THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Reaching Higher #3


Yes, but WHY Become a Christian?

A reasonable question from an Unbeliever, don't you think... but what about you? Why did you become a Believing Christian? I can easily tell you why I did. I've said here in the Inner Room that I was always a God-seeker, and that's true. But a major reason I was trying so hard to find Him was that I didn't EVER want to END UP IN HELL!! - which fair FREAKED me out of my teenage brain!!

A fair enough reason maybe - what do you think? Well I always knew - and admitted - that it was a reather SELFISH reason! And maybe that's at least part of the reason I took SO LONG to become really, truly saved! Pretty sad actually...

Thing is that the main New Testament reason to believe in Jesus is NOT to save us from HELL at all. Jesus came to earth to die, WHY? - to save us from our SIN!! Y'see the SELF-CENTEREDNESS of our SIN-LIFE IS DEAD AGAINST A HOLY GOD!! Against His laws, His will, His desires for us, and worst of all against Who He is, and against HIM AS OUR GOD!!! THAT'S our dreadful problem: we care more about OURSELVES than anything or anyone else - but most of all GOD HIMSELF!! This could NOT possibly be more SERIOUS!!

So in actual fact, getting saved from the everlasting punishment of HELL is just a (rather wonderful!!) BONUS! Because what it's all about is us becoming LESS sinful and less SELF-CENTERED. BUT HOW?? - by searching and SEEKING to become more RIGHTEOUS (living RIGHT and doing GOOD!) This then means we're going to be becoming less SELF-CENTERED and SINFUL. Could you handle THAT?!!

And there's a wonderful BONUS to growing in RIGHTEOUSNESS: this WILL make your life WAY BETTER here on earth AND in eternity!! (yet NOT selfishly!!!) *Whoo-hoo!*

MOST IMPORTANT! Please go straight to the next post...

The Reaching Higher message above is a brief but VERY relevant INTRODUCTION to:

THE Most Serious Series of Messages that
I've done Here in The Inner Room.

A. I am going to soon start a Series for both Unbelievers AND Believers as to HOW to BECOME A REAL and TRUE CHRISTIAN BELIEVER. It took me YEARS and YEARS to achieve this myself! Hard years where I didn't understand why I just COULD NOT get my Christian life working properly!! - but I just couldn't fathom why...

NOW I UNDERSTAND WHY! I intend to START from SCRATCH in the Series - my definite aim being NOTHING LESS than us ALL becoming seriously SAVED according to the New Testament pattern!!

B. FIRSTLY, I do NOT want YOU to miss ONE WORD of this Series: quite Life-Changing if that's what you'd like, want or need!!!

SECONDLY, it will be for UNBELIEVERS as well!!! - for we'll be going back to BASICS, but BASICS YOU'VE ALMOST CERTAINLY NOT HEARD LIKE THIS BEFORE!!

Please do NOT then think that this will be 'way-out' or something like that! YOU KNOW ME WELL ENOUGH BY NOW! If it NOT CLEARLY in the New Testament I AM NOT INTERESTED!!! The Introductory Message above sets the scene for YOU for what's to come - expanded out a LOT, with wonderful and practical SPECIFICS and SPELT OUT clearly!! These are the LIFE-CHANGERS!!!

So be ASSURED that ALL the Messages in the Series will be FIRMLY and CLEARLY founded on the New Testament Scriptures - they will simply be going further into what His Word says, and this is what will enable them TO CHANGE YOUR CHRISTIAN LIFE LITERALLY FOR EVER!!! (no exaggeration!!!)

C. THIRDLY, I'm virtually finished preparation for the writing of the Series (yep, large TASK!! - PRAYER will be much appreciated!!) So I'm here giving you FAIR and DUE warning that I'll let you know about them starting to make sure you're right ready!!)

I see this as a sort of chance of a LIFETIME - so please don't miss out!!

Much love to EACH ONE OF YOU!!!

