THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Continued from Part 2...


If you are comfortable in your Christianity, and don't wish to be challenged, and even shocked, then DON'T bother reading further - and I'm quite serious about that.

This series has been looking CLOSELY at: MATTHEW Ch 25:31-46 "When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, THEN He will sit on the throne of His glory!! ALL THE NATIONS will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. And He will set the SHEEP on His right hand, but the GOATS on the left."


Here is the Lord Jesus SEATED IN JUDGMENT on all men!! This is the BIG ONE! Here it's one of two destinies for you and me: 'HEAVEN' or 'HELL'! No second choices here, folks!!! And our Judgment Destination for all ETERNITY is stated BY JESUS HIMSELF to be based on... Well, WHAT? On the comfortability of most of us Believers that Jesus is our Saviour and Lord, and so we ARE saved?? Is that what HE said? NOPE!! Couldn't possibly be farther from it in fact!!!


First, judgment very much concerns our RIGHTEOUSNESS as I said at the end of Part 2 (click) Matthew 25:46. But it very, very clearly has to be OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS IN ACTION. Faith it great! With it we believe in the Lord Jesus. There is NO salvation except we come, and continue to live, BY FAITH IN JESUS. But our FAITH has to produce WORKS: or else it's a FALSE faith!! - which is NO FAITH AT ALL!!! "Show me your faith BY YOUR WORKS!!" (Click) James 2:16-18.

The hallmark and the WHOLE of Christianity is FAITH.. that then works by LOVE.. to perform our GOOD WORKS that THEN FLOW from this!! That is JESUS' STRAIGHT MESSAGE to EVERY ONE OF US, in His ACCOUNT of the JUDGMENT that HE WILL be presiding over - and YOU will be there, and so will I.

Please go to the next post...
...Continued from the previous post

Jesus speaks to the RIGHTEOUS, those on His right hand: WHEN I WAS IN NEED - from poverty, sickness, homelessness, in need of food, clothing, water, and the like, YOU MINISTERED TO ME!! In that you did this to one of the LEAST of My brethren, YOU DID IT TO ME!! Then to the UNRIGHTEOUSNESS on His left hand, he said: in that you DID NOT DO this to one of the LEAST of my brethen, YOU DIDN'T DO IT TO ME!!

So THE WORD to be added to the NECESSITY THAT WE BE RIGHTEOUS (GODLY and HOLY) in our lives IS THE DIRE NECESSITY OF GOOD WORKS: PERSONAL works of CHARITY where we care about, and care for, those of our Brothers and Sisters in Christ WHO DESPERATELY NEED OUR HELP. Do this and WHO are you doing it for: JESUS!!! "But, but... I've never heard THAT before!" Well shame on us teachers and preachers. Matthew 25:31-46 is not exactly just 1 verse HIDDEN where we could barely FIND it, right!! But miss it we have...


Here's a word that seems to have gone out of fashion, being rather unpopular I'd say: SELF-DENIAL!! - that is, being quite contemptuous of our WORLD that loudly demands our attention, and strongly considering those things it offers us to be, well, OF NO GOOD, NO VALUE AT ALL... EXCEPT for how we may be able to use them TO DO GOOD!!! (by self-denial!!)

Did that paint a picture for you? A canvas on which your focus is not on what the world can do for you, but rather on how you may use the things of the world FOR OTHERS - TO MINISTER TO THE LORD JESUS. If your FAITH and LOVE lead you to grow MAJORLY in your RIGHTEOUSNESS (right living before God), so that these LEAD TO GOOD WORKS THAT YOU SIMPLY CANNOT NOT DO, then:

calls you 'BLESSED'! (Click) Matthew 25:34. The King of Kings CALLS to YOU, saying: "Welcome, a thousand welcomes!! COME! - and live with Me forever!" He will NOT be ashamed to call YOU His Brother, His Sister! Because you have followed the way of the Cross of SELF-DENIAL and service to the needy He will call you "HIS"!! And great will be your REWARD!!

