THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Hi All! I have not been online much lately because our computer got some kind of bug, or something. I guess someone took over Norm's account and was using it for his own purposes. We got an email to that effect. I don't know a whole lot about it, but it was serious enough that it is being worked on as we speak and I'm at the library checking all my mail.

so, we had to shut everything down so this will not continue to happen or something. I hate computers anyway, soooo . . . well it's a love-hate thing anyway! :eek:

I've been reading a lot lately because of that and have found my way back to God. It's been joyful. Will have to continue this later. Hugz! Sweets.

That all sounds pretty bad about your computers! It's so sad that people have to do awfuly things like this...

But it's good that your reading has helped you with your relationship with Him! Bless you, hon, and keep up the good work!

- BM

The main reason is... THE DENTIST!! I've been 3 times for a seriously busted tooth (broken off down to gum level). But so far we're not making progress on this at all: because the gum keeps growing over what's left of the tooth, stopping him attaching a 'false' tooth to replace what's gine!

Visit #3 was on Monday. Because of my rather extreme body weakness these days, each visit takes me 4 to 5 days to recover from. Hence me not able to do much here. Sorry, guys!

I'll just have recovered when I go back for attempt #4 this coming Monday - which means I'll still be zonked when Christmas comes (which is okay seeing we don't do anything much for Christmas these days).

However, I've told my wonderful dentist that THIS TIME we get drastic, do whatever needs to be done, and get this tooth FIXED!!

I'll appreciate prayer for this visit (Mon 22nd) cos he'll have to give me a needle containing adrenaline which can send my head off and affect other parts of my body, i.e., there's a certain amount of 'danger' in doing this, and I don't really want to have the Ambos (sorry, 'Ambulance guys') have to put me on oxygen and cart me off to hospital again... (I HATE hospitals!!!)


- BM
I came across this EXCELLENT quote about living the victorious life, and thought it was definitely worth sharing:

Christ doesn’t necessarily change our circumstances, but He can exchange our weakness for His power to live victoriously through them.

He doesn’t guarantee us riches in material wealth, but we have infinitely valuable spiritual riches and resources.

He doesn’t always give worldly success and renown, but we can attain spiritual success and receive a rich welcome in Heaven by the Lord Himself.




... Continued from Part 2a . Part 1 of this Series is here

In Parts 1, 2, and 2a we've been taking bout 4 VERY important "Secrets" for anyone who wants to live a FULL and VICTORIOUS Christian life! But because accepting Jesus as our Saviour is SO basic, I'm going to bring our list back to just 3 "Secrets" so far:

1. TRUST and
2. OBEY GOD and the big one...
3. JESUS must be LORD over ALL of our life!!!

Have you done this? If NOT then I hope that you truly WANT Him to be Lord in and over your life. PLEASE NOTE: God will always RESPECT your sincere DESIRE to DO or to BE any thing in your Christian life that you CANNOT (yet) manage to DO or BE. ISN'T HE TRULY WONDERFUL!!! WANT it, and SEEK it, and He WILL help to make this HAPPEN in your life! Once Jesus IS your Lord, THEN... you are ready for the final of my Christian Life "Secrets". THIS IS THE TRUE BIGGIE THAT I PROMISED!!!


First, let's be clear that every true Christian ALREADY HAS the Holy Spirit dwelling in them!! You can not BE a Christian without this!! But what we're talking about here is being FILLED with the Spirit - and if you are NOT AWARE that you HAVE been filled, then it's almost certain that you are NOT!!!

Second, let's be PERFECTLY clear that TO BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT you need to (a) WANT to be TRUSTING the Lord (b) WANT to be OBEYING the Lord, and (c) Have taken the IMPORTANT STEP of saying to the Lord Jesus, "I hereby say to you that from now on what I want is YOU AS THE BOSS OF MY LIFE, YOU AS LORD OVER ALL THAT I AM, AND SAY, AND DO!!!

So here's how to move into this wonderful experience which is the right OF EVERY CHRISTIAN ON THE PLANET!!! At Pentecost we read of Jesus' Disciples: Acts Ch 2:4a And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit

Being filled with (or baptised in) the Spirit is an incredible and most precious GIFT - you are receiving nothing LESS than the GIFT of the HOLY SPIRIT of God into your life!!!

Being filled for the first time with the Holy Spirit is a real, life-changing experience, and

You will know it!!

You will have a new and wondrous POWER

The primary purpose in your filling is that Jesus may be glorified and uplifted in and through your life i.e., this experience is NOT primarily given by God for you to enjoy - no matter how much you may do so... (which you WILL!!)

You can and you should SEEK FOR and PRAY to be filled with the Spirit- and (waiting patiently) EXPECT to receive this AMAZING gift!!!

THEN you need to CONTINUALLY be being filled with the Spirit. That is, remaining FILLED is NOT automatic! God's command to us in Ephesians Ch 5:18b. Be being filled with the Spirit. What I usually pray to the Lord is quite simple, but very powerful : "Ever be filling me with Your Spirit, Lord!" And that this may happen, what I AIM for: (a) is to always be being OBEDIENT, and (b) for Jesus to always be LORD over all of my life.

Okay, that's it. It's now over to you TO GO AND DO IT. Take your time. Don't hassle. But be serious, and persistent, and don't give up till you are FILLED!!!!

