THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Ok. I have to stop shaking so I can type!

I woke up this morning and put my care-a-van sweatshirt and sat down and said ok God lead me.

God and I started our day by visisting the local Lutheran church here.
Mind you I was born and raised Lutheran. I knew of God, but I did not know God.
I arrived and was warmly greeted by folks.
The announcements were made and then a woman got up and started talking about next Saturday and said that Care-A-Van was going to be on State street next Sat. This neighborhood was right down the street from this church. They have kind of adopted this neighborhood. She encouraged folks to come out and help. When she finished speaking God used the boldness within me to hop out of seat in this huge church.
I stood right up and said excuse me..

I proceeded to say my name is Robin. I am new here to Batavia. I arrived a somewhat broken soul, but I had the love of God in me. As I have allowed God to work in me, my life has been amazing. I was led to volunteer with Care-A-Van. I want to personally thank all of you as individuals and as a church for supporting this ministry. You touch lives with your prayer and financial contributions. I shared a brief example how God allowed us to witness and share with a family that was filled with violence just yesterday. The pastor there gave an awesome message which I will share at another time. but it came down to allowing God to do a Temple makeover in us. After the service the folks were very nice, asked me if I would like to stay for Sunday School. I thanked them for the offer but said God had led me to a young woman and I was going to church at another church with her.

The young gal the one I worked with and that Care-A-Van had been ministering to for years and went to church with me last week at the Assembly, met me there.

We had a seat. She had her bible there and said you know I had all these crazy thoughts last night and I just finally asked God to take them for me and he did! The music was uplifting. The message was about fully trusting God with all our life and not holding onto anything.

Ok.. are you sitting down? The altar call came. The soft music was playing and the Pastor proceeded. If you have never accepted the Lord, never trusted him, why not have today be your day. With all eyes closed and heads bow, let us pray. He then said if you have not accepted Christ and you want to do so today and let him be your savior will you raise your hand right now,, better yet.. he said.. let's open our eyes.. if God is calling you today and you want to give your life to him, will you come, just as you are.. my friend was sobbing... she nudged me with her hip and looked at me.. I said you do not have to go up front, you can do it right here..
God said to me .. ask her if she wants to go to the altar.. I said do you want to go to the altar.. she said yes.. I knew she was afraid.. I could feel it.. I said would you like me to walk up with you? she said yes..

So we walked hand in hand down the aisle. We knelt and she was sobbing.. I was sobbing in praises of thanks. I put my arm around her and prayed for her. The pastor said ok we are now going to pray. please pray with me.. he then recited a prayer of salvation.. she spoke the prayer right there.. the words came off of her tongue loud and clear.. with tears streaming down her face.. she held my hand tight.. she was free, she was finally free.. !!!!! Another woman came forth and hugged her and prayed for her. A song of praise was playing.. upbeat song.. I sat back on my heels tears streaming down with my right hand held high!

God is so amazing! I am so thankful for what he has done in my life!
I am so thankful that going into 2009 I told him I was submitted to him.
My actions are working on that. I gave up a relationship with a man that I loved for 2 1/2 years to follow god.. But man people! I got something so much more powerful and strong.

After I got up from the altar.. a gentleman who does prison ministry came up to me and said God is going to use you in big ways. I would like to help disciple you and help train you in big ways. I would like to invite you to come along whenever God calls me out to serve, so you can be exposed to other areas of ministry. .. So today in 20 minutes I am going to a local Vets hospital with this gentleman..

Our God is an amazing God..

Bondman, Again thank you from the bottom of my heart, to you, Fluffy, Sweets, all of you who have helped God mold me to what he has always wanted me to be.. A woman of Christ!
Bondman, please share with the Mrs.. that today in Batavia, NY a young woman who was lost who is married and has a 10 year old daughter fully accepted Christ! Praises be to our Lord..

There has been others.. but I honestly feel that this young gal , this was the first time she ever went forth to an altar!

God is good!

Got to scoot!

Well, I can't keep up with you and God at the moment!! What a WONDERFUL 'PROBLEM' to have!! I shall write about this wondrous post soonest. God bless you, dear one!! (I see how He already is!!)

- BM




Hey Bondman,
After reading your message this morning and heading out to the streets, God's words came loud and clear to me. Thanks for sharing, I am so thankful I read before heading out.
Here is what happened:


First of all, we give praises and thanks to our Lord! We also give praise and thanks to the many of you who pray for our ministry. As we bundled up to head out on the street, we went around the circle and prayed. One of the things that I pray for is that God give us more boldness as we come face to face with his children of the kingdom.

The verse that comes to my heart today is this:
LUKE 18 : 15-17

The Little Children and Jesus
15 People were also bringing babies to Jesus to have him touch them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. 16 But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 17 I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."

Let me share our praise report with you from today’s outing.

