Dear Heavenly Father,
Praises and thanks to you for all you do for me, Bondman and all here. Lord you have answered our prayers in so many ways. As Bondman guided me with love, unconditional love and Mrs. Bondman took me under her wing and prayed for me also, I praise you for that. God, as my walk became stronger with you, but my flesh kept fighting, I struggled heavenly father. I had begun to see the light and as I did, Bondman was weakening, as he took his break from the Inner room, I was crushed, I thought oh Lord do not take him now, Lord give him the strength. God , I just want to let him know I am almost there.. Each and every step of the way you guided me Lord and I am so thankful.
Lord I praise you for the prayers love and support given to me here. Lord thank you for keeping Bondman going to love upon me and others. Lord, none of us know what our future holds, but you do Lord. Lord I praise you that Bondman, and the Mrs. and I along with others can praise you that I have reached the freedom you had ready for me. I am thankful, so thankful , God that you have kept Bondman in my life to see the fruit of his works that you placed upon his heart.
Bondman , never could save me God, but you could. You used Bondman to lead me to you and thank you so much.
God, I do not know when he will come home to you, nor do I know when I will come home, but God no matter who you call home first, we will all day be celebrating in eternity together. praises for that!
I write the above prayer because I am so thankful that the Lord has allowed and gave Bondman the strength to continue to be here. There are times when God will allow us to see the seeds we plant, grow and there are other times that we just have to have the faith in him, that as we continue to go forth in the harvest and plant, he will grow those people. I have heard once, that the Lord will only give to us the way we give to him, so if we give him a little, we get back a little, but if we give it all to him, he will give back so much more. I am not talking about money here, I am talking about life.
I know Bondman has been battling health issues, but through it all he has been there for me and you. May we pray that God will continue to lead Bondman each and every day and it may just be that he may have to follow the Lord some day to take care of other matters besides the IR but as we know God will provide for all us. It is hard to follow where God calls us, but as we do, the doors open for us, just as the door of the Inner Room opened for me and for all , it will one day be closed, but let us grab ahold of what was behind the door of the Inner Room, the wealth , the wisdom, the knowledge and so much more. Let us take what what we have and continue to learn to open doors of life for others.
Praying for you and the Mrs.
What can I say?... Thankyou so much, dear one!!
It's wonderfullly exciting to see your progress in the Lord. We love you so much,
- BM & Mrs