- BM, with his love



Love the post Bondman!


Miracles do happen
We pray for them everyday
We ask the good Lord above
To send one our way

Oh how there have been many a nights
That I have gotten down on my knees
And asked him to answer my pleas

Yes I have had many blessings
Given to me in my life
And for that I have given thanks

As growing and learning in my faith
I have learned so much
Learned not only can I ask
But I must also take action in my life

So with looking back
At the last couple of weeks
I ask myself
Is this the Miracle
Sent from above

This total stranger
Whom I have gotten to know
Could he be the one
The answer
To my prayer that I prayed

“Good Lord
When I have healed
And you know in your time
Please send me a good Christian man
That can be my Miracle to me”

I look to my favorite scripture
That I have shared with many

Jeremiah 29:11
“I have a great hope and future for you says the Lord”

So I continue to say my prayers
And ask the Lord
For wisdom and guidance
For he and only he
Knows the path for me

He truly knows above
The Miracle that is meant for me

I wrote this back in December of 2005. I had a true miracle happen this week, my computer crashed at work on Tuesday and they said everything was lost! Nothing was retrievable. Guess what! They came in my office today and they were able to retrieve my old files! Up until this morning, it was not looking good! I kept praying and looked what happened! Miracles do happen! Keep the faith folks! PS.. I found that Christian man! His name is Jesus! Got to love it!

Hey Bondman... how do you like those apples.. whooooooeeee God is Good.. Hugs to the Mrs!

PS.. I got to witness to the two young computer guys.. I mean they were young. I asked them right then if they knew the Lord.. gave the quick testimony and the one guy said , well I do believe, but I got to tell you this sure strengthened my faith! the other one was a bit on the fence.. but he saw what transpired. I told them this was God working. I got to thinking tonight, I know deep in my heart the computer crashed for several reasons.. one.. maybe there was something happening with one of these two young men and their faith needed a boost. two.. it got me more focused on my job.. three... It really boosted my faith and belief.

Care-A-Van has a booth this week-end at the local home show where businesses and such have booths to display their services and such. I spent tonight wandering the place and sharing about God's love.. Passed out Care-A-Van brochures .. God witnessed to several folks tonight.
I even got an invite to possibly speak to teen girls at a local church camp this summer! Soooooooo you and the Mrs. might be going to camp this summer! How do you like those beans!

Reminder to all: Praise God at all times even through the bad.. he even takes the bad and uses it to his Glory! :p:p:p:):):jesus-sign::jesus-sign::jesus-cross::jesus-cross::dance::dance::read-bible::read-bible::read-bible:
Love the post Bondman!


Miracles do happen
We pray for them everyday
We ask the good Lord above
To send one our way

Oh how there have been many a nights
That I have gotten down on my knees
And asked him to answer my pleas

Yes I have had many blessings
Given to me in my life
And for that I have given thanks

As growing and learning in my faith
I have learned so much
Learned not only can I ask
But I must also take action in my life

So with looking back
At the last couple of weeks
I ask myself
Is this the Miracle
Sent from above

This total stranger
Whom I have gotten to know
Could he be the one
The answer
To my prayer that I prayed

“Good Lord
When I have healed
And you know in your time
Please send me a good Christian man
That can be my Miracle to me”

I look to my favorite scripture
That I have shared with many

Jeremiah 29:11
“I have a great hope and future for you says the Lord”

So I continue to say my prayers
And ask the Lord
For wisdom and guidance
For he and only he
Knows the path for me

He truly knows above
The Miracle that is meant for me

I wrote this back in December of 2005. I had a true miracle happen this week, my computer crashed at work on Tuesday and they said everything was lost! Nothing was retrievable. Guess what! They came in my office today and they were able to retrieve my old files! Up until this morning, it was not looking good! I kept praying and looked what happened! Miracles do happen! Keep the faith folks! PS.. I found that Christian man! His name is Jesus! Got to love it!

