THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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As I stood by my kitchen sink tonight, I had many thoughts. As I stared at at the dirty dishes, I thought of how we have looked to Jesus. We have layed there dirty, unclean and yes somtimes broken. Just as we put the dishes under the water to wash them clean, Jesus takes us and washes us clean.

Last night the young gal that came to visit sat with me and watched TV.
We watched the show Intervention. This is where when someone has an addiction such as drugs, alcohol etc, a specialist is brought in to help the family do an intervention on the person that is afflicted. They offer the person to go to a special place to get treatment. The show is very graphic. I shuddered as the young men shot themselves up with drugs, snorted the coccaine and such. It was sad to watch the story of a man who became an alchoholic and his life went to the pit.

What layed heavy in my heart is that I have come to and am still learning of the true one who intervenes for us all. Is it not true when we open our hearts to Jesus, how he intervenes for us all? He can set any of us free, no matter what our bondages are:

John 8:30-37 (New International Version)

30 Even as he spoke, many put their faith in him. The Children of Abraham

31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.

32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

33 They answered him, "We are Abraham's descendants[a] and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?"
34Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.

35 Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever.

36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

37 I know you are Abraham's descendants. Yet you are ready to kill me, because you have no room for my word.

As I sat there and thought of how Jesus can set anyone free, me, you, your family member, your next door neighbor, all of us, I thought Oh Lord keep cleaning me up and let me go forth and tell of you. I honestly just wanted to call and quit my job and run all over telling how great he is.

Just the most recent and washing and cleansing of me has even given me more hope. But as Bondman stated, it is our own selfishness that holds us captive to our sins.

I thank God for what he is doing in me. Can you just imagine with all the miracles and blessings he does for others and us, that there is still so many that have no room for his word. This is twofold, there are ones that know him but still have no room for his word, and then there are those that give no room because they have not heard of him at all!

I pray to all of you, that may we all become stronger and go forth and spread the good news. I pray in my heart if you know him but are lurking back and not giving his word room in you, that he may strengthen you right this minute that you may bow all to him and allow in him. Believe you me, you shall not regret it! He just wants the best for you! Why settle for good when you can have the best?


Hmm, no room at the inn. No room in our heart. How terrible...

You said you continue to learn to speak from your heart, which is wonderful. I also see you continuing to 'get in touch' with your heart, or should I say the Holy Spirit assisting you to do this. We do have to learn about ourselves, as to where we are at, and so on. Seems to me you're getting better and better at that.


- BM
Thanx for the good advice BM and FaithWoman gave. An eye-opener.

I posted this on a site on the main thread, so I thought it would fit here too.

If My Words Abide in You

1. Memorizing Scripture makes meditation possible at times when I can't be reading the Bible and meditation is the pathway of deeper understanding.

2. Memorizing Scripture strengthens my faith because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ, and that happens when I am hearing the word in my head.

3. Memorizing Scripture shapes the way I view the world by conforming my mind to God's viewpoint.

4. Memorizing Scripture makes God's word more readily accessible for overcoming temptation to sin, because God's warnings and promises are the way we conquer the deceitful promises of sin.

5. Memorizing Scripture guards my mind by making it easier to detect error . . . and the world is filled with error, since the god of this world is a liar. (like Bo said, if you admit you already have detected error in their beliefs, then why stick around learning more, Amandez?

6. Memorizing Scripture enables me to hit the devil in the face with a force he cannot resist, and so protect myself and my family from his assault.

7. Memorizing Scripture provides the strongest and sweetest words for ministering to others in need.

8. Memorizing Scripture provides the matrix for fellowship with Jesus because he talks to me through His word, and I talk to him in prayer.

9. Memorizing Scripture renews my mind.

That's my testimony. Bonnie

Thankyou SO much for sharing here too, hon!

Very interesting. I don't believe I've ever mentioned memorising in any Message here!! I reckon I know why this oversight - because Chronic Fatigue Sydrome has got such a hold on me now, my memory is cactus. I'm lucky to remember what you said to me 5 minutes ago, or what I had for lunch!! Of course because this mess of diseases has your health all over the place like a dog's breakfast, it's also true that I just MIGHT remember what you said!

With this hopeless memory for the past 20 years (tho much worse now) I never even consider memorising! So I've also not written about it. Sorry guys!

