The Raptures (Harpazo) of the Scriptures

What I meant, in essence, was that I don't generally "fall" for what tickles my ears. I start out skeptical and try to do my homework. I have bought the 7th year sabbath year because it makes sense and it is biblical. IF the tribulation doesn't start this Sept. it can't start for another 7 years. The Iran nuclear treaty debate ends in September. Jade Helm, military exercises started in July in 10 states, where the military "practices" for martial law, ends in September. Both secular and religious folks are talking about an economic collapse - in September. (I forgot about the 2 cows with 7 on their foreheads). A French government official in a statement I'm sure he regrets, said we have 500 days until catastrophe and that 500 days ends in September. The signs Christ spoke of are showing up in perfect detail and scripture concurs. Weather is extreme and as I type California is burning. They are talking global warming but others have pictures (on youtube) that a mass is approaching and that is what is causing the hellish weather. It is speculated that this is what will bring us back to the 360 day year. So it all may not happen but if it does it's not gonna be a time where you can say "ooops" and then fix it. You won't have the time. Pray for households.
What I meant, in essence, was that I don't generally "fall" for what tickles my ears. I start out skeptical and try to do my homework. I have bought the 7th year sabbath year because it makes sense and it is biblical. IF the tribulation doesn't start this Sept. it can't start for another 7 years. The Iran nuclear treaty debate ends in September. Jade Helm, military exercises started in July in 10 states, where the military "practices" for martial law, ends in September. Both secular and religious folks are talking about an economic collapse - in September. (I forgot about the 2 cows with 7 on their foreheads). A French government official in a statement I'm sure he regrets, said we have 500 days until catastrophe and that 500 days ends in September. The signs Christ spoke of are showing up in perfect detail and scripture concurs. Weather is extreme and as I type California is burning. They are talking global warming but others have pictures (on youtube) that a mass is approaching and that is what is causing the hellish weather. It is speculated that this is what will bring us back to the 360 day year. So it all may not happen but if it does it's not gonna be a time where you can say "ooops" and then fix it. You won't have the time. Pray for households.
I believe we will return to a 360-day/year, seeing how God is using the current calendar, to have the 1260+1260 work out it should return to 360-day/year. But it could that 1/3 of the day will be removed thereby shortening the time as so stated. I know that the earth's orbit will be very erratic and even stopping it's rotation for a bit per the scriptures. Once side will burn while the HQ of the AC will remain in darkness. The scriptures are very accurate if we take away the spiritualization of it all and see it for what it is, the truth.
We can wait and see but I also see it as a time to get ready anyway.

We must BELIEVE and REPENT. This is a time of purification for the church. Believing is easy. The demons believe and shutter. Repenting is harder. If it is a one-time thing (say when we admit our sins), then there is no need to repent after salvation. Instead, when we sin, we speak of broken fellowship with God. To restore this fellowship, we must confess our sins.

There are are Christians with various besetting sins, bad habits and addictions. These may not be conquered before we go to heaven.
If we were lost every time we failed we would have to get saved all over again. Paul struggled against the flesh (in Rom 7) in fact he said that it was sin within him that caused him to fall. (The flesh and the Spirit war against each other.)
We can wait and see but I also see it as a time to get ready anyway.

We must BELIEVE and REPENT. This is a time of purification for the church. Believing is easy. The demons believe and shutter. Repenting is harder. If it is a one-time thing (say when we admit our sins), then there is no need to repent after salvation. Instead, when we sin, we speak of broken fellowship with God. To restore this fellowship, we must confess our sins.

