THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Dear Heavenly Father,
Praises and thanks to you for all you do for me, Bondman and all here. Lord you have answered our prayers in so many ways. As Bondman guided me with love, unconditional love and Mrs. Bondman took me under her wing and prayed for me also, I praise you for that. God, as my walk became stronger with you, but my flesh kept fighting, I struggled heavenly father. I had begun to see the light and as I did, Bondman was weakening, as he took his break from the Inner room, I was crushed, I thought oh Lord do not take him now, Lord give him the strength. God , I just want to let him know I am almost there.. Each and every step of the way you guided me Lord and I am so thankful.

Lord I praise you for the prayers love and support given to me here. Lord thank you for keeping Bondman going to love upon me and others. Lord, none of us know what our future holds, but you do Lord. Lord I praise you that Bondman, and the Mrs. and I along with others can praise you that I have reached the freedom you had ready for me. I am thankful, so thankful , God that you have kept Bondman in my life to see the fruit of his works that you placed upon his heart.
Bondman , never could save me God, but you could. You used Bondman to lead me to you and thank you so much.
God, I do not know when he will come home to you, nor do I know when I will come home, but God no matter who you call home first, we will all day be celebrating in eternity together. praises for that!


I write the above prayer because I am so thankful that the Lord has allowed and gave Bondman the strength to continue to be here. There are times when God will allow us to see the seeds we plant, grow and there are other times that we just have to have the faith in him, that as we continue to go forth in the harvest and plant, he will grow those people. I have heard once, that the Lord will only give to us the way we give to him, so if we give him a little, we get back a little, but if we give it all to him, he will give back so much more. I am not talking about money here, I am talking about life.

I know Bondman has been battling health issues, but through it all he has been there for me and you. May we pray that God will continue to lead Bondman each and every day and it may just be that he may have to follow the Lord some day to take care of other matters besides the IR but as we know God will provide for all us. It is hard to follow where God calls us, but as we do, the doors open for us, just as the door of the Inner Room opened for me and for all , it will one day be closed, but let us grab ahold of what was behind the door of the Inner Room, the wealth , the wisdom, the knowledge and so much more. Let us take what what we have and continue to learn to open doors of life for others.

Praying for you and the Mrs.


What can I say?... Thankyou so much, dear one!!

It's wonderfullly exciting to see your progress in the Lord. We love you so much,

- BM & Mrs

The IR had 234 views and 156 views the last two days!! My prayer is for those who've read and have CHOSEN to act upon what the Lord's revealed to them.

Bless you as you move forward. The way is not easy, but Jesus said it would not be. The destination, however, is unbelievably wonderful - way beyond our wildest dreams!! Go, do it, and NEVER QUIT!!


I have another broken tooth to be attended to tomorrow (Monday here in Oz) even though I'm too sick to go. It's a top front one, is all gone, and so I'm looking for a parrot for my shoulder, and then I'm a full pirate!

Each visit is something like having an operation done on me because of the weakness of my body these days - i.e., it takes me 5 to 6 days to recover from a simple half hour visit! I just recover and then am back to him for more to be done next Monday - it will be a minimum of 3 visits to fix this tooth (the previous one took 4 visits).

So if I don't seem to be round much, that's one reason.

I'm now ill enough that we no longer have any certainty of me being here "tomorrow", if you see what I mean. We live with the matter of death daily, and have done for a very long time. It's simply a part of life to us! There couldn't possibly be anything better than going to meet my beautiful Master of many years!! However I really must attend to some important personal matters we've not managed to get to recently.

I will keep you posted. Thankyou for your love and prayers!!!

- BM
There couldn't possibly be anything better than going to meet my beautiful Master of many years!! However I really must attend to some important personal matters we've not managed to get to recently.

I will keep you posted. Thankyou for your love and prayers!!!

- BM

May God be with you today and always

I just got on, catching up on the posts, and read your message, BM. You know how much I care for you and you too, Lady. I hope another miracle happens and you have a 180-turn around. Keeping you in my prayers! Sweets
I just got on, catching up on the posts, and read your message, BM. You know how much I care for you and you too, Lady. I hope another miracle happens and you have a 180-turn around. Keeping you in my prayers! Sweets

Yes, we know, dear one, thankyou!! A 180° turn sounds great to me! Much love,

- BM

(Wanting to know how home is going, for prayer.)
Beauty Makeovers are not only for Women they are for Men too!

Ok, I know Bondman is taking a bit of a break right now, but I wanted to share this with my friends here. I will be searching where God leads me to share my writings.

After a long day at work today, I had the pleasure of having a wonderful Christian woman from church that is a Mary Kay consultant come to my house to give me a one on one beauty makeover.

It was so great! We had a great time. I did learn throughout the process that the lighting in my house is dark. We had to go back and forth from the living room to the bathroom to check to see if we had the right shade, plus I needed the big mirror to see better.

