THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Whoo hoo~ Great messages lately Bondman

As you know "life on the streets" has been keeping me pretty busy along with some more health stuff. Yesterday we had a snow storm and a thunder and lightning storm. It was freaky!

Keep up the great work in sharing the Word!

Have a super blessed day

Thank you, Bondman, for that update. I have been wondering about that.
We use backburning, alot, too. Take away the fuel and out it goes! Its a whole lot easier to light a fire, than it is to cut firebreaks! ha! "Work smart, not hard" is one of our mottoes.
I'll keep praying!
Whoo hoo~ Great messages lately Bondman

As you know "life on the streets" has been keeping me pretty busy along with some more health stuff. Yesterday we had a snow storm and a thunder and lightning storm. It was freaky!

Keep up the great work in sharing the Word!

Have a super blessed day


I'm doin' me best to keep on keepin' on (with sharing)!

Yes "life on the streets" does keep you busy - but I know you'd not want it any other way. God be praised for His wondrous work in all our lives!

- BM
Thank you, Bondman, for that update. I have been wondering about that.
We use backburning, alot, too. Take away the fuel and out it goes! Its a whole lot easier to light a fire, than it is to cut firebreaks! ha! "Work smart, not hard" is one of our mottoes.
I'll keep praying!

Heard today that there are 23 fires still burning. So no hot weather and blustery strong winds would be a great start. But rain is the only final answer.



This has always utterly stunned me!

We know that Jesus was completely sinless. Hebrews Ch 4:15 "For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin."

Don't we then tend to think that He's sort of "perfect" in the sense that He thus doesn't need to LEARN anything. Obviously this is not anywhere near the truth!

But Jesus having to actually LEARN obedience sure set me back a pace when I first read it in Hebrews Ch 5:8 - where Gods says of this sinless Jesus, "Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered." Wow, are You serious, Lord?!!

Yes, the purpose of God in the suffering of his Son was not only that He may ultimately bear our punishment, but long before that heart-rending yet blessed event, that He might learn the greatest depths and dimensions of faithfulness and obedience that could NOT be learned in any other way - but through suffering.

If learning these things by SUFFERING
was the way for the Son of God,
then how much more is this true for US!

- BM, with his Mrs

May we learn more faithfulness and obedience to our Lord Jesus!

Yes, the purpose of God in the suffering of his Son was not only that He may ultimately bear our punishment, but long before that heart-rending yet blessed event, that He might learn the greatest depths and dimensions of faithfulness and obedience that could not be learned in any other way - but through suffering.

Ok I needed to hear this message this evening. We all have our own suffering we are going through. I must say my journey of the last year has truly shown me the dimensions of faithfulness and obedience. The suffering that I am going through I am sure is alot less than other's sufferings, but the bottom line is that I know the suffering is teaching me so many things, things that I did not want to face.
Even as I sit tonight and am thankful for what Jesus has done, my heart is a bit heavy. Crazy as it is! Yep, tomorrow is Valentines day, A day normally that I would be running around before, picking out the perfect card and the cutesy little gift and such for the one I love Why is it that the "flesh" side of me is trying to get in my head and say woe is me and destroy me tonight?


Happy Valentines Day to all my Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

Good post! Lessons for us all...

Our flesh isn't going to give up that easy! - just like you're saying. We lived wholly for the flesh for decades - we were VERY used to pandering to it!! Now it has to be crucified with Christ as it seeks to rise up and destroy our walk with the Lord.

And of course as soon as it does rise up, so the devil gets in and ADDS to our woes. Make sure you RESIST Him: James Ch 4:7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

I've so loved this verse since I was a young Christian: Galatians Ch 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Meditating on this verse (and these verses) is a superb way to overcome the flesh (and the devil)!!

- BM



Those of us who are serious about our Christianity may well say that we are men and women of faith. And so we are! But WHAT does the New Testament say about this? Ephesian Ch 2:8 For it is by grace that you are saved through faith. And this is not of yourselves, but it is the gift of God; 9 not because of works, lest any man should boast. So clearly we are saved by FAITH: it is faith that saves us. And our ongoing Christian life and experience, likewise, is reliant upon our FAITH. But many times we will despair that our faith is not strong enough, and will wish for more.

Alright here is the answer to that: the Amplified Bible says, Ephesian Ch 2:8b ...this [salvation] is not of yourselves [of your own doing, it came not through your own striving], but it is the GIFT OF GOD..." Hmm... now that changes things a little, doesn't it? Or maybe it changes things a LOT!! Our salvation is NOT our own doing - it came because of God's grace (i.e., His unmerited LOVE and FAVOUR)! But... but... I thought it was ME who decided to accept Christ and give my life to him. In fact looking back I clearly see that it was ME who was seeking and seeking for Him for years and years (without finding anyone to tell me how).