Unless you're like me: 1) Find the Scriptures that are of critical importance, write them down, and start learning them and where they come from. 2) Read the books of the New Testament. Read them again - and again! The more times you read them the more verses will begin to stick in your mind. When Jesus said about His words ABIDING in us, this means LIVING in us always - more than memorising, they must become living truths in our mind, heart, and soul!!

3) Choose a GOOD Translation and read from that same translation, so that the SAME words are being read over and over to get them stuck into your mind. All my early reading was from the KJV and so I remember verses, or parts of verses from that. As a result I can always FIND the verse I want by searching the KJV!

4) And what you want to aim for above all else is to have clearly in your mind - VIRTUALLY AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF YOU AND WHO YOU ARE - the IMPORTANT DOCTRINES of the New Testament and how to LIVE OUT those DOCTRINES!!

With this in place there is no reason in the world why you should not ultimately attain unto scriptural MATURITY and so becoming a Woman of God or Man of God!!!

Go for it!!

- BM
Thanks for sharing. This is something I need to work on as well.
I got bits and pieces in my mind, but I need to learn the word and memorize it.. it is very important to all of us, but extremely important for me right now since God has led me to street ministry.

I need to be able to pick up the word and share the scriptures with these folks.

Tonight, I have been asked to dinner by a gal I know. She wants me to come and share God with her sister whom is having some huge struggles in life.. once again it is with a woman who has had a horrific past and has recently said she wants to die. May God be in the room tonight! May our God use me to show honor and Glory to him this evening.

Thanks for sharing. This is something I need to work on as well.
I got bits and pieces in my mind, but I need to learn the word and memorize it.. it is very important to all of us, but extremely important for me right now since God has led me to street ministry.

I need to be able to pick up the word and share the scriptures with these folks.

Tonight, I have been asked to dinner by a gal I know. She wants me to come and share God with her sister whom is having some huge struggles in life.. once again it is with a woman who has had a horrific past and has recently said she wants to die. May God be in the room tonight! May our God use me to show honor and Glory to him this evening.


You said: "I need to be able to pick up the word and share the scriptures with these folks." ABSOLUTELY!!

Praying for your time with the sister!

The Lord's laid on my heart that it's time we regularly prayed for you as God leads you to these VERY needy women.

Let's be supporting Faithwoman in prayer - as well as each other! He WANTS our prayers. He RESPONDS to our prayers - and things can/will happen! Let's not be slack on this...

- BM
The Lord's laid on my heart that it's time we regularly prayed for you as God leads you to these VERY needy women.

Let's be supporting Faithwoman in prayer - as well as each other! He WANTS our prayers. He RESPONDS to our prayers - and things can/will happen! Let's not be slack on this...

He does answer prayer. Thank you to you all, may we all continue to pray for each other.


Provided the Lord doesn't over-rule, I expect to put up a Message tomorrow showing how you can get effective Godly Power into your life - the RIGHT way!

For the first time I shall tell my own unusual story with regard to POWER to live the Life (including how I messed up...)

It may be the most SIGNIFICANT Message ever for you in The Inner Room!!

See you then!

- BM

Provided the Lord doesn't over-rule, I expect to put up a Message tomorrow showing how you can get effective Godly Power into your life - the RIGHT way!

For the first time I shall tell my own unusual story with regard to POWER to live the Life (including how I messed up...)

It may be the most SIGNIFICANT Message ever for you in The Inner Room!!

See you then!

Thank you Bondman! I look forward to hearing your story and journey with our Lord. I pray for God to give you strength as you write it as you put in paranetheses including how I messed up.. Sometimes it is not easy reflecting back to how we messed up.. but.. the good news is that we have learned , WE HAVE BEEN FORGIVEN FOR ALL THAT MESSING UP! just awesome, awesome, is his mercy, grace and forgiveness!




... Continued from Part 3 . Part 1 of this Series is here

As promised!! There's a lot of important truth here, of what NOT to do (because of the errors a large church teaches) as well as what to do!! - in three sections, so please take you time, and absorb it all to your eternal profit AND THE LORD'S! (cos THAT'S what He wants for you!!!)

So far we've said that you can build a most SOLID basis for your Christian walk via these steps:

3. Make JESUS LORD of ALL of our life!!!
4. Always be being FILLED with the Holy Spirit,

and now we look more at being FILLED with the HOLY SPIRIT, at some dreadful church ERRORS in connection with this, and my personal story).


