to hear about the job loss. You can still go onto GFA and spend just 11 bucks for a cheap pair of rabbits and/or chickens as a one-off for a Christian Dalit family for Christmas (really helps them for food and money in their lives, so we've already done this - after all, we know that rabbits 'breed like rabbits' *hee!*). These are already there in India, so your gift should arrive in time for Christmas.

All our love!

- BM



Hi there!

I have come to realize that I need to pray for the Lord to give me more and more boldness. We all need that. Those of us who know our Lord need to have boldness in our lives so we can speak up for the love that Christ has for all of us.

I prayed for this just this morning. As I walked across the parking lot, I saw one of the men that I prayed with in his car during the street ministry. I did not know his story until now..

I saw him. It was getting dark outside. But the Lord touched my heart.
I hollered out to him. Hey there , how are you doing? He said hey missy..
We talked for half an hour in the freezing cold air. Come to find out, his daughter died last year at the age of 43 and he is raising the kids on his own. He has a 17 year old granddaughter that is having some of the same issues I have with my 16 year old daughter. The Lord encouraged him through me to understand the love he has for us. Our Lord's love is great.
I gave him the quick TMI (lol) testimony right there on the spot in regards to where my life went when I was focused on men instead of God.

I told him that I was always available to visit with his granddaughter.
I told him how our lives our different when we live for Christ.
I encouraged him to seek the Lord. Seek a Lord's home where other believers can lift him and the kids up. I told him he does not need to do this alone. The Lord is there.

At the end we shared our phone numbers. I told him that was my number. I also told him the other line is open 24-7. The line directly to our Lord.

My whole point of rambling is if you have Christ in your heart, and he is your all, seek the boldness the Lord will give you. There are alot of hurting people out there. The Lord is coming, he is coming soon. Are you bold enough to go out and share? What is holding you back? Fear? Whatever it is .. pray about it and God will help you.


Some hundreds of years ago, the GREATS of the FAITH in England (and elsewhere) often spoke of "a HOLY boldness" - and what's more they sure LIVED it!!! If you do a search of the whole of the New Testament you'll find the word "boldness" there many times, along with "bold" and "boldly". Faithwoman couldn't be more right: we need BOLDNESS in our Christian lives today, something that the church seems to have lost as we live 'the good and easy life' in our super-rich societies - while our conforming to how this world lives has led us AWAY from the Lord, and worse still KEEPS us away from Him!!! Yes! - SERIOUS, VERY, VERY SERIOUS!!!

We CANNOT get holy BOLDNESS into our lives unless and until we take the 'unpopular' choice of taking JESUS AS LORD over ALL of our lifes, and giving Him FULL CONTROL of our life (which you can trust me will actually make you MORE FREE than you've ever been!!!) Once you are truly the Lord's by taking this SO IMPORTANT STEP, then you can start to learn boldness like Faithwoman exhibits in her life. Her boldness allows her to speak to others about her Lord, even to the boldness of giving out her phone number to those she shares Jesus with!!!

The New Testament makes it abundantly clear that boldness is the right of the serious Christian, and I'm not meaning just speaking to others about God, but in THE WHOLE OF OUR LIVES!! You will GROW what I may term a quiet CONFIDENCE in (a) what you're about in life, (b) in who you really are, and (c) where you are heading. I CAN TELL YOU THAT THIS IS RATHER WONDERFUL!!! *highly recommends this!!*

It's important for me to add here that as those living under Jesus as Lord, each of us have differing tasks. We are NOT all going to live like Faithwoman does, nor like I do. He has YOUR path, YOUR task all ready for you!!! May I dare to ask: WHY then, aren't you LIVING it? Even more to the point, what REASON will you give to Jesus when you're called before Him at His Judgment Seat?

Do you want to stammer and stutter or even be struck dumb in front of Him? (Which 'MAY' be in front of all of us, because: Mark 4:22 For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light, and 'POSSIBLY' at the Judgment Seat of Christ, as Paul says: Romans 2:16 in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.