The young boy climbed on the bus to get groceries. He said his mom was sick and could not come to the bus. Now since Care-A-Van goes to this neighborhood once a month, they get to know the needs and hurts and pains of the folks living there, we knew that something may be up. The typical rule of Care-A-Van is that an adult must come on to the bus to get the groceries. Here was this little boy age 10 stating his mom was sick and could not come. Just minutes previous to this, Bridget had shared with me about the woman in the one apartment. There was a history of the boyfriend physically beating her.
I saw him at the back of the bus getting the groceries. He needed help in getting them to the home. I picked up the gallon of milk and the one bag and followed him back to the apartment. Bridget had said if your mom wants me to come in and pray with her let me know.

He opened the door. There on the couch sat the mom, the boyfriend and two other children in the room. I could feel the tension in the room. It was so thick, you could not have even cut it with a chain saw. “Hey mom” he said, Bridget said if you want her to pray she will come in later. “. I introduced myself and proceeded to say that I too could pray with them. Now mind you, the mom has had to be careful in the past when the bus was around because of the boyfriend. The boyfriend took the groceries into the kitchen. She came to me with tears in her eyes. I grabbed a hold of her and told her God loves her and is with her. We are there for here. Please contact us. She was melting in my arms.
As the boyfriend came back in the room, I looked at the young boy; I said hey there are you busy on Wednesday nights? The church has a great program for kids and the bus will even come pick you up! He was pretty excited about everything.

I turned to the mom and said “Ok so what should we pray for”. God spoke to her heart and gave her boldness. Right in front of the boyfriend, she said I have asked him to move out and he is angry about it. We have been having problems and I need to take care of the children. He thinks I want to cheat on him and such. God then took the time and poured upon both of them. I looked him right in the eye and I said “Do you know the Lord Jesus? Have you accepted him as your savior and he said yes. I turned and asked him the same thing. She replied yes. I turned to him, you should love her even more then for wanting to follow what God wants. Tears were streaming down her face. I shared a bit of my testimony in always thinking that a man could make me happy and where my self gratification and sins had taken me. She shared how things had become physically violent between the two of them. I looked at him and her. Look, when we have the Lord as our Savior, we are forgiven for the past. We are created new. Please understand we have freedom from all of that. But understand the enemy; Satan does not want any of us to be happy and free. The bad thoughts and actions you are both experiencing is not from God.

As the young boys were running up and down the stairs behind us, I said to both of them. It is so important that we are giving these young children a strong spiritual foundation. What you are showing them is not that. You are showing them it is ok to have violence and all this confusion in their lives. I asked the boyfriend- do you remember when you were young? What was it like? Was there screaming and such in your life? He said yes.
I encouraged him to look at the path that his life went on (I had inside info that he had been in a jail a few times). Do you want these young boys to have that same life? Do you understand you are the male figure in this home to them? If you have truly accepted the Lord, then grab a hold of what God instructs us to do. I remembered a reading I had read just this morning from my good friend in Australia on the Inner Room on spiritual blessings and human blessings. I explained to them that they need to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all shall be given to thee. All of these things that had been happening in their lives is because they were looking to please themselves not our Lord. I prayed with the both of them and tears were streaming down their faces.

There is so much that I could write as God and I were there for about an hour or more.
I shared with him about the Tuesday night men’s ministry. I shared with her about a woman’s bible study on Monday nights. They do have a church they go to but had not gone in quite awhile. I encouraged them to get back to church. The children are in a local Catholic school. I encouraged them to dust off their bibles, get in God’s word and start living it. Today is a new day.
Bridget came to the door. She came in and poured out God’s love as well.

As we turned to leave, I noticed something. There was peace in the air, God’s peace. I did not need the chainsaw to get out of the home, like I needed it to get in. The minute I stepped into the home, God took a hold of that tension, protected me, protected the ministry that was going on outside. Praises to our Lord!

Yes, it was quite a day with Care-A-Van today. From the first moment of a small child climbing on the bus with no mittens on her bare hands in 15 below zero weather, to a man who walked all the way across town to get food from the bus, from a woman who came on the bus at our home station before we even pulled out this morning needing food, to this family that has had violence in the home. God blessed them all today.

What a warming sight to the eyes to see Sue take homemade mittens out of cupboard and give them to the small children today. The little gal made herself comfortable in one of the booths and got busy coloring with Sue.

The kingdom of God does belong to all children, whether you are 4 years old, 45 or 70 it belongs to all. We are instructed not to hinder them. We are told go forth and love your neighbors as yourselves. We love the neighbors of Batavia. The whole city of Batavia is Care-A-Van’s neighborhood. that God has instructed to us to Go forth and show the light.
So you see, God used that gallon of milk today, to give a lot more than just something to drink or pour upon cereal, he used it to shine his light today!

Man, this is truly serious work of God!!!

The first thing that's incredibly exciting as I read this post is the ministry that got done in this sad family!!! Praises to His Name - and Hallelujah!!

The second thing that to me is even more exciting is the change I'm seeing in you!!! You truly are showing what the 'Greats' from the past would have called "Holy Boldness"!! - and I reckon I know why!

