The Raptures (Harpazo) of the Scriptures

This is only fleshly opinion.

The Church of Jesus Christ is the sum total of God's family.

Galatians 4:4-7
But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law. 5 God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children. 6 And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, “Abba, Father.” 7 Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child. And since you are his child, God has made you his heir.

Signs in the heavens and on earth will accompany the time of Jacob. Being that we will be raptured before that, God in His Holy love for us, will assure us by the inward witness of His Holy Spirit that we are His children.
Signs in the heavens and on earth will accompany the time of Jacob. Being that we will be raptured before that, God in His Holy love for us, will assure us by the inward witness of His Holy Spirit that we are His children.

At that point---the rapture---there will be no mistaking who are the children of God! Amen!
At that point---the rapture---there will be no mistaking who are the children of God! Amen!

Hi Euphemia!

When I, at one time in the past, studied 2 Thessalonians 2, I thought it said the A/C would appear before the Rapture. I can't remember what changed my mind--Abdicate made a good case for the pre-Trib rapture. What is your understanding of this?
In my readings, I ran across a description of hebrew words used in scripture with Enoch and Elijah/Elias and rapture:

Perhaps not at that time— but one day, he and all those who “see” Jesus for who He really is will stand in His presence and witness the eternal bridge between the heavenly throne room and Israel. In fact, those who return with Christ— His Bride— may use that very bridge as we ascend in the Rapture to enjoy the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and then descend with Him at the end of the Tribulation Period.
What happened to Enoch and Elijah? And where is Moses buried? If you’re not firmly versed in the Old Testament, you may not have a ready answer, but I’m betting that most of you shouted out the answer in your heads— if not right out loud. We’ll begin with Enoch. This prophet of the Lord lived before the Great Flood of Noah’s day. In fact, Enoch was Noah’s grandfather. The King James translation of Genesis 5: 24 says simply, “Enoch walked with God and was not, for God took him.” Young’s Literal Translation says this: “And Enoch walketh habitually with God, and he is not, for God hath taken him.” Enoch walked with God in the same way that Adam also “walked with God”— habitually, as a friend might walk with a companion. Enoch’s walk has become the benchmark of biblical faith (Hebrews 11: 5– 6), and his being taken by God without dying earns him the rarified honor of being one of two known humans who can legitimately be called “immortals.” Enoch may actually have “seen” the Lord, for Noah clearly “heard” orders from the Lord to build an ark, and Abraham clearly “heard” and even “saw” the Lord, so the one-way Einstein-Rosen Bridge may have opened and allowed Enoch to “walk” with the Lord. Regardless of how this walking relationship occurred, the Hebrew makes it clear that something supernatural did occur when Enoch simply vanished from the earth. He walked, and he was not. Interestingly, the ancient Hebrew and Greek texts seem to have anticipated what twentieth-century scientific discoveries involving black hole vortices and wormhole portals say they should look like. The Hebrew word laqach usually means “to take, grasp, seize.”[ 305] Its semantic equivalence to the Greek harpazo is provocative because the apostle Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, used it to describe the Rapture of the church: “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds” (1 Thessalonians 4: 17a, emphasis added). The Semitic laqach implies being taken suddenly, perhaps even against your will (i.e., captured), but Strong’s also lists “to flash about as lightning” as a possible meaning.[ 306] If Enoch disappeared into a portal, then it’s quite possible— even probable— that the opening of this gateway involved a flash, like lightning. The event horizon of these portals is often characterized by lightning as well as a whirlwind: “The crash of your thunder was in the whirlwind; your lightnings lighted up the world; the earth trembled and shook (Psalm 77: 18). We’re told by Christ that He saw Lucifer fall “like lightning” to the earth. The rip into our time/ space dimension from a world outside our continuum would likely create a great deal of lightning due to the enormous energy displacement. Now please recall that we mentioned that Enoch was one of two human beings (not counting Jesus) who can legitimately claim the title of “immortal.” Out of the Whirlwind Elijah also walked with the Lord, and he knew in advance that the Lord would be sending for him. As one might expect to see in an astrophysicist-advised science-fiction film, Elijah’s flaming chariot traveled to Heaven through a whirling vortex: “There appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven” (2 Kings 2: 11). This imagery of a whirlwind is familiar to anyone living within the Bible Belt of the United States, because we see “whirlwinds” every spring. In fact, the Horn family’s home in Missouri is smack in the middle of tornado alley! Often when God appears to people on earth, the scene is characterized by fire and whirling vortex energy (Ezekiel 1: 4; Job 38: 1). The Hebrew term suphah is usually translated as “whirlwind” or “tempest” in English.