Hey Bondman... how do you like those apples.. whooooooeeee God is Good.. Hugs to the Mrs!

PS.. I got to witness to the two young computer guys.. I mean they were young. I asked them right then if they knew the Lord.. gave the quick testimony and the one guy said , well I do believe, but I got to tell you this sure strengthened my faith! the other one was a bit on the fence.. but he saw what transpired. I told them this was God working. I got to thinking tonight, I know deep in my heart the computer crashed for several reasons.. one.. maybe there was something happening with one of these two young men and their faith needed a boost. two.. it got me more focused on my job.. three... It really boosted my faith and belief.

Care-A-Van has a booth this week-end at the local home show where businesses and such have booths to display their services and such. I spent tonight wandering the place and sharing about God's love.. Passed out Care-A-Van brochures .. God witnessed to several folks tonight.
I even got an invite to possibly speak to teen girls at a local church camp this summer! Soooooooo you and the Mrs. might be going to camp this summer! How do you like those beans!

Reminder to all: Praise God at all times even through the bad.. he even takes the bad and uses it to his Glory! :p:p:p:):):jesus-sign::jesus-sign::jesus-cross::jesus-cross::dance::dance::read-bible::read-bible::read-bible:

Love them apples, beans (and potatoes as well!!)

I think it's so wonderful looking back to see where we've come from, seeing what He's done in our lives. WOW!!

Thankyou for taking us with you on your ministries. That's VERY special!!

With love n hugs!

- BM and Mrs

Yep, take the bad and turns it into good - one of His Specialties...
Just my view:

Rev 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

As believers we will be judged in Christ. Our works will certainly be tried and yet we will be saved if even as by fire. Personally though I hope to have many crowns to cast at His feet. Praise God that my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life!
The judgment of the unbeliever is a terrible thing indeed.

1Co 3:11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
1Co 3:12 Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;
1Co 3:13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.
1Co 3:14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.
1Co 3:15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

I thank my Father daily that my righteousness is not my own and my salvation is based off the imputed righteousness of Christ !

1Co 1:30 But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:
1Co 1:31 That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.

Hold tight to Christ. be led of the Spirit and you will stand on that day.:)
Bro Larry, it's great to have you back!!

GREAT POST! - we must indeed read, mark, and inwardly digest all you set down here!!

Peace and love to you!

- BM




Jesus' tells us His Two Commandments, of course: Click Matthew 22:37-39. But then His new one: John Ch 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. Hmm... LOVE ONE ANOTHER - love every Brother, every Sister in Christ! (this time not everyone in the whole world like in His 2nd Commandment). So how did He say we are to love each other: THE SAME WAY I LOVE YOU!! Ooops!... His love for us is TOTAL! Completely SELFLESS and GIVING! CONCERNED love; CARING love! THAT'S how we're to love one another!!

Impossible, right? No, it's NOT! WE cannot love like this. But remember that HE dwells with us and dwells within us. He's always here! HIS ABILITY and POWER TO LOVE is here for us - to enable US to love our Brother and Sister Christians... LIKE HE LOVES US!!! So it is NOT impossible at all. That's just what the devil wants you to believe.


But let's dig further into loving one another. I've been told that I'm a strong but gentle man. If that's true, then it's purely a reflection of Jesus - who I'd say was clearly strong, but just as clearly gentle. Click to read this story: John 8:3-11. THEY wanted to stone her to death! But HE just wrote on the ground! Ultimately He said to them, "If you're without any sin, then how about you throw the first stone..." and wrote on the ground again. They slunk away. He asked if there was no one left accusing her? "No one, Lord," she replied. Jesus, knowing her heart, said, "Then I don't either! Go, and don't sin like this again."

