THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Sweet Surrender,

You definitely have put this prayer request in the right place. We are all brothers and sisters of Christ. That is what we are here for to pray for each other and encourage each other. Remember, my faith walk really got strengthened with you, Fluffy and Bondman and the others here within the IR.

I will be praying for strength for you and dh. Remember we keep our feet firmly planted, believe in the power of our gracious Lord, and let him fight the battles of our life. We do the posssible and he does the impossible. During this trying time, it is very important that you stand strongly rooted in your faith. We got to keep walking like soldiers of Christ. There will be storms and upheaval and things like this tension that will want to destroy us, but my sister in Christ, look at our past year's journey together.

Look at the miracles and the blessings the good Lord has given us. Why?
Because of our eagerness to learn, to be obedient and to only serve the Lord and not our flesh. Man what a struggle it has been but girlfriend we have had some wonderous victories with Christ! Praises to him.

Hugs and more hugs to you! :groupray::groupray::groupray::groupray:

Great post, hon! Wonderful! Encouraging!

You said: "Remember, my faith walk really got strengthened with you, Fluffy and Bondman and the others here within the IR." Yes, the 3 Musketeers, and (well, sort of) d'Artagnan!!
Ok I loved this verse! Bondman and others,
Bondman's response to my question was such an awesome message for us all. God has shown me to sit my butt down, be still and listen.
You see, I was running, hopping from this to that, women's bible study group, Divorce Care, Celebrate recovery, street ministry, this and that.. get the picture? way overwhelmed..

I finally got it this week. I was scheduled to begin a ministry class through the New York school of ministry. You study on your own and class is one day a month, which the first class was scheduled for today. Well after reading Bondman's message, God spoke to me loud and clear! I was stressing out because I had not studied, etc... then I sat still and prayed for God to show me. He did. I was way overloaded and truly in my heart I could not get excited about the class. Hence I asked my friend at work to pray with me, then I called Paul from the street ministry. He told me that Elder Ron had noticed my confusion and stress on the bus Thurs. nite. Elder Ron shared his concerns with Paul and who then shared with me.

I had already seeked the answer and received it from God. I called the church and canceled out on the class. God reminded me that I need to sit still, pick up the bible and read. To be honest, when I am faithful in doing that, I now understand what is in the GPS of life. the bible. If I have a question, God has placed awesome disciplers in my life.. ie.. for example Bondman and all of you here along with my Christian counselor, the Pastors that I am friends with etc.

My mind has been going crazy with ideas like should I be doing this, that etc.. What God has called me to do, is to take care of me right now, keep going forth and using the gift and level of evangelism he has given me within my place of employment and street ministry. I am now fine with that. God has also shown me the biggest ministry right now, is right in front of me and that is my family. It is to work on the restoration of the relationship with my children.

Hey I love the support and love from you guys. I love the truth from all of you. When I start slipping, start spiraling, you are all like Christ and just keep picking me back up!

I am at peace more and more each day!


Thanks for your honest sharing, and important message! Once again a top post!!
The Slap- God Saves Another Soul

Ok I typically do not post my lengthy news of Care-A-Van here, but this is worth reading: The following was a article written today.


I write this note to all my friends of Care-A-Van and all my friends that have encouraged my walk, Care-A-Van’s walk, Paul and Bridget’s walk and our walk of faith at the Assembly of God church.

As many of you know, Care-A-Van goes out into the streets to take forth God’s light and to show the hope and love of Jesus Christ. We encourage people to get rooted in a church. Three months ago when volunteering with Care-A-Van, there was a family in crisis at one of the apartment complexes. There was much abuse going on in the home.

The gentleman was physically beating the woman. She had her own muck and mire going on as well. Their lives were a total mess. The first month we got to minister to her. The second month back we got to share with the both of them. This month she was alone in the apartment. (note: the team had been ministering even before these 3 months to this family). The son came out to the bus for food. A note was sent in to say we were thinking of her and loved her. The son came back out and said “hey Bridget, mom wants to see you. Bridget went in and I joined a bit later. As we entered she was sobbing. She had been beaten again. God loved upon her and she came to church last week-end and accepted the Lord. She was to have an appointment with Domestic Violence this past week. We had not heard from her.

