The Raptures (Harpazo) of the Scriptures

Well scripture did say the time/calendar would be changed. Even the Jews changed their calendar to prop up another Messiah (132 AD the star prophet- Simon ben Kokhba. Even if you are 2 whole years off - I consider that pretty darn accurate for a 6000 year time span. Originally, I just wanted to know why people kept saying the cosmos is only 6000 years old. Your book explained that for me. I need a more graphic kind of explanation because remembering numbers is not my thing and old age makes me forgetful. Many seem to agree that Christ was born 2-4 years before the zero year. I think you are the only one giving an exact day. (which I forgot but remember 4 bc). I read that trib time we return to 360 day year - which could happen with a polar shift. When do you have the shemitah being not observed in Israel? I read during the time of the kings - Saul/David/Solomon?
After Solomon... all the way to Hezekiah, they didn't keep the shmitah and were taken to Babylon so the land could have her shmitah - rest. I have Jesus born in Oct 7 BC. Check out the graphic chronology I made: You click-and-hold your mouse to move the timeline.
OK - apparently 4 bc was from someone else. The last person I read? It's been awhile but I found your graphics unhelpful to me - even after I knew how to get info with th mouse. Apologies about the mistake in times. My recall isn't what it was. It's confusing when youn go over that zero line.
OK - apparently 4 bc was from someone else. The last person I read? It's been awhile but I found your graphics unhelpful to me - even after I knew how to get info with th mouse. Apologies about the mistake in times. My recall isn't what it was. It's confusing when youn go over that zero line.
Oh I hear you... I just had lunch and I barely remember what I ate :D
OK - apparently 4 bc was from someone else. The last person I read? It's been awhile but I found your graphics unhelpful to me - even after I knew how to get info with th mouse. Apologies about the mistake in times. My recall isn't what it was. It's confusing when youn go over that zero line.
Remember the calendar goes from 1 BC to 1 AD, Dec 31, 1 BC at midnight turned in Jan 1, 1 AD. 45BC was actually 444 days long so the Roman calendar would become the Julian calendar and fix the seasons back to their correct location – a solar calendar. The Hebrew calendar is a solar calendar AND a lunar calendar. This combination is why 1 Tishri is different from year to year.
As to your chronology, @Abdicate, it's an impressive work, IMO. I had problems with the Patriarchs from Adam to Noah (10 people). When I studied the begats (2012?) I found that all 9 were alive until Noah was age 49? I can accept with my math skills, I was wrong and I don't remember how I got there because I lost my graphs and notes in a move. I had hoped to see from your graphs how I was wrong from your graphics but I haven't been able to figure it out. I, too, used only scripture but I would still like to see clearly what dates you have for their deaths and timelines. Maybe it's just me but I can't wrap my head around it.
Grin....calendars!!!!! Ok. What date do you think the rapture might happen? (bad silk)
Don't forget the Gregorian calendar - the one we use :p

I don't know when it'll be. Everything happened on one of the seven feast God set in motion, including giving the Law and the Holy Spirit on the same day, Pentecost 6 Sivan! So we are part of them, not just the Jews. I do believe it'll be on an "appointed date" - מוֹעֵד (moed) - and I mean that literally. The word moed means appointment, festival, a year, the congregation, a place of meeting, and a signal! The word alone, to me, resonates with the rapture! Even this word in Greek means evidence given, festival, purpose, proper time, season, miracle, sign, token, wonder and finally hour.

I believe it'll be 1 Tishri - the only hour in the entire Hebrew calendar that cannot be known in advance (a hint by Jesus' own words on the subject?). 1 Tishri is an appointed time, it's a festival, it'll be a miracle, it's a sign to the world, it's a wonder for us and it calls up the Congregation to a place of meeting in the clouds and it's heralded by a signal - the last trump which is only sounded on 1 Tishri, the 100th blast which has a name! Earlier in this thread I spelled it all out.