Who do YOU see in the poignant picture? What's He really like? The Man I see is showing her total love and care and forgiveness. I see a gentle Man with a gentle heart treating this sinner VERY tenderly (IS THAT HOW YOU ACT TOO??) - love pouring out of every pore of His body!!!


If you're a so-called alpha man or woman, you'll likely be one of those who find 'strong' easy, but 'gentle' more difficult. But you can, and MUST, have both. Click Galatians 5:22-23. This Fruit of His Spirit IS IN YOU NOW. Notice "gentleness (or kindness)". Notice "meekness (or gentleness)". You have this TWO WAYS (so no excuses!!) If you're treating people 'roughly', then you need to RETHINK - and learn and get from the Holy Spirit in you: gentleness and care and love. Bossiness, seen at times amongst Christians in positions of authority, needs to give way to "gentle" and "caringness" and loving understanding. And so also, please God, for every one of us!!

Continued in Part 2...

- BM and his Lady


It is good to be back my friends. You guys keep up the good work and I will keep learning and growing as I partake of your wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ!:)
Bondman and Bo,
Thanks for the great posts!

Hold tight to Christ. be led of the Spirit and you will stand on that day.:)
Anything that dims my vision for Christ, or takes away my taste for Bible study, or cramps me in my prayer life, or makes Christian work difficult, is wrong for me; and I must, as a Christian turn away from it. – J. Wilbur Chapman

I have been holding on tight lately. There are days like today that can just so overwhelm me as I continue to go through the refining stages.
I am so thankful for all that Christ is doing in my life.

Late this evening I went to my office at work to get organized. God was so merciful and gracious and revived the crashed computer, that I knew I had to be obedient to clean up all the other areas of my work office. There was mounds of paperwork, mounds of projects, I was becoming so tired and felt like it was never going to end. I texted my good friends Paul and Bridget and asked them to pray for me. They did even better. They called me had me on speaker phone and prayed right there with me. I was so strengthened by their prayer that I stayed another 3 hours and got alot done.

As I type this, tears are flowing. I am so ever thankful for all that Christ has done for me. I am truly forgiven for all of that. Learning to love others as Christ calls us to do has been an ongoing educational trip for me.
Tomorrow AM I will be picking up an abused battered woman for church who has been being controlled by an abusive man.

I learned on the streets today that my gift is approaching folks, sharing God's love for them. Right now though, when they start asking the deeper questions, I turn to the other members of the team to help explain things.
You know me .. I tried to rush things.. but I am learning and continue to do so. This forum has been a HUGE blessing to me and my walk.

Bo, I have some of the info you had shared previously and it has really helped me as well.

You all have a wonderful day tomorrow. Enjoy each day, we never know when we are going to be called home. The most important question to ask ourselves, are we prepared for that day.. do we know truly where we are going. That is the word that was shared with the folks in the apartments today.

Faithwoman said:
I have been holding on tight lately. There are days like today that can just so overwhelm me as I continue to go through the refining stages.
I am so thankful for all that Christ is doing in my life.

I learned on the streets today that my gift is approaching folks, sharing God's love for them. Right now though, when they start asking the deeper questions, I turn to the other members of the team to help explain things.
You know me .. I tried to rush things.. but I am learning and continue to do so. This forum has been a HUGE blessing to me and my walk.

Still tends to blow my brain as I see what He's doing in your life. Just as you do, I remember back to your strugglings, but man alive, GOD SURE IS FAITHFUL, isn't he!!

I'd soon see someone rushing things, than never even getting going... You'll learn those 'deeper question' answers in time ('patience' is a part of the Fruit of the Spirit! *hee!*)

(More coming in a message.)

Love you!

- BM and Mrs



... Continued from Part 1

Bondman and Bo,
Thanks for the great posts!