We did hear from her today. We saw her today. We saw him and her walk in the doors of the church. You see the van stopped by to pick her up today, but he answered the door. Bridget was totally surprised, but kept herself under control. She said” hey we are here to take you guys to church. He replied she is still sleeping. Bridget left. Just as the first song was about to begin, they walked into church. You could see that they had rushed to get there. She came in all natural. What I mean is there was no makeup, no fancy hair do, and she just came as she was. They had a seat next to all of us.

Dave from Care-A-Van was in church to sing the song he wrote for Care-A-Van. The song’s theme is “ Oh Lord rescue me”. The song was written for the night that a man by the name of Art came rushing at the bus. He so much needed to be rescued. Dave and the guys ministered to him and then Art started to attend church with Dave and asked the Lord into his heart. He is now free from the alcohol that once had him in bondage. He now volunteers with the ministry by cleaning the inside and outside of the bus. God rescued Art. This song is our new theme song as Care-A-Van keeps going back just as God does to help rescue the lost.

Pastor Dan gave an awesome message. It was then time for the altar call. The music began and Pastor Dan encouraged those who had not accepted the Lord into their hearts and lives to come forward. He went on encouraging. I kept feeling this strange feeling in my stomach. It kept flip flopping. Paul then said “Pastor , I gave my life to the Lord 15 years ago. I found freedom. Pastor explained to folks that Paul had lived a life filled with drugs and alcohol. Meanwhile I thought my stomach and heart were going to explode on the pew! Next thing you know, I am standing up and God is telling the people how he saved me from my sin. Even with a most recent event, where I easily could have gone into the pit, Jesus saved me. Jesus has made me pure but Satan did not want me to win. However, God protected me. I did not fall prey to the enemy’s plan.

The Pastor kept inviting people to the altar even believers to rededicate their lives.
Folks started going forward. I took hold of the woman’s hand who gave herself to the Lord last week, she took hold of her boyfriend’s hand and we all went forward to the altar. I asked Pastor Dan to come and talk with us. He asked her how her walk was going and then he asked the young gentleman if he wanted this for himself. He was very nervous, but as Paul came up along side him, he replied yes. Pastor Dan led him in a prayer and we all prayed together.

Afterwards, Pastor Dan explained what had just happened and what will start to take place in his life. He explained it is not going to be easy but there are Christians who will help him along his new path. He encouraged him to go to Tuesday night men’s ministry at Paul’s home. He encouraged him to call or stop by the church whenever he needed to.

After church, the couple and I went out to lunch at the Chinese Buffet. Come to find out it was his 35th birthday! Not only did we celebrate his 35th birthday, but we celebrated his new birth in Christ! As her and I were up getting food, she said “you know Robin he slapped me around last night. But guess what “I did not slap back. I did not swear. I did not scream. I just stood there... and he stopped beating me. She knew that Jesus was in her. She knew Jesus would take it for her and he did. Even in a week, she had come to learn that there is hope in Jesus Christ.

We had a lot of fun at lunch. Paul and Bridget and their family showed up. Many of the folks from church were there having lunch as well. The couple shared how welcomed they felt at church and how they felt they were not judged. He shared how nervous he is around new people but how today was different. We shared how we had been praying for months, even previous months when he had been in jail. We shared how much we wanted this for them all along, but we could not do it for them, but Jesus could. The couple and I talked about the effects the abuse and the muck has had on the little innocent children in the home and how important it is now to seek help for all of them. God is a healer and will help restore all that has been lost in the home.

I share this story in detail with all of you so you can see the fruits of the work of the Lord. It is not about me, Paul, Bridget, Care-A-Van, Pastor, or the church. It is about Jesus. Jesus did all of this. All of us, including you reading this are a part of the ministry team of our Lord Jesus Christ. We all had a hand in helping the Lord do his work.

We thank you for continued prayers and support of Care-A-Van. God loves how you help us go forth to bring the light to the darkness in Batavia.

God Bless and Keep the Light On!
(Faithwoman here.. :))
Rapture and the Second Coming

Norm asked me a question I didn't know the answer to. I didn't want to ask it on the main forum, because I think it is a rather hot subject, or at least one that has been discussed already.

He asked me if he didn't make it in the Rapture, if he would have a second chance to figure things out and surrender to Christ before the Second Coming.

I thought maybe that was only for the Jews who didn't believe in the Messiah the first time. I know that when the "church" is gone at the Rapture, that the Holy Spirit will be gone too, right? At least, I know during the Tribulation, it will be much harder to not die before you accept Christ. If you don't do it now, while there are so many opportunities, then why would you be able to accomplish it during trying times like that? I really tried to find it in scripture, but was not successful.