So what exactly IS this FAITH then? Isn't it true that FAITH can be mighty hard? The verse goes on to say that FAITH is the gift of God. Wow, that's a revelation! So is God saying that it's not really my faith that saved me? Well, not exactly. We may say that it IS - or has become - MY faith - BUT we must be absolutely clear on this: IT IS FAITH THAT GOD GAVE ME - AS A PURE GIFT!! Astonishing!! And it's a dreadfully sad commentary on our self-centeredness that we think that it was WE who sought and found God. BUT... could it be possible that it's the other way round? - that HE actially found me!!

Let's clarify. I sought for God. That's a fact. I wanted to find Him and become His. I think a lot of that WAS me. But even then, GOD WAS CALLING ME! - even though I never realised this! And when it finally came to the point at age 18 that someone told me HOW to became a Christian, I DID accept Him by FAITH - but it was FAITH that God GIFTED TO ME!! Notice the end of v. 9 where God spells out: it was NOT YOUR DOING at all, but rather GOD'S GIFT to you!! You see, once again we self-orientated humans love to think that WE are the ones who did all this. And we certainly DID do a little of it (we did OUR part) - no question about that! But without God's activity from OUTSIDE of us, and WITHIN us, we would (could) NEVER GET SAVED. NEVER!!

So here's the MAIN POINT of this message: GETTING QUITE CLEAR in our mind THIS FACT: that as we live out our CHRISTIAN LIVES we DO NOT have to EVER try to CRANK UP OUR FAITH and our belief in out God!!! This can be a major revelation that can bring a major revolution in HOW we may relate to Him - oh, so much BETTER! You want/need MORE FAITH? Well it's GOD'S GIFT to you - so go ASK Him for it! Faith is one of the 9 Gifts of the Spirit (click for Galations 5:22-23) who is already living in you! - so ask Him to give you MORE/STRONGER faith!! He just loves it when a son or daughter does this!

Bless you with more FAITH, and MORE of the Lord!

- BM, with his Love


I've so loved this verse since I was a young Christian: Galatians Ch 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Meditating on this verse (and these verses) is a superb way to overcome the flesh (and the devil)!!

Thanks Bondman! I printed it out to hang above my computer. Just realized tonight I need to get a bulletin board for the wall in my office/daughter's bedroom.

So here's the MAIN POINT of this message: GETTING QUITE CLEAR in our mind THIS FACT: that as we live out our CHRISTIAN LIVES we DO NOT have to EVER try to CRANK UP OUR FAITH and our belief in out God!!! This can be a major revelation that can bring a major revolution in HOW we may relate to Him - oh, so much BETTER! You want/need MORE FAITH? Well it's GOD'S GIFT to you - so go ASK Him for it! Faith is one of the 9 Gifts of the Spirit (click for Galations 5:22-23) who is already living in you! - so ask Him to give you MORE/STRONGER faith!! He just loves it when a son or daughter does this!

Bless you with more FAITH, and MORE of the Lord!

It is one of those nights, sleepless ones again, this whole week has been! I swear God is trying to show me something with this sleeplessness! Your messages could not have been more spot on.. please remember the messages you share with me, I pray for them to sink in and then go and share with others, so please know those trying days when God is still giving you messages, many folks here on the streets of Batavia are hearing them as well! Praises to our Lord.

Did you hear about the plane crash near Buffalo, NY? that was only about half hour from me!
It is a great verse, isn't it! I memorised it nearly 50 years ago, because there's SO MUCH in it, and it's so PRACTICAL to our daily walk.

Man, when I started the IR here, it was for Christians to learn and grow in the Lord, and if some got some help then I reckoned I'd done a reasonable job. That people I will never meet, in a place I don't know, in a country I've never been to, that's over 20 hrs away from here by plane - that they get to hear things God's taught me... LORD YOU ARE INDEED AMAZING, AND YOUR WAYS PAST FINDING OUT!! I BLESS YOU AND THANK YOU FOR ROBIN AND THE STREET TEAM AND OTHERS YOU GET HER TO MEET AND MINISTER TO. I PRAY FOR EVERY HEART WHO HEARS ABOUT YOU THROUGH THE GOSPEL MESSAGE. THANKYOU! - YOU ARE THE MOSTEST, AND I LOVE YOU BEYONE WORDS!!!

- BM

Do We Really CARE?