Just to reiterate, we don't COPY someone else in MINISTRY. Instead, we find from the Lord OUR ministry, and seek to GROW in boldness in it - and in all of our daily Christian life.

In the Lord Jesus, you too can have... a Holy Boldness!

- BM, and his Lady


Welcome to ajoyfulsound. You will be blessed by the Inner Room.


Hang in there with your faith.
I encourge you to look at the book of Malachi 3

5 "So I will come near to you for judgment. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive aliens of justice, but do not fear me," says the LORD Almighty.

10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. 11 I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit," says the LORD Almighty. 12 "Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land," says the LORD Almighty.

You see, the Lord will provide for you. He will prevent pests from devouring your crops. Take faith in his word. He will take care of those that love him first and foremost. He will throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. With this though, comes with us being faithful to him including our tithing. I never understood that until last January. So when our times get tough, we have to remember to give to the Lord first. It is tough during these economical times. But have Faith, he will provide for you.

Awesome post on Boldness! Thank you so much!

The New Testament makes it abundantly clear that boldness is the right of the serious Christian, and I'm not meaning just speaking to others about God, but in THE WHOLE OF OUR LIVES!! You will GROW what I may term a quiet CONFIDENCE in (a) what you're about in life, (b) in who you really are, and (c) where you are heading. I CAN TELL YOU THAT THIS IS RATHER WONDERFUL!!! *highly recommends this!!*

As you well know, the whole of our lives. That is what the Lord is working with me on now. Yes it is scary for me, but I am praying and asking for more trust as well.

I love ya all!

Faithwoman said:

Hang in there with your faith.
I encourge you to look at the book of Malachi 3

5 "So I will come near to you for judgment. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive aliens of justice, but do not fear me," says the LORD Almighty.

10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. 11 I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit," says the LORD Almighty. 12 "Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land," says the LORD Almighty.

You see, the Lord will provide for you. He will prevent pests from devouring your crops. Take faith in his word. He will take care of those that love him first and foremost. He will throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. With this though, comes with us being faithful to him including our tithing. I never understood that until last January. So when our times get tough, we have to remember to give to the Lord first. It is tough during these economical times. But have Faith, he will provide for you.

Awesome post on Boldness! Thank you so much!

My heart is sad about your post, my dearest one. I've tried so hard to think how to not write this publicly, but cannot see a way. I know you did it with the best of good intentions. But most of it is quite WRONG. So, before God I must speak about what you wrote.

1. Before I start, I've never said and never will say NOT to read or take note of the Old Testament. But how many dozens of times have I said here that we do NOT live in the Old Testament but in the New Testament. I MEANT IT!!! I don't know how to say it any more strongly... But you've told Sweets to read Malachi Ch 3 and quoted verses from it. NO, Malachi Ch 3 is NOT for our living of OUR CHRISTIAN LIFE TODAY! It was written by God for His people, the Hebrews/the Children of Israel/the Jews - IT IS NOT FOR US!!!!

2. In the context of the WHOLE Bible, verse 5 that you quoted is not for us, but is all Old Testament. Someone who's reached the point WHERE THEY UNDERSTAND ALL OF THE NEW TESTAMENT'S TEACHINGS WILL BE IN A POSITION TO GLEAN THINGS FROM GOD FROM VERSE 5 (and other parts of the OT), BUT EFFECTIVELY TEACHING FROM IT LIKE YOU DID, IS INVALID - and most certainly IS NOT FOR YOUNG CHRISTIANS!!

3. Verses 10,11 and 12 DO NOT APPLY TO US AT ALL. As I've written here more than once, the tithe is NOT, repeat NOT taught ANYWHERE in the New Testament. And we do NOT have to give to the Lord FIRST! - that is OLD TESTAMENT and IS PART OF THE LAW!!! All of that finished at Calvary, as did ALL the other Jewish laws of the Old Testament. Thus, instead of reading Malachi and finding and quoting 'happy' verses from the Old Testament (i.e., things our flesh wants to hear!) as so many today seem to want to teach and do, we need to be doing our reading and study in the New Testament, books like Galatians and Romans, so as to get to see and understand how Saint Paul shows that the LAW IS FINISHED. (And so are many of the 'happy' OT verses also quite finished!!!)