Any advise/verses would really help. Thanx.
Wow Robin, that post (2 up from here) sure showed how the Lord via His Spirit IS still working in our sad Western countries, through those who have NOT given in to materialism and conforming to the world around them.

And how God blesses the work of those few who earnestly minister to the desperately needy, EXACTLY as Jesus said we must!! (please do check out THIS POST which EXPLAINS all of that and WHY - truths most Chrstians are quite unaware of, yet they are SO SERIOUS for their future in eternity!)

"Lord thankyou for what you are doing through the Care-A-Van folks and all others who support them. What amazing things You are doing! We bless you for it all, and pray for the new converts who now start their discipleship in Christ, towards life with you in eternity!!"

- BM
Norm asked me a question I didn't know the answer to. I didn't want to ask it on the main forum, because I think it is a rather hot subject, or at least one that has been discussed already.

He asked me if he didn't make it in the Rapture, if he would have a second chance to figure things out and surrender to Christ before the Second Coming.

I thought maybe that was only for the Jews who didn't believe in the Messiah the first time. I know that when the "church" is gone at the Rapture, that the Holy Spirit will be gone too, right? At least, I know during the Tribulation, it will be much harder to not die before you accept Christ. If you don't do it now, while there are so many opportunities, then why would you be able to accomplish it during trying times like that? I really tried to find it in scripture, but was not successful.

Any advise/verses would really help. Thanx.

Sweets, the longer you're a Christian Believer, the more you'll discover the myriad of ideas and scenarios that people get from the Scriptures concerning what we call the Rapture (the word is not in the Scriptures).

I spent many, many years trying to sort out all the when, and how, and why of this. But no can can be certain of how it all works, so at the end of that I chose to leave it all in the Lord's hands - because there is, and never will be ANY CERTAIN INTERPRETATION OF IT ALL!!

I thus focus ONLY on the things we can be sure of:

FIRST, that this event will take place and the Believers will all leave. But WHEN that occurs is a matter of uncertainty. I just trust the Lord for that, putting myself in His hands - a great place to be! He's told us that we must be always ready for His return. The Rapture is part of that - SO... MY CLEAR AIM IS ALWAYS TO BE READY - RATHER THAN TRYING TO UNDERSTAND IT ALL. COS BEING READY IS WHAT'S IMPORTANT!!

SECOND, yes, it seems that if you miss the Rapture, you still have time to make it. BUT AS YOU SAID, WHY DO THAT FOR GOODNESS SAKE?!! God's Word says that "Today is the day of salvation," i.e, now's the time to get saved! In the future you may have died from any number of things and so end up in hell. How foolish would it be to take a risk like THAT!! 2 Corinthians Ch 6:2b Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.

THIRD, the Rapture is for all Believers, Christian Jews plus gentiles (which most of us are), i.e., the WHOLE of Christ's church on earth.

Other that those things, I'm unaware where people get that the Holy Spirit will be gone after the Rapture (I'll be with the Lord, so I'm not bothered what happens, if you see what I mean!!!), and also unaware that it will be harder to die. As I said, there are gazillions of interpretations and ideas about all this. People will argue for ages about it all.

HERE'S WHAT I FEEL. 1. Salvation is clear, and is necessary. So DO it!! 2. Then you can TOTALLY trust the Lord for what happens. HE knows it all - I'm content with that! 3. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: while people spend all of this time trying to figure out the tribulation and the rapture and so on, guess what? - THEY ARE NOT LEARNING AND LIVING HOW THE NEW TESTAMENT SAYS TO!! IN THE PROCESS THEY MAY BE MISSING OUT ON THEIR REWARD, CERTAINLY DISAPPOINTING THE LORD TERRIBLY VIA NOT GROWING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS, AND ALL MANNER OF THINGS!!!

Can you figure out exactly WHO is doing this in their lives? The devil will do whatever it takes to get us off the path!!! We only need to be a little off it to wreck our growth and our walk with Jesus! And by getting folk spending all their time trying to figure out the last DETAIL of these future events WILL TAKE YOU OFF THE TRACK, AND KEEP YOU THERE - SATAN WINS!!!!

My answer to Norm would be: it's simply NOT POSSIBLE to be sure of how all of these future events will unfold. If you want to be CERTAIN of your Salvation and spending eternity with the Lord instead of in hell, THEN NOW'S THE TIME TO GET YOURSELF SAVED!!! And get him to read aloud to you the verse above!!