Some churches refer to this as the Baptism in the Spirit. This is a Scriptural expression, but it does refer back to Jesus' baptism by John. Acts records that at Pentecost when the HOLY SPIRIT WAS FIRST GIVEN just like Jesus promised, the Disciples were FILLED with the SPIRIT!! Wow, that's good enough for me!

However, a large group of churches always call it "Baptism in the Spirit" which is okay, except that they then attach 2 things to this: that it automatically happens as a result of water Baptism of Believers, and at the same time also gives you the gift of tongues (speaking in an unknown language). The New Testament does NOT indicate that EITHER of these will ALWAYS HAPPEN (which we see as true today)!! So they are in serious error in teaching DOCTRINE and PRACTICE like this.


We must also note that the gift of tongues is just ONE of the gifts of the Holy Spirit set forth in 1 Corinthians Ch 12. And it's NOT a greatly important one either, as Paul makes ABUNDANTLY clear in 1 Corinthians Ch 14, where he ends by saying: 1 Corinthians Ch 14:39 Therefore, brethren, desire earnestly to PROPHESY, and do not forbid to speak with tongues - where 'prophesy' refers more to SPEAKING and TEACHING the Word of God, than to prophesying some future event.

Thus Men of God, FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, should speak forth, in plain language, what God is revealing to them by the Spirit - THAT is what to desire MOST, Paul says, AND is by far the best for UPBUILDING THE CHURCH also.


Furthermore, in church meetings only two, or at the most three are allowed to speak in tongues, says Paul, and then ONLY if what they say is INTERPRETED by someone who has the GIFT of INTERPRETATION OF TONGUES. Otherwise GOD commands them to keep quiet!!! 1 Corinthians Ch 14:27 If anyone speaks in a tongue, two—or at the most three—should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. 28 If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and God.

Please go to the next post...
... Continued from the post above

Yet Sunday by Sunday this church group happily but wilfully break these Scriptures! What then bothers me is the many millions apparently speaking in tongues as a gift of the Spirit, yet such a comparative FEW with the HOLY SPIRIT gift of Interpretation of Tongues. In my opinion, there's something very concerning here, something very wrong.

And here's another truth to know: just about anyone, including unbelievers, can speak in tongues - I've heard a radio announcer, NOT a Christian, speak in tongues (to prove he could) over the radio to tens of thousands of listeners!! SO... could this mean that maybe millions who think they have this GIFT, actually don't? Sadly I truly suspect this is true. Plus, when asked, as long as you can answer that you have been Baptised in the Spirit, then you're considered a-okay. BUT I'm near certain that a lot of this is NOT reality for those in this church!


However there's even WORSE as to speaking in tongues. I vividly remember nearly 35 years ago being asked by one of their members: "Do you speak in tongues?" "No," I said innocently. "Then you're not saved!" I was told bluntly. This may have happened to you also. As many as millions in this church believe this - but it's a heresy, a total and SERIOUS Scriptural error.


Alright, as it happens, at that time I had my own problem of foolishly believing that speaking in tongues was actually wrong! Oops!! - a Scriptural error just as bad!!! *true confessions here!* So I have A PERSONAL STORY to tell you about this. I didn't believe in speaking in tongues, right, just as many folks don't today, but one day in the early 1980's I was alone at my desk at home, and next minute I was speaking aloud in, well, apparent gibberish!!

I WAS UTTERLY ASTONISHED!!! This went on for awhile. Later it happened again! More amazement. This continued happening to me day by day. I soon came to realise that I could stop this thing whenever I wished, but there was also something else: I slowly realised that everything I asked God for in prayer, HE GAVE ME!!! I'm not talking selfish things (I knew not to pray for them), but I prayed - and things happened!! I was now doubly flabbergasted! I urgently wrote to a Pastor friend and a Missionary friend for an explanation. Neither had any ideas!!


Thinking back now, it's interesting that I simply never thought to ask God for total healing!! Anyway, these TWO things continued for a considerable number of weeks at least, but because I had NO UNDERSTANDING of what it was all about (which does seem rather weird to me now!), I gradually GAVE UP TONGUES, and in time realised that I was right back where I started! BUT... that was NOT the end of it by any means.