4. So teaching the tithe is now quite ended and what you wrote about it is quite incorrect. Also what you said about floodgates, and blessings is all incorrect, as is what you said about God and pests, and more. I hope that readers can see that ALL OF THIS IS MATERIAL and HUMAN! Our blessings today are NOT THESE THINGS. Our blessings are SPIRITUAL, NOT TEMPORAL. Even SEEKING for blessings is not the way to go. SEEKING FOR GOD HIMSELF IS WHAT WE SO DESPERATELY NEED!!! If He then chooses to give blessings, then that's pretty nice - but expecting, wishing, wanting them is not good. Instead expect, wish for, seek, and want HIM - THEN you are on the right track!

I am SO sorry, hon! You know that my heart for you is totally agape, and so the LAST thing I ever want is to hurt or upset you. (Same thing for anyone else the above may have affected.)

You ARE loved, AND I am praying hard for you at the doctors!

- BM

I am dreadfully worn out, with numbers of difficult things we're having to cope with here at home just to add to our it all, so I'm having to take a little time off. I'm sure you guys will understand. Thanks!

Love you all!!

- BM
i agree with you about tithing,the old law has can,t pick and chose which bits you is good,but we are not bound by this,we are free from these laws.
First of all I would like to ask for everyone's forgiveness for my post on the scripture from the OT.

I will continue to work on my understanding of the New testament. I will also be sure to more thoroughly think things I post of. I did not mean in any way to mislead anyone.

I seeked help today with a friend to come to understand more fully what it means when people lived under the OT the law and now what living under the New Testament - grace means. Even though you shared many times, I guess I was not grasping it- not fault to you- just my understanding all things.

Instead expect, wish for, seek, and want HIM - THEN you are on the right track!

I am SO sorry, hon! You know that my heart for you is totally agape, and so the LAST thing I ever want is to hurt or upset you. (Same thing for anyone else the above may have affected.)

You ARE loved, AND I am praying hard for you at the doctors!

You did not hurt me or upset me. You corrected me and helped lead and guide me and I thank you for that. I thank all of you for your continued prayers. I also pray for you Bondman that the Lord will help you with all the things that you need to take care of.

My appointment is at 2:45 pm tomorrow. I will be seeing my daughter this week-end so I will not be on the computer much this week-end. Pray for good weather and safe travels.

First of all I would like to ask for everyone's forgiveness for my post on the scripture from the OT.

I will continue to work on my understanding of the New testament. I will also be sure to more thoroughly think things I post of. I did not mean in any way to mislead anyone.

I seeked help today with a friend to come to understand more fully what it means when people lived under the OT the law and now what living under the New Testament - grace means. Even though you shared many times, I guess I was not grasping it- not fault to you- just my understanding all things.

You did not hurt me or upset me. You corrected me and helped lead and guide me and I thank you for that. I thank all of you for your continued prayers. I also pray for you Bondman that the Lord will help you with all the things that you need to take care of.

My appointment is at 2:45 pm tomorrow. I will be seeing my daughter this week-end so I will not be on the computer much this week-end. Pray for good weather and safe travels.


Thankyou so much for that, hon! I was feeling really sick about it all... Love you!!

- BM (now on time out!)
New Year

Thankyou so much for that, hon! I was feeling really sick about it all... Love you!!

Love you too, hope you get some rest and things get settled with your time out.

Last year my Pastor said instead of having a new year's goal why not have a new years verse to live by.

For this new coming year, I have picked

Matthew 6:33

33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

This past year I had Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, Lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge him in all ways and he shall make your paths straight

As I learned to trust in the Lord and lean not on my own understanding, (my snooping and untrusting ways) and started acknowledging him and being obedient to him, he really did start making my paths straight. It all started last January with my declaring sexual purity and then God continued to work with me on so many things.

This year my verse is from the NT- to seek first his kingdom and righteousness. There are several areas that I need to continue to work on. Life is a journey but with the Lord it is an awesome one.

