THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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I do indeed, thankyou!!!!!!!




What TRAP? - the trap of wanting everything to be neat and tidy in our lives...

A. Let's check the Scriptures, starting with JESUS. Was his 3 year ministry all neat and tidy and easy? (a) He had the church of the day at Him all the time, TRYING TO TRAP HIM so they could "get" Him! (b) They took up stones to stone Him! (c) He fasted 40 days in the wilderness. (d) At his weakest, the devil then hit him with three MAJOR temptations! (d) We don't need to even mention His crucifixion! We want tidiness and ease and comfort. Did Jesus ever seek for these? Nope, He didn't!

B. How about the Apostle Paul:

.:: Are they ministers of Christ?—I speak as a fool—I am more: in labors more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequently, in deaths often. .:: From the Jews five times I received forty stripes minus one. .:: Three times I was beaten with rods; once I was stoned; three times I was shipwrecked; Click to read the rest in 2 Corinthians 11:24-27. Is there any record of Paul ever looking for tidiness and an easy life? No there isn't!

C. James even makes this astonishing statement: My brothers, count it all JOY when you experience various trials and temptations!!! James Ch 1:2. (I can attest to the fact that this IS possible by His grace.)

D. Here's a short list of the things the New Testament says are PART of the true Christian life: Trials. Tribulations. Afflictions. Persecutions. Suffering. Chastisement. Chastening. And even scourging! Yes, scourging? - click to read Hebrews 12:6!! ("scourging" IS clearly in the Greek text!!) Should we be spending our life trying to keep it all NEAT and TIDY, with no problems so that everything's working just fine? Not according to the Word of God! Instead it says that we should be spending our time on things like:
  • Wholeheartedly serving the Lord - no matter the cost
  • Obeying Him in all things (not easy to learn to do)
  • Helping, supporting and SELFLESSLY caring about others
  • Expecting and bearing up in trials and tribulations and God's chastening
  • And bearing the cost of SUPPORTING those preaching the Gospel where it's NEVER ever been preached!
Here's the final SHOCKER - God says: "But if you are WITHOUT CHASTENING [God's correction and discipline], of which all have become partakers, then you are ILLEGITIMATE and NOT SONS!" Hebrews Ch 12:8. STRONG WORDS!! Take the challenge to really be HIS, dear ones!!!

- BM, with his Lady


Post #1822 is SPOT ON!!!!

Wonderful message.

God's blessings to you Bondman, and my prayers go out to all those suffering from the fires.

Someone told me once that God isn't being fair.
I said, you're right, and I am grateful for that.

He said, What do you mean?

I said God is Just.
You want fair? Read Romans 6:23.
Just is John 3:16.

I'll take Just from our Gracious and Merciful Father any day! :)
Thanks, Brother!

I feel like people must get tired of me writing about this, so that was a real encouragement.

Yep, I'm right with you. I'll take "Just" and "Justice" too!! I'm painfully aware of WHAT I TRULY DESERVE from God - oh, man!

Instead I get total forgiveness through my Master's sacrifice - all for FREE! As if that's not enough, He then comes to LIVE WITH ME ALWAYS, so I'm never alone or struggling by myself.

He COULD leave me all messed up in my self-centeredness and self-absorption - no peace, unhappy, angry, constantly seeking love... and all the things that used to be 'me'. Nope, again He goes the millionth mile with undeserving me, and works 24/7 to remake and refashion me to be as much like His Son as possible. And so it continues...

God's not fair, huh? With you, I am SO, SO GLAD that He's not being strictly 'fair' and giving me exactly what I really deserve!!!!

Great post!!

Bless ya heaps, CS!

- BM
Should we be spending our life trying to keep it all NEAT and TIDY, with no problems so that everything's working just fine? Not according to the Word of God! Instead it says that we should be spending our time on things like:
  • Wholeheartedly serving the Lord - no matter the cost
  • Obeying Him in all things (not easy to learn to do)
  • Helping, supporting and SELFLESSLY caring about others
  • Expecting and bearing up in trials and tribulations and God's chastening
  • And bearing the cost of SUPPORTING those preaching the Gospel where it's NEVER ever been preached!
Here's the final SHOCKER - God says: "But if you are WITHOUT CHASTENING [Gpd's correction and discipline], of which all have become partakers, then you are ILLEGIMATE and NOT SONS!" Hebrews Ch 12:8. STRONG WORDS!! Take the challenge to really be HIS, dear ones!!!

Whew.. I am wiping the sweat off my brow tonight, as the laundry lays piled on the floor, the kitchen dishes are overflowing, the mail is on the table.. thing are a bit messy around here.
But God's agenda for me
Tonight- Attended a baptism of a fellow Care-A-Van worker, tomorrow am up bright and early to do street ministry,

Sun- Driving hour and half to meet daughter and her new born again friend for church and lunch to...