Firstly, you do appear to be truly FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT!!! That's another Hallelujah!! I simply can't see work like that being done through you without you are FILLED with His Spirit. But that's not all, not by a long shot...

Because of space limitations, please go to the next post for the remainder of this message...
... Here is the completion of the previous post.

Secondly, I see what appears to be a marked change since RELINQUISHING that relationship that was not of God. It was a major task for you to do that, and it took time - but you finally did it... and now look at what seems to me to be almost like a new Faithwoman!!! Yee-haar!!!! You are showing confidence in ministry, and boldness to speak for the Lord - telling people STRAIGHT the truth they need to hear! And you are showing: a dedication to the Lord, to hurting people and to a work that maybe IS your calling. What I see is plumb amazing and truly spiritually beautiful!!

As I wrote a message about discipline based on part of one of your posts, in turn I am so grateful to the Lord that as you and I have worked together on your life in Him; God has given me HIS love for me to love you with, and minister to you with, and also give ME Holy Spirit boldness to speak to you the things you needed to hear - pretty-much exactly as you spoke to the family members!!

It's possible you may not realise that I've actually been 'Discipling you' (discipline is part of Discipling). One of Jesus' LAST COMMANDS TO US SAYS:

Mark Ch 16:15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

Matthew Ch 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you...

We are to (a) GO to the whole world (b) PREACH the GOSPEL to all, and (c) TEACH and DISCIPLE them - to bring them in turn to what you have just done!!! There's a parallel of this to Multi-level Marketing (MLM) where one person introduces the business to another, or to two others, who introduce it to two more, and this COMPOUNDS so that in the end there are thousands - all starting from one person!

Well at least it SHOULD be like an MLM!!! But very, very sadly we don't see this too often in the West... Why not?? Not to beat about the bush as to why, this is BECAUSE WE ARE PLAIN STRAIGHT OUT BEING DISOBEDIENT TO JESUS' COMMANDS ABOVE!!! Disobedient as individuals and disobedient as churches. BUT... we each have ONE MAJOR RESPONSIBILITY here, and that's OURSELVES! If I live in obedience to the Lord according to Jesus' commands above, and YOU do too, then we CAN make an AMAZING difference!!!

Lord may it be so!!!

- BM, with his Love


How Grateful Are you?

We have all read several messages from Bondman about selfishness. I saw it in myself today!

It took a gangster that God placed in my life today to ask myself how grateful am I?
Let me explain:

After being at the altar with the gal at church today, a gentleman introduced himself to me and said God spoke to me to come up to you and let you know that there is leadership skills in you and that God would like you to be open to look at other possible ministries.

He explained that he does ministry at the local Veterans Medical Center and within prisons and jails. He invited me to come with him today to the local Veterans Medical Center.

I met him there. He explained our job as volunteers was to go to the floors and take the men down to the chapel for church service. As we got off the elevator, God showed me a world I had only heard about and never personally seen. As we walked down the halls, he told me to be sure to look and listen. What I saw was so heart wrenching. There were men that had lost their limbs. There were men with mental disorders. There were men that had been disabled in so many ways. Yes, men that gave their lives to fight for our freedom! Just as Christ died on the cross, to set us free, there have been men that died for our freedom here on earth and here was a building full of men that God saved.

As I wheeled them down to the chapel, my heart was melting. The chaplain gave an awesome message. He let the Vets know that God loves them. We sang Jesus loves me. The older vet in his wheelchair behind me, belted that song right out. He gave them hope. He let them that know that maybe no family comes to see them, that maybe they feel alone and hopeless. The chaplain started knocking his hand on the table.. and kept knocking. As he knocked, he said you hear that, it is Jesus saying I am here let me in. His fist got louder, he kept knocking. He said Jesus is there knocking wanting to come in. When you are lonely , when you are blue, please know that Jesus wants to come in. He is here every minute with you. He also shared the message of how even though are bodies are getting older and falling apart, how God renews us.

The chaplain, the volunteers and the Vets sang Amazing grace. Yes Amazing Grace.
Tears were streaming down my face. As I escorted the one gentleman back to the lounge, I looked around the room. There were so many lonely souls in the room all in wheelchairs. I am sure some have families that come visit. I am sure there may be other ministries that come in and help. But I also know that there are men in this facility that have no family. I took the time and went around to each them and extended my hand and greeted them. This one man who could barely speak said I am a jet fighter pilot from World War 2. I responded what a blessing you are the first jet pilot fighter I have ever met!

I went back to the other lounge and the one man’s family brought pizza for lunch. They invited our ministry team to join them for lunch.

As we were going down the elevator to get ready to leave, I started to cry. I thought about how selfish I have been in life. I thought about how many days I may get a whoa poor is me attitude but the most stupidest thing! I thought about how giving of 2 hours of my time at the facility today blessed lives. I thought about how many people are just going about their every day lives and not being grateful for what they have. More importantly, God showed me about selfishness.