Continued in Part 4 (including practical helps)...

- BM, with his Lady


The Debate

1. TRUST and
2. OBEY GOD and the big one...
3. JESUS must be LORD over ALL of our life!!!

Awesome post Bondman.
After being on the bus last night, there were some conversations amongst a few people.

The debate is this:

Many are out there encouraging others to seek the Lord and ask him into their hearts, to become the Lord of their life, the debate was this:

Some seem to think that if they ask the Lord into their hearts and they are saved that folks will go to heaven no matter what they say or do after that point because if they ask him to save them, they will be saved and not go to hell. Others say that is all fine and dandy to ask him, but if you do not repent and turn from your sin and allow God to change your life and continue to live as you were living, you will not inherit the kingdom, that you will still go to hell even though you asked the Lord to save you.

The conversation took place about the Lord being the judge of all which of course is in the book. To many folks are quick to judge others.

One young gal that got on the bus last night poured her heart out with all that she had been through, it would bring chills to all of you, she stated she had been saved, goes to church and such but some of the lifestyle she was living was definitely not what God wants. The conversation turned towards

God's Wrath Against Mankind

18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. 28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

There was much more, but I am a bit short for time and need to scoot to work, but I wanted to share with you the debate amongst the thoughts of a few people.. hence the discussion of some thinking since you are saved you will go to heaven, others saying if say you are saved and asked the Lord in but continue in your old ways you will not inherit the kingdom.. alot of interesting conversation was a buzzing and I wanted to share this here with someone like yourself that God has shown the truth to.

Hugs Faithwoman
Praying for the teeth situation! :)

Awesome post Bondman.
After being on the bus last night, there were some conversations amongst a few people.

The debate is this:

Many are out there encouraging others to seek the Lord and ask him into their hearts, to become the Lord of their life, the debate was this:

Some seem to think that if they ask the Lord into their hearts and they are saved that folks will go to heaven no matter what they say or do after that point because if they ask him to save them, they will be saved and not go to hell. Others say that is all fine and dandy to ask him, but if you do not repent and turn from your sin and allow God to change your life and continue to live as you were living, you will not inherit the kingdom, that you will still go to hell even though you asked the Lord to save you.

The conversation took place about the Lord being the judge of all which of course is in the book. To many folks are quick to judge others.

One young gal that got on the bus last night poured her heart out with all that she had been through, it would bring chills to all of you, she stated she had been saved, goes to church and such but some of the lifestyle she was living was definitely not what God wants. The conversation turned towards

God's Wrath Against Mankind

18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. 28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

There was much more, but I am a bit short for time and need to scoot to work, but I wanted to share with you the debate amongst the thoughts of a few people.. hence the discussion of some thinking since you are saved you will go to heaven, others saying if say you are saved and asked the Lord in but continue in your old ways you will not inherit the kingdom.. alot of interesting conversation was a buzzing and I wanted to share this here with someone like yourself that God has shown the truth to.

Hugs Faithwoman
Praying for the teeth situation! :)

Thanks for prayers about my teeth! (I'm still pretty zonked from Monday...!)

This group have taken the New Testament Scriptural position:

Others say that is all fine and dandy to ask him, but if you do not repent and turn from your sin and allow God to change your life and continue to live as you were living, you will not inherit the kingdom, that you will still go to hell even though you asked the Lord to save you.

The key there is "repent" where you're reported them contending that this meant "to turn from your sin". IT DOES!! - and WITHOUT repentance there can be NO SALVATION. What this is saying is that unless there is evidential CHANGE in a person life who's supposedly been saved/born again, then it's highly likely they are not saved at all. On the other hand, when considerable change IS evident ("fruit" as Jesus called it in John 15) then we can have confidence of that person's salvation!!

The first lot of non-change, non-repentance people could be termed "church-goers", who sadly believe in their salvation when they are highly likely NOT saved, yet so many churches seem to do little to help them to really get into His Kingdom. WHY this is so is quite beyond my comprehension!!!

The girl who poured her heart out indicates how crucial it is that we not only accept Jesus as Saviour, but also that we recognise, acknowledge, and RECEIVE Him as LORD. Such a person is likely to be showing GOOD FRUIT in their life rather than BAD FRUIT. IT'S SOOOO CRUCIAL WE REALISE that we are NOT saved just so we make it to heaven: we are saved to become like Jesus - growing in righteousness, holiness and godliness, and bearing good fruit in all of our lives. NOTHING LESS WILL DO!! - and those who think this is not so are sadly fooling themselves and are not on the right track.

Your verses from Romans 1 contain a lot of most serious warnings to any who live in sin, refusing to acknowledge God as God, and what their end will be!!

Very interesting. Thanks for sharing 'the bus ride'!

- BM
I am Tired of Being Raped


My life sure has taken a different turn this past year. As I prepare for this joyous holiday season, I take the time to reflect as to where the Lord has led me. If you would have told me a year ago, I would be doing street ministry in Batavia, NY, I would have thought you crazy!

As I go out on the bus, I pray for the Lord to put those in front of me who need to know of his love, grace, mercy and forgiveness. Lately, the women that the Lord has put in front of me have all experienced some form of sexual molestation and rape. The most recent being a 36 year old woman who was sexually molested from the age of 5-9, got the courage at 9 years old to tell her father. At that point the father did not believe her since it was a family member that had performed that horrible act. The father then beat her from the ages of 9 until she was 16. At the age of 17, she was raped and became pregnant.
Her life became a life of sin enhanced with drugs as well.