Celebrate my Birthday!!! whoo hoo! ..
Then I come home.. had a call today-- fellow Christian fellow from Street ministry is baking me a pumpkin pie to celebrate..

So with that little note .. I truly want to say all you have said Bondman is so true. Now that my life is focused on others selflessly .. that is :) and I am taking up the chastening.. and going through the trials and tribulations , things do get a bit messy in my life emotionally, physically , spiritually and even my home I live in.
But each day now I praise and give all honor and Glory to the Lord.

Also you know how awesome God is? He has placed others in my life that help hold me accountable.. it is like they know when I am feeling tempted and all of a sudden I might get a text message that says.. " you are not going for cigar time are you".. meaning you are not going back to the muck relationship you were in are you? or they might just happen to call when I am a bit down and out..

GOD IS GREAT! and by the way, the email list for Care-A-Van news is up to 84 individuals and agencies, churches receiving the bi-weekly news.. and I got call from a ministry in other city nearby that wants to start receiving it!

AND CHECK THIS OUT! IT IS OFFICIAL! CARE-A VAN MINISTRY IS TAKING THE BUS TO NY CITY! WE ARE GOING TO MINISTER IN THE BRONX. (SORRY FOR CAPS.. BUT I AM EXCITED! ) We are taking 4 day road trip at end of April.. we will be working side by side with the relief bus organization there.

So Bondman be sure to tell the Mrs.. that the two of you are going to NY city.. yep your love, your support, your continued teachings to me are are now going to NY city! whoo hoo! how exciting is that!

as Paul says
Keep the Light On!

How exciting is all of THAT! Definitely a WOW!!

I'm almost gob-smacked at all the growth in Care-A-Van Ministry with all the others joining in. This sort of thing happening I would have thought was very rare.

As for going into New York (and 'taking us' with - well, that's amazing!!) A verse just popped into my head:

Romans Ch 10:15b “ How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!"

I know life isn't easy for you with ministry demands. But you are focussed on the things that matter for eternity. Speaking relatively, earthly things are SO unimportant (I do not mean we ignore the earthly - just that we change from EARTHLY comes FIRST that most folks live, to SPIRITUAL and ETERNAL come FIRST! It's really pretty simple, isn't it!)

As for your continual learning and growth in Spiritual things, I bless the Lord for you as a 'role model', if you will, of how we all should be. I give HIM the Glory for that, as I know you do as well! The Inner Room is a "learn and grow" ministry - and that's what you're doing. "May the work of Your people continue to grow, Lord. May their lives continue to radiate Your love to others. Thankyou for those who are being helped and supported by Care-A-Van and others. It's really, really exciting!"

- BM


A SPIRITUAL CHECKUP (if you're game!) - 2

"A Spiritual Checkup - 1" is here

17. Do you look for things in the New Testament that God says to DO, recognise them as commands, and aim to start keeping them?
18. Do you know what Jesus’ New Commandment is – and obey it? (click: John 13:34)
19.How much of the time are you able to trust God implicitly?
20. Do you constantly seek to find God's will for your life – and do it?
21. Is your Christian life in such "good condition" that you’re ready to die and go to meet the Lord the very next minute?
22. Are you teachable and open to new things God brings to you?
23. During personal prayer time do you just talk to the Lord as a friend, in every day language?
24. Do you ever say with with feeling, "Lord, I love You!" or "I love You, Jesus!"
25. Do you truly know that the Lord is with you right now, and always, no matter how you're feeling?
26. Do you know that the Lord God is continually at work in you, never stopping, to make you how He saw that you could be - before He even created the worlds? (click: Ephesians 2:10)

How did you go?

Love you all!

- BM, with his Lady

Those Things That We Learn it is Most Important That We Then Do!

as Paul (from Care-A-Van) says
Keep the Light On!

Light's Always On Here!!!

Hey, I just 'saw' that the Light is always On... in me. And in all of us who really love Him. Whoo-hoo!! In Him there is absolutely NO DARKNESS. We live in the Light of (His) LIFE! Jesus' perfect Life!! Works for ME!!!

Given time and the right conditions, a small seed becomes a teensy plant - that can grow into a mighty tree. My small words, in small messages, in a smallish (but good) forum, well, they're expanding and growing into things larger and larger.

Man, that is way beyond wonderful!!!

- BM

I guess we're all wanting - and expecting - things to be GREAT as we're with our God for eternity!

AND THERE ARE REWARDS!!! (IF you're ready for them...)

Do you know how to either GAIN or LOSE your heavenly REWARD? Coming up a 3-Part Series for you to ENSURE that you GAIN (NOT lose!!)

Whatever you do, for your sake in heaven/eternity, please do NOT miss them!

With love!

- BM


LUST AND STUFF ('Confessions')

This would normally just be a regular post (maybe I really should start a Blog!!), but because it's so serious, AND concerns such a large part of the population, I decided to do it as a Message ("confessions" n all!!)