I thought about how I saw these men sitting watching the local football game by themselves , as many families are gathered in their living rooms feasting on snacks and food and watching the game from the comfort of their couch.

God asked me as I walked to my car, how grateful are you Robin? How thankful are you that my son died on the cross to save you? How grateful are you for these men that fought for your freedom and all others here in Batavia and the United States? What can you do Robin to show you are grateful for Jesus and these men?

In God’s word, he gives us this commandment

Romans 13: 9-10

9The commandments, "Do not commit adultery," "Do not murder," "Do not steal," "Do not covet,"[a] and whatever other commandment there may be, are summed up in this one rule: "Love your neighbor as yourself."[b] 10Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

Our neighbor is not just the person that lives next door to us, no it is all of God’s people here on earth including these wonderful veterans who fought for our freedom.

Oh yes, in the beginning I told you God used a “gangster” to show me. The gentleman that led me there today was a former gangster years ago. He had a huge gang right here in Batavia. However, the Lord found him, he is a born again Christian and now has been in ministry in the local prisons, jails and Veterans center for the past 25 years!
We have all read several messages from Bondman about selfishness. I saw it in myself today!

It took a gangster that God placed in my life today to ask myself how grateful am I?
Let me explain:

After being at the altar with the gal at church today, a gentleman introduced himself to me and said God spoke to me to come up to you and let you know that there is leadership skills in you and that God would like you to be open to look at other possible ministries.

He explained that he does ministry at the local Veterans Medical Center and within prisons and jails. He invited me to come with him today to the local Veterans Medical Center.

I met him there. He explained our job as volunteers was to go to the floors and take the men down to the chapel for church service. As we got off the elevator, God showed me a world I had only heard about and never personally seen. As we walked down the halls, he told me to be sure to look and listen. What I saw was so heart wrenching. There were men that had lost their limbs. There were men with mental disorders. There were men that had been disabled in so many ways. Yes, men that gave their lives to fight for our freedom! Just as Christ died on the cross, to set us free, there have been men that died for our freedom here on earth and here was a building full of men that God saved.

As I wheeled them down to the chapel, my heart was melting. The chaplain gave an awesome message. He let the Vets know that God loves them. We sang Jesus loves me. The older vet in his wheelchair behind me, belted that song right out. He gave them hope. He let them that know that maybe no family comes to see them, that maybe they feel alone and hopeless. The chaplain started knocking his hand on the table.. and kept knocking. As he knocked, he said you hear that, it is Jesus saying I am here let me in. His fist got louder, he kept knocking. He said Jesus is there knocking wanting to come in. When you are lonely , when you are blue, please know that Jesus wants to come in. He is here every minute with you. He also shared the message of how even though are bodies are getting older and falling apart, how God renews us.

The chaplain, the volunteers and the Vets sang Amazing grace. Yes Amazing Grace.
Tears were streaming down my face. As I escorted the one gentleman back to the lounge, I looked around the room. There were so many lonely souls in the room all in wheelchairs. I am sure some have families that come visit. I am sure there may be other ministries that come in and help. But I also know that there are men in this facility that have no family. I took the time and went around to each them and extended my hand and greeted them. This one man who could barely speak said I am a jet fighter pilot from World War 2. I responded what a blessing you are the first jet pilot fighter I have ever met!

I went back to the other lounge and the one man’s family brought pizza for lunch. They invited our ministry team to join them for lunch.

As we were going down the elevator to get ready to leave, I started to cry. I thought about how selfish I have been in life. I thought about how many days I may get a whoa poor is me attitude but the most stupidest thing! I thought about how giving of 2 hours of my time at the facility today blessed lives. I thought about how many people are just going about their every day lives and not being grateful for what they have. More importantly, God showed me about selfishness.

I thought about how I saw these men sitting watching the local football game by themselves , as many families are gathered in their living rooms feasting on snacks and food and watching the game from the comfort of their couch.

God asked me as I walked to my car, how grateful are you Robin? How thankful are you that my son died on the cross to save you? How grateful are you for these men that fought for your freedom and all others here in Batavia and the United States? What can you do Robin to show you are grateful for Jesus and these men?

In God’s word, he gives us this commandment

Romans 13: 9-10

9The commandments, "Do not commit adultery," "Do not murder," "Do not steal," "Do not covet,"[a] and whatever other commandment there may be, are summed up in this one rule: "Love your neighbor as yourself."[b] 10Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

Our neighbor is not just the person that lives next door to us, no it is all of God’s people here on earth including these wonderful veterans who fought for our freedom.

Oh yes, in the beginning I told you God used a “gangster” to show me. The gentleman that led me there today was a former gangster years ago. He had a huge gang right here in Batavia. However, the Lord found him, he is a born again Christian and now has been in ministry in the local prisons, jails and Veterans center for the past 25 years!

My carer took me to the dentist again today and so I'm utterlly wiped out as always. But I shall sure read this properly tomorrow and respond. God is with you in a special way, hon!!

