THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and if the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me. Galations 2:20.

Do not let yourself be misled! Place upon your theology the demand that it work . . . your eternal salvation depends on it! If Christ is within us, we should be living holy, powerful lives. No excuses. If we are not holy or if there is not the power of Godliness in our lives, we should not blame God. As it is written, "Let God be found true, though every man be found a liar." Rom. 3:4 Let us persevere in seeking God until we find Him, until we discover "what are we still lacking?" Matt. 19:20-21. Let us press on until we "lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus" Phil 3:12.

How long should we continue to seek Him? If we spend all our lives and all our energies for three minutes of genuine Christlikeness, we would have spent our lives well. We do not want to just give mental assent to Christian doctrine; we want to see, have contact with and live in the experienced reality of Christ's actual Presence. The moment we settle for anything less, our Christianity starts becoming false.

Once you've found "The Way," you never want to go back!

Wow, dear one, that sure is very powerful stuff!!

You said we have to be holy, and live holy lives: "If Christ is within us, we should be living holy, powerful lives. No excuses." AMEN!!!

You said, "We do not want to just give mental assent to Christian doctrine; we want to see, have contact with and live in the experienced reality of Christ's actual Presence. The moment we settle for anything less, our Christianity starts becoming false." Sometimes we have to start with mental assentm, but unless, in time, this becomes real then we have got nowhere. Living in the reality of Jesus' actual Presence is EXACTLY where we must be.

You said: "Once you've found "The Way," you never want to go back!" INDEED AND INDEED, AND HALLELUJAH AS WELL!!!

Great post, hon!

- BM



... Continued from Part 1 "Deciding not to be God's Enemy any Longer"

I don't think I've ever been much more excited about The Inner Room Ministry that the Lord's given me here, than when reading about SweetSurrender's experiences that she wrote in a main part of the forum - which I then wrote about in Part 1 (link above). The three links to what she wrote are here: First, Second, Third.

The excitement is for TWO REASONS: one very POSITIVE, the other, well, MIXED. Let me explain. The VERY POSITIVE is the amazing experience Sweets has had, and the profound effect on her and her life in the Lord!! - along with reading about these...

1) wonderfully UNWORLDLY
2) apparenly SELFLESS young people
3) so totally COMMITTED to the Lord Jesus
4) and to TAKING THE GOSPEL to all people
5) living by FAITH in Him, and
6) walking in and LED BY the SPIRIT!!!

I tell ya I could very easily bounce right out of myself in pure SPIRITUAL EXCITEMENT here...

As I've said about a million times, Western Christians mostly DON'T LIVE AS ABOVE, but rather are just the OPPOSITE to them in SO MANY AREAS!! Which showed in some of the post replies in Sweets' thread, by such things as lack of Spiritual understanding and maturity, lack of sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, not being able to see Christian fruit in the lives of others, and a concern when someone is different.

Alright, please don't misunderstand what I now say. The PROBLEMS I WROTE IN THE ABOVE PARAGRAPH are the MIXED EXCITEMENT I wrote above. MIXED because clearly that paragraph speaks of a lot of DREADFUL PROBLEMS that bring me GREAT SADNESS. BUT...I can't help the POSITIVE EXCITEMENT that for the past 13 months here in "The Inner Room" (and now including "Reaching Higher") I've ALREADY written much about so many of the things SweetSurrender reported about the lives of these young people!

But that's still not ALL! Not only have I written to teach those of you who read here that THIS IS HOW YOU SHOULD LIVE, I also know IN GOD that lives have BEEN, and are BEING CHANGED as a RESULT!! The number of visits to this thread these days averages just under 100 per day. That's AMAZING!! But two days ago forum records show that there were an astonishing 359 visits to the IR in a 24 hour period!!! That is mind-blowing! Fact is, MOST do not want to HEAR THE TRUTH. Especially Tough Truth like a lot of my Messages contain. And if they do read one such will seldom RETURN - much less return over and over!!

I'll end with a MOST SERIOUS CHALLENGE TO YOU: go through and put a mental check beside each of the 6 things in the list above that are true FOR YOU. Then go to the Lord with your FAILURES and SIN, and CONFESS, then REPENT of them in His Presence! - THANKING HIM for forgiving you for them!!

Continue the Topics here (if you're game! *angelic smile*) in "Reaching Higher #8"...

- BM, with his supportive Lady-love


Fact is, MOST do not want to HEAR THE TRUTH. Especially Tough Truth like a lot of my Messages contain. And if they do read one such will seldom RETURN - much less return over and over!!

Amen- I will say it was hard to have tough truth, but I kept praying and seeking. I took the tough truth and still do.. why? because this is the only way I am ever going to be the true Christian woman that Christ designed and born me to be. Why in the world, would I want to ignore those nails that he took for my life? The life he gave so freely so I may live. I have found as I know share the tough truth, people in my life turn away.. ie.. they don't call anymore, they don't visit etc.. or when they do call, I can hear it in their voice.. and if they have not called for a period of time, I know they are living in their sin.. I do not judge them anymore.. they are making their choices just as I make mine.