How about the woman who was sexually molested when young and as she grew into a young woman that craved to be loved? She then too was raped. She finally thought she found love, got married and thought she would live in bliss. But, the husband sexually molested the young daughter. Think she is going crazy now? She is beside herself!

As leaving a local deli, there was a woman sitting on a bench that God nudged me to sit down beside. As we shared life on that spring day, she shared how she has Aids. The list goes on and on. I can remember my days before knowing the Lord and how I would go through the personal ads on the computer looking for love. I just wanted loved like so many other women.

When I realized that the Lord was my Mr. Right, my life started to change. I declared sexual purity to the Lord at the age of 46. It will almost be a year. Was there stumbling along the way? Yes, there was. In God’s word, it states we all fall short of the Glory. We just have to pick ourselves back up, turn repent and ask for forgiveness.

Last night, as I pondered why God would put these women in front of me who have had such horrific things happen to them, I wondered how in the world I could help them. It dawned on me at 1:30 in the morning that I may have not been physically raped, but I have been emotionally raped time and time again by men in my life.

I have put up with so much from those whom I thought loved me. I put up with being in an alcoholic relationship, a man who cheated on me 3 days after declaring his love to me, a man who loved his porn more than me, a man who would say he loved me but then run home and continued to seek for more on the internet dating sites. There have been men that have tried to hide their secrets from me. There are consequences to all of our relationships. For me, my consequence was being diagnosed with 3 different sexually transmitted diseases over the years.

Time and time again, I would give my hearts to these men. But in the end, I was hurt. I was raped emotionally. I thought my inner wounds would never heal. But now, as I continue to learn of the love that our Lord has for me, I am healing. The Lord does not cheat on me; he is always there for me. He loves me all the time. I am never alone with him. Most recently a really good friend of mine who has been helping me mature in my Christian walk, asked me what it is that is holding me back of letting go of a current relationship that truly is not a loving relationship it made me think. I realized I am still allowing myself to be raped in this relationship. Peace and joy is still being stolen from me. His question went deep into my heart this morning. Just as these women have had to heal from the physical rape, I had to heal from emotional rape.

I praise our Lord for putting those women in front of me. I praise and thank the Lord for those who are helping me mature and be strengthened in my walk with our precious Lord.

The Lord is my Mr. Right. Because of all that I have been through in my life, I had come to think that I was not worthy of anyone loving me. Because of how others “raped” me, I thought I did not deserve better. I always thought something was wrong with me. When something as rape or molestation happens in our live, we live with guilt, shame and a feeling of unworthiness. However, there is hope. There is hope for all. It is so important for those of us who have been healed and are continuing to heal to share of that love with others. I pray as I go into this Christmas season that our Lord continues to be with me, to strengthen me and guide me and heal me.

I no longer have to allow myself to be raped. He, our Lord says I am here, come unto me, I will take care of you and provide all the love you need. Praises to him!

Thanks Bondman for helping me. You can read his messages here:

The Lord is my Mr. Right. Because of all that I have been through in my life, I had come to think that I was not worthy of anyone loving me. Because of how others “raped” me, I thought I did not deserve better. I always thought something was wrong with me. When something as rape or molestation happens in our live, we live with guilt, shame and a feeling of unworthiness. However, there is hope. There is hope for all. It is so important for those of us who have been healed and are continuing to heal to share of that love with others. I pray as I go into this Christmas season that our Lord continues to be with me, to strengthen me and guide me and heal me.

I no longer have to allow myself to be raped. He, our Lord says I am here, come unto me, I will take care of you and provide all the love you need. Praises to him!

A truly amazing and wonderful post Faithwoman!!! Thankyou so much!

So many of us think and feel that there is something wrong with us because of our treatment by others. As you're coming to grips with, it's usually JUST NOT TRUE!!! And you ARE worthy of love; we ALL are! We need to see that (a) we ARE worthy of God's love, and (b) we ARE worthy of love from others. Here's a rule God built into the Universe: "If you want to be loved, then first GIVE love!" THIS WORKS!!

Serious stuff like above certainly DOES leave us with feelings like guilt, shame, and unworthiness, but HIS ALL-ENCOMPASSING LOVE can and will come and SWEEP them away if we'll set out to FOCUS THE WHOLE OF OUR BEING ON HIM!

Any others here who can also relate to "being raped", there IS hope like Faithwoman said, and is clearly starting to get into her life. Wow! Trust in Jesus, believe in Him, commit your life, your feelings, your desires, your needs and EVERYTING INTO HIS HANDS, because HEALING IN OUR INNERMOST BEING COMES FROM HIM!!!

God bless you more and more, Faithwoman, and any others who have been raped in any way!