Most of you know I've been an earnest Christian for 51 years. I know I'm now mature in Christ, but obviously it was not always so! When you get saved, you normally become more aware of sin, and I was no exception. While still a teenager, I can remember preaching "hot" sermons about "our rotten sinfulness"!!


But simple AWARENESS of our sin and sinfulness does NOT necessary RID us of specific sins, does it? Sometimes it can be quite a long "fight" to get free from what we used to call "besetting sins"! I well remember the struggles!! THIS IS ALL PART OF CHRISTIAN GROWTH!! As we GROW to be more like Jesus, i.e., God, Who amazingly is continually at work in us to achieve this, (click: Eph 2:10 and Phil 2:13), enables us to: (a) get sin OUT of our lives, which then (b) allows us to begin getting more of that CRUCIAL and ESSENTIAL righteousness (godliness, and holiness) INTO our lives!

Okay, down to business here. Last night I had a quite long dream. Like many dreams, a lot of it was in the past. As I came up to consciousness and was thinking about the dream - next minute I GOT SERIOUSLY WALLOPED BY THE LORD with such an amount of REVELATION as shocked me almost witless!!


As a normal enough man I've known how we all have "roving eyes" and LUST problems that are plumb appalling, AND seemingly impossible to stop!! These days it seems that WOMEN also are subject to these problems that in the past seemed to just be us guys. Jesus spelt it out in the verse we know, but are we obeying the strongly intimated command therein? Matthew Ch 5:28 But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. God looks on the heart and knows all, so sadly that makes most men, including Christian men, adulterers! Often SERIAL adulterers!!

What the dream revealed to me was that this was me, me for a pile of sin much larger than I would have thought, and in degree far worse than I'd thought. I think that ESPECIALLY when serious Christians KNOW something is sin, but just cannot seem to get victory over it, we eventually push it DEEP DOWN inside - so we don't have to continually be trying to cope with our FAILURE! All I can think is that this is what I did, anyway...


I'm still shocked and stunned as I'm writing this. I can look back at good and quite wonderful things God's used me to accomplish for Him. At the same time today I've had to do a pile of CONFESSION and REPENTANCE to a Holy God for the pile of stuff it seems that I never acknowledged as sin!! Oh, the depths of depravity of the human heart! - "deceitful and desperately wicked" God calls it (click: Jeremiah 17:9)!! I have then THANKED Him for totally forgiving me - all my sin already covered by the blood of Jesus at Calvary!! Utterly undeserved GRACE, way beyond what we can even comprehend.

So it may be worth you doing an inventory of your past, asking the Holy Spirit to help you to SEE things you just sort of passed off as 'I suppose I shouldn't be doing this', or similar, but NEVER fully faced up to as sexual SIN according to Jesus' Word to us!!! (But PLEASE REMEMBER: NO GUILT okay!! See "Message #30 "The Question of Guilt")

- BM, with his Lady-love


Good morning.

I remember when going through my counseling, my counselor encouraged me to pray to have the Lord put his microscope on me and examine my whole being,, be prepared everyone if you do this, as the Lord will show you.. my, my oh my did he show me! and of course there was so much of me that was related to the sexual sin and all.

God continues to examine,me and guide me. I will not be around much for the next few days.. off to a week-end with my daughter for the Revolve Tour.. Christian teen week-end! I am excited! Please pray that God will touch her heart.

Hugs to you all
Hi hon!

I think I've just about got over the shock of God's revelation to me yesterday! And I certainly like the idea of the Lord's microscope!

It's a simple equation: we simply HAVE to know what is in us that should not be there. Fortunately for us, God will NEVER show us more than we can handle (or it could kill us dead!)

The 139th Psalm of David has some wonderful verses that are worth reading (click: Psalm 139). He starts with stating that God has searched Him and knows him. Then at the end are two very well known verses that we sure can pray today:

Psalm Ch 139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Praying for you and daughter over the weekend: "Please do some special work, Lord!"


- BM
Sometimes, the reality of the inner sin can be too much to bear all at once.
Sometimes, He will show you a piece at a time and let you put it together, like a puzzle. Then, when its all put together, the impact is not so great. Its still bad, and you will still need a support system. But it wont destroy you.
That's how caring and wonderful our God is. He knows just how to help you see it. He knows the inner workings of all His children and knows how each person will be able to handle certain kinds of information.

Trust in Him is vitally important when asking Him to show you your inner sin.

Be blessed!
Ooh, I do love this post, Fluffy. Lot of practical wisdom and good advice!

He IS so caring and wonderful, like you said!! WHAT A GOD WE HAVE!!! (Or is that: who has US? I just plain LOVE bein' HIS!! *happy smile!*)

- BM

... IS COMING. Promise!! (other important things have simply intervened, that's all!)

- BM

EDIT! All good things come to them wot waits!! *hehe*
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