I don't need thanks, and I'm sure Bo's the same, but thankyou for them all the same, hon, cos y'know what, it does so help to get feedback that what you're doing is of some value to others! But I see THIS as an important part of us LOVING ONE ANOTHER in any case: acknowledging something another has said or done; saying thankyou... all part of our IMPORTANT HUMAN INTERACTION that we simply CANNOT do without!! But in the case of Christian Believers THIS IS UTTERLY CRUCIAL TO BE OBEYING THE MASTER'S COMMAND by LOVING ONE OTHER!!

Late this evening I went to my office at work to get organized. God was so merciful and gracious and revived the crashed computer, that I knew I had to be obedient to clean up all the other areas of my work office. There was mounds of paperwork, mounds of projects, I was becoming so tired and felt like it was never going to end. I texted my good friends Paul and Bridget and asked them to pray for me. They did even better. They called me had me on speaker phone and prayed right there with me. I was so strengthened by their prayer that I stayed another 3 hours and got alot done.
A very important part of loving one another is human AND spiritual CARE and SUPPORT. And we're often pretty slack on this! Yet look at the quite astonishing CONVENIENCES and FACILITIES we have TODAY that no other generation has ever had - or could even imagine. So yes, PRAY over the PHONE (and speaker phone)!! I mean, goodness, how hard is THAT?!! Just ring someone out of the blue to ENCOURAGE them and LOVE them. If they have problems, pray for them there and then!! Or send a "love email" - sending care and love by doing that, AND also BY YOUR ATTITUDE - cos an important part of agape (GOD's special love in us) is OUR ATTITUDE!!

As I type this, tears are flowing. I am so ever thankful for all that Christ has done for me. I am truly forgiven for all of that. Learning to love others as Christ calls us to do has been an ongoing educational trip for me.
Speaking of "attitude", LOVE IS an ATTITUDE, at least in part. It's an ATTITUDE, then it's also WHAT YOU DO. If you're having a problem with ONE or BOTH of these, then your recourse is The Fruit of the Spirit (click) Galatians 5:22-23) where God promises LOVE (agape) as the very first word! If you need MORE love then please seriously and earnestly pray to God to INCREASE YOURS, from and by the Holy Spirit within you!! And keep praying till it happens!!

- BM and his Lady


Bondman and Bo,
Thanks for the great posts!

I have been holding on tight lately. There are days like today that can just so overwhelm me as I continue to go through the refining stages.
I am so thankful for all that Christ is doing in my life.

Late this evening I went to my office at work to get organized. God was so merciful and gracious and revived the crashed computer, that I knew I had to be obedient to clean up all the other areas of my work office. There was mounds of paperwork, mounds of projects, I was becoming so tired and felt like it was never going to end. I texted my good friends Paul and Bridget and asked them to pray for me. They did even better. They called me had me on speaker phone and prayed right there with me. I was so strengthened by their prayer that I stayed another 3 hours and got alot done.

As I type this, tears are flowing. I am so ever thankful for all that Christ has done for me. I am truly forgiven for all of that. Learning to love others as Christ calls us to do has been an ongoing educational trip for me.
Tomorrow AM I will be picking up an abused battered woman for church who has been being controlled by an abusive man.

I learned on the streets today that my gift is approaching folks, sharing God's love for them. Right now though, when they start asking the deeper questions, I turn to the other members of the team to help explain things.
You know me .. I tried to rush things.. but I am learning and continue to do so. This forum has been a HUGE blessing to me and my walk.

Bo, I have some of the info you had shared previously and it has really helped me as well.

You all have a wonderful day tomorrow. Enjoy each day, we never know when we are going to be called home. The most important question to ask ourselves, are we prepared for that day.. do we know truly where we are going. That is the word that was shared with the folks in the apartments today.


Wow, it is a great blessing to see that you are walking strong with Jesus my wonderful sister. I greatly appreciate your heart.

Remember- the wind may blow and the waves may crash but Jesus already promised we are going to the other side.:D
Are you sitting down? God saves another Soul!

Ok Bondman and others,
Are you sitting down? Grab the Mrs and read on. ..