- BM
A word from leap of faith

I so appreciated this poem written by Leap of Faith, that I wanted to post it here, as some of you don't get on the main forum often. It has helped me make some decisions I need to be making and to make some changes in my life. Thanx, Leap.

it will all get better in time"
they tell her, time and time again
trying to help ease her broken mind
but what is it that time will gain, she can't help but ask
feelings being masked.
state of heart ache,
feeling as if in any moment, she is going to break.

she sits and awaits for her answers to her prayers
time goes slowly, shes losing the abilities to care
she can hear the whispers of how shes cold hearted
but she can hear you and shes just getting started
trying to fight the bitterness
but she begins to regress

the world has shut on her face
as she tries to find redemption
and some kind of grace

she falls to her knees and screams
"is this what you wanted from me?"
as she begins to awake from her dreams
and weeps, "Ive got nothing left in me"
she begins to plea

she naively trusted her heart in the wrong place
trying to see the light, but the mess is too deep
searching for the Lord and his righteousness
as she tries to take her leap
so much stands in her way
everything turns to a shade of gray

face to the floor
feeling as if she can't take much more
angry and lost, she cries
she looks up and a set of feet are before her eyes
A hand extends to her, helping her to her feet
filled with defeat, she says
"I do not know what do, I've lost everything, so I come to you.
I know I do not deserve your mercy or grace
but I've placed my heart in the wrong place.
Please save my from myself"

-By: Leap of Faith
I so appreciated this poem written by Leap of Faith, that I wanted to post it here, as some of you don't get on the main forum often. It has helped me make some decisions I need to be making and to make some changes in my life. Thanx, Leap.

it will all get better in time"
they tell her, time and time again
trying to help ease her broken mind
but what is it that time will gain, she can't help but ask
feelings being masked.
state of heart ache,
feeling as if in any moment, she is going to break.

she sits and awaits for her answers to her prayers
time goes slowly, shes losing the abilities to care
she can hear the whispers of how shes cold hearted
but she can hear you and shes just getting started
trying to fight the bitterness
but she begins to regress

the world has shut on her face
as she tries to find redemption
and some kind of grace

she falls to her knees and screams
"is this what you wanted from me?"
as she begins to awake from her dreams
and weeps, "Ive got nothing left in me"
she begins to plea

she naively trusted her heart in the wrong place
trying to see the light, but the mess is too deep
searching for the Lord and his righteousness
as she tries to take her leap
so much stands in her way
everything turns to a shade of gray

face to the floor
feeling as if she can't take much more
angry and lost, she cries
she looks up and a set of feet are before her eyes
A hand extends to her, helping her to her feet
filled with defeat, she says
"I do not know what do, I've lost everything, so I come to you.
I know I do not deserve your mercy or grace
but I've placed my heart in the wrong place.
Please save my from myself"

-By: Leap of Faith

Sweets, as I read the deep sadness of the words above, I feel so happy they have helped you with decisions you need to make.

God bless and guide you, dear one, and lead you always closer to Him!

- BM


AMAZING! - WE GET TO CHOOSE!! (Heaven or Hell) - Part 1


So, when my mom told me once that she didn't need to repent of her sins, that she had never sinned, she was OK?
Well, can she say that she's never told even one lie? Can she say that she's never ever got angry? Can she say that she's never hated anyone? Can she say that she's never spoken the Lord's name as a cuss? AND can she say that she has ALWAYS loved God with ALL of her heart, soul, mind, and strength? Jesus command in Mark 12:30 (click quoted verses to view them). FACT: no one on this earth can answer that they haven't failed on even just ONE of those points. So... SHE HAS SINNED and daily sins by failing Mark 12:30. Therefore the Bible is right when it says that ALL have sinned AND come short of the glory of God! Romans 3:23. So would she go to heaven? She has NO chance of getting to heaven, and WILL end up in hell - UNLESS she:

1. Acknowledges that she has sinned and so she IS a sinner (as above).
2. Repents of her sin, i.e., acknowledges she's living wrongly, says sorry to the Lord for her sin, and tells Him that she wants to COMPLETELY CHANGE HER LIFE, and doesn't want to continue sinning against Him!
3. Acknowledges that Jesus died on the Cross in her place so she could be FORGIVEN for all of her sin.
4. Receives Jesus into her life as her personal Saviour from sin AND Lord over all of her life from there on! (Remember how I said more than once in the IR that it is NOT easy to become a true Christian!!)

2. NEXT WE GO DEEPER for GREATER UNDERSTANDING (via the Steps We Need to Follow TO HELP SOMEONE ELSE Become a True Christian)

Okay, asking people the simple questions at the beginning of above can help THEM so see that they've broken God's laws and are sinners. If they agree they HAVE and ARE, then you could ask them if they think that God should take them to heaven, or punish them in hell (taking care of how you word that for each individual person). The Bible also says that if you commit just ONE sin you are guilty of all sins, James 2:10 - so there's truly no way around this sin problem! Romans 6:23 then contrasts how SIN brings you DEATH (finally the death of separation from God in HELL); but GOD gives you the gift of ETERNAL LIFE with Him FOREVER, via Jesus. Let's go through those steps in more detail:

1. CONVICTION OF THEIR SINFULNESS comes via the Holy Spirit through our words to them. Unless a person clearly sees their sinfulness, then they are not ready for salvation.
2. REPENTANCE is a change of direction of your whole life!! - and unless a person is ready to start a new life because they see the wrong of their current life (that they've sinned grievously against Almighty God), then they are still not ready for salvation.
3. If they make it through Step 2, they are ready to be able to GRASP the WONDER of the GREAT NEWS that God is ready to grant total forgiveness for ALL of their sin - because Jesus already paid the full price for it all, as He hung and died for us on that Cross.
4. RECEIVING CHRIST. When they can see this amazing thing God has already done for them - even before WE EVER DESERVED IT, Romans 5:8 - then they are ready to accept Jesus into their life as their LORD and Saviour. BUT NOT BEFORE!! And accepting Him as just Saviour of their sin is not enough. As part of their determination to REPENT and change their ways, they have to give the whole of their life over to Jesus forever also!