- BM
Hey you take good care of yourself.
Please do not think you need to respond to all my little sharings.
I know you have alot going on..
I just write and share them, so you to can be encouraged.

Check out the next message!

God Does Have Power


Ephesians 1: 18:21

18 I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, 20 which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, 21 far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.

When our eyes are open, God truly does show his great power for us who believe.

His power was shown tonight. As I woke up from a nap, my house was cold. I thought what the heck is going on. Sure enough, my furnace had stopped working. I went next door to my landlord’s apartment. Now mind you it was 6:30 at night. Most businesses close at 5:00 PM. My landlady remembered that her hairdresser’s husband does furnace work on the side. She called the number and he readily agreed to come out and take a look,

He arrived a short time later with his 7 year old son by his side. He went down to the basement and determined I needed a new circulating pump. This furnace is about 20-25 years old. He stood up and said I am not sure if I have one at home or not. If not, we will have to wait until tomorrow to fix it. Now mind you, it is real cold here in Batavia right now, 10 degrees to be exact! He stated he would go home and check. If he did not have one, he would call back and let me know. As he pulled out of the driveway, I started praying, “Lord I need you right now. Lord I believe in you. I have faith in you. Lord I am asking for your favor right now in this situation. You know my needs. Lord I pray that there is this part in his barn.

It seemed like hours waiting. But a short time later, his truck pulled back into my driveway. I walked back out to greet him. I said “I have to ask you something personal”. He said Ok.

Are you a Christian? He said yes I am. I said so am I! I prayed when you left the driveway for the Lord to show us favor tonight with this heating situation. Sure enough, God showed his favor and power. There was a part for this old furnace sitting in that barn!

As he worked on the furnace, I told him that I knew he was a Christian before I had asked him. I felt something different about this man the minute when he walked into my home.
I watched as he lovingly let his 7 year old son help him figure out what was wrong with the furnace. His actions of taking the time to go home, check for the part and coming back late and fixing it spoke volumes of Christ in him.

All was said and done about 11:15 pm. He gave my landlord the bill entrusting that a check would be dropped off. He did not know either me or my landlord but he trusted that he would receive a check. His wife did know my landlord’s wife. You see my landlords are a young 80 and 71. They are on a fixed income. He gave them a very fair honest price for the work that was done.

As he was about to leave, I asked him if I could pray with him. We prayed together and I gave thanks to the Lord for his power and favor that he showed me tonight on this cold chilly night. I thanked him for bringing a Christian repair man to fix the furnace. I asked the Lord to continue to strengthen both are walks of faith.

You see, God truly does have power. God does give favor to those who believe and trust in him. As the gentleman was going down the sidewalk, I hollered out the door. “ You are going to receive many blessings for what you did tonight”. I believe that as God showed me one of his many blessings he has in store for me. He does provide. The Lord knew I needed warmth and the took care of that in a mighty way! The gentleman also looked at me and said I knew there was something about you as well. When you came out of the house on the first trip to great me, you were all happy and bubbly!

Guess what! When we have Christ in us, we do not need to go around telling folks, we are a Christian, are actions and characteristics of Christ shine through and through!




Ok. I have to stop shaking so I can type!
The young gal the one I worked with and that Care-A-Van had been ministering to for years and went to church with me last week at the Assembly, met me there.

We had a seat. She had her bible there and said you know I had all these crazy thoughts last night and I just finally asked God to take them for me and he did! The music was uplifting. The message was about fully trusting God with all our life and not holding onto anything.

Ok.. are you sitting down? The altar call came. The soft music was playing and the Pastor proceeded. If you have never accepted the Lord, never trusted him, why not have today be your day. With all eyes closed and heads bow, let us pray. He then said if you have not accepted Christ and you want to do so today and let him be your savior will you raise your hand right now,, better yet.. he said.. let's open our eyes.. if God is calling you today and you want to give your life to him, will you come, just as you are.. my friend was sobbing... she nudged me with her hip and looked at me.. I said you do not have to go up front, you can do it right here..
God said to me .. ask her if she wants to go to the altar.. I said do you want to go to the altar.. she said yes.. I knew she was afraid.. I could feel it.. I said would you like me to walk up with you? she said yes..

So we walked hand in hand down the aisle. We knelt and she was sobbing.. I was sobbing in praises of thanks. I put my arm around her and prayed for her. The pastor said ok we are now going to pray. please pray with me.. he then recited a prayer of salvation.. she spoke the prayer right there.. the words came off of her tongue loud and clear.. with tears streaming down her face.. she held my hand tight.. she was free, she was finally free.. !!!!! Another woman came forth and hugged her and prayed for her. A song of praise was playing.. upbeat song.. I sat back on my heels tears streaming down with my right hand held high!
Our God is an amazing God..

Bondman, Again thank you from the bottom of my heart, to you, Fluffy, Sweets, all of you who have helped God mold me to what he has always wanted me to be.. A woman of Christ!
Bondman, please share with the Mrs.. that today in Batavia, NY a young woman who was lost who is married and has a 10 year old daughter fully accepted Christ! Praises be to our Lord..