- BM and his Lady

Being Free

As my walk continues to strengthen and I read the Lord's word, God keeps showing me areas of my life and says now is the time to get free of that burden.

Today I read:
Galatians 5
Freedom in Christ

1It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

Now I have read alot here and learned alot. But for some reason today, it was like the lightbulb went off.. It really all clicked in my struggle with smoking cigarettes. I truly was tired of being in that yoke of slavery.

I was on the Care-A-Van bus tonight. As we closed for the evening. I said to all of the volunteers, I need help. I am really struggling and I do not want to leave here and go waste God's money on buying something that is not at all what God wants for my body..I am tired of the cigarettes ruling my life etc. I want the freedom that the bible shares of. Elder Ron, bless his soul talked a bit and so did Paul.. then Elder Ron said .. Ok we are going to pray about this.. as a matter of fact.. you Robin are going to pray and share with the Lord, what you just shared with us.. I thought oh boy.. here we go.. I can pray for all the others freedom, what about my own?

I started to pray and man did I feel God's presence on that bus..I mean I was weeping in prayer... I was thanking him for taking it all away..
It was just awesome!

In closing, I was talking to Elder Ron about Satan not wanting us to be happy and how he will try to destroy this whole victory God is giving me.. he said Robin my dear.. it is your flesh.. your own flesh that wants to refuse to die.. He said do not confuse your flesh with Satan. .. The old Robin loved the pleasure of smoking and such.. the new Robin is new in Christ and she knows this is not what God wants for her life.

So I am standing firm, I am thanking and praising God for removing this addiction.. and.. I REFUSE to gain weight over all of this.. I am not going to believe the lies the enemy will throw my way. I will be away for a few days .. going to see my family.. I hope you are all doing well in the IR and the attic!


PS.. 2 hours into the new smoke free Robin! whoo hooo. Folks we got to get our passion burning and exploding inside of us..
Bondman you're scaring me... There is much urging to be done.

*Hugs* indeed.
Just some trembling with the last message.... SERIOUSNESS with God sometimes strikes me as a fearful thing. Not surprising is it? Heh. I guess cause I keep having thoughts about the way being more narrow than most of us think. So when words imply that that could be so, it scares me. BUT I think with a proper balance of scripture I'd see that I'm overreacting. I truly am His and being sanctified and made mature. You know, it's just that fear that comes in when you focus on a few particular verses more than the rest, and they imply that the way may be more narrow than you thought. Words like "Few" start to be terrifying.

Upon reading it again though, I definitely WAS overreacting. XD. It has been true in the past that I needed to be urged how narrow the way is, but lately it's been taken too far, by me going to extremes in my understanding. Not that I don't need to mind those verses.

Good to know I fear Him though. I'm His, I pray that I'm fully, all out, no-nonseense, HIS.

Can't bring me down!

Cooomme. Now is the tiiime to wooooorship!

You are Holy!

Bada ba ba baa! I'm lovin' Him!

Oh boy, I always get this way at night and then I can't sleep. I need to have this in the mornings, not at night. lol.
Just some trembling with the last message.... SERIOUSNESS with God sometimes strikes me as a fearful thing. Not surprising is it? Heh. I guess cause I keep having thoughts about the way being more narrow than most of us think. So when words imply that that could be so, it scares me. BUT I think with a proper balance of scripture I'd see that I'm overreacting. I truly am His and being sanctified and made mature. You know, it's just that fear that comes in when you focus on a few particular verses more than the rest, and they imply that the way may be more narrow than you thought. Words like "Few" start to be terrifying.

Upon reading it again though, I definitely WAS overreacting. XD. It has been true in the past that I needed to be urged how narrow the way is, but lately it's been taken too far, by me going to extremes in my understanding. Not that I don't need to mind those verses.

Good to know I fear Him though. I'm His, I pray that I'm fully, all out, no-nonseense, HIS.

Can't bring me down!

Cooomme. Now is the tiiime to wooooorship!

You are Holy!

Bada ba ba baa! I'm lovin' Him!