[ 307] While it commonly denotes a cyclonic wind, the primitive root from which it derives, suph, means “surely snatch” or “surely snatch away,”[ 308] corresponding neatly to the Greek word harpazo used for the Rapture, which also means “to seize, to snatch away, to take away.”[ 309]. The same term is also found in the New Testament, in2 Corinthians 12: 2 (“ caught up to the third heaven”); Revelation 12: 5 (“ caught up unto God”); and Acts 8: 39 (“ the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip”)— always describing the miraculous transport of a human by God. The term suphah usually denotes a natural whirlwind, but it seems to describe a portal in many passages. The boldfaced terms that follow are all rendered from suphah. Apparently, the whirlwind portal is bidirectional, because Yahweh communicated with Job through a similar turbulence: “Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind” (Job 38: 1). However, whirlwinds are not only connected to heaven but also nightmares: “Terrors take hold on him as waters, a tempest stealeth him away in the night” (Job 27: 20). The same term is also connected to God’s judgment: “Behold, a whirlwind of the Lord is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked” (Jeremiah 23: 19) and on the end-time Day of the Lord: “And the Lord God shall blow the trumpet, and shall go with whirlwinds of the south” (Zechariah 9: 14). It can also be translated, the Lord God will sound the trumpet and will march forth in the whirlwinds of the south” (Zechariah 9: 14b, ESV). Might it denote a divine portal in the south from which the Lord stages Armageddon? Our suggestion that ancient prophecy describes, in a “just-so” manner, a vortex-like event horizon (just like one would expect of a traversable wormhole) is at the very least intriguing yet, even more, entails untold prophetic significance in the future. The Book of Enoch speaks of twelve heavenly portals (Enoch 76: 1) grouped into four quadrants: North, South, East, and West. Paralleling Zechariah’s prophecy that the Lord will come from the whirlwinds of the South,
Horn, Thomas; Putnam, Cris (2015-06-09). On the Path of the Immortals: Exo-Vaticana, Project L. U. C. I. F. E. R. , and the Strategic Locations Where Entities Await the Appointed Time (Kindle Locations 2798-2800). Defender Publishing LLC (June 1, 2015). Kindle Edition.
Hi Euphemia!

When I, at one time in the past, studied 2 Thessalonians 2, I thought it said the A/C would appear before the Rapture. I can't remember what changed my mind--Abdicate made a good case for the pre-Trib rapture. What is your understanding of this?

Hi, Penion! Yep, 2 Thessalonians 2 describes the coming of the Antichrist, in his particular time allotted, after the catching away of the saints, who stand even now to prevent him from coming on the scene with any real power or authority, because WE HAVE IT. Jesus will destroy him at His coming.
Just a hypothetical: Is the Iran deal what is talked about in Revelations? IF the pretrib rapture happens in September, along with judgement on America (economic collapse), does this herald the tribulation beginning? It just all seems to fit.
Just a hypothetical: Is the Iran deal what is talked about in Revelations? IF the pretrib rapture happens in September, along with judgement on America (economic collapse), does this herald the tribulation beginning? It just all seems to fit.
I don't think the rapture is a trigger for the tribulation meaning if it happens today, tomorrow doesn't mean the tribulation starts. It could, but I believe our departure will allow for the rise of the antichrist so he has to show the ability to fix a problem and as he rises politically he'll grow in fame until he's the only one everyone begins to "trust" him to fix the big problems. He'll bring pseudo peace to the Middle East and when he does the treaty with Israel then the Two Witnesses will arrive, heralding the tribulation's beginning.
I don't think the rapture is a trigger for the tribulation meaning if it happens today, tomorrow doesn't mean the tribulation starts. It could, but I believe our departure will allow for the rise of the antichrist so he has to show the ability to fix a problem and as he rises politically he'll grow in fame until he's the only one everyone begins to "trust" him to fix the big problems. He'll bring pseudo peace to the Middle East and when he does the treaty with Israel then the Two Witnesses will arrive, heralding the tribulation's beginning.