- BM


Time for some new things and changes in the IR we feel.

1. So starting today we introduce "Reaching Higher" with prayers and an earnest hope that it will meet a need and be a great help to many!

2. Next off the ranks will be a new Index for the whole of The Inner Room, making it easier for you to find previous Messages and topics. We still have to check out that all the links to 191 Messages are correct and working - otherwise it would be up today also... *sigh!*

3. The long-promised copies of ALL Messages in the one place, one after another, and completely searchable with a Search Engine like Google is further off. We finally have the text copied - but then checking the HTML and adding PHP code is quite a nightmare, and VERY HARD to get done for a chronically ill couple! But this IS actually coming!! My dear Mum would've said: "All good things come to them wot waits!" and that this is, "Coming to come!" *hee!*

Finally, nothing can be certain about 2. and 3. But we're sure doing out best.

Thanks for reading this!

- BM and Mrs
Reaching Higher #1


Introducing: a New Addition to "The Inner Room!"

We just added an ATTIC to the Inner Room!! *truly!*

It's called - tah-dah!! - "Reaching Higher", and this Introduction is the first one! I simply HAVE to tell you that the new Attic is all WONDERFULLY light and airy! - just like the Inner Room (after all, we do live in His LIGHT, don't we!), and also like the IR it's not large, and is constructed of inexpensive materials with NO fancy or expensive furnishings. A truly wonderful place to be!!

All this simplicity is VERY deliberate: to save money, which we then use to obey the Lord Jesus' command by taking care of those folks who are in dire need. (Read Jesus' serious commands about this HERE.)

I'm hoping to be able to make Reaching Higher messages different, such as less formal, somewhat 'SIMPLER', and rather more about THE FOUNDATIONS (basics) of understanding how to live our Christian life. I then expect that Inner Room messages will continue AS USUAL (both together in this thread). That way you will be able to choose what suits YOU best!

Whether you're a new or older Christian, you may well find help and some great truths to learn for your life in "Reaching Higher"!


- BM and his Lady

Reaching Higher #2


It's Our Life GUIDE-BOOK from God!

When people become a new-born Christian they mostly seem to know that they should read the Bible.Yes, but HOW? It's actually 66 books, most of them quite different, and so where do you START, and HOW do you do it?

Heard of a guy who started in Genesis and worked his way into Exodus, then Leviticus! Man, oh man! (Don't need to tell ya what eventually happened, do I!!) Nope, start 'em in Matthew. Firstly, cos it's the first book of the New Testament, which is your your lifetime GUIDE-BOOK from God for the REST of your days!!! Secondly, cos it's the very best New Testament book for new-borns to start with anyway!

Next, which TRANSLATION of the Bible to use? (It's totally CRAZY how many we have today!!) I grew up reading the New Testament in the King James Version (KJV) which was translated from the Greek way back in - would you believe! - 1611!! So yep, there are a few things a tad out of date by now (even though it was a truly FABULOUS translation!) A new-born should start with a SIMPLE translation - plain silly not to, IMO! So how's about the Contemporary English Version? Have a gander at this from the beginning of Matthew, Chapter 1 - it's actually a GOOD READ I reckon:

18 This is how Jesus Christ was born. A young woman named Mary was engaged to Joseph from King David's family. But before they were married, she learned that she was going to have a baby by God's Holy Spirit. 19 Joseph was a good man and did not want to embarrass Mary in front of everyone. So he decided to quietly call off the wedding. 20 While Joseph was thinking about this, an angel from the Lord came to him in a dream. The angel said, "Joseph, the baby that Mary will have is from the Holy Spirit. Go ahead and marry her. 21 Then after her baby is born, name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins." 22 So the Lord's promise came true, just as the prophet had said, 23 "A virgin will have a baby boy, and he will be called Immanuel," which means "God is with us."
24 After Joseph woke up, he and Mary were soon married, just as the Lord's angel had told him to do. 25 But they did not sleep together before her baby was born. Then Joseph named him Jesus.

Oh wow, I think that's just GREAT! Simple, to the point, and understandable!! You can read MORE in the Contemporary English Version if you want: just click HERE. Down the bottom are some SQUARES to use to navigate to the next Chapter, or on to the book of Mark, and so on. Or you can type in a Chapter, or verse, or passage into the place near the top.


