Thanks, Brother!
I feel like people must get tired of me writing about this, so that was a real encouragement.
Yep, I'm right with you. I'll take "Just" and "Justice" too!! I'm painfully aware of WHAT I TRULY DESERVE from God - oh, man!
Instead I get total forgiveness through my Master's sacrifice - all for FREE! As if that's not enough, He then comes to LIVE WITH ME ALWAYS, so I'm never alone or struggling by myself.
He COULD leave me all messed up in my self-centeredness and self-absorption - no peace, unhappy, angry, constantly seeking love... and all the things that used to be 'me'. Nope, again He goes the millionth mile with undeserving me, and works 24/7 to remake and refashion me to be as much like His Son as possible. And so it continues...
God's not fair, huh? With you, I am SO, SO GLAD that He's not being strictly 'fair' and giving me exactly what I really deserve!!!!
Great post!!
Bless ya heaps, CS!
- BM