Oh boy, I always get this way at night and then I can't sleep. I need to have this in the mornings, not at night. lol.

Okay my friend, thankyou, and think I get all of that, no probs! I believe that you're all out of the Lord, also, which is quite wonderful!

Thing is that we need fear NOTHING to do with coming closer to the Lord. The Holy Spirit, being God, is definite about things to us, BUT SO GENTLE! Because we're dealing with our Great God here at all times, everything is a-okay. He's NEVER gonna harm us in any way - IN FACT JUST THE OPPOSITE!!

And thus to do with SPIRITUAL THINGS, whenever folks get hurt or unnecessarily upset, and the like - guess who's done that out of two choices: GOD or MAN? So if anyone's messed up, then it has to be ME, cos God's never going to - and you have my CAST-IRON PROMISE that my aim is ALWAYS to do GOOD, not ILL, so as NOT to mess up!!!

Y'see we've previously (for a shortish time) sat under a ministry that almost destroyed Beloved, and did stuff to me too. What sort of stuff would/could have caused THAT? - it was all Scriptural ERROR, the Scriptures MISAPPLIED, HUMAN promises made that were NOT Bible-based, human OVER-EXUBERANCE and OVER-EMOTION, and more. This church does it to millions around the world, and the damage is MASSIVE!!

MY PROMISE: is always to HELP not HARM!! I do speak the truth strongy at times, but aim for it to be spoken IN LOVE!!! ALWAYS!!! If ever ANYONE here in the Inner Room feels otherwise THEN PLEASE TELL ME, OKAY!!!

So when we soon get to looking at our salvation and on-going salvation (and growth in our relationship with the Lord), it will be all BIBLE-BASED for you to check out for yourself, CLEAR as I can make it, DEFINITE so that it IS clear, but still LOVING and GENTLE - like the Holy Spirit does!!! That's the only way I know how to do things and do them RIGHT, okay!!

Piles of love, man!!

- BM
Faithwoman, I need to comment on your "Being Free" post - so much good things in it. Will do that soon as I can, hon!

We're rather snowed under with all the IR changes at the moment - we have so many things we're doing and that need to be done, that it's taking its toll on me and my Lady. But we'll get there...

- BM
Reaching Higher #4


Umm... Speaking Lies

Colossians Ch 3:9 Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, 10 and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him.

I've seen statistics as to how many lies we tell each day on average and it's quite horrifying! In my earlier business life over some years, not being strictly honest and massaging the truth a little so easily became a way of life without me even REALISING! HOW APPALLING!! *hangs head in utter shame!*

From there I spent years, yes, years, trying to overcome this habit, which we simply HAVE to call "lying" - and finding it so unbelievably hard to achieve! If nothing else this has ended up convincing me that lying is one of our most persistent and deep-set of all sins, by which we deeply HURT OUR WONDERFUL GOD every day of our Christian lives!!! QUESTION: it's really important for us to consider how much we actually CARE about that??

Titus Ch 1:2 ... In hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began;

His Word says that He CANNOT lie! That's a WOW!! NO LIES is because of His TOTAL holiness and perfection! Incredibly, His deep desire then is THE SAME THING FOR US - because we are His people, and belong to Him! Amazing!...

1 Peter Ch 1:15 But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 because it is written, Be holy, for I am holy.”

Just not possible, hey!... WILL BE WHEN WE REACH ETERNITY THO!!!! But meantime, the $64,000 question is this: HOW MUCH DO YOU and I WANT TO BE HOLY LIKE GOD? What I mean by that is: "Do you desire to BE GOOD and to DO GOOD, and so to grow in... RIGHTEOUSNESS? Oh yes, you can trust me on this one: YOU most certainly can be growing in RIGHTEOUSNESS! And the greater your righteousness and holiness and godliness (being LIKE God), the better your life here will be, and certainly later in heaven!!