- BM, with his Mrs!

Sweets, the longer you're a Christian Believer, the more you'll discover the myriad of ideas and scenarios that people get from the Scriptures concerning what we call the Rapture (the word is not in the Scriptures).

I spent many, many years trying to sort out all the when, and how, and why of this. But no can can be certain of how it all works, so at the end of that I chose to leave it all in the Lord's hands - because there is, and never will be ANY CERTAIN INTERPRETATION OF IT ALL!!

My answer to Norm would be: it's simply NOT POSSIBLE to be sure of how all of these future events will unfold. If you want to be CERTAIN of your Salvation and spending eternity with the Lord instead of in hell, THEN NOW'S THE TIME TO GET YOURSELF SAVED!!! And get him to read aloud to you the verse above!!


- BM

You mean 2 Corinthians Ch 6:2b Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. ??

He'd say he is already a Christian. It's really hard to make him understand about Salvation. He's really not a deep thinker, but a surface thinker. I just have to remember I have put it in God's hands already and let Him open his eyes. I just thought there might be scripture that would say something about being able to become a believer after the Rapture if one missed it.

I understand what you are saying about not worrying about it, cause I am not there any longer. I used to wonder about the timeline and all, and try to figure it all out, but it took too much time and energy to stay there long.

I'm just glad he is thinking about things and wondering. Thanx. I will share with him what you said. Bonnie

P.S. I love your new idea about the new thread, and everything else you wrote above is great.

You mean 2 Corinthians Ch 6:2b Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. ??

He'd say he is already a Christian. It's really hard to make him understand about Salvation. He's really not a deep thinker, but a surface thinker. I just have to remember I have put it in God's hands already and let Him open his eyes. I just thought there might be scripture that would say something about being able to become a believer after the Rapture if one missed it.

I understand what you are saying about not worrying about it, cause I am not there any longer. I used to wonder about the timeline and all, and try to figure it all out, but it took too much time and energy to stay there long.

I'm just glad he is thinking about things and wondering. Thanx. I will share with him what you said. Bonnie

P.S. I love your new idea about the new thread, and everything else you wrote above is great.

Yes, I did mean the 2 Corinthians verse (forgetting that he'd say he's already a Christian, sorry).

What I DIDN'T mean to say or infer was that we "don't care" about our loved ones because we reckon we'll be gone anyway. Sincere apologies to anyone if this came across badly.

It's also important to realise that if "post-tribulation" people are right in their beliefs, i.e., that we ALL go through the Tribulation prior to the Rapture, then none of that applies anyway!!

If I'm understanding correctly what he's asked you, then he's querying what happens if he's NOT taken up to meet Christ in the Rapture. Meaning that he's not a Christian Believer at that time - or obviously he'd BE Raptured.

The question seems to indicate that he's NOT SURE he belongs to Christ. But what I usually call "the true Christian" IS SURE, i.e., we have assurance of the state of our salvation on the basis of: Romans 8:16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God... ARE children of God - certainty!

The question then is: if he's not certain, does this mean - as his question seems to indicate - that he has NOT been born again? If so, then you'll be able to use this to help him...
Coming real soon in Reaching Higher will be step by step, very SOLID Scriptural information about how we may become a true Christian Believer!

This will be a major help for anyone NOT a Believer, or UNCERTAIN of their salvation.

But even moreso it will be MAJOR for Believers whose life is not working too well, because it will include for most everyone of us IMPORTANT Scriptural info. that we were NEVER given the first time round, BUT SHOULD HAVE BEEN!!!
I'm VERY EXCITED ABOUT THIS, because it will be able to give pretty-much ALL of us a better understanding of our Salvation, AND a real boost in OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LORD JESUS!!!

(Have I got you intrigued?? *hehe!*)

- BM

EDIT: As soon as I can get this done, you'll be able to take up this for yourself, and pass it on to him.

EDIT EDIT: *grin!* thanks for your comments about "Reaching Higher" and content. Great to get feedback!
Ok, where is the attic? I mean the Reaching Higher place?

I agree with Bondman, by the way. Be sure of your salvation, trust in God, and He will take care of the rest. No need to worry about the Tribulation or Rapture. Just trust Him to take care of us. But do keep your eyes open and watch! Or you'll miss seeing the Hand of the Lord moving!
Ok, where is the attic? I mean the Reaching Higher place?