Please go to the next post... (on next page, or click HERE)
...Continued from the previous post HERE

Maybe a year or two later I met a most lovely Christian lady who spoke in tongues and was clearly filled with the Spirit of God!! Wow, it didn't take me long to realise that, man, did I ever WANT what SHE had!! As we talked, my previous experiences came into focus. With a shock, I realised that God lovingly GAVE TO ME THE GIFT OF TONGUES EVEN WHEN I DIDN'T BELIEVE IN IT!!!

How I was so dumb as to not realise this remains a mystery to this day. But now I badly WANTED this gift, and started very SERIOUSLY praying for it. Day after day I prayed. Nothing. Time went on. I came to feel that He wonderfully gave me this gift years before, but I treated it with a fair degree of carelessness - so now He was going to make me WAIT!!! Maybe that's not true, but WAIT I did, till the day came when suddenly I spoke out once again! Such a relief, and such a wonder for me!!


Now to the BIGGEST ONE OF ALL! It's taken me till very, very recently to see from the Scriptures that it WASN'T just the gift of tongues He gave me that first time: IT WAS NOTHING LESS THAN BEING FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT!!! No wonder I got amazing PRAYER ANSWERS when I prayed! Clearly I had Holy Spirit POWER, but didn't realise it!!

My church at the time never taught anything about this, BUT... as a younger Christian I remembered hearing Christians speak of "A Second Blessing". From memory, the great Missionary to China many years ago, Hudson Taylor, relates how his wife suddenly experienced this and her spiritual life was considerably enhanced. He then wanted the same, had to wait, but this suddenly happened to him also.


Spirit-filling is incredibly special, it is Scriptural, the early Christians were filled with the Spirit, people today also, it is an ESSENTIAL if we are to get full HOLY SPIRIT POWER, AND amazingly it is a COMMAND of God also: Ephesians Ch 5:18b. Be being constantly filled with the Spirit! All this tells me that we must seek TO BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT - to pray, AND TO BELIEVE IN FAITH FOR THIS, and to KEEP praying until God answers.

But so that this may happen in your life, here are some - I'll call them important pre-conditions: 1) Make sure you've accepted Jesus as Lord over all of your life first (you DON'T have to be living this PERFECTLY, just always WANTING and AIMING to do so), and 2) If He is your LORD then with all your heart you WILL want to be obedient to all things He wants of us. With this COMMITMENT in place I believe God WILL ANSWER, and bring you to a new place in your Christian life!


Finally, sometimes when you are FIRST filled with the Spirit, you MAY be given the gift of tongues. This can be, as it probably was in Acts, given as a SIGN. BUT please NOTE: you can be FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT WITHOUT ANY GIFT OF THE SPIRIT at all - including the gift of speaking in an UNKNOWN LANGUAGE (TONGUES). SPIRIT-FILLING should be your PRIMARY GOAL - and THAT'S IT!! Then daily KEEP being FILLED! I most strongly encourage EACH ONE to seek this wondrous GIFT!

Continued in Part 5 "How to Know When You are Filled with the Spirit"...

- BM, with his Lady's wonderful support!


Prayer Needed

Amazing Bondman that you should post of this.
I met with the Pastor of that church I was telling you of and he was pretty much sharing what you shared here tonite.
I had told him the one thing that I had never been around was folks praying and speaking in tongues. At this church, I have not heard anyone actually preach a message in tongue, but as you say, there must be an interepreter. However one of my new gal friends from Care-A van will be praying with me on something and then for a brief few moments she may start to pray in tongues.

He was telling me of this gift as you speak and said if I would like to bring in my bible , he will share the scripture and explain it all.

I was talking to another gal last night on the phone and she asked me if I had received that gift, I told her I had not , at least not that I was aware of, nor have I really prayed and asked God for it.

Just amazing how you shared of this when I was questioning of some things myself in regards to this.

Ok, I ask you all to be praying hard from now through tomorrow.
I go for a CAT scan of the neck for possible mass in the neck.
If they find something, they may do a biopsy right away.

Thank you Lord for as I type this, I know you are healing me!




... Continued from Part 4 "Secrets" of Living as a True New Testament Christian. . Part 1 of this Series is here.

So, how did you know you were filled with the Spirit?