There has been others.. but I honestly feel that this young gal , this was the first time she ever went forth to an altar!

God is good!


A. OKAY, AS WE READ THE MESSAGE OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, THIS IS WHAT IT'S ABOUT!!! This is what the Bible refers to as a 'brand (burning stick) plucked out of fire'. There's a quite beautiful story about God, satan and Joshua in Zechariah 3:1-7 (click to read, and note in v. 7 "... IF you will walk in My ways and keep My requirements.")

Here is this beautiful young lady with a 10-yr old daughter, who was plucked from the fire. LITERALLY!! Those who do not seriously receive Christ Jesus as BOTH Lord and Saviour are bound for the fires of hell. She now belongs to Jesus. And He will NEVER condemn her - for anything! Nor will His Father. She was lost, but now is found! Praises to His Name!!!

In Luke 15:6-7 Jesus says how a shepherd searches for 1 lost sheep out of the 100, and when he finds it he rejoices greatly. Jesus that says that likewise there is such JOY in heaven over just one sinner who repents!!! Wow!! She has!! What a most wondrous and amazing thing, and how great and loving is our God as Faithwoman said!

B. In Message #166 I said:

"We are to (a) GO to the whole world (b) PREACH the GOSPEL to all, and (c) TEACH and DISCIPLE them - to bring them in turn to what you have just done!!! There's a parallel of this to Multi-level Marketing (MLM) where one person introduces the business to another, or to two others, who introduce it to two more, and this COMPOUNDS so that in the end there are thousands - all starting from one person!"

And here is this HAPPENING!!! By Robin and I working together, she is now able to effectivelty minister the Gospel to others, and so the "MLM" effect is off and running! The young mother is a "2nd Generation" convert: from me to Robin - and now Robin to her!! As I also said in Message #166, this is how it's SUPPOSED to be according to the New Testament (but mostly isn't...)

Folks, isn't it time we stopped messing round and seriously started living the life and becoming labourers for Him in His Kingdom doing the work He has truly called US to? Not all will be an evangelistic type of person like Faithwoman - God has YOUR specific work He's chosen for YOU! Do you KNOW what it is? And are you DOING it?)

"But are you sure this can happen to ME?" someone may ask. Short answer: YES!!! But if you're read enough of my Messages, you'll know that the way is not easy. It IS, however, absolutely MARVELLOUS - compared to the life most Christians live, as Faithwoman strongly testified in a recent post!!! It is CLEARLY time to get serious with the Lord, and COMMITTED to Him and His work!

Peace and Joy from Him!

- BM, with his Lady



Ephesians 1: 18:21

18 I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, 20 which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, 21 far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.

When our eyes are open, God truly does show his great power for us who believe.

His power was shown tonight. As I woke up from a nap, my house was cold. I thought what the heck is going on. Sure enough, my furnace had stopped working. I went next door to my landlord’s apartment. Now mind you it was 6:30 at night. Most businesses close at 5:00 PM. My landlady remembered that her hairdresser’s husband does furnace work on the side. She called the number and he readily agreed to come out and take a look,

He arrived a short time later with his 7 year old son by his side. He went down to the basement and determined I needed a new circulating pump. This furnace is about 20-25 years old. He stood up and said I am not sure if I have one at home or not. If not, we will have to wait until tomorrow to fix it. Now mind you, it is real cold here in Batavia right now, 10 degrees to be exact! He stated he would go home and check. If he did not have one, he would call back and let me know. As he pulled out of the driveway, I started praying, “Lord I need you right now. Lord I believe in you. I have faith in you. Lord I am asking for your favor right now in this situation. You know my needs. Lord I pray that there is this part in his barn.

It seemed like hours waiting. But a short time later, his truck pulled back into my driveway. I walked back out to greet him. I said “I have to ask you something personal”. He said Ok.

Are you a Christian? He said yes I am. I said so am I! I prayed when you left the driveway for the Lord to show us favor tonight with this heating situation. Sure enough, God showed his favor and power. There was a part for this old furnace sitting in that barn!

As he worked on the furnace, I told him that I knew he was a Christian before I had asked him. I felt something different about this man the minute when he walked into my home.
I watched as he lovingly let his 7 year old son help him figure out what was wrong with the furnace. His actions of taking the time to go home, check for the part and coming back late and fixing it spoke volumes of Christ in him.

All was said and done about 11:15 pm. He gave my landlord the bill entrusting that a check would be dropped off. He did not know either me or my landlord but he trusted that he would receive a check. His wife did know my landlord’s wife. You see my landlords are a young 80 and 71. They are on a fixed income. He gave them a very fair honest price for the work that was done.

As he was about to leave, I asked him if I could pray with him. We prayed together and I gave thanks to the Lord for his power and favor that he showed me tonight on this cold chilly night. I thanked him for bringing a Christian repair man to fix the furnace. I asked the Lord to continue to strengthen both are walks of faith.