NOTE! None of above is a "formula" for salvation! Formulas seldom work! Rather it's a person becoming serious with God about their life, confessing their desperate need to change it, seeing what Jesus has done for them because of His INCREDIBLE love for them, recognising that receiving Christ and committing the rest of their life to Him forever is the only way to go - AND THEN DOING IT!! This can be done by simple prayer, on the spot. Let them use their own words, tho many will need help and prompting. Doesn't matter if you stop and start. God hears whatever we say and however we say it!!! Wow-ee!!

Continued in Part 2...

- BM, with his Lady


Good News! Well, Better News.

It's rather amazing how I am taking this bit of news, right now. But, I'm so unsure of the reality of it.

Norm raised his hand, saying he prayed the prayer Pastor prayed for Salvation this morning at church. It was the Children's Christmas Program this morning, and I took Samantha and Emilirose with me (the young mother and baby I babysit for). Norm showed up halfway through the program. I had taken Emili to the nursery to change her diaper, and on my way back into the sanctuary, I saw Norm raise his hand, acknowledging he'd accepted Christ. Now this is great news for sure! I don't know why I'm not overjoyed like I thought I would be.

Don't get me wrong, I will take anything I can get from dh, but he told me he didn't want to discuss it when we were home and I asked him about it. He said he didn't want me to nag at him either. As if I nag at him. He didn't seem to change or be excited like I was when I received Christ. I just don't know what to expect. Will I ever be able to discuss religious things with him? Am I just anticipating too much right now? I just want to express my joy at his praying and share with dh. Then I read the post and realized how many things yet there are to be done for him to become a true Christian. Am I reading it wrong? Or maybe he hasn't fully come to step 2, like you said below. It is just so hard for a woman to hold herself down and not be able to share feelings and to talk about what just happened. I know he doesn't know how much this event has been longed for by me, and how many people have prayed for him to do this today. I guess I just have to let go and hold myself down until I see fruit of his conversion.

I hesitate to share this on the forum because I want to be sincere in my excitement and just need to be patient and be thankful for what I saw. Thank you all for being so patient with me and gentle. You mean lots to me. Sweets

Message #153

AMAZING! - WE GET TO CHOOSE!! (Heaven or Hell) - Part 1


Well, can she say that she's never told even one lie? Can she say that she's never ever got angry? Can she say that she's never hated anyone? Can she say that she's never spoken the Lord's name as a cuss? AND can she say that she has ALWAYS loved God with ALL of her heart, soul, mind, and strength? Jesus command in Mark 12:30 (click to view quoted verses). FACT: no one on this earth can answer that they haven't failed on even just ONE of those points. So... SHE HAS SINNED and daily sins by failing Mark 12:30. Therefore the Bible is right when it says that ALL have sinned AND come short of the glory of God! Romans 3:23. So would she go to heaven? She has NO chance of getting to heaven, and WILL end up in hell - UNLESS she:

1. Acknowledges that she has sinned and so she IS a sinner (as above).
2. Repents of her sin, i.e., acknowledges she's living wrongly, says sorry to the Lord for her sin, and tells Him that she wants to COMPLETELY CHANGE HER LIFE, and doesn't want to continue sinning against Him!
3. Acknowledges that Jesus died on the Cross in her place so she could be FORGIVEN for all of her sin.
4. Receives Jesus into her life as her personal Saviour from sin AND Lord over all of her life from there on! (Remember how I said more than once in the IR that it is NOT easy to become a true Christian!!)

2. NEXT WE GO DEEPER for GREATER UNDERSTANDING (via the Steps We Need to Follow TO HELP SOMEONE ELSE Become a True Christian)

Okay, asking people the simple questions at the beginning of above can help THEM so see that they've broken God's laws and are sinners. If they agree they HAVE and ARE, then you could ask them if they think that God should take them to heaven, or punish them in hell (taking care of how you word that for each individual person). The Bible also says that if you commit just ONE sin you are guilty of all sins, James 2:10 - so there's truly no way around this sin problem! Romans 6:23 then contrasts how SIN brings you DEATH (finally the death of separation from God in HELL); but GOD gives you the gift of ETERNAL LIFE with Him FOREVER, via Jesus. Let's go through those steps in more detail:

1. CONVICTION OF THEIR SINFULNESS comes via the Holy Spirit through our words to them. Unless a person clearly sees their sinfulness, then they are not ready for salvation.
2. REPENTANCE is a change of direction of your whole life!! - and unless a person is ready to start a new life because they see the wrong of their current life (that they've sinned grievously against Almighty God), then they are still not ready for salvation.
3. If they make it through Step 2, they are ready to be able to GRASP the WONDER of the GREAT NEWS that God is ready to grant total forgiveness for ALL of their sin - because Jesus already paid the full price for it all, as He hung and died for us on that Cross.
4. RECEIVING CHRIST. When they can see this amazing thing God has already done for them - even before WE EVER DESERVED IT, Romans 5:8 - then they are ready to accept Jesus into their life as their LORD and Saviour. BUT NOT BEFORE!! And accepting Him as just Saviour of their sin is not enough. As part of their determination to REPENT and change their ways, they have to give the whole of their life over to Jesus forever also!