Through my walk with the Lord lately, I have had to allow him to do a makeover in me.
I had to allow God into my heart to help me find the inner beauty that he truly created with me. As we look at:

Psalm 51:10
10 Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

11 Do not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.

12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

I have found that as I open up my heart to God, he is doing a beauty makeover within me. He has been stripping those things that are not of him, those things that are not pure and holy. He has been ever so gentle and loving in restoring me to my salvation. I have had to ask on a daily basis for my spirit to be willing. Yes, I have had to fight the devil along the way. He does not want me to come to learn of the inner beauty I was born with. The devil wants me to believe the lies that he tells me when I look in the mirror the first thing in the morning. Oh yes, the devil does not sleep! He is prowling 24 /7 to see who he can steal from.

Whether we are a female or a male, it does not matter to Satan. He wants to take everyone down. As a matter of fact he wants to take you to the bottom of the pit. Maybe as you read this today, you feel like you are in that pit. Maybe you feel you are not worthy of anything or anyone. Folks I am here to tell you, you are beautiful just as God created you. You were designed and created uniquely by our Lord. He loves us all.

He loves us so much that he gave his only son to die on the cross for you and me.
Our sins have covered the beauty that is within us. As you open yourselves and allow God to do a makeover in your life, you will be so much more at peace. You will find the beauty and the joy that comes with accepting the Lord as your savior.

Being a woman, I always thought men had it easy. You know, it takes us women a longer time to get ready to start our day. We have to have our hair perfect, our makeup perfect. It takes us a lot longer to decide which outfit to wear for the day. For men, let’s see, they might have to shave a few hairs off their face, check to see if their nose hairs are neatly trimmed, slick the comb through their hair and they are good to go.

Honestly, both females and males can benefit from a makeover, the greatest makeover of all. To allow God to make us over, to strip away the muck that is not of him and allow him to continue to show us on a daily basis how beautiful we truly are. The best part of this makeover is the price. It is free! It does not require us to get our checkbooks out. We just have to open up the best makeup book and guide there is- His word- The Bible!
I just loving feeling the inner beauty that he has given me! Have a great God blessed day!

Heavenly Father, I pray that you continue to be with me and all my brothers and sisters here. Lord I pray that you guide us and help us to see the inner beauty we have because you Lord are in us. You have created all of us. We give praises to you and thank you for all that you do. We thank you for accepting us just as we are, sins and all. Lord, we pray that each new day be a new day with you. May you continue to clean our hearts, our souls our minds and our spirit.
Ok, I know Bondman is taking a bit of a break right now, but I wanted to share this with my friends here. I will be searching where God leads me to share my writings.

After a long day at work today, I had the pleasure of having a wonderful Christian woman from church that is a Mary Kay consultant come to my house to give me a one on one beauty makeover.

It was so great! We had a great time. I did learn throughout the process that the lighting in my house is dark. We had to go back and forth from the living room to the bathroom to check to see if we had the right shade, plus I needed the big mirror to see better.

Through my walk with the Lord lately, I have had to allow him to do a makeover in me.
I had to allow God into my heart to help me find the inner beauty that he truly created with me. As we look at:

Psalm 51:10
10 Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
11 Do not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

I have found that as I open up my heart to God, he is doing a beauty makeover within me. He has been stripping those things that are not of him, those things that are not pure and holy. He has been ever so gentle and loving in restoring me to my salvation. I have had to ask on a daily basis for my spirit to be willing. Yes, I have had to fight the devil along the way. He does not want me to come to learn of the inner beauty I was born with. The devil wants me to believe the lies that he tells me when I look in the mirror the first thing in the morning. Oh yes, the devil does not sleep! He is prowling 24 /7 to see who he can steal from.

Whether we are a female or a male, it does not matter to Satan. He wants to take everyone down. As a matter of fact he wants to take you to the bottom of the pit. Maybe as you read this today, you feel like you are in that pit. Maybe you feel you are not worthy of anything or anyone. Folks I am here to tell you, you are beautiful just as God created you. You were designed and created uniquely by our Lord. He loves us all.

He loves us so much that he gave his only son to die on the cross for you and me.
Our sins have covered the beauty that is within us. As you open yourselves and allow God to do a makeover in your life, you will be so much more at peace. You will find the beauty and the joy that comes with accepting the Lord as your savior.

Being a woman, I always thought men had it easy. You know, it takes us women a longer time to get ready to start our day. We have to have our hair perfect, our makeup perfect. It takes us a lot longer to decide which outfit to wear for the day. For men, let’s see, they might have to shave a few hairs off their face, check to see if their nose hairs are neatly trimmed, slick the comb through their hair and they are good to go.

Honestly, both females and males can benefit from a makeover, the greatest makeover of all. To allow God to make us over, to strip away the muck that is not of him and allow him to continue to show us on a daily basis how beautiful we truly are. The best part of this makeover is the price. It is free! It does not require us to get our checkbooks out. We just have to open up the best makeup book and guide there is- His word- The Bible!
I just loving feeling the inner beauty that he has given me! Have a great God blessed day!