I did not mean that the rapture would trigger anything. I was thinking more along the lines with the shemitah ending and a new 7 year cycle beginning and the 4th supermoon eclipse on Tabernacles that if there is a pretrib rapture, it could/would happen any time before the new 7 year cycle. The last 2 tetrad moons were in 1947 (?) and the year after Israel was created, and 1966(?) and the year after Israel got Jerusalem back. This time, they may just get their temple back. The Harbinger convinced me America is under judgement. I think this new Iran deal is not yet approved but is due to be in what? 60 days? That brings us to Sept. The pope is planning to be at the UN in Sept. Even secular people are predicting a financial crash in the fall. Jade Helm is starting tomorrow. Military exercises in 10 states where soldiers training maneuvers entail putting groups of american citizens under constraint (read martial law). Then my thoughts went way out. If you have read any of the ufo cases, there are documented cases both in the US & Russia where UFO's were spotted and all control over nuclear missiles were taken out of the military's control. If Christians were raptured, the aliens (=demons) could come in and promise Israel no nukes and they would buy it. Other than the alien thing - I can see the rest happening and how scripture aligns with it. Actually I think aliens = demonic or nephilim is also covered there.
I forgot to mention the rotten weather the US is having -- tornadoes, floods (it's been raining forever here). It's mid summer and I have only occasionally needed my ceiling fan. California is either burning or drought stricken. An activee volcano in So.America and who knows here...I'm told the news won't cover anything nationally, like the Grand Canyon super volcano is acting up.
I forgot to mention the rotten weather the US is having -- tornadoes, floods (it's been raining forever here). It's mid summer and I have only occasionally needed my ceiling fan. California is either burning or drought stricken. An activee volcano in So.America and who knows here...I'm told the news won't cover anything nationally, like the Grand Canyon super volcano is acting up.
And all these things do not mean the end times are here but they are close. Close can mean many, many years away. Just do not get so caugth up in trying to figure all this out that you miss out in what God is doing.
God Bless
And all these things do not mean the end times are here but they are close. Close can mean many, many years away. Just do not get so caugth up in trying to figure all this out that you miss out in what God is doing.
God Bless

Hope you are right about the many, many. My full concentration is on God & His works. And His Word. I pray for the Pre and prepare for the Post.
I also forgot (reading Harper Lee's new book, after 55 years of silence) that "Go Set a Watchman" came out Tuesday. It is taken from Isaiah 21....and guess what the scriptures talk about:

Isa 21:1
The burden of the desert of the sea. As whirlwinds in the south pass through; so it cometh from the desert, from a terrible land.
Isa 21:2
A grievous vision is declared unto me; the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously, and the spoiler spoileth. Go up, O Elam: besiege, O Media; all the sighing thereof have I made to cease.
Isa 21:3
Therefore are my loins filled with pain: pangs have taken hold upon me, as the pangs of a woman that travaileth: I was bowed down at the hearing of it; I was dismayed at the seeing of it.
Isa 21:4
My heart panted, fearfulness affrighted me: the night of my pleasure hath he turned into fear unto me.
Isa 21:5
Prepare the table, watch in the watchtower, eat, drink: arise, ye princes, and anoint the shield.
Isa 21:6
For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth.
Isa 21:7
And he saw a chariot with a couple of horsemen, a chariot of asses, and a chariot of camels; and he hearkened diligently with much heed:
Isa 21:8
And he cried, A lion: My lord, I stand continually upon the watchtower in the daytime, and I am set in my ward whole nights:
Isa 21:9
And, behold, here cometh a chariot of men, with a couple of horsemen. And he answered and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; and all the graven images of her gods he hath broken unto the ground.
Isa 21:10
O my threshing, and the corn of my floor: that which I have heard of the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, have I declared unto you.
Isa 21:11
The burden of Dumah. He calleth to me out of Seir, Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?
Isa 21:12
The watchman said, The morning cometh, and also the night: if ye will enquire, enquire ye: return, come.
Isa 21:13
The burden upon Arabia. In the forest in Arabia shall ye lodge, O ye travelling companies of Dedanim.
Isa 21:14
The inhabitants of the land of Tema brought water to him that was thirsty, they prevented with their bread him that fled.
Isa 21:15
For they fled from the swords, from the drawn sword, and from the bent bow, and from the grievousness of war.
Isa 21:16
For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Within a year, according to the years of an hireling, and all the glory of Kedar shall fail:
Isa 21:17
And the residue of the number of archers, the mighty men of the children of Kedar, shall be diminished: for the LORD God of Israel hath spoken it.
And there are numerous videos on wormwood/planet x/ this one being predicted for 9/24/15:

And here is a page from a new book with another pointer to Sept/2015...from Issac Newton:

Newton was a Bible scholar and a believer. He made contributions to every area of math, science, physics and astronomy. He is credited with even inventing calculus. He was fluent in Greek and Hebrew. He began studying Daniel at a young age, and these studies continued until his death at age 85. During the end of his days, he spent more time studying prophecy than he did with his astronomical pursuits. He believed the Book of Daniel was the key. He explained the odd seven weeks as referring to the Second Coming, after a future restoration of Israel which had not yet occurred! He explained the verse in this way: Know also and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to cause to return and to build Jerusalem, unto the Anointed the Prince, shall be seven weeks (7 weeks of years or 49 years). If Newton were alive today, we would call him a date-setter. Actually he just believed in a literal interpretation of the Bible. God is the date-setter, not man. By doing a literal interpretation, he arrived at the conclusion 300 years ago that the Messiah, Jesus, would return 49 years after Israel received her commission to rebuild its city and nation. Daniel places these seven weeks after the second time Jerusalem is rebuilt. It was claimed by Israel during the Six Days War, in June of 1967. 49 prophetic years is 17,640 days from June 7, 1967 or September 23, 2015 – the Day of Atonement.
Meade, David (2015-03-12). Rapture 2015 and Planet X (Kindle Locations 178-189). Kindle Edition.
I did not mean that the rapture would trigger anything. I was thinking more along the lines with the shemitah ending and a new 7 year cycle beginning and the 4th supermoon eclipse on Tabernacles that if there is a pretrib rapture, it could/would happen any time before the new 7 year cycle. The last 2 tetrad moons were in 1947 (?) and the year after Israel was created, and 1966(?) and the year after Israel got Jerusalem back. This time, they may just get their temple back. The Harbinger convinced me America is under judgement. I think this new Iran deal is not yet approved but is due to be in what? 60 days? That brings us to Sept. The pope is planning to be at the UN in Sept. Even secular people are predicting a financial crash in the fall. Jade Helm is starting tomorrow. Military exercises in 10 states where soldiers training maneuvers entail putting groups of american citizens under constraint (read martial law). Then my thoughts went way out. If you have read any of the ufo cases, there are documented cases both in the US & Russia where UFO's were spotted and all control over nuclear missiles were taken out of the military's control. If Christians were raptured, the aliens (=demons) could come in and promise Israel no nukes and they would buy it. Other than the alien thing - I can see the rest happening and how scripture aligns with it. Actually I think aliens = demonic or nephilim is also covered there.
Close, 1949-50 and 1967-68 were the last two sets of the blood moons. The first set came after Israel's birth and during its fight for its survival. The second set came only one blood moon before the June 1967 Six-Day War. This set might be before, seeing how nothing's happened, well until yesterday when the US made Iran the power to deal with in the ME after Israel. It's so bad, that the Saudis are teaming up with Israel to defend the ME. Indeed a lot is coming to a head in September. There are so many things happening every day I really can't keep up. The Pentagon is thinking of allowing others to join. The Boy Scouts dump their ban on gay leaders. And Planned Parenthood wishes to do research with the aborted babies. We've reached Pluto - can't think of any significant except more American pride, but who knows.