A good and straight to the point question!! After Jesus' resurrection we read: Acts Ch 1:4 And while being in their company and eating with them, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for what the Father had promised, Of which [He said] you have heard Me speak. (Amplified Bible) He was referring to the promise of Filling with the Holy Spirit, and said further: Acts Ch 1:8 But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth. (Amp). He then was taken up before their eyes. They DID wait together as He Commanded, and:

Acts Ch 2:1a And when the day of Pentecost had fully come, 4 ... they were all filled (diffused throughout their souls) with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other (different, foreign) languages (tongues), as the Spirit kept giving them clear and loud expression [in each tongue in appropriate words]. (Amp) Still gives me goosebumps reading that! Jesus gave the answer to your question in Acts Ch 1:8 above, where He said these two IMPORTANT THINGS --

1) FIRST: "YOU WILL RECEIVE POWER!!" THAT is the hallmark of a person filled with the Spirit of the Living God!!! When we are first converted to Jesus the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us. THAT gives us power that we need in order to start living the Christian life.

But if we are determined to grow in Christ, we will soon enough need MORE! And that brings us to BEING FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT. Jesus said, "You WILL receive power" via being FILLED with the Spirit. So the first indication that you are FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT is that there is Godly POWER in your life!! I would expect this power to show up in a number of different ways in your life, ACCORDING TO WHAT GOD WANTS FOR YOU PERSONALLY!!...

Your life may become more Christ-centered, more dynamic, more effective. You may become more Christ-aware. You may find the Scriptures become more alive. Prayer may become more effective. You may feel more alive, have more love, joy, peace. You may care about others more, be more forgiving. You WILL love God more! You may realise God has given you a Gift of the Spirit - and the list goes on. Surprising things MAY happen, so watch for them! I've said that you will KNOW if you are Spirit-filled, and in most cases this will be true!

(a) in Jerusalem, which equates to where we live, AND
(b) in all Judea and Samaria, which equates to moving further afield, including maybe to more difficult places, AND
(c) to the absolute ends of the earth!! (NOTE: all three!)

So here is the second indication of your Spirit-Filling: DO YOU REALLY CARE ABOUT THE SALVATION OF OTHERS? ABOUT THEM HEARING THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST? I have seen something incredibly OBVIOUS in the lives of Christians: that MOST are quite disinterested in others hearing about Jesus. But a FEW are so "on-fire" for the Word of the Lord to get to... well, EVERYWHERE, that you can pick them a mile off!!!

SUMMARY: Filled with the Spirit according to Jesus:
1. You will have A NEW POWER in your life that sooner or later you will become AWARE OF!!
2. You will have a new and OBVIOUS CONCERN for the lost in this world, i.e., both NEAR and FAR in ALL the WORLD - NOT just those around you!!

May it truly be so in your life!!

- BM, with his Love


However one of my new gal friends from Care-A van will be praying with me on something and then for a brief few moments she may start to pray in tongues.

If you read through the whole of 1 Corinthians 14 you will see how greatly - with some strong advices - Paul down-rates speaking in tongues in a church setting.

Because He speaks of tongues as personally speaking to God, OR in church only to be interpreted so people may be EDIFIED, I do NOT do what your friend does above. This is because of my IMMUTIBLE PERSONAL RULE: if it is CLEARLY in the New Testament I'm IN. If it is NOT, then I will have nothing to do with it! It HAS to be there!!

(Having said that, because I can't see that this is actually breaking any New Testament Scripture - unlike most tongue-speaking - I don't really see any great problem with your friend doing it like that.)

Ok, I ask you all to be praying hard from now through tomorrow.
I go for a CAT scan of the neck for possible mass in the neck.
If they find something, they may do a biopsy right away.

Thank you Lord for as I type this, I know you are healing me!



- BM
SUMMARY: Filled with the Spirit according to Jesus:
1. You will have
A NEW POWER in your life that sooner or later you will become AWARE OF!!

2. You will have a new and OBVIOUS CONCERN for the lost in this world, i.e., both NEAR and FAR in ALL the WORLD - NOT just those around you!!

May it truly be so in your life!!

For me, I have to honestly say with the above summary, I truly believe I am filled with the spirit.
I believe I have a new power that I am aware of now and keep learning how great it is.

I do have a concern for the lost in this world, not just those around you. Hence the explanation of why on the way home from my test today, I pulled into the roadstop rest to get a cup of coffee, I was really tired and wanted to take a power nap in my car.

But as I turned around to leave, I saw a young woman sitting by herself having lunch, so I walked right up to her and asked her if I could join her. She looked at me kind of funny but she said sure. So I introduced myself and let God do the rest.
She was 22 years old , she was driving 10 hours back to college after break, she was an only child and most recently had alot of bitterness in her heart after a most recent break up with a guy... oh did God open the door...

