I knew about Newton and his looking for codes. I had heard Newton thinking 2060 was the end times so this newer calculation was new to me. I've seen some people saying that we've been in the trib since 2009 and the Jubilee year is 2016--2017. I missed the 88 prediction - was it really as close as the September, 2015 seems? There is a part of me worried because so many seem unready but I also understand the law of diminishing returns. There is a huger part of me that just wants to go home. Whatever happens - we will be where the Good Lord wants us, when He wants us. I'd like to say I'm 100% certain but I'm not. But the more we come closer, the more intense will be my watch. And it won't be wasted as even if it's not 2015, it will be soon after. If it's 2015, you are 2 years off? on your chronology. My dreams have become very religion oriented but I wouldn't say any of them tell me for sure anything. Then again, God knows I'm a blabbermouth
I ran into this in reading as well:
In 436 BC Prince Artaxerxes of Persia made a decree to restore Jerusalem. From 436 B.C. Newton counts 434 years (62 × 7 = 434) to arrive at the birth of Christ around the year 2 B.C. That is part I of the puzzle. Reviewing his writings at the Library of Congress may be the final clues we need to decipher the end-time books of Revelation and Daniel. It is in plain sight. If Newton is correct, then Daniel chapter 9 is the key cryptogram. As you know, Daniel had a view of history from beginning to end. Let’s review it again from every perspective due to its importance. Daniel 9: 25 gives us the seven weeks of years. However, Newton states that there is no linguistic basis for adding the numbers (49 and 434) and to do so is “doing violence to the language of Daniel.” He said the 2 numbers refer separately to the First and then the Second Coming of Christ. Both are counted “going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem.” 360 X 49 = 17,640 From and including: Wednesday, 7 June 1967 to, but not including Wednesday, 23 September 2015 Result: 17,640 days / 2520 weeks It’s as if the Lord is telling us also in Leviticus 25 that from the day when you see Israel given back the land that rightfully belongs to her (June 7, 1967), from that day, count off 49 prophetic years and you will end up on the Day of Atonement. This is the day that the trumpet is to sound and the slaves are set free, all debts are cancelled and liberty is proclaimed to those who are taken in the Rapture. Newton states that the 62 weeks, or 434-year part, was fulfilled at the First Coming, and the 7 weeks, or 49-year part, applies to the Second Coming. He foresaw exactly what happened, that Israel would be restored. This occurred in May of 1948. On June 7th, 1967 Jerusalem was finally again restored to Israel and began to be built up. 49 prophetic years times 360 days (to a Bible prophetic year) is 17,640 days. From June7th forward to the day is September 23, 2015, which is YOM KIPPUR. It’s interesting to note that the 23rd of September is also the 266th day of the year. It is equal precisely to the human gestation period from conception to birth. The Day of the Lord arrives in similar fashion. After that date, on September 24th, Zechariah further states that there will be “no Light on that day.” Could solar flares remove the Earth’s electrical grid? Renee Moses made a very interesting point in her book Rapture Puzzle Day of Atonement: ―But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. Most people are unaware of this, but the Jewish people fast on the Day of Atonement for 25 hours. It is the only Feast in Israel that lasts for one day and one hour. When Jesus said the words,about that day and hour, He was not only referring to the Day of the Lord, which is also referred to as an hour in numerous Biblical passages, but He was also specifically pointing us to the Day of Atonement, the only Jewish Feast that lasts for a day and an hour. John 11: 9-10 - Jesus answered, "Are there not twelve hours of daylight? Anyone who walks in the daytime will not stumble, for they see by this world's light. It is when a person walks at night that they stumble, for they have no light." This may be a final clue. When Jesus raised the dead, he indicated that it occurred during a time when there are exactly 12 hours of daylight. This occurs on the Fall Equinox, or September 23rd, 2015 (it also occurs exactly 6 months later). Newton was also shown that the return of Jesus would occur at the start of a Jubilee Year on the Day of Atonement. The Day of Atonement 2015 is the start of a new Jubilee year! From the day Israel captured the Temple Mount you arrive at exactly the Day of Atonement in 2015. In addition, the eclipses confirm or bookend this date.
Meade, David (2015-03-12). Rapture 2015 and Planet X (Kindle Locations 189-222). eBookIt.com. Kindle Edition.
THE FULFILLMENT OF REVELATION 12 A once-in-a-century heavenly sign appears on September 23 2017. It is a one-year harbinger of the mid-point of the Tribulation, which begins in the fall of 2015. Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth. REVELATION 12: 1-2 Revelation 12 is the sign of the woman in Israel, and the twelve stars are the tribes of Israel. This is a sign of major import. The dragon (Satan) is thrown from heaven and about to persecute Israel for the remainder (3.5 years of the tribulation) of time left in the 70th week of Daniel. The sign is divided into several parts. First, the woman clothed with the sun. She is represented by Virgo (the virgin). The moon is under the feet of Virgo. The last part of September of 2017 places the moon correctly. Above the constellation Virgo is Leo. It has nine primary stars, and three wandering stars, or a total of twelve – again a perfect combination. A garland of twelve stars is thus created. This is so rare if you search 150 years before the event, and 150 years later, you can find no other matching results. The final piece of the cryptographic puzzle is Jupiter. It enters Virgo in August of 2016, and spends 400 days there. On September 23, 2017, Jupiter is right in the “womb” of Virgo. A birth is imminent. The world is about to witness the birth of the Messianic Kingdom. Only God Himself could have set up this sign in the Mazzeroth or heavens, and pre-ordained it in the Book of Revelation. It is a one-year marker to the mid-tribulation. This sign is so rare it is thus unmistakable that 2017 represents one of the Tribulation years, right before the Great Tribulation or the last 3.5 years. God often uses one-year warnings in Scripture.
Meade, David (2015-03-12). Rapture 2015 and Planet X (Kindle Locations 229-247). eBookIt.com. Kindle Edition.