I've never read up on UFOs and things like that. When I was a kid (6 or so) my night-light burned out and that night a very bright light came in through my bedroom window - we were the tallest house and nothing was near that window but open air. I could see the top of the house next door. I still don't know what it was, but I never liked those stories on abduction or anything. I love Star Trek and when the NG episode had Riker abducted, I couldn't sleep that night, it bothered me so much. The unnatural fear I have of it must mean something I can't remember.

But you could be correct... a rabbi said that the Messiah would come after a shmitah. Here's a quote from that article:

Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Seigelbaum, founder and director of Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin, makes a remarkable observation that emphasizes the role of the Shemitah in the process of national redemption:​

“It is not surprising that every year following the Shemitah year has been significant in our possession of the Land of Israel…Most of the change in the borders of the state of Israel took place the year following Shemitah year. For example, it was Shemitah year in 1966, and the following year, during the Six Day War, we recaptured Yerushalayim and Gush Etzion. The next Shemitah year was in 1973. This year was followed by the devastating Yom Kippur war. Following the Shemitah year in 1980, we relinquished Sinai to Egypt. After two cycles of Shemitah, in 1995 the Oslo agreement brought bouts of terrorism in its wake.”​

Interesting thought by Newton. Thanks for the information. Did you know he studied the Bible Codes, though he didn't have a computer so what he found was very rudimentary, but he knew something was special about them. I don't know how many signs are needed before the coincidences are indeed a warning/fact. Being burned by 1988, I'm still cautious about pointing to any date, but then, at some date, the Lord is coming and I don't believe those close to Him will be taken unawares. Lord give me wisdom and understanding.
About the dates. I've always hoped someone would refute my chronology study because it's closer to the end using it than any other dates set about Jesus. If Jesus died in 32/33/34 AD then His return would be around that time. My study shows He died in 27 AD and that the 2000-year return was from the start of His ministry, not His death or resurrection or ascension, but from His baptism. In fact Jesus died the year after a shmitah giving us the greatest Jubilee! Jesus started His ministry in 25 AD which was the 4000th year from Creation the 80th Jubilee from Creation, and my calendar show 2025 as the end of the 6000th year from Creation, the 120th Jubilee. This is why I believe the clock started at Jesus' baptism, Gen 6:3, Jubilee years. 2025 less seven years is 2018-Sep-10, 1 Tishri. So what'll happen, if the rapture happens this Sep, during those 3 years gap? The political rise of the AC I think. Who knows. God does and I'm not going to fret or worry about it. I'm going to keep teaching, praying and praising until I die or get snached up just as all those who preceeded me. :D
I knew about Newton and his looking for codes. I had heard Newton thinking 2060 was the end times so this newer calculation was new to me. I've seen some people saying that we've been in the trib since 2009 and the Jubilee year is 2016--2017. I missed the 88 prediction - was it really as close as the September, 2015 seems? There is a part of me worried because so many seem unready but I also understand the law of diminishing returns. There is a huger part of me that just wants to go home. Whatever happens - we will be where the Good Lord wants us, when He wants us. I'd like to say I'm 100% certain but I'm not. But the more we come closer, the more intense will be my watch. And it won't be wasted as even if it's not 2015, it will be soon after. If it's 2015, you are 2 years off? on your chronology. My dreams have become very religion oriented but I wouldn't say any of them tell me for sure anything. Then again, God knows I'm a blabbermouth :).