Now imagine that you have to suffer in silence. You are too poor to buy any medicine or even visit a doctor for help. Even if you had the ability to pay, it would be of no use because the nearest medical facility would require you to walk a whole day just to get there.

This is the dilemma many Indians and other South Asians find themselves in every time they become ill. That's why Missionary Medical help is so vital. Teams of trained nurses and doctors visit dozens of villages, and special School Centers for Dalit ("Untouchable") children, ministering to thousands of people each year, all in the name of the Great Physician, Jesus Christ.

The treatment is free to the recipients, but the eternal difference it makes in their lives cannot be measured monetarily. To the mother who cradles a sick infant in her arms, to the father who suffered broken bones in a natural disaster, to the elderly person who needs blood pressure medication, to the outcast leprosy patient, all receive the necessary medical treatment and hear that Jesus loves them.



... Continued from Part 2

My generation (and maybe my family also) more or less ignored Valentine's Day. And so I still pretty-much do... (probably see it as just one more 21st Century commercialism). But with Beloved from a somewhat different generation, some understanding of each other simply MUST be made in such situations.

Which is a major part of what A CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE is about (and any close relationship). It's about keeping the LOVE and CARE going. It's about CONSIDERATION and THOUGHTFULNESS, and ADJUSTING to the other, and being VERY UNDERSTANDING of each other (to me anything less is just about pure selfishness, and dare I say, is barely Christian).

It's also about something I've written privately to others, but doubt I've shared here. It came to me over 20 years ago. I wish I could say I put it into practice immediately and am 'perfect' with it now, but sadly no. What I CAN say though is that it HAS made a big difference in my life, so at least that's something!

Here's what I suddenly saw that we all need in what's clearly the HARDEST but one of the most IMPORTANT things in the world: RELATIONSHIPS!! What we need to AIM FOR is:


And this is true to the Scriptures! Tough to achieve, sure, but still should be our GOAL!! Stop those EXPECTATIONS, putting them onto others, especially your spouse! (yes, we do them all the time!) Instead ask the Lord to help you ACCEPT that they are who they are, (and different from you!) GROW THE LOVE IN YOUR MARRIAGE BY PUTTING THE ABOVE TWO GOALS INTO PRACTICE!!

And so Beloved accepts that I'm not into Valentines, but because she accepts me as I am, but STILL LOVES ME (I am SO grateful!!), here's what I got for Valentine's Day - which I barely knew had even arrived... (Yep, Chocs!)


BUT so I wouldn't feel bad, at the same time, this year she bought a different gift for me to give to her! *Just love that!!* (both quite inexpensive I should add; also that as I'm now housebound, no personal shopping possible). So I give her full credit for how well she did with Expectation and Acceptance!

(As she doesn't expect me to do Valentines, and is perfectly okay with that, I still don't. If she was NOT okay with it, of course I would change for her! I should add here that we count ourselves VERY fortunate with the love relationship we have - considering it very definitely as God's quite undeserved blessing to us both!)

So to finish, I definitely understand how life can be racy and VERY busy - but isn't that all the more reason (maybe especially for we guys) to REALLY WORK at keeping the LOVE and ROMANCE going in our marriages!! Praying that some of the above may help!

- BM (with his Valentine *hee!*)

Love is a CHOICE. And the More You Choose to Give,
the More You're Likely to Receive.



THE DANGER OF RICHES (and how to fix this!)

It's ages since I read this sermon by the Rev. John Wesley, the man chiefly responsible for Revival in the WHOLE of England which CHANGED that country forever, and the changes spread out into the whole world - being obvious still today in numbers of the things we quite take for granted in our socities: such major things as no slavery; our systems of Government; our freedoms; and much more!!

We owe him a very great deal, a debt in fact, that we can never repay.

Speaking of paying, below is from his sermon titled as above. Re-reading it kind of personally blew my brain, as my searching of the Scriptures on this subject has led me to believe and write the same conclusions as he sets forth below!

But why am I surprised: the Scriptures are there for all Believers, open to be read and studied, and with the help and guidance and revelation from the Holy Spirit made clear! (Still seems amazing to me though...)

Read and reread, and take in EVERY POINT HE MAKES, and note HOW MUCH he says TO GIVE! And in WHAT ORDER - so incredibly PRACTICAL!! This is all SCRIPTURAL folks!! - straight from the heart and mouth of one of the greats of Christianity since the time of the Reformation (which opened up true Biblical Christianity to the world)!!