NOTE! None of above is a "formula" for salvation! Formulas seldom work! Rather it's a person becoming serious with God about their life, confessing their desperate need to change it, seeing what Jesus has done for them because of His INCREDIBLE love for them, recognising that receiving Christ and committing the rest of their life to Him forever is the only way to go - AND THEN DOING IT!! This can be done by simple prayer, on the spot. Let them use their own words, tho many will need help and prompting. Doesn't matter if you stop and start. God hears whatever we say and however we say it!!! Wow-ee!!


- BM, with his Lady


It's rather amazing how I am taking this bit of news, right now. But, I'm so unsure of the reality of it.

Norm raised his hand, saying he prayed the prayer Pastor prayed for Salvation this morning at church. It was the Children's Christmas Program this morning, and I took Samantha and Emilirose with me (the young mother and baby I babysit for). Norm showed up halfway through the program. I had taken Emili to the nursery to change her diaper, and on my way back into the sanctuary, I saw Norm raise his hand, acknowledging he'd accepted Christ. Now this is great news for sure! I don't know why I'm not overjoyed like I thought I would be.

Don't get me wrong, I will take anything I can get from dh, but he told me he didn't want to discuss it when we were home and I asked him about it. He said he didn't want me to nag at him either. As if I nag at him. He didn't seem to change or be excited like I was when I received Christ. I just don't know what to expect. Will I ever be able to discuss religious things with him? Am I just anticipating too much right now? I just want to express my joy at his praying and share with dh. Then I read the post and realized how many things yet there are to be done for him to become a true Christian. Am I reading it wrong? Or maybe he hasn't fully come to step 2, like you said below. It is just so hard for a woman to hold herself down and not be able to share feelings and to talk about what just happened. I know he doesn't know how much this event has been longed for by me, and how many people have prayed for him to do this today. I guess I just have to let go and hold myself down until I see fruit of his conversion.

I hesitate to share this on the forum because I want to be sincere in my excitement and just need to be patient and be thankful for what I saw. Thank you all for being so patient with me and gentle. You mean lots to me. Sweets

Goodness! From what I know of your situation, dear one, none of this is ringing true to me at all. However, stranger things have happened than this, so yes, please stay cool, do all you can to relax in the Lord, waiting for HIM, and we'll see how this may pan out. I can imagine how hard this all is for you...

Love you!

- BM
Don't get me wrong, I will take anything I can get from dh, but he told me he didn't want to discuss it when we were home and I asked him about it. He said he didn't want me to nag at him either. As if I nag at him. He didn't seem to change or be excited like I was when I received Christ. I just don't know what to expect. Will I ever be able to discuss religious things with him? Am I just anticipating too much right now? I just want to express my joy at his praying and share with dh. Then I read the post and realized how many things yet there are to be done for him to become a true Christian. Am I reading it wrong? Or maybe he hasn't fully come to step 2, like you said below. It is just so hard for a woman to hold herself down and not be able to share feelings and to talk about what just happened. I know he doesn't know how much this event has been longed for by me, and how many people have prayed for him to do this today. I guess I just have to let go and hold myself down until I see fruit of his conversion.

What like you said what news.. you have planted the seed, now let God water it.. yes it is hard when others do not get excited as we are. We are all on different spiritual levels. We have to allow God to work in the other person's life. And yes many say they are Christians but as Bondman is teaching us, there are several steps to take and we will be taking those steps and maturing until we go home to eternity.

We truly will know them with the fruit they bear.
Believe you me.. and at times we will get confused because of our own wishful thinking, but as I have learned keep being in God's word, he is the one who shows all truth. Keep your own walk strong. We all need to. For me, if I am walking around saying I am a Christian, then my walk should show it.. better yet.. I will not need to say anything as others will see by the life I lead if I keep walking with the Lord.

I traveled for a Christmas party yesterday, went to go home this morning, but got part way and the main thruway was closed Westbound to my home. Hence I am stranded, but at a friend's house so I am ok. However nothing is getting down at home for Christmas! Hope I can travel tomorrow.
Stay in your faith zone sister, we need to keep encouraging each other! PS I felt the pain in the poem Leap wrote.. I have been there..

What like you said what news.. you have planted the seed, now let God water it.. yes it is hard when others do not get excited as we are. We are all on different spiritual levels. We have to allow God to work in the other person's life. And yes many say they are Christians but as Bondman is teaching us, there are several steps to take and we will be taking those steps and maturing until we go home to eternity.

We truly will know them with the fruit they bear.
Believe you me.. and at times we will get confused because of our own wishful thinking, but as I have learned keep being in God's word, he is the one who shows all truth. Keep your own walk strong. We all need to. For me, if I am walking around saying I am a Christian, then my walk should show it.. better yet.. I will not need to say anything as others will see by the life I lead if I keep walking with the Lord.

I traveled for a Christmas party yesterday, went to go home this morning, but got part way and the main thruway was closed Westbound to my home. Hence I am stranded, but at a friend's house so I am ok. However nothing is getting down at home for Christmas! Hope I can travel tomorrow.
Stay in your faith zone sister, we need to keep encouraging each other! PS I felt the pain in the poem Leap wrote.. I have been there..