I ran into this in reading as well:
In 436 BC Prince Artaxerxes of Persia made a decree to restore Jerusalem. From 436 B.C. Newton counts 434 years (62 × 7 = 434) to arrive at the birth of Christ around the year 2 B.C. That is part I of the puzzle. Reviewing his writings at the Library of Congress may be the final clues we need to decipher the end-time books of Revelation and Daniel. It is in plain sight. If Newton is correct, then Daniel chapter 9 is the key cryptogram. As you know, Daniel had a view of history from beginning to end. Let’s review it again from every perspective due to its importance. Daniel 9: 25 gives us the seven weeks of years. However, Newton states that there is no linguistic basis for adding the numbers (49 and 434) and to do so is “doing violence to the language of Daniel.” He said the 2 numbers refer separately to the First and then the Second Coming of Christ. Both are counted “going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem.” 360 X 49 = 17,640 From and including: Wednesday, 7 June 1967 to, but not including Wednesday, 23 September 2015 Result: 17,640 days / 2520 weeks It’s as if the Lord is telling us also in Leviticus 25 that from the day when you see Israel given back the land that rightfully belongs to her (June 7, 1967), from that day, count off 49 prophetic years and you will end up on the Day of Atonement. This is the day that the trumpet is to sound and the slaves are set free, all debts are cancelled and liberty is proclaimed to those who are taken in the Rapture. Newton states that the 62 weeks, or 434-year part, was fulfilled at the First Coming, and the 7 weeks, or 49-year part, applies to the Second Coming. He foresaw exactly what happened, that Israel would be restored. This occurred in May of 1948. On June 7th, 1967 Jerusalem was finally again restored to Israel and began to be built up. 49 prophetic years times 360 days (to a Bible prophetic year) is 17,640 days. From June7th forward to the day is September 23, 2015, which is YOM KIPPUR. It’s interesting to note that the 23rd of September is also the 266th day of the year. It is equal precisely to the human gestation period from conception to birth. The Day of the Lord arrives in similar fashion. After that date, on September 24th, Zechariah further states that there will be “no Light on that day.” Could solar flares remove the Earth’s electrical grid? Renee Moses made a very interesting point in her book Rapture Puzzle Day of Atonement: ―But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. Most people are unaware of this, but the Jewish people fast on the Day of Atonement for 25 hours. It is the only Feast in Israel that lasts for one day and one hour. When Jesus said the words,about that day and hour, He was not only referring to the Day of the Lord, which is also referred to as an hour in numerous Biblical passages, but He was also specifically pointing us to the Day of Atonement, the only Jewish Feast that lasts for a day and an hour. John 11: 9-10 - Jesus answered, "Are there not twelve hours of daylight? Anyone who walks in the daytime will not stumble, for they see by this world's light. It is when a person walks at night that they stumble, for they have no light." This may be a final clue. When Jesus raised the dead, he indicated that it occurred during a time when there are exactly 12 hours of daylight. This occurs on the Fall Equinox, or September 23rd, 2015 (it also occurs exactly 6 months later). Newton was also shown that the return of Jesus would occur at the start of a Jubilee Year on the Day of Atonement. The Day of Atonement 2015 is the start of a new Jubilee year! From the day Israel captured the Temple Mount you arrive at exactly the Day of Atonement in 2015. In addition, the eclipses confirm or bookend this date.
Meade, David (2015-03-12). Rapture 2015 and Planet X (Kindle Locations 189-222). Kindle Edition.