I pray you'll truly profit from the wisdom of this great man!!
John Wesley, Sermon 87, “The Danger of Riches”.
Your way lies plain before your face; if you have courage, walk in it. Having gained, in a right sense, all you can, and saved all you can; in spite of nature, and custom, and worldly prudence, give all you can. I do not say, "Be a good Jew, giving a tenth of all you possess." I do not say, "Be a good Pharisee, giving a fifth of all your ubstance." I dare not advise you to give half of what you have; no, nor three quarters; but all! Lift up your hearts, and you will see clearly, in what sense this is to be done. If you desire to be a "faithful and a wise steward," out of that portion of your Lord's goods which he has for the present lodged in your hands, but with the right of resumption whenever it pleaseth him, (1.) Provide things needful for yourself; food to eat, raiment to put on; whatever nature moderately requires, for preserving you both in health and strength; (2.) Provide these for your wife, your children, your servants, or any others who pertain to your household. If, when this is done, there be an overplus left, then do good to "them that are of the household of faith." If there be an overplus still, "as you have opportunity, do good unto all men." In so doing, you give all you can; nay, in a sound sense, all you have. For all that is laid out in this manner, is really given to God. You render unto God the things that are God's, not only by what you give to the poor, but also by that which you expend in providing things needful for yourself and your household.

- BM, with his Lady



Like I have, you may like to add some of these to Favourites, so you can go there often!

NOTE: The Links to these could change over time. If you find this, then simply search for the item in Google, and change Favourites.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can search the Bible, Read or Listen to Devotionals (e.g., Dr Michael Youssef). Bible Study Tools is great, and so much more! My BST allows you to Study Different Translations, Cross-reference, Mark Verses, and piles more! ALL FREE! My Favourite to find Words and Verses (and Check and Read different Versions of the Bible). The Amplified Bible will help you Understand what you're Reading. There are Audio Bibles, Commentaries (including Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary of the Bible - RECOMMENDED). Nave's Topical Bible means you can Find Words and TOPICS (try 'righteousness'). And there's so much more. ALL FREE!

STRONG'S REFERENCES allow you to Check the Greek (and Hebrew) Words and their Meanings in the Whole Bible. FREE!


May His Word change you and your life forever!

Much love in Jesus!

- BM

Ok Bondman, you are spot on! Whoo hoo! Great posts lately! I have so much within me and so much happening. I must remember the above.
Thanks for continuing to share from your heart!
My prayer is that folks will continue to grab ahold of the messages and start maturing in their Christian walk, myself included. I have come far, but not arrived yet.. lol.. but we know we truly will arrive in eternity.

Ok Bondman, you are spot on! Whoo hoo! Great posts lately! I have so much within me and so much happening. I must remember the above.
Thanks for continuing to share from your heart!
My prayer is that folks will continue to grab ahold of the messages and start maturing in their Christian walk, myself included. I have come far, but not arrived yet.. lol.. but we know we truly will arrive in eternity.



What I see is that every day we aim to place NO expectations on others, but rather TOTALLY accept them as they are and not JUDGE, then the closer we're coming to truly LOVING with Jesus' love, like He commanded!

Yes, we're all on our journey in Christ. I earnestly PRAY for those like yourself who are prepared to give it their all, so that they are the ones who one day will realise they've reached a place of true maturity, having actually become what few do - become a Man or Woman of God.

Wow, what an exciting thought that is!!!

Love n hugs, cos with your demanding work for Him I know you need 'em!

- BM

P.S. Thankyou for your encouragement, something we ALL need (even when folks think we don't!)
Hi Bondman, it's been a while since I've posted in here, sorry for neglecting you guys.

How have you been? PM me if you wish. I like your new (to me) avatar.

You've still been blessing me, thank you thank you thank you. *HUG*
Hi Bondman, it's been a while since I've posted in here, sorry for neglecting you guys.

How have you been? PM me if you wish. I like your new (to me) avatar.

You've still been blessing me, thank you thank you thank you. *HUG*

G'day, man!! Nar, we don't really feel neglected. A lot of people read the IR all the time, so there's a pretty fair lot of LOVE around the place (otherwise we would feel lonely)!!

I just love spreadin' them there blessings around as well, so you're most welcome!! *HUG RETURNED WITH INTEREST!* (PM coming.)

- BM

P.S. One of the things I've missed most in the many years since we've been able to attend church is Christian hugs from guys! All of our Government carers who come in to help us three times a week are women. I hardly ever even see a guy now that I'm housebound, let alone get a hug! *wipes away a tear... hehe*
I hardly ever even see a guy now that I'm housebound, let alone get a hug! *wipes away a tear... hehe


Consider yourself cyber hugged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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