I agree with Bondman, by the way. Be sure of your salvation, trust in God, and He will take care of the rest. No need to worry about the Tribulation or Rapture. Just trust Him to take care of us. But do keep your eyes open and watch! Or you'll miss seeing the Hand of the Lord moving!


Where's the Attic? - atop the Inner Room of course!! So if it gets a bit busy in the IR, just pop upstairs. There you'll find peace and love and goodness and much more surrounding you, AND GOD VERY, VERY CLOSE!!

And in fact, as time goes by, you'll find more and more of this as we look as New Testament truths with new and fresh eyes, and LEARN and GROW like never before!

Love you, hon!

- BM



In the Inner Room I've spoken a lot about the FACT that HARDSHIP is a NORMAL part of the Christian experience. If you are truly serious with the Lord, and earnestly and wholeheartedly COMMITTED to Him, then you will experience difficulties, hardship, and even in our Western societies maybe persecution!!

My sincere hope is that this has NOT given an unbalanced view of the real New Testament Christian walk. The reason I've written it so much is my awful awareness that what I usually call 'the good life' is being preached so much and so strongly. This travesty of Biblical truth is a LIE, to give it it's correct term. Preached to millions and millions week after week after week, I'm sure that I saw it as rather a big task to try to overcome this error.

I've endured hardships now for 32 years - and there's nothing special about this at all. But am I unhappy? NO. Am I cast down all the time? NO. Am I struggling in my life all the time because of these hardships? NO. I've said how we OFTEN get two truths in the Scriptures that SEEM contradictory - when in fact they're NOT, but are rather two apparent opposites that happily exist at one and the same time!!

Thus, as I've said before, I enjoy deep-down joy (joyfulness) in my life ALL THE TIME!!! Yes, even during really tough hardships!! How is that possible? Well, the hardships appear to be external, or at least MORE external than the joyfulness - which is so embedded DEEP into my life in the Lord that NOTHING can take it away, or even reduce it! It is, of course, the Holy Spirit's JOY (in the Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23)

And the same thing is true for peace (peacefulness). It's deep-down also and cannot be knocked out. Love (agape) is the same!! All from the Holy Spirit of God! Thus I am able to live in the Lord's presence, and even WITH the hardships He sends or allows, TO ENJOY HIM IMMENSELY!! He truly IS wonderful!!! And that's what He wants for us ALL, for me AND for you also.

GOD LOVES YOU SO MUCH!!! He wants you to be more and more OBEDIENT and COMMITTED to Him - so that WITH the hard times you will experience, at the same time you'll get to KNOW, EXPERIENCE, AND ENJOY HIM more and more!! Such a GREAT way to get yourself ready for heaven!!!

- BM, with his Love


Thus, as I've said before, I enjoy deep-down joy (joyfulness) in my life ALL THE TIME!!! Yes, even during really tough hardships!! How is that possible? Well, the hardships appear to be external, or at least MORE external than the joyfulness - which is so embedded DEEP into my life in the Lord that NOTHING can take it away, or even reduce it! It is, of course, the Holy Spirit's JOY (in the Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23)

And the same thing is true for peace (peacefulness). It's deep-down also and cannot be knocked out. Love (agape) is the same!! All from the Holy Spirit of God! Thus I am able to live in the Lord's presence, and even WITH the hardships He sends or allows, TO ENJOY HIM IMMENSELY!! He truly IS wonderful!!! And that's what He wants for us ALL, for me AND for you also.

GOD LOVES YOU SO MUCH!!! He wants you to be more and more OBEDIENT and COMMITTED to Him - so that WITH the hard times you will experience, at the same time you'll get to KNOW, EXPERIENCE, AND ENJOY HIM more and more!! Such a GREAT way to get yourself ready for heaven!!!

Great post.. love the attic.. nice and airy!

Yes there is suffering, yes folks say if you have Christ, you will have a great way of life, yes true.. but there is suffering and that suffering is dying to self.. I am learning to enjoy him more and more... the more I committ to reading the word.. the more I learn.. right now as I sit here alone in my apartment.. there is joy..

I see so many things differently now.. I keep asking myself why do people put up with the abuse of others.. they keep going back for and more .. when one learns of the Lord and what he has to offer.. the light looks a lot brighter.. but man that tunnel wants to keep on calling.. I stuck my head back in, just for a moment .. and man it was DARK.. but praises to God that the spirit spoke to me loud and clear.