- BM, with his Lady


For some time I've had an as yet UNUSED external Blog set up on Blogger, one of the best known of all Blog hosts. I've done Blogging there at least twice before. Time has now come to write my first Blog there!

One reason for going "Blogging" (that's blogging, not jogging, okay!) is the freedom of being more "myself" there, if I may put it that way, i.e., I can be more personal, share personal stuff, not be so formal, put up pics of us and Oz, and so on. Hope you enjoy it Please go there now for some important News. And 'words' about computers...

- BM

Reaching Higher #5


God... and Me

I hope you won't think I'm silly by telling you this, but just a couple of day ago I was going from one room to another, with nothing especially in my mind at all, but all of a sudden a strong emotion overtook me and I burst out with:


Those are EXACTLY the words! - but what I CAN'T convey is the DEEP DOWN EMOTION I said them with. I hasten to add that this was NOT superficial emotion, not just excitement, certainly not getting carried away in any respect -- just deep-down, HEARTFELT PASSION towards my GOD!!

I can remember the VERY FIRST time that I said the words, "I love You," to Jesus. I'd tried to say them for some time, but they just wouldn't come out. It was a great day!! And this leads me to ask, "How come I belong so totally to the Lord? How did I get to that? WHY did I get to that? - a place I wouldn't exchange if someone offered me a billion dollars." I know what MY answer is: over time I've been deeply blessed by coming to see WHO GOD REALLY IS!! And THAT has turned my life RIGHT SIDE UP (definitely not upside down!! *haha!)

Seeing WHO HE IS, something EVERY Christian HAS to see (and continuing "Reaching Higher" messages WILL help you to do just that, okay), REBOUNDED back from the Lord to ME!! If I'd ever had any proper HELP in my Christian life this could/should have happened relatively quickly; instead it took a pile of time. But no matter, cos this REBOUNDING showed me WHO I AM!!!

OH DEAR!!! This revelation of my sin and sinfulness God expresses so pertinently through Isaiah: Isaiah Ch 64:5b In these ways [of sin] we continue; and we need to be saved. 6 But we are all like an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags; so even my best possible GOODNESS and RIGHTEOUSNESS, at its VERY BEST, God says is like unto filthy rags!!!

And so the GREAT GULF that exists between God's UTTER PERFECTION and my HOPELESS SINFULNESS was IMPRINTED upon my mind, my spirit, my consciousness forever!! Okay, so did this all WIPE ME OUT and KNOCK ME DOWN?? No way!! It was so, SO POSITIVE!! Seeing Who HE is, and comparing ME to HIM shows me the way to FAITH AND to serious REPENTANCE!! And so to the life I now love and enjoy...

- BM, with his Love

Happy Sunday,

I just got back from being away since Friday. I was with my family. Whoo Hoo! I got to spend time with my boys and my parents We had a great time.

An update on my "freedom" journey. I have now been smoke free, nicotine free since last Thursday night! Whoo hoo! God is good.. I am thanking the Lord for delivering me from that nasty habit. Tonight had bit of a little bit of emotions, but I called a friend from Care-A-Van and he and his daughter came into town and walked with me.

Now I going to go get warm bath, and head off to bed to and read a bit of scripture. I have to keep changing all the old habits and schedules that had smoking related to them.

Hugs to you all! I missed you while I was gone.

Happy Sunday,

I just got back from being away since Friday. I was with my family. Whoo Hoo! I got to spend time with my boys and my parents We had a great time.

An update on my "freedom" journey. I have now been smoke free, nicotine free since last Thursday night! Whoo hoo! God is good.. I am thanking the Lord for delivering me from that nasty habit. Tonight had bit of a little bit of emotions, but I called a friend from Care-A-Van and he and his daughter came into town and walked with me.

Now I going to go get warm bath, and head off to bed to and read a bit of scripture. I have to keep changing all the old habits and schedules that had smoking related to them.

Hugs to you all! I missed you while I was gone.


That's all fantastico news, hon!