As to your chronology, @Abdicate, it's an impressive work, IMO.

Thanks for the kind words. Praise goes to the Lord as it's His word :)

I had problems with the Patriarchs

All studies agree from Adam to Noah. It's only afterwards there's a split. The scriptures speak of Noah's kids being born when Noah was 500 years old, but the scriptures point out that Shem was 100 when Arphaxad was born 2 years after the flood, meaning that Noah was 502 when Shem was born to him because Noah was 600 when the flood happened. The other speed bump is the age of Terah when he had Abram and how old Terah was when Abram left him. Here's an excerpt from my study:

Abram was born to Terah in Terah's 70th year. This is a touchy subject because some believe Abram was born when Terah was 130 years; deduced by Abram leaving his father after his father died and Abram was 75 years old based on Acts 7:2-4. Terah lived 205 years so subtracting 75 would have made Terah 130 when he had Abram. However, that is not what I believe. This to me is another pitfall one must be careful. Scripture is specific when it says in Genesis 12:1-3 that Abram was to leave his father. This cannot be taken lightly if we are to believe that scripture is inerrant and that every word has a specific purpose. Chapter 11 says Terah died, so how could Abram leave his father? I believe chapter 11 is a summary account because Terah is no longer mentioned by name again in scripture until Joshua 24:2 and only when talking about idol worshipers, and in I Chronicles 1:26 and Luke 3:34 when discussing Abraham’s lineage. He is mentioned in passing in Acts 7:4, which we’ll discuss in a moment. Chapter 11 of Genesis discusses how Terah took his family to Haran from Ur of the Chaldees, and he dies there in Haran at 205 years of age. I have always wondered if his family was idol worshippers, then how did Abram learn the truth. In the timeline that I am going to present, Abram would have been alive when Noah was still alive. If we bump up the age of Terah to when he had Abram at 130, Noah would have been dead. Not only would this event have changed, but also the arrival date of Jesus in 7 BC would have been much later; His death would certainly have been in 82 AD! This isn’t possible, so something else must hold the answer. I believe the passage of time written in scripture is accurate to the letter, and I hope to show you how that’s possible even with this timeline thought of Terah being 70 when he had Abram.

There is yet one more possibility to help smooth out this bump in the road. When the bible mentions that Abram left Haran when “his father was dead”, “his father” could actually have been referring to Noah. If the age of Noah is accurate in scripture, and we know it is, Abram was 58 when Noah died. Since Abram lived with Noah and learned the things of the Lord from him, it’s very conceivable that he called Noah “father”. I was shocked to find in Jasher this verse: “At that time, at the end of three years of Abram's dwelling in the land of Canaan, in that year Noah died, which was the fifty-eighth year of the life of Abram; and all the days that Noah lived were nine hundred and fifty years and he died.” Jasher 13:9. I found this after I had done the math with my study to determine Abram’s age of 58. I lean towards this thinking, because Jasher says that Terah died when Isaac was 35 years old (Jasher 22:31), which would make him 205 just as the scriptures say. In fact, Jasher even says that Shem (Noah’s son – who died several years after Abraham died), Eber (Shem’s great-grandson), Terah and Nahor came for the weaning ceremony of Isaac. In fact, there is this verse from Genesis when the Lord appeared to Jacob:

Genesis 28:13And, behold, the LORD stood above it, and said, I am the LORD God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed;”

God calls Abraham the “father” of Jacob, when Abraham is really his grandfather. In fact, it is not a mistranslation because the word אב in Hebrew means “father” or “ancestor” according to Ben-Yehuda’s Hebrew-English dictionary. In Acts 7:4, the word grandfather in Greek is πατηρ and can mean “father or parent, literally or figuratively, near or more remote”, according to Strong’s numbers. Besides, if there are nine “fathers” between you and your great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great-grandfather do you think it would be written that way, other than here for emphasis? Therefore, there isn’t much of a stretch in reading Acts 7:4 that Abram’s "father" was referring to Noah since we have established the chronology with Genesis.