Heavenly Father, I pray that you continue to be with me and all my brothers and sisters here. Lord I pray that you guide us and help us to see the inner beauty we have because you Lord are in us. You have created all of us. We give praises to you and thank you for all that you do. We thank you for accepting us just as we are, sins and all. Lord, we pray that each new day be a new day with you. May you continue to clean our hearts, our souls our minds and our spirit.

It's such a blessing getting to read a post like this, to see how far you've come in a relatively short time, and to see the things the Lord is so graciously doing in your life.

Of course, as always, He can ONLY do what we will let Him! That's the deal. He will NEVER over-ride our freewill. But you are so open to what He wants to do in you - and that's why you're experiencing spiritual growth at a rate that is not all that common. It sure does my heart good to see, and I'm sure His heart much moreso!!

To me living in such a way that we are really PLEASING Him is an incredible blessing in itself. He is our "CENTER". He is the One Who makes our life work, gives us love and joy and so much more. Why would we NOT what to please Him and actually make Him HAPPY with us? That thought sure works for me!

Keep going, dear one! With all the ups and downs you've experienced this past year, you're doin GREAT!

Lots of love!

- BM

As I was pulling on my long johns, layering shirt after shirt and putting on two pairs of socks to get ready to go and volunteer with Care-A Van Ministry, our local street ministry, I said Lord, why could you not lead me to a ministry that was so not so cold!

I arrived at Paul and Bridget’s home. We waited for the other folks to get there. We gathered in prayer and headed out to the car. Now mind you we were not on our ordinary Thursday night adventure where we had the bus to step in out of the cold to get warm.
We were headed to a woman’s home to carry wood in from her yard into her basement.

May I add that our local weather station had posted a wind chill warning. Wind chills were expected to dip between 10-20 below zero!

The first happening of the night was that the side of the car Dave was on, the car door did not shut the whole way. It was frozen! So poor Dave was trying to hang onto the door. Finally it shut enough to get it locked but the lights inside the car stayed on. What a hoot!

The car winded down the country road deep into the woods. The house was nestled among others. As we stepped out into the night air, Paul remarked what a clear night it was. It truly was beautiful. The stars were shining bright, just as they were the night Jesus was born. My job for the night was to visit with the woman. We went around back and there was the wood pile. It was covered with more than a foot of snow. We found a broom and I started to brush the snow off. Our friend we came to help, was in the basement hollering “where’s that girl? send her in here!

I stepped into the basement. Little did I know I was going to get a cooking lesson! Tonight is when I learned to bake pizza atop a woodstove. The pizzas were in two aluminum foil pans. Needless to say they were not cooking to fast. She decided we should take them out of the pans and put them directly on top of the woodstove.
So we did. A short while later, as Dave entered the basement with wood, he said umm something is burning and it is not wood! Sure enough, the pizzas were getting mighty crispy on the bottom, black as a matter of fact. She then suggested we put them in frying pans and put them on the electric stove. So we did. A short while later, yep you guessed it, the same burning smell permeated our noses! I then suggested maybe we should finish the pizzas in the microwave.

As I turned to carry the pizzas up, I saw the blazing fire in the stove.
It brought to my mind how the Lord refines us to be as him. Man that fire sure gets hot at times! I surely do not mind that fire I go through now for God to purify and make me holy, it sure is a much better place than the heat some people will feel at the day of judgement:

Psalm 21- A psalm of David

O LORD, the king rejoices in your strength.
How great is his joy in the victories you give!

2 You have granted him the desire of his heart
and have not withheld the request of his lips.

3 You welcomed him with rich blessings
and placed a crown of pure gold on his head.

4 He asked you for life, and you gave it to him—
length of days, for ever and ever.

5 Through the victories you gave, his glory is great;
you have bestowed on him splendor and majesty.

6 Surely you have granted him eternal blessings
and made him glad with the joy of your presence.

7 For the king trusts in the LORD;
through the unfailing love of the Most High
he will not be shaken.

8 Your hand will lay hold on all your enemies;
your right hand will seize your foes.

9 At the time of your appearing
you will make them like a fiery furnace.
In his wrath the LORD will swallow them up,
and his fire will consume them.

10 You will destroy their descendants from the earth,
their posterity from mankind.

11 Though they plot evil against you
and devise wicked schemes, they cannot succeed;

12 for you will make them turn their backs
when you aim at them with drawn bow.

13 Be exalted, O LORD, in your strength;
we will sing and praise your might.

We do praise you Lord! We give you thanks!

I carried the pizza up the stairs, back into the cold air, into the front door. I finished heating it up in the microwave.
The wood had all been carried in and we sat down in the small living room to feast on the treat our gracious hostess had made for us. Hey it was not all bad! I had managed to scrape off the majority of the black crispness, the cheese was melted and the dough in the middle was not even gooey!

Kind of like when we allow God to work in our lives, he scrapes off the sin and muck, he melts our hearts to him and the spirit inside our middle keeps guiding us each day. Who would have ever thought we as humans were just like a half baked pizza!

