We're all sooooo proud of you, Faithwoman, for giving in and letting God work His will in you. I keep thinking of a song that matches what you did. I hope it comes through. Blessings, Bonnie
We're all sooooo proud of you, Faithwoman, for giving in and letting God work His will in you. I keep thinking of a song that matches what you did. I hope it comes through. Blessings, Bonnie
Sweets ,
Thanks so much! I loved it and guess what! When I went to bed last night, I put the Christian station on and as I layed my head on the pillow, this song came on! talk about how things happen! amazing!
Here is one for you all:
this is amazing! if you ever feel like giving up , watch this one!
Hey, Bondman! Have you ever noticed how energetically some atheists work on proving their beliefs? Who are they really trying to convince? Us? or themselves??
Faithwoman said:You will know someone by their actions and their Christian walk. I saw actions and behaviors that were not walking the walk of Christ.
have to go along with dh's plans, even though I would rather do something else. He just doesn't understand, nor desire yet to go on mission trips, or stuff that I desire to do so bad. I have to wait for the fullness to hit him first
I love to snorkle, and deep sea dive, etc, but that only lasts so far. My real joy would be to be of some use to God while I can.
I agree with Smelly Cat. Let me add, that you do not need to wait for the fullness to hit him first. In my whole situation with my gentleman friend, I had been waiting for so much for God to hit him full. Heck, I tried to beat him with a 2x4 (not literally but verbally).
As I sat down one day at church and listened to the mission trips oversees, I thought wow that would be neat to go to Africa and such and my friend said there is an Africa right in your own back yard. God has led me to the Africa in my backyard with street ministry.
I understand your desire to go abroad . You can have that real joy now allowing God to continue to use you as he does here. Allow your heart to be open 100% to where God wants to use the gifts he has blessed you with. One day it just may be to go oversees for a mission (and this may not suprise me, since your husband is now coming to see the Lord and how he gets the free flights and such.. God may just open something up there. Continue in your own strong walk now, as you do, your husband will see how God is guiding you and showing you.
Your an awesome woman uniquely designed by our Lord, he has great things in store for you. Just keep the faith and allow him to Guide you one day at a time.
Great post, hon!!
Thank you, I had a great teacher
Well two really, first of all the Lord (sorry he comes first)
secondly you!
I continue to learn to speak from my heart.