There are are Christians with various besetting sins, bad habits and addictions. These may not be conquered before we go to heaven.
If we were lost every time we failed we would have to get saved all over again. Paul struggled against the flesh (in Rom 7) in fact he said that it was sin within him that caused him to fall. (The flesh and the Spirit war against each other.)
Don't stop there! :) Paul's answer to his plight was in that last verse:

Romans 7:25 (KJV)
I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.​

So how does he do it? He answers:

2 Corinthians 10:5 (KJV)
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;​

Don't stop there! :) Paul's answer to his plight was in that last verse:

Romans 7:25 (KJV)
I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.​

So how does he do it? He answers:

2 Corinthians 10:5 (KJV)
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;​

Phillipians 4:4-9 (KJV)
4Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. 5Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. 6Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 8Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 9Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.
Don't stop there! :) Paul's answer to his plight was in that last verse:

Romans 7:25 (KJV)
I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.​

So how does he do it? He answers:

2 Corinthians 10:5 (KJV)
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;​

Remember to Bro - what Jesus said - Take NO THOUGHT - SAYING. People make this mean so many religious sayings and mumbo jumbo - truth is - How does one take a thought - You Must Speak It. So take All thoughts Captive - check over them - then put them into being by saying.

God Bless You Brother Abdicate
Re: Rapture...I've been going thru the Dr. Chuck Missler on Genesis (fascinating - I totally recommend the the 25 part series) and in this one he is going over Issac's offering and later his marriage....and he comes up with some interesting parallels - some not so obvious - particular to marriage and rapture:\

All of Ruth. Naomi is Israel, Ruth is the Church, Boaz is the Lord. Naomi returns to the Land of Israel, Ruth follows, and marries Ruth’s kindred, just like we will when Jesus returns.

Missler agrees with this and goes into great detail in this Genesis session:

So in november we shall ask them to make another. Scripture says when we see these things it does not mean we are in the end times but they are near. Near to God and near to you or me can be a very different.
So in november we shall ask them to make another. Scripture says when we see these things it does not mean we are in the end times but they are near. Near to God and near to you or me can be a very different.

Ask who to make another what? They aren't purporting to be prophets. (not that I've watched all videos). Did you watch the video? I have only a strong presentiment but no "direct" word - if and when that changes- I will say so. It's a warning - take it for what it's worth. God did show me parts of the tribulation in my teens - so I always knew there would be one in my lifetime. I'm not worried for myself but I am worried about others. You can either do some homework or ignore/deny it. It's your choice. We don't have long to wait to see. I don't have any fear whether it happens in Sept....or later. I'm 90% in the September lane. I will take no shame for being wrong nor pride in being right. I would soul-deep regret not saying/talking about it now. I'm interested in dotting my own "i's" and crossing my "t's" not anyone else's. And I would suggest everyone do the same. I still plan to pay my bills and will attend my niece's wedding in November, if nothing happens. I understand that I can be wrong but I am never intentionally wrong. And all the information I have gathered matches scripture - there doesn't seem to be any contraindication. The erroneous message that we are at a pivotal point in the past didn't match the signs we see now. They weren't as clear or as delineated....almost dare I say it? precise. I am not matrixing or trying to stretch things to suit what I want. I can't say I want it, except for myself. I wanna go home. I'd like it better that the gate was wider.
Hebrews 9:23 (KJV)
[It was] therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.​

There are types and shadows throughout the scriptures and patterns which are only visible to the student. Such examples pointing to Jesus are the:
  • Ark
  • Isaac
  • Passover lamb
  • Brasen Serpent
  • Scapegoat
7 Feasts fulfilled in Jesus types:
  • Birth - Feast of Tabernacles (and all nations must present themselves to Jesus on this day)
  • Death - Passover
  • Burial - Feast of Unleavened Bread
  • Resurrection - Feast of Firstfruits
  • Law & Spirit - Pentecost
  • Second Return - Feast of Trumpets (possible rapture as well)
  • Day of Atonement - Restoration of earth, Jesus' earthly reign for 1000 years
Five of the seven are completed. 1 Tishri and 10 Tishri remain and after all, Paul says "at the last trump" which on 1 Tishri is #100. If the patterns are understood per their meanings, at some point in the future, the Lord will return.