May God keep blessing you, may he continue to guide you, may your hearts be open to the fiery furnace he puts you through. Remember it is for your own good. He is refining you just as that old woodstove was refining and providing heat for a home and even baking a pizza! Praises to God for another blessed evening for Care-A-Van ministry!

Hugs Faithwoman

As I was pulling on my long johns, layering shirt after shirt and putting on two pairs of socks to get ready to go and volunteer with Care-A Van Ministry, our local street ministry, I said Lord, why could you not lead me to a ministry that was so not so cold!

I arrived at Paul and Bridget’s home. We waited for the other folks to get there. We gathered in prayer and headed out to the car. Now mind you we were not on our ordinary Thursday night adventure where we had the bus to step in out of the cold to get warm.
We were headed to a woman’s home to carry wood in from her yard into her basement.

May I add that our local weather station had posted a wind chill warning. Wind chills were expected to dip between 10-20 below zero!

The first happening of the night was that the side of the car Dave was on, the car door did not shut the whole way. It was frozen! So poor Dave was trying to hang onto the door. Finally it shut enough to get it locked but the lights inside the car stayed on. What a hoot!

The car winded down the country road deep into the woods. The house was nestled among others. As we stepped out into the night air, Paul remarked what a clear night it was. It truly was beautiful. The stars were shining bright, just as they were the night Jesus was born. My job for the night was to visit with the woman. We went around back and there was the wood pile. It was covered with more than a foot of snow. We found a broom and I started to brush the snow off. Our friend we came to help, was in the basement hollering “where’s that girl? send her in here!

I stepped into the basement. Little did I know I was going to get a cooking lesson! Tonight is when I learned to bake pizza atop a woodstove. The pizzas were in two aluminum foil pans. Needless to say they were not cooking to fast. She decided we should take them out of the pans and put them directly on top of the woodstove.
So we did. A short while later, as Dave entered the basement with wood, he said umm something is burning and it is not wood! Sure enough, the pizzas were getting mighty crispy on the bottom, black as a matter of fact. She then suggested we put them in frying pans and put them on the electric stove. So we did. A short while later, yep you guessed it, the same burning smell permeated our noses! I then suggested maybe we should finish the pizzas in the microwave.

As I turned to carry the pizzas up, I saw the blazing fire in the stove.
It brought to my mind how the Lord refines us to be as him. Man that fire sure gets hot at times! I surely do not mind that fire I go through now for God to purify and make me holy, it sure is a much better place than the heat some people will feel at the day of judgement:

Psalm 21- A psalm of David

O LORD, the king rejoices in your strength.
How great is his joy in the victories you give!
2 You have granted him the desire of his heart
and have not withheld the request of his lips.
3 You welcomed him with rich blessings
and placed a crown of pure gold on his head.
4 He asked you for life, and you gave it to him—
length of days, for ever and ever.
5 Through the victories you gave, his glory is great;
you have bestowed on him splendor and majesty.
6 Surely you have granted him eternal blessings
and made him glad with the joy of your presence.
7 For the king trusts in the LORD;
through the unfailing love of the Most High
he will not be shaken.
8 Your hand will lay hold on all your enemies;
your right hand will seize your foes.
9 At the time of your appearing
you will make them like a fiery furnace.
In his wrath the LORD will swallow them up,
and his fire will consume them.
10 You will destroy their descendants from the earth,
their posterity from mankind.
11 Though they plot evil against you
and devise wicked schemes, they cannot succeed;
12 for you will make them turn their backs
when you aim at them with drawn bow.
13 Be exalted, O LORD, in your strength;
we will sing and praise your might.
We do praise you Lord! We give you thanks!

I carried the pizza up the stairs, back into the cold air, into the front door. I finished heating it up in the microwave.
The wood had all been carried in and we sat down in the small living room to feast on the treat our gracious hostess had made for us. Hey it was not all bad! I had managed to scrape off the majority of the black crispness, the cheese was melted and the dough in the middle was not even gooey!

Kind of like when we allow God to work in our lives, he scrapes off the sin and muck, he melts our hearts to him and the spirit inside our middle keeps guiding us each day. Who would have ever thought we as humans were just like a half baked pizza!

May God keep blessing you, may he continue to guide you, may your hearts be open to the fiery furnace he puts you through. Remember it is for your own good. He is refining you just as that old woodstove was refining and providing heat for a home and even baking a pizza! Praises to God for another blessed evening for Care-A-Van ministry!

Hugs Faithwoman

I really enjoyed this story, hon! And with your examples and spiritual applications, to me this is a lovely post!!

I sure appreciate all your contributions to help make the Inner Room effective in changing people's lives!

- BM



For some reason it seems like our wonderful God simply loves to send us blessings (which of course we DON'T deserve - but He does it anyway!!) A simple check of the New Testament shows that there are two kinds of blessings: SPIRITUAL blessings and HUMAN (temporal) blessings - AND what's important is for us to realise and understand how these work so very differently.


A. SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS. Consider this amazing verse: Ephesians Ch 1:3 May blessing (praise, laudation, and eulogy) be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) Who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual (given by the Holy Spirit) blessing in the heavenly realm! (Amplified Bible)

There is SO MUCH in this verse: (a) It's the Father Who is giving us these blessings (b) they are Spiritual blessings (not human ones) (c) they are in the heavenly (Spiritual) realm (d) the Father is blessing us IN CHRIST (e) and VIA the Holy Spirit (f) Thus all three Persons of the Godhead are mentioned in this amazing verse - as ALL being involved in BLESSING US!!! (g) Finally, Paul is expressing piles of PRAISE and BLESSINGS to the Father for ALL OF THIS THAT HE'S LOVINGLY GIVEN TO US UNDESERVING SINNERS! I think we should all ECHO THIS from the depths of our heart!!

QUESTION: Do we have to ask (or plead) for THESE BLESSINGS? Nope! The verse says God the Father IS FREELY GIVING THEM TO US. All we have to do is give Him heartfelt THANKS for GIFTING THEM to us.


B. HUMAN BLESSINGS. Check out these fabulous verses from our Master: Matthew Ch 6:30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and green and tomorrow is tossed into the furnace, will He not much more surely clothe you, O you of little faith? 31 Therefore do not worry and be anxious, saying, What are we going to have to eat? or, What are we going to have to drink? or, What are we going to have to wear? The basic needs for all animals, birds, AND US are food, water, clothing. Here God promises THEM ALL - meaning that FIRSTLY, all we need is simply to TRUST (BELIEVE) for them!


Continuing Jesus' words: 32 For the Gentiles (heathen) wish for and crave and diligently seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows well that you need them all. 33 But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.(Amplified Bible)

So SECONDLY, the verses above set forth two crucial CONDITIONS to be blessed: that we SEEK TO PUT FIRST IN OUR LIFE GOD'S KINGDOM (where He reigns as KING) AND ALSO to be SEEKING TO BE RIGHTEOUS, EVEN AS HE IS RIGHTEOUS (living RIGHT and living lives that are strongly GOOD). Thus God SUPPLIES all of our life-needs: IF we will 1) TRUST Him, 2) put Him FIRST in our lives, and 3) seek to become more and more RIGHTEOUS - and therefore less and less SINFUL!! (if you find that as attractive a thought as I do!!)


Here's the rub for we Western Christians: the part where we are to SEEK FIRST OF ALL HIS KINGDOM, i.e., seek to be putting HIM AND WHAT HE WANTS IN FIRST PLACE IN OUR LIVES. The problem is that so often we don't do that! What we mostly do instead is: we keep ASKING THE LORD for HUMAN BLESSINGS. These are MOST often SELF-CENTERED and SELFISH and therefore SINFUL! We want these things for US; we are NOT seeking them for GOD, so our FOCUS here is totally wrong... DON'T expect blessings this way!!!


If you wish to check if your prayer-request is wrong, here's a TEST to use: We already know what WE want, right, so then we need to ask: "What Will GOD Get Out of It?" Another way to go is to ask, "Is this a true NEED or is it simply what I WANT? Also, if you are FULLY COMMITTED to the Lord, please DO allow HIM to choose what human blessings He will give you. HE knows what you need - TRUST HIM! HE also knows which are right and good for you and which are NOT.

I basically don't ask for human-based blessings for myself (and we ARE blessed with quite sufficient to live). If the Lord chooses to give some, that's great and I love Him for doing that. THIS IS FAITH-LIVING - and that pleases Him! I WILL ask them for someone else - for them and the Lord's sake, NOT for my own.

- BM, with his Love


My oh my what a great post.

Spiritual blessings verses human blessings.
Thank you so much for your great words of wisdom on this one.

I truly had to learn this one!!!!!!!

I am feeling more and more God is wanting me to be on the streets.
You know God has blessed me to start talking to complete strangers, just as I did at the store yesterday.

I need to keep learning the word and how to share it with folks.
My mind is spinning with some many great thoughts in the morning now verses when I was hung up on me and wanting those human blessings, or heck even my own way before I really knew what the Lord was about.

I ran across a great site this morning while looking for info on street ministry and such.
There are some great audios to listen to: They have them their for folks to listen.
The Revival Army Supersite - True Biblical Revival Resources - Downloads | Compilations

Bondman if you get time some time check out the one on that page.-Our mission to bring light to Darkness,com_docman/task,doc_download/gid,155/Itemid,35/

Also the one on the Simple Gospel was great too.,com_docman/task,doc_download/gid,185/Itemid,35/

I was able to understand them because of your messages you shared here. I pray that the Lord will provide for someone to assist you in getting your messages all in one location.. Maybe even in a e book format?
I know that sounds like alot right now.. but I just know God is going to get all those messages in one place for easy access. I can feel it in my bones!

Ok.. it is like 25 below zero this morning with the wind chill factor...
Off to the streets I go....