Let me share something.. as your walk becomes more mature with the Lord, and you may find yourself stumbling and slipping towards the dark. The good Lord will give you CRR.. not CPR but CCR


The CPR he gave was his son dying on the cross. The CCR he gives keeps one on track.. the track to victory.

Yes there is suffering, yes folks say if you have Christ, you will have a great way of life, yes true.. but there is suffering and that suffering is dying to self..

I agree so much with this, and the Lord explained to us that it rains on the just and the unjust alike..

Just so no one is confused, the new ATTIC is an extra IR room, which is part of the Inner Room. It's not a new room on it's own - it's still The Inner Room, just integrated into the IR, but you can still see it as... hmm... separate (but not separate)...

Oh, well, that didn't work at all, did it! But ya can't say I didn't try! *trips off down the hallway, chuckling to himself!!*

- Anomymous *hehe!*

EDIT! Okay, by trying to be 'funny' above, I seem to have gazzumped myself - and confused a number of you. Wooops, sorry!....

Reaching Higher is a new series of messages I'm writing, ALONG WITH The Inner Room. Here's how I explained it to someone I'd confused:
Reaching Higher, the new series that I've started writing along with regular IR messages, is "The Attic". Reaching higher, UP HIGHER, so built on top of the Inner Room, as it were. Get it!!

Go HERE to the "Please Read!" post I did. Then the 1st 2 Reaching Higher messages are the next posts below that. And there will be MORE to come!

- BM
Great post.. love the attic.. nice and airy!

Yes there is suffering, yes folks say if you have Christ, you will have a great way of life, yes true.. but there is suffering and that suffering is dying to self.. I am learning to enjoy him more and more... the more I committ to reading the word.. the more I learn.. right now as I sit here alone in my apartment.. there is joy..

I see so many things differently now.. I keep asking myself why do people put up with the abuse of others.. they keep going back for and more .. when one learns of the Lord and what he has to offer.. the light looks a lot brighter.. but man that tunnel wants to keep on calling.. I stuck my head back in, just for a moment .. and man it was DARK.. but praises to God that the spirit spoke to me loud and clear.

Let me share something.. as your walk becomes more mature with the Lord, and you may find yourself stumbling and slipping towards the dark. The good Lord will give you CRR.. not CPR but CCR


The CPR he gave was his son dying on the cross. The CCR he gives keeps one on track.. the track to victory.


Ooooh, that's all so good!

a). I'm glad you noticed how light and airy the Attic is too. I'm really loving it up there!

b). Oh, you're right - the ongoing process of dying to self, to all that I want, is pretty tough, and certainly can feel like hardship!! That is, SELF DIES HARD, and sure don't give up easily!!

I hadn't thought to say what you did. Thanks, hon!! I guess it's cos I'm kinda through the time when it's real HARD. I've given up; I've given in; I'VE QUIT! - I'm now totally submitted to Jesus! I find His way is so wonderful - that I lovingly give up to Him any new thing He reveals to me that is self-centered and thus SINFUL. So interesting to me considering your words...

c). You're enjoying the Lord! (works for me!!)

d). Love your thoughts about how life looks better now!! And I agree, not nice places them tunnels! But I'd reckon it's pretty certain that God will put you in one or more of them as you continue growing in Him. If He sees this as necessary for you, as part of HIS AMAZING CONTINUAL WORKMANSHIP IN YOU to more and more CONFORM YOU TO JESUS, then He'll do it!! Ephesians 2:10.

e). CRR sure works for me - an ABSOLUTE ESSENTIAL in our lives!!!

Remorse - sorrow (but NOT guilt!)


- BM
I agree so much with this, and the Lord explained to us that it rains on the just and the unjust alike..

WELCOME to The Inner Room, New2Christ!!

Good thought! (Click) Matthew 5:43-48 for the words from Jesus. Worth reading! (What New2Christ referred to is v. 45.)

Praying that you'll enjoy your time here!

- BM
The next two posts are THE IMPORTANT START to something I dare to believe is going to change a LOT of lives!

After reading them, please go to PRAYER, and continue daily in earnest prayer for God to do WONDROUS things in our lives and also the lives of Unbelievers.

"We trust You, Lord! You are GOD!! You are OUR God! We belong to You. But we want MORE, and know You can give this to us by changing us to RIGHTEOUS and HOLY PEOPLE in Your family of Saints worldwide. THANKYOU so much for what You are going to do!!!"

- BM
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