Yesterday while ministering on the streets, God led us to the same woman we ministered to last month. This woman was living in a home filled with violence and abuse. She is not alone in this home. There is 2 small children and an older daughter.

She did not come out to the bus, but sent the son out. A note was passed in the bag to let her know we love her and praying for her. She sent the son back out and asked us to come in. Long story short, she had been beaten again Thursday night, but had managed to finally get the boyfriend out of the home. She was a mess. Domestic Violence is now involved and she has an appt with them on Tuesday. Bridget and I prayed with her and encouraged her that she truly needs Jesus. She agreed to come to church. God and I picked her up this morning.

When I arrived, she was a mess. The boyfriend had come back late and yes abused her again in many ways. We headed out to church. She grew up Catholic and I explained along the way what she may experience at the church we were going to. When we arrived, she was very nervous, but folks were awesome and greeted her with love.

We talked and whispered alot during the service. She asked lots of questions. At the end the of service, Pastor had the altar call and said if you have never known Jesus nor had a relationship with him, today is your day. You no longer have to life the life you are living. There is freedom.
The invite came to go to the altar. Bridget said to her we will go up with you if you would like to. She said she was embarassed to go up front. I explained she did not have to go up front that she could accept Jesus right there.

I explained to her accepting him was for her.. only if she wanted to do it for herself, not because Bridget and I and others wanted it for her. I slid on the other side of her. She said I want to Robin, I really want him, but I don't know what to say or do.. sooooooooo Bondman.. Today was the first day that God used me to pray with her, to lead her to guide her, we prayed a simple prayer of salvation together. She accepted Christ!

Afterwards, I got the Pastor and explained what took place in the pew. He and another gentleman and my good friend Sue all gathered around her, answered questions and prayed with her for strength. The strength to realize that she is now free. She is forgiven for all the past muck and mire.
Today is a new day , a new start for her.

I took her home after church and prayed with her before she got out of the car. Please pray that God will protect her while she awaits for all of this court stuff to happen in this abusive situation.

Our God is an awesome God! Remember how nervous I was and afraid for when it had to be me to help lead the prayer Bondman? Like what will I say what will I do.. well God had it all under control! Praises to him!
Hugs to the Mrs! Please tell her thanks for her continued prayers as well!


PS.. Great post on loving others! :jesus-cross::jesus-cross:
Hallelujah! Another soul saved!
Hallelujah! Faithwoman stepped up to the plate!
Hallelujah! Praises be to God in the highest for His wonderful love and mercy and never ending kindess!!
Okay, it's really Faithwoman's fault that I've had to do another message below! I hereby absolve myself from all responsibility!! *crosses arms - (then winks!)*

- BM
Hallelujah! Another soul saved!
Hallelujah! Faithwoman stepped up to the plate!
Hallelujah! Praises be to God in the highest for His wonderful love and mercy and never ending kindess!!

Yeah, great hey! GOD IS GOOD!

Oh, and hi Fluffy!! *waves!* Hope life is goin' good for ya!

Much love as always!

- BM



Ok Bondman and others,
Are you sitting down? Grab the Mrs and read on. ..

Yesterday while ministering on the streets, God led us to the same woman we ministered to last month. This woman was living in a home filled with violence and abuse. She is not alone in this home. There is 2 small children and an older daughter.

She did not come out to the bus, but sent the son out. A note was passed in the bag to let her know we love her and praying for her. She sent the son back out and asked us to come in. Long story short, she had been beaten again Thursday night, but had managed to finally get the boyfriend out of the home. She was a mess. Domestic Violence is now involved and she has an appt with them on Tuesday. Bridget and I prayed with her and encouraged her that she truly needs Jesus. She agreed to come to church. God and I picked her up this morning.

When I arrived, she was a mess. The boyfriend had come back late and yes abused her again in many ways. We headed out to church. She grew up Catholic and I explained along the way what she may experience at the church we were going to. When we arrived, she was very nervous, but folks were awesome and greeted her with love.