The difference is only 60 years. Why is this so important? All scripture leads to Jesus and even the Jewish oral tradition says in the Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Sanhedrin Folio 97a, “…in the seven year cycle at the end of which the son of David will come-in the first year… II Kings 19:29 states that that year was a Sabbatical Year, corresponding to CY 3270, WY 707 BC, and the (modern reckoning) Jewish year of 3055. Jesus arrived in JY 3755, exactly 700 years later, a Sabbatical Year, and the first year of the 7-year cycle. It also states “The Tanna debe Eliyyahu teaches: The world is to exist six thousand years. In the first two thousand there was desolation; two thousand years the Torah flourished; and the next two thousand years is the Messianic era, but through our many iniquities all these years have been lost.” Here is the key point to the Jews; after four thousand years, the Messiah would come. He did, those of His household rejected Him and after 135 AD had to change the calendar to hide the mistake of Rabbi Akiva10 declaring Bar Kokhbah the Messiah and to prove false the growing “Christian” movement.​

Notice the red letters above!!! We talked about this earlier and here it is in my study!!! Who knew! I knew nothing about the shmitah when I wrote this, nor did I know you could find out when it happened! After these last two as examples that they're being applied to America and the world, I ran the clock backwards and Jesus died the year of a shmitah!! Heralding a great Jubilee in His death and giving of the Holy Spirit!!! So if He comes, as they state in their ancient Babylonian text which surely written by Daniel, the day after the end of the shmitah is 1 Tishri!!! (I believe I said He died the year after a shmitah earlier in this thread... that's because I looked on my Excel spreadsheet and in it I put the Jewish year corresponding to the BC/AD year. There's a 5-month overlap that's not evident on the spreadsheet and I didn't take that into account. So Jesus died 5 months into the next year which I "saw" as the year after a shmitah, but it was actually the middle of the shmitah when He died.)

See I know this stuff and still have to be careful! :D
And Tishri 1 2015 is when exactly?

I love your post @Abdicate. Re: Adam to Noah.....I can accept I was wrong but I would love to be shown how I was wrong.
And Tishri 1 2015 is when exactly?

I love your post @Abdicate. Re: Adam to Noah.....I can accept I was wrong but I would love to be shown how I was wrong.
The dates from Adam to Noah are explicitly spelled out in the scriptures. It's only when people use the Septuagint that the values change.

1 Tishri this year is 13 Sep, but starts at sunset on the 12th.
The dates from Adam to Noah are explicitly spelled out in the scriptures. It's only when people use the Septuagint that the values change.

1 Tishri this year is 13 Sep, but starts at sunset on the 12th.

Abdicate, I found this interesting video on the rapture and Biblical chronology; tell me what you think.

Abdicate, I found this interesting video on the rapture and Biblical chronology; tell me what you think.

Thanks for asking and confidence in me. To God be the glory! :)

The video is a huge stretch and a lot of the math is wrong. The site she quoted has incorrect data as well. King Saul's reign length is not known scripturally and is mixed in with the length of Samuel's time which is also not known. We do know that from the capture of the ark to David's 1st year of reign is 20 years. So the length of Saul's reign is substantially lower than even 20 years. I never understood how people equate Saul's reign to 40 years. Even the Jews don't claim that, why do Christians? The word of God says what it means and means what it says, even as important what isn't said. Even Jesus reiterated this in Matt 5:18.

Also, people don't read the word of God to notice how the "14 generation count" is done. From, and including Abraham to David is indeed 14. From and including David to Josias, is indeed 14 generations. But from Jechonias (not including Josias "after they were brought to Babylon") to Jesus is indeed 14 generations. So David is counted twice in this "14 count" recollection. There is no "41/42" confusion as she so stated. This misunderstanding made her run to her calculator to do fuzzy math with the length of a generation which I don't think Einstein could have followed. ;) In some of the screen shots she includes events the pope and Pres. Obama have done to count off all the numbers within the book of Daniel, 1260, 1335, 1290, etc. A serious flaw. These numbers all apply only to Israel and the tribulation period and after. In my study, I iron out those numbers.