Wow, hon, that's all great!! Messages here are to do exactly as you said they have for you!! - and the Lord gave me the today's Message less than 12 hours ago. Before that it was nowhere in my mind. He really is the bestest, isn't He!!

We CAN trust Him with... well, with ALL of ourselves!!! We don't have to hassle, or try too hard, or fuss, or be concerned. Just gotta TRUST HIM and BELIEVE HIS WORD, and LIVE IT!!!

Is it that this is maybe "TOO EASY" or somehow "TOO SIMPLE" - is THAT why we don't GET IT?

It's a GREAT encouragement to me when I see you 'get it' (really 'get' and grab something!) - then go forth with it!! Thankyou SO much for your personal support of me and Beloved, and your amazing support of The Inner Room!! Without this, it would most certainly NOT be doing as much for our Lord as it is!!

As for the Messages all together in one place, and SEARCHABLE, this I want to get done so desperately. Anyone who knows someone with some HTML knowledge and a bit of time to help us get this done, do please PM me to tell me how to contact them! Thanks a bunch!

It's past midnight here, but tomorrow I look forward to checking your links.

Bless you, dear heart!

- BM
As for the Messages all together in one place, and SEARCHABLE, this I want to get done so desperately. Anyone who knows someone with some HTML knowledge and a bit of time to help us get this done, do please PM me to tell me how to contact them! Thanks a bunch!

Hey I just had a thought, I am going to check with a woman who is coming over Wed to meet with Paul and I for a website for our ministry... I will check it out.
Praying that God will help us get your messages in one place.
They are good for all, but really good for those just grasping ahold of the word!
PS.. Did you and the Mrs ever think you would reach the people of the streets in Batavia, NY?... wow what a thought.. it is because of you and her's love and sharing of the good news that I can go forth and share it with others.

Oh.. and thanks for "disciplining" me when I need it.. yeah.. sometimes it has not been easy and the "self" of me might raise a few hairs,, but the spirit within me says grab ahold!

Oh.. and guess what else.. Just wanted to share here with everyone.. that in April we are taking our bus to NY city to park along the relief bus there to share the good news! Can you imagine it..!!!

Just thought about the homeless this morning as I stepped out in the weather here.. how in the world can they survive these bitter elements..

I best get stomping out there and see who needs God today!

Taking ahold of the messages

Hey Bondman,
After reading your message this morning and heading out to the streets, God's words came loud and clear to me. Thanks for sharing, I am so thankful I read before heading out.
Here is what happened:


First of all, we give praises and thanks to our Lord! We also give praise and thanks to the many of you who pray for our ministry. As we bundled up to head out on the street, we went around the circle and prayed. One of the things that I pray for is that God give us more boldness as we come face to face with his children of the kingdom.

The verse that comes to my heart today is this:
Luke 18 : 15-17

The Little Children and Jesus
15People were also bringing babies to Jesus to have him touch them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. 16But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 17I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."

Let me share our praise report with you from today’s outing.

The young boy climbed on the bus to get groceries. He said his mom was sick and could not come to the bus. Now since Care-A-Van goes to this neighborhood once a month, they get to know the needs and hurts and pains of the folks living there, we knew that something may be up. The typical rule of Care-A-Van is that an adult must come on to the bus to get the groceries. Here was this little boy age 10 stating his mom was sick and could not come. Just minutes previous to this, Bridget had shared with me about the woman in the one apartment. There was a history of the boyfriend physically beating her.
I saw him at the back of the bus getting the groceries. He needed help in getting them to the home. I picked up the gallon of milk and the one bag and followed him back to the apartment. Bridget had said if your mom wants me to come in and pray with her let me know.

He opened the door. There on the couch sat the mom, the boyfriend and two other children in the room. I could feel the tension in the room. It was so thick, you could not have even cut it with a chain saw. “Hey mom” he said, Bridget said if you want her to pray she will come in later. “. I introduced myself and proceeded to say that I too could pray with them. Now mind you, the mom has had to be careful in the past when the bus was around because of the boyfriend. The boyfriend took the groceries into the kitchen. She came to me with tears in her eyes. I grabbed a hold of her and told her God loves her and is with her. We are there for here. Please contact us. She was melting in my arms.
As the boyfriend came back in the room, I looked at the young boy; I said hey there are you busy on Wednesday nights? The church has a great program for kids and the bus will even come pick you up! He was pretty excited about everything.

I turned to the mom and said “Ok so what should we pray for”. God spoke to her heart and gave her boldness. Right in front of the boyfriend, she said I have asked him to move out and he is angry about it. We have been having problems and I need to take care of the children. He thinks I want to cheat on him and such. God then took the time and poured upon both of them. I looked him right in the eye and I said “Do you know the Lord Jesus? Have you accepted him as your savior and he said yes. I turned and asked him the same thing. She replied yes. I turned to him, you should love her even more then for wanting to follow what God wants. Tears were streaming down her face. I shared a bit of my testimony in always thinking that a man could make me happy and where my self gratification and sins had taken me. She shared how things had become physically violent between the two of them. I looked at him and her. Look, when we have the Lord as our Savior, we are forgiven for the past. We are created new. Please understand we have freedom from all of that. But understand the enemy; Satan does not want any of us to be happy and free. The bad thoughts and actions you are both experiencing is not from God.