LOVE how you said: "better yet.. I will not need to say anything as others will see by the life I lead if I keep walking with the Lord."

May I tell you an interesting story about that. I had to leave teaching in 1972 because it had become too stressful for my deteriorating health to cope with. Me and the family then came from far North Queensland down to Brisbane, in the South of our large state. I was fortunate to pick up a job in the Queensland Herbarium (a very important plant museum), where I worked for 5 years.

I decided that when I started work there, I was never going to tell anyone I was a Christian, my thinking at that time being that if they couldn't SEE that I was, then what was the point of TELLING them!! The "Preparations Room" I worked in had about half a dozen staff and Botanists came in and out during the day as well. We were all working with our hands, and so there was conversation going on much of the day. And they DID quickly see that I was different, didn't they - but did NOT like this apparently!! (I guess it maybe looked like I was being "stuck up" or something; or was a "goody-goody"; or my "difference" made them uncomfortable).

In any case, this then made life really really tough for me. I couldn't be part of their foul jokes, and rude talk, and swearing, and life-style, and found myself floundering big-time, not knowing what to do, to not do, or how to handle this difficult situation. Then they sent me to Coventary, just ignoring that I was there - for the next 3 months!!! Man, was that ever tough!!

But slowly I was figuring out what to do/not do, and began to become a little less uncomfortable. Except for a boss 2 up the line who I later found was a son of Missionaries and so he would have seen I was a Christian the very first day, and because he had chosen NOT to be a Believer, hated me for the whole 5 years I worked there, and took every opportunity to make life as miserable as possible for me!!

After about 3 months, things started to settle in better. They stopped totally ignoring me, and within another few months we were all relatively okay together. The important thing was that I had figured out how to handle myself so as NOT to deny the Lord, but at the same time NOT seem to be pushing them away or rejecting their life-style. But it sure was a steep and difficult learning curve!!

From that time, I basically had only one aim: to just LOVE and ACCEPT them AS THEY WERE. A major part of that was to be a really, really good listener. I'd worked out years before that unbelieving Aussies still loved to talk about religion! - not necessarily Christianity per se, but religion and stuff to do with God. So when someone said something like that, I would LISTEN and by my attitude strongly encourage them to say more. They started sharing their bad experiences with churches and ministers, and the things they didn't like about Christianity.

Can you guess the thing they hated most? They couldn't STAND hypocrisy!! - of Christians not acting like Christians, especially not being loving. They seemed to all KNOW we were supposed to truly love, and when we didn't, man they latched onto this big time! Of course some of their stories were 'excuses' they used to not become Christians themselves, "because Christians do bad things, and are hypocrites". Thus I heard story after story about how hopeless Christians - or church-goers - were. And when they related a failure, I agreed with them that what that person did or failed to do was wrong. This really helped to set their mind at rest as to who I was, i.e., I didn't try to "explain away" Christian failures, but agreed with them (even when I found this hard to do).

After a considerable time of them telling me all about what they felt and believed about religion, I got to feel that by my listening I had finally earned the right to start telling them some things that I knew about God. AND THEY ACCEPTED THIS!! Whoo-hoo!! I still didn't claim to be a Christian myself, but obviously they could see that that was where I was coming from. Time passed. We often talked about God and the Bible and stuff like that, and all became great friends together, and I was aware that things were changing in the Prep. Room!

There were about 21 staff in the building where I worked. Before the 5 years was up (that was when I had my first major health collapse, went to bed for 3 years, and was put out of the work-force 8 days after I turned 40, and I've never been back), TWO FABULOUS THINGS HAPPENED. The first was that 5 people became true Christians - and this appears to have happened JUST BECAUSE I WAS THERE! How astonishing... The second thing was even more astonishing. I never "preached" AT anyone about their life, their speech, their thoughts, their life-style. NOT ONE WORD. Not my job! Besides, unbelievers have no power or way to fix their lives. PLUS it's God's job to fix people's lives up, not mine!

But over time the Prep. Room changed - from "foul" to "clean"!!! Including those who never ever came to the Lord! Again this was apparently purely because GOD was there!!! (because I was there!) I most CERTAINLY never set out to do it. I remember one day a Botanist came in to tell us a foul - and therefore supposedly very funny - joke. He ended and there was dead silence. Then the boss of our room (NOT a Christian) quietly said, "Not funny, John." He flew into a RAGE! Said he'd never come and tell us anything ever again, and stormed out slamming the door. I sat there utterly AMAZED at what God can do through the life of just one ordinary but committed Christian!!

- BM


AMAZING! - WE GET TO CHOOSE!! (Heaven or Hell) - Part 2

...Continued from Part 1


After all the decades I've been a Christian it STILL astonishes me how many church people simply think that following the guide I wrote in Part 1 means (as we'd say down here in Oz): "You little beauty! I'm in! I'm on the way to heaven," - AS IF THEY'VE SOMEHOW ARRIVED!!! Stagger me, NO WAY!! THIS IS JUST GOING IN THROUGH THE DOORWAY!!THIS IS JUST THE START!!! Anyone who feels quite contented, and stops there, basically just in the doorway, LET ME BE ABSOLUTELY CLEAR ON THIS: I would sincerely doubt that person really IS a Christian!!! They may be, may be one of those who gets to heaven by the skin of their teeth, their works all burned up as being worthless, and them only JUST being saved - but suffering (maybe massive) LOSS!! I call them 'finger-nail Christians', just hanging on to by their finger-nails!... 1 Corinthians Ch 3:15 If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.


