Reaching Higher #3

Yes, but WHY Become a Christian?
A reasonable question from an Unbeliever, don't you think... but what about you? Why did you become a Believing Christian? I can easily tell you why I did. I've said here in the Inner Room that I was always a God-seeker, and that's true. But a major reason I was trying so hard to find Him was that I didn't EVER want to END UP IN HELL!! - which fair FREAKED me out of my teenage brain!!
A fair enough reason maybe - what do you think? Well I always knew - and admitted - that it was a reather SELFISH reason! And maybe that's at least part of the reason I took SO LONG to become really, truly saved! Pretty sad actually...
Thing is that the main New Testament reason to believe in Jesus is NOT to save us from HELL at all. Jesus came to earth to die, WHY? - to save us from our SIN!! Y'see the SELF-CENTEREDNESS of our SIN-LIFE IS DEAD AGAINST A HOLY GOD!! Against His laws, His will, His desires for us, and worst of all against Who He is, and against HIM AS OUR GOD!!! THAT'S our dreadful problem: we care more about OURSELVES than anything or anyone else - but most of all GOD HIMSELF!! This could NOT possibly be more SERIOUS!!
So in actual fact, getting saved from the everlasting punishment of HELL is just a (rather wonderful!!) BONUS! Because what it's all about is us becoming LESS sinful and less SELF-CENTERED. BUT HOW?? - by searching and SEEKING to become more RIGHTEOUS (living RIGHT and doing GOOD!) This then means we're going to be becoming less SELF-CENTERED and SINFUL. Could you handle THAT?!!
And there's a wonderful BONUS to growing in RIGHTEOUSNESS: this WILL make your life WAY BETTER here on earth AND in eternity!! (yet NOT selfishly!!!) *Whoo-hoo!*
MOST IMPORTANT! Please go straight to the next post...