You see, God truly does have power. God does give favor to those who believe and trust in him. As the gentleman was going down the sidewalk, I hollered out the door. “ You are going to receive many blessings for what you did tonight”. I believe that as God showed me one of his many blessings he has in store for me. He does provide. The Lord knew I needed warmth and the took care of that in a mighty way! The gentleman also looked at me and said I knew there was something about you as well. When you came out of the house on the first trip to great me, you were all happy and bubbly!

Guess what! When we have Christ in us, we do not need to go around telling folks, we are a Christian, are actions and characteristics of Christ shine through and through!


What a beautiful story! He surely does always know our needs!

The passage you quoted in Ephesians 1 is one of my great favourites. It's always stunned me that God's power in us who BELIEVE is the same power as He demonstrated when He raised Christ from the dead! Now THAT'S mind-boggling!!

I love the Amplified Bible translation of this:

Ephesians Ch 1:19 And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength,
20 Which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead...

At this moment in time I'm feeling quite ashamed that I still do not take up the truths of this passage anywhere nearly enough! "I am so sorry, Lord..."
With Faithwoman reporting lots of snow and -12° C in New York and God's Child telling me about temperatures down to I think -28° C (something I cannot even BEGIN to imagine!) I woke today to a summer temperature of only 33° C but with humidity so high it wouldn't have surprised me if we had some rain INSIDE the house!

Trouble is this summer we've been having a lot of quite destructive electrical storms with winds blowing houses to pieces, and so either this afternoon or tomorrow arvo, I'm hoping we don't cop another lot!

I think it was Pastor Juan Carlos Ortiz of Argentina who would chastise his flock if they complained about the heat, saying, "Don't say that! Instead give praises to our mighty God Who has the power to easily heat an area as big as many countries without even trying." I'm sure that applies to cooling a massive area as wel!! :)

- BM
I am just thankful that our street ministry team was at the local doorms of local college tonight. The only time we were in the elements was in between dorm rooms.

We knocked on 95 doors, gave them a brochure about what we offered, gospel tract and a box of cookies.

We prayed for several rooms. You could feel the "evil" presence in some of the rooms, but we walked the halls and dorms and brought God's light to many!

This has been an exhausting week! But God is good. Got great call from my daughter . She wants me to meet a new friend in her life.. yes a boy, but his father was a Pastor, the father died a year ago, and my daughter said his mother is the nicest woman she has ever met.. They go to a church in my daughter's town... I am going down this week-end to go to church and go to lunch with her,, she stated her new friend would like to meet me.. I am keeping an open mind.. I have been praying along with so many others for God to place Christians in my daughter's life..

We serve a mighty God.. note we serve him.. we go forth totally with our all being.. and he in return blesses us in many ways for our obedience!
Praises to him! Just look at the restoration he his doing with my daughter. Her text said last night, she wants me to be a part of her life.

Lord I praise you tonight!



Please allow me to explain. There have been a few occasions when I've detailed the numbers of views of the Inner Room in a 24 hr period. It's surprising how much this can vary at times. Mostly averaging around 85, sometimes there will be a 50 day, or a couple over 100, with the occasional high numbers like 230 and 260 per day! (amazing!) The MAJOR SURPRISE though, was when the Inner Room was inactive for a couple of months, yet an average of 50 per day still came to read! I reported this at the time because it plumb amazed me, plus to honour the Lord for His wonderful faithfulness!!

While actual numbers visiting the IR haven't changed, things HAVE changed here in recent time that have affected the ministry - starting with Fluffy feeling it was time for her to move on. These changes are just a part of life, and are not a problem in any way.

However it seems that the time has come for The Inner Room to (almost) close it's doors because as far as I can tell I've written the last message there (but as I live one day at a time, and am Jesus bondman (bond-slave), He can over-rule that if it's His wish). This is after running for just over a year, minus the 2 months I was not on the forum. I'm aware that a lot has been achieved for His Kingdom - including our very first 2nd Generation CONVERT TO CHRIST through Faithwoman!!! It has been a GREAT privilege and an HONOUR to me to have had you all in the IR!! Thankyou for your care and love and prayers. You have all been truly MARVELLOUS, and I will NEVER EVER forget this most wonderful experience on the CFS forum!!

My thanks go especially to Fluffy, to Faithwoman and to SweetSurrender for their tireless support of this ministry thread! Without them the IR would and could NEVER have achieved all that it did! I must also sincerely thank Jeff for his kind support and understanding! - and finally to the CFS Ministry Team who work hard to keep the forum a safe place for us all!

That basically wraps up this thread. But we're NOT quite finished yet, okay!!! - one way or the other we ARE DETERMINED to put the 167 Messages (probably with a few special extras! *hahah - can't help himself!!*) into ONE PLACE on one of our websites, fully and properly INDEXED, and WITH a built-in SEARCH ENGINE which will allow you to search for ALL words, phrases, etc., in order of importance!! We've needed this all along, but sadly I just haven't had time and health to get it done...