As the young boys were running up and down the stairs behind us, I said to both of them. It is so important that we are giving these young children a strong spiritual foundation. What you are showing them is not that. You are showing them it is ok to have violence and all this confusion in their lives. I asked the boyfriend- do you remember when you were young? What was it like? Was there screaming and such in your life? He said yes.
I encouraged him to look at the path that his life went on (I had inside info that he had been in a jail a few times). Do you want these young boys to have that same life? Do you understand you are the male figure in this home to them? If you have truly accepted the Lord, then grab a hold of what God instructs us to do. I remembered a reading I had read just this morning from my good friend in Australia on the Inner Room on spiritual blessings and human blessings. I explained to them that they need to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all shall be given to thee. All of these things that had been happening in their lives is because they were looking to please themselves not our Lord. I prayed with the both of them and tears were streaming down their faces.

There is so much that I could write as God and I were there for about an hour or more.
I shared with him about the Tuesday night men’s ministry. I shared with her about a woman’s bible study on Monday nights. They do have a church they go to but had not gone in quite awhile. I encouraged them to get back to church. The children are in a local Catholic school. I encouraged them to dust off their bibles, get in God’s word and start living it. Today is a new day.
Bridget came to the door. She came in and poured out God’s love as well.

As we turned to leave, I noticed something. There was peace in the air, God’s peace. I did not need the chainsaw to get out of the home, like I needed it to get in. The minute I stepped into the home, God took a hold of that tension, protected me, protected the ministry that was going on outside. Praises to our Lord!

Yes, it was quite a day with Care-A-Van today. From the first moment of a small child climbing on the bus with no mittens on her bare hands in 15 below zero weather, to a man who walked all the way across town to get food from the bus, from a woman who came on the bus at our home station before we even pulled out this morning needing food, to this family that has had violence in the home. God blessed them all today.

What a warming sight to the eyes to see Sue take homemade mittens out of cupboard and give them to the small children today. The little gal made herself comfortable in one of the booths and got busy coloring with Sue.

The kingdom of God does belong to all children, whether you are 4 years old, 45 or 70 it belongs to all. We are instructed not to hinder them. We are told go forth and love your neighbors as yourselves. We love the neighbors of Batavia. The whole city of Batavia is Care-A-Van’s neighborhood. that God has instructed to us to Go forth and show the light.
So you see, God used that gallon of milk today, to give a lot more than just something to drink or pour upon cereal, he used it to shine his light today!
PS.. Did you and the Mrs ever think you would reach the people of the streets in Batavia, NY?... wow what a thought.. it is because of you and her's love and sharing of the good news that I can go forth and share it with others.

Oh.. and thanks for "disciplining" me when I need it.. yeah.. sometimes it has not been easy and the "self" of me might raise a few hairs,, but the spirit within me says grab ahold!

Oh.. and guess what else.. Just wanted to share here with everyone.. that in April we are taking our bus to NY city to park along the relief bus there to share the good news! Can you imagine it..!!!

Just thought about the homeless this morning as I stepped out in the weather here.. how in the world can they survive these bitter elements..

I best get stomping out there and see who needs God today!


Umm... did we ever think we would help reach the people on the streets of Batavia, NY? Let's see now... NO!!! I'd never even heard of a Batavia there!

Besides, it had not ever occurred to me that this is so!! (yeah, okay, I guess that was a bit dull-headed of me, but I truly had not put the two things together!) Thankyou SO MUCH for pointing it out. I'm pretty sure most Inner Roomies wouldn't consider that I need encouragement - but I do (we all do), and you have sooo encouraged me with your words. Major thanks, hon!!

I travelled to see snow just once in my life - but I can 'see' you stomping out into the snow "to see who needs God today"! Good one, girl!!

- BM



Faithwoman said:
Oh.. and thanks for "disciplining" me when I need it.. yeah.. sometimes it has not been easy and the "self" of me might raise a few hairs,, but the spirit within me says grab ahold!

Hehe! "Discipling" you when you needed it, huh!! (All I was doing was telling you the truth I would have thought. *smiles*) Yep, it's NEVER nice to be told what we're doing wrong. Thing is, at that exact moment we have TWO very clear choices - ACCEPT His discipline (we DON'T have to LIKE it!!!) or REJECT it.The first takes us CLOSER to the Lord God! The other takes us AWAY from Him! It really is as straight up as that.

This very strongly involves the aspect of our sinfulness that is REBELLION against God. Sure, who likes to be DISCIPLINED?!! - yet without this discipline we will never ever ever have our rebellion reduced!!! (I don't know about you, but I DO NOT want to be a rebellious son of the Father!)