When doing the math of generations, which I've not done, do you include from their births or from their events? Since the word of God in Matthew says "Abraham" are we to count from when his name was changed? That lops off 99 years. You see, it's not so cut and dried. You have to understand that prophecy is of no private interpretation. We can only go by what the word of God says after the events it promises occur. While my study implies things, I too have to make assumptions and they could also be wrong. The only thing right about her video was when she said "only time will tell." This goes for my study as well. We can only accept as truth when the word of God says so without assumptions. I do believe it is possible to know according to the word of God a lot of things not taught in the churches and not explicitly spelled out. For instance the start of Jesus' ministry exactly 4000 years from Creation. That blew me away. Then there's the shmitas, another amazing discovery, and then there's the 9 Av event for the Jews and how many times evil befalls them on that very day throughout history. I cover that in my study as well.

I hope this answers your question. :D
I still like the psalms 70 yrs (ok to 80) for a generation added to 1948. That means the end of a generation from 1948 which is 2018 or 2028. Jesus says before the generation passes which still leaves lotsa wiggle room. I'm still thinking 2015 marks a lot of things come September. I wasn't paying attention for the 88 thingy and I was 95% sure 2012 wasn't "the end" but I'm 90% convinced about September, 2015. Live and learn. Wait and see.
I always figured the "budding of the fig tree" would mean when Israel took Jerusalem in 1967. However, it is interesting that from 1948 plus 69 years is to Jerusalem's Jubilee year, 2017.
Well - lots still to happen in Jerusalem. The 4 blood moons, some say signal the rebuilding of the temple (start). They say it should take 3 & 1/2 years to build and cleanse - right in time for the AC to do the desolation thing. The 2 witnesses would be in charge of the temple (guess). And teaching/reaching the remnant. September is the end of the shemitah and the beginning of the trib. I just don't see the trib starting mid Everything is pointing to September, 2015. If not then....when would it be?
Well - lots still to happen in Jerusalem. The 4 blood moons, some say signal the rebuilding of the temple (start). They say it should take 3 & 1/2 years to build and cleanse - right in time for the AC to do the desolation thing. The 2 witnesses would be in charge of the temple (guess). And teaching/reaching the remnant. September is the end of the shemitah and the beginning of the trib. I just don't see the trib starting mid Everything is pointing to September, 2015. If not then....when would it be?
It does leave you wondering how anyone could not see it all coming together.
It does leave you wondering how anyone could not see it all coming together.

Just to round it all out, the supermoon (blood) is on the Feast of Tabernacles (September); Jade Helm maneuvers that some say is practice for martial law began July 15th and ends (September); The Iran Nuclear debate ends in (September); The pope visits the UN (September); Both secular & religious voices are saying that following 2001 biggest stockmarket point crash, the 2008 biggest point crash that (September) fall crash will be even biggest yet; the shemitah (sabbath) year ends (September); and people on youtube have videos of an approaching mass to the earth and the real reason for the extreme weather we are having (Wormwood/Planet X/Nibiru) will be seen without need of a telescope this fall and who knows what ISIS has planned.

Just sayin'
I was thinking about wormwood and how it'll cut 8 hours off our rotation cycle making a day 16 hours. How you say? :p The word of God:

Revelation 8:10-12 (KJV)
And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.​

So... 1/3 of the Sun... ok... 1/3 of the moon... ok... 1/3 of the stars... ok, but 1/3 day and 1/3 night? No way! Unless, you speed up our daily spin. (Shortening the days, Matt 24:22?!) So instead of there being 24 hours in a day there will be only 16 hours. That means that wormwood will hit the earth just like the movies, from west to east because looking down from above onto the north pole, the earth spins counter-clockwise giving us the sunrise in the east.