However, now I pray- Let Thy Will be done, not my will.
My goodness had I not turned to Christ.. oh where I would be.. hmm let's see.. married to an alcholic, still surfing the net for a man, living in sexual sin, giving up relationships of those who truly loved me, been in a job that was going nowhere , the list goes on and on. .. omg.. those days were horrific!

Do I still have my little hiccups along the way? absolutely.. but now I get back up and keep fighting the good fight.

Easter season is here now.. Go forth and share the good news. Share with others what Christ has done for you. Take time to examine your own life, really start walking in the spirit.. I do not ever want to go back..

Why in the world is it that people are still trying to live life by themselves, thinking they are so great and independent.. we see them struggling, knowing there is someone who will help guide them.. I now just pray that God will soften their hearts..

I just try to go forth each day and be led by the spirit.. (hey bondman it does work... !!!!:):)

Woke up feeling the best I have felt in a long time? Why? because I did some serious praying, soul searching, wrote my visions down, lifted them up prayed to the good Lord.. Lord you lead me and guide me.. Keep stripping those things that are not of you out of my life..

Have a blessed day! Great post Sweets!

Thanks for sharing, sweetie!

You have come so far in Jesus! Bless His Beautiful Name as we come towards the time we remember His astonishing sacrifice on our behalf, and His miracle resurrection!!

- BM

I've just put up a new blog (with pics)!

Another is coming - and from now on I'll notify you in the top of my Sig. Click below in the Sig. to go straight to the Blog.

- BM
Happy Easter

Ok, the next few days are going to be super busy. My easter plans have changed as I am now traveling to Pa to be with my ex in laws. My daughter who is 16 lives with her grandparents and her dad. Her grandma Marge is not healthy at all. she has shingles in her right eye, may lose her sight. Is now in a wheelchair and they have to get her a hospital bed. We were to go to my parents , but my daughter called and wants to stay there. So I suggested I come there, go to church with her and her brothers (note my boys have not come to their faith yet).. and then stay and help with Easter Dinner with her grandma and father.

Please pray for me. This will be tough for me in some respects to be with my ex husband and his family. But as we all know I have been praying for God to touch his heart. I have prayed for God to use me as a vessel this week-end.

I want to wish you all a very Happy Easter! May we all really come to prayer in our own quiet time and give thanks to Jesus for dying on that cross for you and me.

I love you all!
Love Robin
Easter Friday


This day we take time to remember the HORROR of His scourging, the crown of thorns, and being nailed to the cruelest Roman cross. (No beautiful, tidy, gold crosses here...)

And we learn to NOT be afraid! - but instead to BELIEVE and TRUST this astonishing, wonderful, beautiful Man Who SO LOVED YOU AND ME!!

- BM and Mrs
Thanx for sharing with us, BM. What lovely pics of Beloved. She looks so sweet. Well . . . you look special too! Love, Sweets

Thankyou so much, dear one! Yes, God has utterly spoilt me with this lady of mine who is so nice and caring and loving! *but being spoit is good!*

I've just been relaxing seeing it Easter Friday here now, and I actually made the pic of us a bit better. It started our as a really underexposed dark photo! I lightened it and 'fiddled' to make it more 'presentable'. Now, just to relax, I've improved it even more - you can just about see my face now(!), and the water and foliage on the right is a tad better.

I love doing this sort of thing (yeah, I know, a bit strange... *hehe*)

Just for fun, here's a comparo of the original dark pic, and the reworked one:


I did this with a very old, free, rather 'basic' paint program (not gonna spend a fortune on the fancy professional ones). Most enjoyable and satisfying!

Have a lovely Easter break, hon!!

Much love!

- BM and Mrs
Love the pics on the blog! what an outing!


Would you believe this is the first time I've really been out of the house in months (I don't count one of my carers transporting me to the dentist and back as 'being out of the house'!!)

It was a very, very pleasant time. Being out under God's sky and amongst his wonderful creations (and out of 4 man-made walls!) always makes my heart and soul expand and I felt just wonderful!

May your easter break be blessed!

- BM and Mrs
I did this with a very old, free, rather 'basic' paint program (not gonna spend a fortune on the fancy professional ones). Most enjoyable and satisfying!

You are a man of many talents! Great job on the pics.

May we remember today that the greatest gift of all is free- our salvation. sad sad sad.. that many are spending a fortune on trying to have a fancy professional life, when true happiness and joy is right in front of them and it is free...

You and Nettie and your walk with our Lord truly is inspiring!

You are a man of many talents! Great job on the pics.

May we remember today that the greatest gift of all is free- our salvation. sad sad sad.. that many are spending a fortune on trying to have a fancy professional life, when true happiness and joy is right in front of them and it is free...

You and Nettie and your walk with our Lord truly is inspiring!


Jesus is my Lord and my Master. I love Him madly and just can't help doing what I do! My dearest Love supports me on it all, and I guess that, with the Holy Spirit of Power, that's how what gets done IS done!!