We had an awesome talk, I got to share with this young gal that there was a Mr. Right .. right this moment waiting for her.. and that Mr. Right is Jesus.. at the end.. we exchanged emails and headed down the highway..

PS.. I never did get my power nap in! nope I had more energy because God just filled me up at the roadside rest.
Got an awesome story to share of my test as well, will have the "world" results in two days.. I already have God's results.. he is healing me! Praise the Lord!

His Face

As promised, my writing of my experience today.


As I drove down the highway to my appointment to have a CT Scan of the neck for a possible mass, my heart and mind was racing. I was listening to K Love radio station to calm me. I even tried calling them for prayer, I was transferred to the Pastor line but all I got was an answering machine. I knew why. God wanted me to be calling him!
I was praying and praying to our Lord for nothing to be there. I had been dealing with the unknown for a few weeks now. My ultrasound had shown an enlarged lymph node.

As I arrived and got checked in, I took a seat. A few minutes later, I heard a voice call out Robin? Ok, it was show time. He was calling me. I stood up to go and face him. He was standing there with this huge comforting smile on his face. He introduced himself and said I am Doug I will be taking care of you today. I said will you be the tech doing my test? He said no. I am the nurse that will be getting you ready for your test.

He got me settled into the chair. It was time to put the needle into my vein that the contrast would go through. My face felt flushed. My heart was pounding. My head felt light. I hardly felt the prick. My fingers started tingling. I am like, ok so what is wrong with my hand. I told him my fingers felt funny. He came over and gently pulled my sweater sleeve down that was a bit tight on my upper arm from being rolled up. The tingling went away.

As I waited, I watched him take care of the woman next to me. He escorted her into the room. He put her arm through his and walked her into the room. His voice was so smoothing. He came back out to check on me. As he sat down in the seat next to me, he just put me right at ease. We chatted like we had been best friends for a long time. I asked him how long he had been a nurse. He responded for about 8 years. He use to be a security guard, but then two of his friends sat him down and shared with him the compassion and many other great qualities he had for being a nurse. He then started taking classes one class at a time and then went on to get his degree. We shared our stories of being single parents. Not only is he a great nurse, he is a great father to his two young boys. He takes them to church every Sunday to make sure they know who Jesus is.

Another man came out and said he was ready for me, his name was Russ. My prince of a nurse escorted me just like a princess into the room. Upon entering I saw the table waiting for me. My knees started to feel a bit weak. Doug helped me onto the table and got me comfortable. He asked me if I wanted a blanket as the room was a bit chilly. I eagerly accepted for I felt like my whole body was shaking. As he layed the blanket on me, I realized it was a heated blanket. The warmth radiated my body.

It was time for the test to begin. I remember asking Russ if he believed in God. I bet they both thought I was a crazy woman. His reply was yes. So I said ok, then I began to pray.

Lord, we pray that there is nothing there, but if there is we know you are such a healer and will take care of me, Amen. The tears were streaming down my face. Russ asked me if I wanted him to give me something to calm me down as I had to be still for the test.

Doug said my shoes were clicking like Dorothy on the Wizard of Oz. I really did not want any medicine; I said I would be fine. Doug and Russ both left the room. The machine started sliding me in. A few pictures were taken, and then I was slid back out. Now came the really scary part. Doug came back in to check my IV and then the contrast was put in. My body became like an instant inferno. The feeling was so scary. My heart was pounding. I could hear Russ voice over the intercom system telling me not to swallow. I closed my eyes and just kept picturing Jesus. I felt peace instantly. The test did not take long.

I heard the voice say it was over. I was slid back out. An angel of a nurse Patty was there waiting for me. She took my IV out. The prince God sent to take care of me was there as well. He reached down and wiped a tear away from my face. He helped me off the table. He had to take my cross necklace off before the test. As we left the room, he picked my cross back up and placed it ever so gently back on me.