We talked and whispered alot during the service. She asked lots of questions. At the end the of service, Pastor had the altar call and said if you have never known Jesus nor had a relationship with him, today is your day. You no longer have to life the life you are living. There is freedom.
The invite came to go to the altar. Bridget said to her we will go up with you if you would like to. She said she was embarassed to go up front. I explained she did not have to go up front that she could accept Jesus right there.

I explained to her accepting him was for her.. only if she wanted to do it for herself, not because Bridget and I and others wanted it for her. I slid on the other side of her. She said I want to Robin, I really want him, but I don't know what to say or do.. sooooooooo Bondman.. Today was the first day that God used me to pray with her, to lead her to guide her, we prayed a simple prayer of salvation together. She accepted Christ!

Afterwards, I got the Pastor and explained what took place in the pew. He and another gentleman and my good friend Sue all gathered around her, answered questions and prayed with her for strength. The strength to realize that she is now free. She is forgiven for all the past muck and mire.
Today is a new day , a new start for her.

I took her home after church and prayed with her before she got out of the car. Please pray that God will protect her while she awaits for all of this court stuff to happen in this abusive situation.

Our God is an awesome God! Remember how nervous I was and afraid for when it had to be me to help lead the prayer Bondman? Like what will I say what will I do.. well God had it all under control! Praises to him!
Hugs to the Mrs! Please tell her thanks for her continued prayers as well!


PS.. Great post on loving others! :jesus-cross::jesus-cross:

and what's more


I remember that poor lass. But she's 'poor' no longer - she now is heir to all the riches of God! (click) Galatians 4:7. I love how she came out to you AFTER you sent in a note in with the bag SAYING THAT YOU LOVED HER!!!!!! Did I say "WOW?" Oh yes, up above! *hee!* Then I adore how you and Brigit and Sue, and the church folk ALL LOVED HER!!! - LITERALLY loved her into the kingdom of God!!

Hon, you have a wonderful 'embryonic' Gift of Evangelism, shall we say. Learning, learning, learning... And now your first personal convert!! Well done!! Many more to come I would expect!!


I now seriously think that Beloved and me shall have to officially be "Christian Dad and Mum". Which makes you "Christian Daughter". And this lady is now "Christian Granddaughter". And I'm not really joking here at all. Waiting then for that Great Grandchild!!! - which will DEPEND on DISCIPLING of the Granddaughters and Grandsons. LIKE JESUS COMMANDED!! (which we basically DON'T do!! - not even in the churches...)

Matthew Ch 28:19 Go therefore, and teach (disciple) all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: 20 Teaching them to observe (follow, do) all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.


I have taught you, and discipled you via the IR and personally, and continue this as much as I can from half way round the world. As an evangelist YOU will have to find disciplers/teachers to disciple YOUR converts - and that is a really tough one!! But WITHOUT that: NO great grandchildren!! (and no great greats either).

That is, I would suggest that I've done/am doing my task to enable you to win converts to Jesus. In turn, are you going to step up to YOUR discipling/teaching task? (this done via others is FINE, so long as it effectively GETS DONE!!) This business of, "You're in the kingdom now, hallelujah, isn't that wonderful!! See ya later, hey!" IS NOTHING SHORT OF CRIMINAL, and maybe the greatest opt-out of our Christian responsibilities in the whole of Christendom!!!


Talking to myself, and everyone here, sweetie, NOT just 'picking on you', okay!! FACT: conversion is just the START! It's like a race where the gun goes, and the contestants take one step - but then immediately stop, sit down, and just talk among themselves. THAT'S just as stupid as how it is with our converts. We ACT as if the whole race is finished for them, when really just the gun has gone off!! How RIDICULOUS and AWFUL is that?!!

Okay, end of sermon. Many we all read, mark, and inwardly digest the message God has for us all.

Continued in Part 2...

- BM, with his Love


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