Already am, and will be praying for you and all your family over the Easter break. Hugs!!

- BM
Reaching Higher #6


Easter Friday and Sunday...

We're remembering Jesus' death and resurrection over Easter time (though Easter should be remembered and celebreated every day!) On Easter Friday his DEATH and burial. Then on Easter Sunday He is gloriously ALIVE again. These two massive OPPOSITES are an EXACT PICTURE of the life of the CHRISTIAN BELIEVER!!

This is written by God in Romans Chapter 6, and especially vv. 1-11. Let's look at some truths He wrote for us there via Paul: ALL TRUE ONCE WE ARE BORN AGAIN IN CHRIST! NOTE: some of the things below are shown as true when we are baptised as Believers.

(a) We were CRUCIFIED with Christ, i.e., our old nature - our sin nature, or 'the old man of sin' - was crucified with Him.

(b) This makes us DEAD to sin, but ALIVE in Jesus!! Whoo-hoo, that works for ME! This being TRUE, we should aim to live it out!

(c) We were also BURIED with Him. PLEASE GET THIS: the old person whose sins we have -REPENTED- of (FIRST), then DIED and was BURIED!!

(d) But then came our RESURRECTION, in that even as Jesus was raised from the DEAD by the glory and power of the Father, so WE also share in HIS RESURRECTION: we are now ALIVE in CHRIST, in NEWNESS of LIFE!

(e) Being now ALIVE to God, we have left behind the old 'bad stuff', no longer WANTING to live in sin and unrighteousness, but to live a NEW LIFE of obedience to Him: growing into a life of RIGHTEOUSNESS - leading to HOLINESS!!!

We are now ALIVE in Christ - and DEAD to the old ways - THE GREAT NEWS being that the POWER of them has been BROKEN for ever! What AMAZING news!! Jesus died FOR our sin - so that we may now increasingly live in righteous ways to please our God.

Easter Blessings to all!!

- BM and his Lady


You may read these wonderful Easter Truths in Romans Ch 6:1-11 in the Contempory English Bible HERE! Definitely worth a read!!
Easter Sunday


Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Prince of Peace, Master of every Disciple, Judge of all men,
totally Powerful, utternly Loving - Risen Indeed - how can I NOT love him?


Just wanted to say SORRY for errors you may have found from time to time that I know have happened in LINKS and also mistakes in INDEXES, and I'm sure in other places...

It rather amazes me how they happen, but it seems that (complex) BBC and HTML code can 'get' me at times.

Please feel absolutely FREE at any time to drop me a PM telling me what's not working - I'd much appreciate it!

- BM



I can already see that putting pics in the Blog posts is 'the go' - cos the latest with them in has by far the most Comments (all positive - well, so far! *hee!*)

In case you're not sure what I'm talking about, here's a screen-grab I did to show you - when the pic blog was at the top (the graphic is reduced in size):



At the moment this particular post is the second from the top (just scroll down to it), and as it happens it's called "Second Blog"!! Just click here to go directly to see it. Click 'Comments' at end of the post to view them.


Because I feel like I can be less formal and more personal there: I don't have to watch my p's and q's so much!! (why that expression particular specifies p's and q's I'm not quite sure...)


A message on this incredibly important subject is ready to be put up, probably tomorrow. At the same time a Blog on how we personally have done this will go in Bondman's Inner Room Blog - I feel it is easier to write personal stuff there (I don't know whether it looks like it or not, but we happen to both be quite private people).

A LINK to the particular Blog will be at the bottom of the Message of course. I want to be certain that you will go and read it though, because I see it as so, SO important in all our lives!!

- BM
Hey, Bondman! I think I know why we say "mind your p's and q's". If I make a mistake, please correct me. But if I understand the history correctly....
Back in the day when everything was type set by hand (literally, letters were set in one at a time, by hand) the letters were actually backwards. So that when it was printed, it was frontwards. Then ink was rolled over it and then the paper and wallah! The letter 'p' and 'q' are shaped the same, only they face opposite directions. So the typesetters were told to "mind their p's and q's". In other words, pay attention, and dont make a mistake!

Love your blog, Bondman! Good messages here, too! :}
Hey, Bondman! I think I know why we say "mind your p's and q's". If I make a mistake, please correct me. But if I understand the history correctly....
Back in the day when everything was type set by hand (literally, letters were set in one at a time, by hand) the letters were actually backwards. So that when it was printed, it was frontwards. Then ink was rolled over it and then the paper and wallah! The letter 'p' and 'q' are shaped the same, only they face opposite directions. So the typesetters were told to "mind their p's and q's". In other words, pay attention, and dont make a mistake!

Love your blog, Bondman! Good messages here, too! :}


I reckon you may be right about the p's n q's, hon! Makes total sense when you think about it.

Of course what I'm thinking now is that I may change the saying to "mind your b's and d's". What d'ya reckon? Time for a change, perhaps??...

Much love to you and family! Praying!!

- BM
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