THE FULFILLMENT OF REVELATION 12 A once-in-a-century heavenly sign appears on September 23 2017. It is a one-year harbinger of the mid-point of the Tribulation, which begins in the fall of 2015. Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth. REVELATION 12: 1-2 Revelation 12 is the sign of the woman in Israel, and the twelve stars are the tribes of Israel. This is a sign of major import. The dragon (Satan) is thrown from heaven and about to persecute Israel for the remainder (3.5 years of the tribulation) of time left in the 70th week of Daniel. The sign is divided into several parts. First, the woman clothed with the sun. She is represented by Virgo (the virgin). The moon is under the feet of Virgo. The last part of September of 2017 places the moon correctly. Above the constellation Virgo is Leo. It has nine primary stars, and three wandering stars, or a total of twelve – again a perfect combination. A garland of twelve stars is thus created. This is so rare if you search 150 years before the event, and 150 years later, you can find no other matching results. The final piece of the cryptographic puzzle is Jupiter. It enters Virgo in August of 2016, and spends 400 days there. On September 23, 2017, Jupiter is right in the “womb” of Virgo. A birth is imminent. The world is about to witness the birth of the Messianic Kingdom. Only God Himself could have set up this sign in the Mazzeroth or heavens, and pre-ordained it in the Book of Revelation. It is a one-year marker to the mid-tribulation. This sign is so rare it is thus unmistakable that 2017 represents one of the Tribulation years, right before the Great Tribulation or the last 3.5 years. God often uses one-year warnings in Scripture.
Meade, David (2015-03-12). Rapture 2015 and Planet X (Kindle Locations 229-247). Kindle Edition.
And Planned Parenthood wishes to do research with the aborted babies
That has been a misrepresentation of the facts. An executive of Planned Parenthood mentioned in a rather lengthy conversation that they already have been selling parts of aborted babies for some time now. That is, I believe, thoroughly illegal, along with completely disgusting and immoral. (but what do you expect from THEM).
If it's 2015, you are 2 years off? on your chronology.
One thing I've learned is that two numerical years can be only months apart. For instance, on paper, twins born minutes apart on New Year's Eve, would appear to be a year apart. Very rarely does the scripture give a specific day or month. This is why I started my study with the Kings of Judah and Israel because of how they count. So I don't believe I'm off at all but if I am I want to know what the error is. If we used only the Hebrew calendar we wouldn't miss all these things. It's the conversions that mess things up and hides important information. I do find it interesting that even though we have the calculated dates in Hebrew they're different from Creation to the days of Noah to Hezekiah, or even from Jesus' day, and yet the Lord adjusts these events to still coincide with the feasts/fasts of the word of God as we understand them so the sign remains. That's just plain awesome! :D
One thing I've learned is that two numerical years can be only months apart. For instance, on paper, twins born minutes apart on New Year's Eve, would appear to be a year apart. Very rarely does the scripture give a specific day or month. This is why I started my study with the Kings of Judah and Israel because of how they count. So I don't believe I'm off at all but if I am I want to know what the error is. If we used only the Hebrew calendar we wouldn't miss all these things. It's the conversions that mess things up and hides important information. I do find it interesting that even though we have the calculated dates in Hebrew they're different from Creation to the days of Noah to Hezekiah, or even from Jesus' day, and yet the Lord adjusts these events to still coincide with the feasts/fasts of the word of God as we understand them so the sign remains. That's just plain awesome! :D

Well scripture did say the time/calendar would be changed. Even the Jews changed their calendar to prop up another Messiah (132 AD the star prophet- Simon ben Kokhba. Even if you are 2 whole years off - I consider that pretty darn accurate for a 6000 year time span. Originally, I just wanted to know why people kept saying the cosmos is only 6000 years old. Your book explained that for me. I need a more graphic kind of explanation because remembering numbers is not my thing and old age makes me forgetful. Many seem to agree that Christ was born 2-4 years before the zero year. I think you are the only one giving an exact day. (which I forgot but remember 4 bc). I read that trib time we return to 360 day year - which could happen with a polar shift. When do you have the shemitah being not observed in Israel? I read during the time of the kings - Saul/David/Solomon?