What will happen is that from time to time I'll come in through the almost closed door *grin* and do a POST to let you know of progress with this task AND any other pertinent NEWS! Messages will always be here to read - so as long as you keep The Inner Room marked to receive email notification when posts are put up, then you WILL be NOTIFIED about progress of this final task - AND WHERE TO GO TO READ THE MESSAGES MORE EASILY!! Meantime I hope you'll use the Indexes here to keep reading, (they are up-to-date as of today) and to truly GROW in the Lord!

I can't tell you how sad a moment this is for me!... I'm not quite sure HOW I'm going to manage WITHOUT the IR to bring me to the computer each morning!!

For you ALL, my prayer is as always: that all of your LIFE, and all of YOU WILL be fully SURRENDERED to the Lord Jesus, that you will become FILLED ALWAYS WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, and that ultimately you'll GROW TO become MATURE CHRISTIANS, strong in the Faith, RIGHTEOUS IN YOUR LIFE, and doing truly great things for the Lord Jesus!!! YOU CAN YOU KNOW!!!!

- BM, always with his Lady!!

Your daily activity within IR may be coming to an end, But our Lord is taking you onto a new step and path, he is taking all that hard effort and obedience to a different step of the journey now, your journey with him. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I am so at peace now. I pray that the Lord will bless this endeavor with getting the messages searchable. Love you and the Mrs! Please know you are and always will be in my heart!
Love ya both!
Your daily activity within IR may be coming to an end, But our Lord is taking you onto a new step and path, he is taking all that hard effort and obedience to a different step of the journey now, your journey with him. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I am so at peace now. I pray that the Lord will bless this endeavor with getting the messages searchable. Love you and the Mrs! Please know you are and always will be in my heart!
Love ya both!

Wow, big letters! *hee!!*

Thankyou! And you, dear one, will always be in my heart also!

Man, what a ride we've had together this past year as you've gone from uncertainty in areas of your life, but by keeping your eyes on the ultimate goal are now walking the walk with Jesus - one that I've deeply longed for for every person who ever visited the IR!! You're an inspiration and a real encouragement!

Many hugs from us both!

- BM and Mrs

Thread Closed

The CFS staff has been notified that Bondman will be moving the contents of this thread to an off-site location where the main topics will be categorized and available through a site search engine.

Since Bondman has notified us that he will no longer be adding new material to this thread, the CFS staff will be closing it at this time. If Bondman petitions the CFS staff to reopen this thread, that petition will be considered. A new single, closed post will eventually be placed in the Site Showcase area listing the link to Bondman's new website - when we are notified as to what that URL is.

We trust that Bondman will advise the CFS staff soon, as to exactly what that new URL link will be and we will then notify the CFS membership and place that information in the Site Showcase Area.

And for reference: CFS regulation 1.2 states, "Rule 1.2 This is a strictly Moderated forum. The owners and staff of Christian Forum Site reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason."

Thank you.
Moderator Comment

Moderator Comment:

The CFS staff has been petitioned to reopen The Inner Room by the originator. We have discussed this request and are reopening the thread conditionally:

(1) We are requesting that Bondman contact the CFS staff by way of PM - on or before March 06, 2009 to give an update concerning the status and future of The Inner Room as well as -

(2) Supplying the URL to his new website so it can be provided to CFS members as a one time closed posting in the Site Showcase area.

Thank you all for your cooperation.

Pastor Gary, on behalf of the CFS Moderator Team
Thankyou, Pastor Gary! It's very kind of CFS staff to reopen the thread - much appreciated!


When I wrote post #1773 it seemed pretty clear from the Lord that the IR was closing, so I said "...because as far as I can tell I've written the last message here..." Only now can I see at least one very important (and very Spiritual) reason why the Lord was guiding that way - not concerning me as it happened, but rather regarding God taking another Inner Roomie to a very specific and wonderful ministry that's now well under-way!!

I also wrote: "...but as I live one day at a time, and am Jesus bondman (bond-slave), He can over-rule that [decision] if it's His wish." Fact is, if God does happen to over-rule, this can make things most difficult for others - because how can they understand, when here am I apparently changing my mind tomorrow, and maybe the next day as well - and even the one after that too!!! (and how can I explain all of this without confusing others - and maybe even myself??) *yikes!*

So yup, I'd sure prefer that the Lord said, "DO THIS," and that would be it! But for a number of years now, as part of living a 'day by day' Christian life, He will say 'come' one day, and 'go' the next, and I just accept that however it comes... It's a wonderfully RELAXING way to live (with the exception of when it may confuse or impinge on the way of others...)

So my apologies to leadership here and to IR people if it seems like I don't know what I'm doing. I actually really don't!! - simply because I've been Jesus (quite unimportant) bond-slave since 1999 and HE runs my life, not me (to the best of my ability, of course; unfortunately no Christian is ever going to get everything perfectly right).

Love to all!

- BM
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