Would anyone care to share what your favorite verse is? What verse has really touched your life and heart?

Have a great day all and keep praying!

Wow, what BM said about tithing was so shocking! I just learned what tithing was. I have never tithed. But, I think everyone thinks this is the right thing to do. How would the physical church survive without this tithing? Where would the money come from then for electricity, etc. to keep the church running? Just wondering. This is all new to me, about the O.T. I never read it, really, but this is just interesting how BM learned all this.

I have been offline for awhile cause dh computer has a virus or something, which affects my lap top. I'm writing this from the library. Hope BM is feeling better soon.

And, I will be praying for your physical, Faithwoman. Hugz, Sweets

Good morning all,

I saw the specialist on Friday. I had to have a scope where they spray something up your nose to numb everything, then they use this tube that goes down through your nose and looks at the throat and everything. Everything looked fine! I had a hearing test which came back normal.

He is putting me on an antibiotic for 10 days to see if possibly there is an infection that is causing the lymph node to be enlarged. I go back in 3 weeks, if the pain is still there, I may have to have an Ultrasound done again and then a CT scan with a biopsy. But we all know how awesome our Lord is and he is healing me as we speak! Praises to him!

My daughter came up and we had an awesome time! The weather was great for travel! Thank you Lord!

Have a great day!
Good morning all,

I saw the specialist on Friday. I had to have a scope where they spray something up your nose to numb everything, then they use this tube that goes down through your nose and looks at the throat and everything. Everything looked fine! I had a hearing test which came back normal.

He is putting me on an antibiotic for 10 days to see if possibly there is an infection that is causing the lymph node to be enlarged. I go back in 3 weeks, if the pain is still there, I may have to have an Ultrasound done again and then a CT scan with a biopsy. But we all know how awesome our Lord is and he is healing me as we speak! Praises to him!

My daughter came up and we had an awesome time! The weather was great for travel! Thank you Lord!

Have a great day!
Praise God that you are okay.:) I am praying for a full recovery.
Good morning all,

I saw the specialist on Friday. I had to have a scope where they spray something up your nose to numb everything, then they use this tube that goes down through your nose and looks at the throat and everything. Everything looked fine! I had a hearing test which came back normal.

He is putting me on an antibiotic for 10 days to see if possibly there is an infection that is causing the lymph node to be enlarged. I go back in 3 weeks, if the pain is still there, I may have to have an Ultrasound done again and then a CT scan with a biopsy. But we all know how awesome our Lord is and he is healing me as we speak! Praises to him!

My daughter came up and we had an awesome time! The weather was great for travel! Thank you Lord!

Have a great day!

That's really great about your daughter, and encouraging about the lymph node! Bless you heaps!

- BM
Message #151


Wow, what BM said about tithing was so shocking! I just learned what tithing was. I have never tithed. But, I think everyone thinks this is the right thing to do. How would the physical church survive without this tithing? Where would the money come from then for electricity, etc. to keep the church running? Just wondering. This is all new to me, about the O.T. I never read it, really, but this is just interesting how BM learned all this. Hugz, Sweets

There's absolutely NO secret as to how Bondman knows about Old Testament commands and laws ending at Calvary- including tithing. About OT commands and laws all I've done is read Romans, read Galatians, and read Hebrews. About tithing all I did was a check to see if it's in the NT - it's NOT!) That is, it's all there for anyone to check, clear as a bell! So the SURPRISE should NOT be that I know these things, the dreadful SURPRISE should be how and why so much of the Western Church DOESN'T seem to know! That's the GREAT SHOCKER to me!

Because... after Jesus came, and SO MUCH changed, THE NEW TESTAMENT then gives many, many new "GRACE" commands, revises some old commands, and omits others altogether. INSTEAD of tithing Paul's letters speak of what we could maybe call 'love gifting' - INSTEAD OF TITHING! These gifts are to the church, FOR CHRISTIANS WHO ARE IN NEED. Also spoken of is GIFTING to those who MINISTER to us and TEACH us! (Just make out all cheques to "Bondman" *hehehe*) So money now is not something you MUST give, but is what you FREELY CHOOSE to give to the Lord and His work - OUT OF LOVE!!!