Please, please, PLEASE don't be like this. Why? BECAUSE THE RISK IS SO ENORMOUS that it doesn't even bear THINKING about!!! Are you prepared to RISK spending eternity in HELL just by being slack and a finger-nail Christian?!! How incredibly stupid would THAT be? DON'T DO IT!!! PLEASE DON'T!! Maybe you're not aware of this IMPORTANT TRUTH: that it's the RIGHT of every true Christian man and woman and child to be assured - CERTAIN - of their salvation!! Romans Ch 8:16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.This is a 'witness' in our mind and heart and spirit, given by the Holy Spirit of God, that we DO belong to the Lord Jesus! Once again this is something that if it's true, you will KNOW. WARNING!! If you're unsure, then it's almost certain that you DON'T have this Holy Spirit ASSURANCE, and you need to go about taking a serious and hard look at your true state before God!!


Let me tell you TWO of the TRAPS to not getting this ASSURANCE OF SALVATION: 1) Not seriously TRYING to be OBEDIENT to the Lord. NOTE: you don't have to be BEING totally obedient; you DO need to be TRYING to be and WANT to be!! 2) Not having taken Jesus as LORD over all of your life, forever, i.e., acknowledging that He has the RIGHT to be CAPTAIN of your life, and LORD (boss) over it all. NOTE AGAIN: taking Him as your Lord DOESN'T mean you have to immediately be perfect! What it does mean is that you choose of you own freewill to PERSONALLY ACKNOWLEDGE Jesus as Lord of all of you and your life. Notice that He already IS Lord, right! So what you're doing is accepting that this is TRUE for YOU!! Failure to do this will ensure that you won't grow or get far in your walk with Him, and likely find your Christian life very frustrating.


When someone first accepts Jesus as Lord and Saviour, there's something important for them to do. Romans Ch 10:9 Because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart a person believes (adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Christ) and so is justified (declared righteous, acceptable to God), and with the mouth he confesses (declares openly and speaks out freely his faith) and confirms [his] salvation. Thus it's incredibly important for the new convert to tell at least one person, ASAP, about their salvation. Why? Because we DO need to confess Jesus as our Lord with our lips as v. 9 says. This is so important that if someone won't do that, maybe they're not yet saved!


Finally, if you seek to lead someone to Jesus following guidelines in these two Messages, please note that not all converts will 'hold'. (It's not easy to become a Christian - yes, you know this!!!) In order to 'make it' (if they're going to), they will need serious follow-up. I always call this discipleship. Click to read Matthew 28:19-20 about TEACHING them! This is teaching them step by step HOW to live the life, being there to SUPPORT them, PRAY for them, and more - until they are to the point where THEY can help others IN TURN to come to Jesus! FAILURE TO DO THIS MEANS THE CHURCH CANNOT GROW, will stultify, become inward-looking, self-satisfied, and never fulfil God's clear Scriptural plan (ring any bells?) IF THE CHURCH IS NOT DOING THIS, THEN AT LEAST YOU CAN!!

Blessings, all!

- BM, with his Beloved






With all our love!!! - BM and Mrs






Jesus, the King of Heaven, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace!!!

So what on EARTH is HE doing down here??

It's crazy! It's astonishing! It's maybe confusing even... Couldn't God have done it ANOTHER WAY! (He is GOD after all!!) Well, I'm sure He could have. But if Jesus was to save us from our sin and save us from hell, HE SIMPLY HAD TO BECOME ONE OF US!!

He came: to DIE!! To die for YOU and for ME (if you choose to accept that). To pay the full Fine that we could NEVER POSSIBLY PAY - God's Fine that we DESERVE to have to pay for all of our SIN and all of our SINNING, i.e., separation from God FOREVER in hell's unquenchable fire.

Okay, I know, Christmas is a JOYFUL time as we celebrate the Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem - so I shouldn't be talking about SIN and about DEATH, right? Yes, let's celebrate THE most AMAZING EVENT IN HUMAN HISTORY!! And yes, let's be joyful about it! A helpless baby in a dreadfully non-sanitised animal shed, lying where the animals would eat the hay they needed for food.

Doesn't exactly look like where the Lord of all Heaven should be, does it! But He CHOSE to give up heaven for 33 years, lived and walked among us. As one of us. Copping all the hardships and difficulties and struggles of life exactly like we all do. LIKE US! - YET VERY DIFFERENT!! The first and ONLY Man ever - to NEVER SIN!!

Thus when He willingly allowed Himself to be nailed to that horrendous Roman Cross to die a chilling and appalling death - HE WAS A MAN LIKE US - BUT SINLESS - TAKING ALL OF OUR SIN UPON HIM, paying the full Fine, so we could be forgiven, set free, and ultimately go and be with Him, and live with Him, FOREVER!!!!

In heaven's name, WHY??...

LOVE!! An Act of Love like never was seen before, nor will again!!

HE LOVES... YOU! That's what it's all about!!

"LOVE came down at Christmas!" INDEED!!

Let's CELEBRATE THAT today, shall we?

With all of our love to each one of you this Christmas-time!

- BM, with his Lady


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