'Tis very major to break a habit like yours. OUR GOD IS ABLE, and can do super-abundantly above all that we ask or think!!! Whoo-hoo all right!!!

Missed you too - and reckon you need extra HUGS!!

- BM
I wrote about my amazing weekend on the main forum, entitled "Chance Meeting?" It was a long one, and I hope all of you can get a chance to read it before it is taken off and put away. I always seem to post at night, and before I know it, it has been removed for the next days posts. But I will bump it. A lot of it talks about what Bondman has said.



Very interesting post above, Sweets, thankyou! If anyone else would like to read the thread, go here.

Even though they do things from the OT like their beards and hair, I didn't get any sense they are living under the Old Covenant. Most folks in the West simply don't see/know/realise the SERIOUS line of demarcation that Galatians spells out re. the OT and the NT, and these young folk are probably simply like that...

We certainly MUST BE VERY WISE and wary of CULTS, but again I didn't see things that indicated this. Rather I read of young people given over to the Lord Jesus, trusting Him and the Holy Spirit in and FOR all things, letting Him guide them, and seeking to win others to Jesus! Sounds like a WOW to me!!

Rachael's decision that she didn't want to go on Facebook "because of the danger of seeing things they should not see" I would strongly defend, because we all know that there IS stuff there like that!! She wants to keep herself unspotted from the world! Good for her!! James Ch 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. HOW MANY OF US CAN SAY WE'RE DOING EITHER OF THOSE COMMANDS?? So who's doing the BEST, us or these young folks?!!!!

It seems they have determined to NOT be part of the world, and that's a BRILLIANT THING, because if you look at virtually ALL of us, we are STILL PART OF THE WORLD, IN DIRECT and BLATANT DISOBEDIENCE TO GOD'S COMMAND ABOUT THIS!!!
James Ch 4:4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
I then LOVED how you said that, "I will be cleaning a lot of "junk" out of my house and live simpler from now on." HON, MAKE SURE YOU DO, HEY!! *I'll be checking!* FACT: I've been writing and teaching about this in the IR for ages, AND MOST STILL LIVE THE WRONG WAY. You actually met and got to spend time with people who were living this out! - WHAT A GREAT EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW!! Go for it, hon!!!

Continued in Part 2 "You Truly Can Live "The Life!"...

- BM and his Lady


I meant to mention that I don't believe any posts are actually removed to make room like you said.

Rather that's a busy part of the forum and so quite soon more threads have been starrted and yours are being pushed more and more towards the bottom - and eventually onto a previous page (see bottom left where it says page 100 - all your previous posts will be on earlier pages, in the 90's or earlier).

- BM
Woohoo! Faithwoman is smoke free! Congratulations! That third day always seems to be the hardest. They say that if you can go 3 months, you've got it licked!

Great post, Bondman!
Woohoo! Faithwoman is smoke free! Congratulations! That third day always seems to be the hardest. They say that if you can go 3 months, you've got it licked!

Great post, Bondman!

Great to see ya, hon!!

Oh yeah, I'm definitely with ya on "Woohoo's" AND full jitterbugging!! (Praise Him - getting closer all the time!...)

- BM
I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and if the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me. Galations 2:20.

Do not let yourself be misled! Place upon your theology the demand that it work . . . your eternal salvation depends on it! If Christ is within us, we should be living holy, powerful lives. No excuses. If we are not holy or if there is not the power of Godliness in our lives, we should not blame God. As it is written, "Let God be found true, though every man be found a liar." Rom. 3:4 Let us persevere in seeking God until we find Him, until we discover "what are we still lacking?" Matt. 19:20-21. Let us press on until we "lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus" Phil 3:12.

How long should we continue to seek Him? If we spend all our lives and all our energies for three minutes of genuine Christlikeness, we would have spent our lives well. We do not want to just give mental assent to Christian doctrine; we want to see, have contact with and live in the experienced reality of Christ's actual Presence. The moment we settle for anything less, our Christianity starts becoming false.

Once you've found "The Way," you never want to go back!
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