You asked where would the church be without tithing today? And the answer is probably in trouble, maybe BIG trouble! 1) But then when I see large churches with their expensive fancy buildings, and all possible audio and video facilities, and many staff and big budgets, and for some TV shows that go around the world, and for some of the leaders of these private jets and the like - I can't help thinking, "What WOULD St Paul think???"

2) But then I think of some very small congregations who give MILES more per person to Outreach Missionary work than ANY of the large and "viewed as highly successful" churches, and that makes me feel a bit better. 3) Then I go further and think of our very deliberately chosen Missionary Organisation of Gospel for Asia, with over 25,000 local Missionary Pastors or Missionaries in training, living simply on maybe $1,500 a year, and of their simple church buildings that maybe cost less than $15,000, and that makes me feel a considerably better still!! 4) And finally I think of the underground and persecuted House Churches in China where over 100 million SERIOUSLY COMMITTED Christians meet secretly, WITHOUT ANY CHURCH BUILDINGS AT ALL or PAID PASTORS, and that makes my heart sing to the Lord!!!

In the West we have FAR TOO MUCH human thinking and human ideas of how WE should run our churches, and far too much of doing all this WITHOUT living the New Testament patterns and WITHOUT following the New Testament's teachings!! Therefore we should never wonder why there is such a lack of POWER and lack of DIRECTION in Christians' lives, and lack of CLEAR SCRIPTURAL PURPOSE and KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING in so many of our churches today. Fair BREAKS MY HEART.......

- BM, with his Beloved


when you see people teaching prosperity,it is prosperity for themselves.10% etc.there is a passage about people who think they are jews,but lie.?you have to ask the question,when people start doing the old testament laws,are they fitting this category.?
when you see people teaching prosperity,it is prosperity for themselves.10% etc.there is a passage about people who think they are jews,but lie.?you have to ask the question,when people start doing the old testament laws,are they fitting this category.?

SC, I would have to go along with you about prosperity doctrine connected with 10% tithing (and yes using OT laws for this). I've been shocked at hearing some famous preachers chastising congregations (maybe laying a guilt trip on them even) for "robbing God by not tithing"!! This is from Malachi 3:8, which is strictly OLD TESTAMENT and no longer applies to ANY of us today!! (plus the tithes actually mentioned there are NOTHING like the tithes people give in such churches anyway!!!)

What I then love is that the New Testament is abundantly clear that all genuine Christians are already prosperous, but when the New Testament says THAT, it's almost always referring to spiritual prosperity, NOT the prosperity of money and things (temporal riches). And whenever it does mean money, it's so that we may GIVE this money, liberally and cheerfully, for the benefit of others!!

I'll try and do a full Message on the principles of NEW TESTAMENT GIVING - fascinatingly ENLIGHTENING really, so I believe you'll really LOVE it! - just as soon as I can manage, the way my health is at the moment (including visits to the dentist which take me 4 or 5 days to get over!)

Hope Christmas is not getting too busy for everyone!

- BM
High moral character. A Buddhist monk in Sri Lanka, who was acquainted with both Christianity and Buddhism, was once asked what he thought was the great difference between the two. He replied, "There is much that is good in each of them, and probably in all religions.
"But what seems to me to be the greatest difference is that you Christians know what is right and have the power to do it, while we Buddhists know what is right but have not any such power."
The monk was right. True freedom is not the right to do as we please. It is the power to do what is right!
Hi All! I have not been online much lately because our computer got some kind of bug, or something. I guess someone took over Norm's account and was using it for his own purposes. We got an email to that effect. I don't know a whole lot about it, but it was serious enough that it is being worked on as we speak and I'm at the library checking all my mail.

so, we had to shut everything down so this will not continue to happen or something. I hate computers anyway, soooo . . . well it's a love-hate thing anyway! :eek:

I've been reading a lot lately because of that and have found my way back to God. It's been joyful. Will have to continue this later. Hugz! Sweets.
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