He led me back to my chair. Before I had the test, he promised me he would get me whatever I wanted to drink after the test was over. Sure enough, he kept his promise. He brought me a hot steaming cup of coffee with vanilla flavoring in it. I asked him to sit for a minute. I looked at him and thanked him for taking such good care of me. I told him his loving care for me as a patient meant a lot to me. He truly blessed my visit to the medical facility today. As we chatted he shared something with me that someone had shared with him awhile back. “In all our situations in life, we must say “Thy will be done”. I knew exactly what he was sharing with me. He was sharing that we must always turn to God and say Thy will be done, not our will, but the Lord’s will. The journey of trying to live my life in my will, has taken me down a rocky road. But once I started surrendering all to God, just as Doug shared it has been an amazing journey.

After all, God showed me the face of Jesus today! How great is that! He was there waiting at the door for me. He tenderly took care of me. He pampered me. He kept his promises to me. He wiped away my tears. He comforted me. Most of all, he gave me hope.

They said the results would be back to my doctor in two days. I know in my heart that God has given me his results. He is healing me right now as I type this. What an awesome God we have.

From the bottom of my heart I say thank you to Doug, Russ, Patty and all of the folks at the Medical facility. I have been in healthcare for 24 years now myself. I must say you people do an awesome job of taking care of your patients. You go the extra mile and that is really what the public needs and wants when seeking healthcare.

PS. To Doug, your friends were so right years ago when they suggested you become a nurse. God has gifted you with the inner qualities of truly caring for people. My shoes will be clicking now into 2009, not out of nervousness, but with the brand new start that God has given me.

Hugs to all

note: I will be sending this to the medical facility that took care of me today.
What can I do but bless You, Lord, for what you've done and are doing in Faithwoman's life. You never CEASE to amaze me! You love us, you care for us and about us. You show us grace, You show us mercy, You show us loving-kindness.

As Doug the prince said, "Thy will be done," whatever that may be. Amen! You bring trials if that's what we need. You show Your beautiful Face like you did to our dear sister if that's what we need.

I am SO blessed with those in the Inner Room from whom I feel love and acceptance maybe like I've never experienced in a Christian setting ever before. I cannot say THANKYOU enough to them - and to YOU, Jesus!! At this point further words simply are not enough! - but I know that You know my heart, Lord, and that is sufficient...

Love you each one!

- BM
As Doug the prince said, "Thy will be done," whatever that may be. Amen! You bring trials if that's what we need. You show Your beautiful Face like you did to our dear sister if that's what we need.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Praises and thanks to you for all you do for me, Bondman and all here. Lord you have answered our prayers in so many ways. As Bondman guided me with love, unconditional love and Mrs. Bondman took me under her wing and prayed for me also, I praise you for that. God, as my walk became stronger with you, but my flesh kept fighting, I struggled heavenly father. I had begun to see the light and as I did, Bondman was weakening, as he took his break from the Inner room, I was crushed, I thought oh Lord do not take him now, Lord give him the strength. God , I just want to let him know I am almost there.. Each and every step of the way you guided me Lord and I am so thankful.

Lord I praise you for the prayers love and support given to me here. Lord thank you for keeping Bondman going to love upon me and others. Lord, none of us know what our future holds, but you do Lord. Lord I praise you that Bondman, and the Mrs. and I along with others can praise you that I have reached the freedom you had ready for me. I am thankful, so thankful , God that you have kept Bondman in my life to see the fruit of his works that you placed upon his heart.
Bondman , never could save me God, but you could. You used Bondman to lead me to you and thank you so much.
God, I do not know when he will come home to you, nor do I know when I will come home, but God no matter who you call home first, we will all day be celebrating in eternity together. praises for that!


I write the above prayer because I am so thankful that the Lord has allowed and gave Bondman the strength to continue to be here. There are times when God will allow us to see the seeds we plant, grow and there are other times that we just have to have the faith in him, that as we continue to go forth in the harvest and plant, he will grow those people. I have heard once, that the Lord will only give to us the way we give to him, so if we give him a little, we get back a little, but if we give it all to him, he will give back so much more. I am not talking about money here, I am talking about life.

I know Bondman has been battling health issues, but through it all he has been there for me and you. May we pray that God will continue to lead Bondman each and every day and it may just be that he may have to follow the Lord some day to take care of other matters besides the IR but as we know God will provide for all us. It is hard to follow where God calls us, but as we do, the doors open for us, just as the door of the Inner Room opened for me and for all , it will one day be closed, but let us grab ahold of what was behind the door of the Inner Room, the wealth , the wisdom, the knowledge and so much more. Let us take what what we have and continue to learn to open doors of life for others.

Praying for you and the Mrs.

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