This then depends on what it is we truly WANT, doesn't it? Our response to discipline - whether from God via someone who loves us, or directly from the Lord Himself - DOES have to ultimately be positive, no matter our initial REACTION! The thing then is that in this case our sister stated: "... but the spirit within me says grab ahold!" Wow-eee!!! Am I allowed to shout a LOUD Hallelujah at this stage?? Okay, I will:

Hallelujah!!! Highest praises to Your Holy Name, Lord God of ours!!!
Thankyou from the bottom of my heart for Your Spirit -
Who makes our life WORK!!!

I know I've quoted these verses before. If you want to CHANGE your very life in Christ, then GRAB them RIGHT now, and decide that you're going to LIVE them, (like I chose to do years ago), because they are so incredibly "magical" for the serious Believer!!

Hebrews Ch 5:5 And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons:

“My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD,
Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him;
6 For whom the LORD loves He chastens,
And scourges every son whom He receives.”

7 If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten?
8 But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons.
9 Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live?
10 For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness.
11 Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

Love you all, and I'm praying you'll take these Scriptures to heart and into your life. You can trust me that YOU WILL NEVER REGRET DOING SO!!!

- BM, with his Beloved


Praises to our Lord!

Ok. I have to stop shaking so I can type!

I woke up this morning and put my care-a-van sweatshirt and sat down and said ok God lead me.

God and I started our day by visisting the local Lutheran church here.
Mind you I was born and raised Lutheran. I knew of God, but I did not know God.
I arrived and was warmly greeted by folks.
The announcements were made and then a woman got up and started talking about next Saturday and said that Care-A-Van was going to be on State street next Sat. This neighborhood was right down the street from this church. They have kind of adopted this neighborhood. She encouraged folks to come out and help. When she finished speaking God used the boldness within me to hop out of seat in this huge church.
I stood right up and said excuse me..

I proceeded to say my name is Robin. I am new here to Batavia. I arrived a somewhat broken soul, but I had the love of God in me. As I have allowed God to work in me, my life has been amazing. I was led to volunteer with Care-A-Van. I want to personally thank all of you as individuals and as a church for supporting this ministry. You touch lives with your prayer and financial contributions. I shared a brief example how God allowed us to witness and share with a family that was filled with violence just yesterday. The pastor there gave an awesome message which I will share at another time. but it came down to allowing God to do a Temple makeover in us. After the service the folks were very nice, asked me if I would like to stay for Sunday School. I thanked them for the offer but said God had led me to a young woman and I was going to church at another church with her.

The young gal the one I worked with and that Care-A-Van had been ministering to for years and went to church with me last week at the Assembly, met me there.

We had a seat. She had her bible there and said you know I had all these crazy thoughts last night and I just finally asked God to take them for me and he did! The music was uplifting. The message was about fully trusting God with all our life and not holding onto anything.

Ok.. are you sitting down? The altar call came. The soft music was playing and the Pastor proceeded. If you have never accepted the Lord, never trusted him, why not have today be your day. With all eyes closed and heads bow, let us pray. He then said if you have not accepted Christ and you want to do so today and let him be your savior will you raise your hand right now,, better yet.. he said.. let's open our eyes.. if God is calling you today and you want to give your life to him, will you come, just as you are.. my friend was sobbing... she nudged me with her hip and looked at me.. I said you do not have to go up front, you can do it right here..
God said to me .. ask her if she wants to go to the altar.. I said do you want to go to the altar.. she said yes.. I knew she was afraid.. I could feel it.. I said would you like me to walk up with you? she said yes..

So we walked hand in hand down the aisle. We knelt and she was sobbing.. I was sobbing in praises of thanks. I put my arm around her and prayed for her. The pastor said ok we are now going to pray. please pray with me.. he then recited a prayer of salvation.. she spoke the prayer right there.. the words came off of her tongue loud and clear.. with tears streaming down her face.. she held my hand tight.. she was free, she was finally free.. !!!!! Another woman came forth and hugged her and prayed for her. A song of praise was playing.. upbeat song.. I sat back on my heels tears streaming down with my right hand held high!

God is so amazing! I am so thankful for what he has done in my life!
I am so thankful that going into 2009 I told him I was submitted to him.
My actions are working on that. I gave up a relationship with a man that I loved for 2 1/2 years to follow god.. But man people! I got something so much more powerful and strong.

After I got up from the altar.. a gentleman who does prison ministry came up to me and said God is going to use you in big ways. I would like to help disciple you and help train you in big ways. I would like to invite you to come along whenever God calls me out to serve, so you can be exposed to other areas of ministry. .. So today in 20 minutes I am going to a local Vets hospital with this gentleman..

Our God is an amazing God..

Bondman, Again thank you from the bottom of my heart, to you, Fluffy, Sweets, all of you who have helped God mold me to what he has always wanted me to be.. A woman of Christ!
Bondman, please share with the Mrs.. that today in Batavia, NY a young woman who was lost who is married and has a 10 year old daughter fully accepted Christ! Praises be to our Lord..

There has been others.. but I honestly feel that this young gal , this was the first time she ever went forth to an altar!

God is good!

Got to scoot!
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