So Satan is a mimicker, and as such it is my opinion that he will have his "Jesus" the AC go to Jerusalem after the temple is rebuilt and on Passover sacrifice in the temple and declare himself God. This is the abomination of desolation that Jesus mentioned and when he kills the Two Witnesses. On a 360-day year calendar, from Passover (15 Nisan) to Feast of Trumpets (1 Tishri) is 1260 days, or 42 months, or 3.5 years. From the arrival and preaching of the Two Witness to their death is 1260 days, or 42 months or 3.5 years. Revelation says that from their death to Jesus' return is 1260 days via the promise to protect Israel in the mountains for 1260 days. It's really academic. People get all hung up with what Jesus said, which is talking about the Day of the Lord, not the rapture. And some of Matthew 24 was fulfilled at the destruction of the temple.

I hope the Lord returns this September, but if not, I'll still look for Him and unpack my things as I'm being taken from Brussels to the USA at that time.
Hebrews 9:23 (KJV)
[It was] therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.​

There are types and shadows throughout the scriptures and patterns which are only visible to the student. Such examples pointing to Jesus are the:
  • Ark
  • Isaac
  • Passover lamb
  • Brasen Serpent
  • Scapegoat
7 Feasts fulfilled in Jesus types:
  • Birth - Feast of Tabernacles (and all nations must present themselves to Jesus on this day)
  • Death - Passover
  • Burial - Feast of Unleavened Bread
  • Resurrection - Feast of Firstfruits
  • Law & Spirit - Pentecost
  • Second Return - Feast of Trumpets (possible rapture as well)
  • Day of Atonement - Restoration of earth, Jesus' earthly reign for 1000 years
Five of the seven are completed. 1 Tishri and 10 Tishri remain and after all, Paul says "at the last trump" which on 1 Tishri is #100. If the patterns are understood per their meanings, at some point in the future, the Lord will return.

So Satan is a mimicker, and as such it is my opinion that he will have his "Jesus" the AC go to Jerusalem after the temple is rebuilt and on Passover sacrifice in the temple and declare himself God. This is the abomination of desolation that Jesus mentioned and when he kills the Two Witnesses. On a 360-day year calendar, from Passover (15 Nisan) to Feast of Trumpets (1 Tishri) is 1260 days, or 42 months, or 3.5 years. From the arrival and preaching of the Two Witness to their death is 1260 days, or 42 months or 3.5 years. Revelation says that from their death to Jesus' return is 1260 days via the promise to protect Israel in the mountains for 1260 days. It's really academic. People get all hung up with what Jesus said, which is talking about the Day of the Lord, not the rapture. And some of Matthew 24 was fulfilled at the destruction of the temple.

I hope the Lord returns this September, but if not, I'll still look for Him and unpack my things as I'm being taken from Brussels to the USA at that time.

Jesus talks about men who claim to be Him. These are all deceivers. Many will follow them. Many "antichrists" will arise, according to 1 John. None of these are the A/C. Are the deceivers "antichrists" in the world today?
Ask who to make another what? They aren't purporting to be prophets. (not that I've watched all videos). Did you watch the video? I have only a strong presentiment but no "direct" word - if and when that changes- I will say so. It's a warning - take it for what it's worth. God did show me parts of the tribulation in my teens - so I always knew there would be one in my lifetime. I'm not worried for myself but I am worried about others. You can either do some homework or ignore/deny it. It's your choice. We don't have long to wait to see. I don't have any fear whether it happens in Sept....or later. I'm 90% in the September lane. I will take no shame for being wrong nor pride in being right. I would soul-deep regret not saying/talking about it now. I'm interested in dotting my own "i's" and crossing my "t's" not anyone else's. And I would suggest everyone do the same. I still plan to pay my bills and will attend my niece's wedding in November, if nothing happens. I understand that I can be wrong but I am never intentionally wrong. And all the information I have gathered matches scripture - there doesn't seem to be any contraindication. The erroneous message that we are at a pivotal point in the past didn't match the signs we see now. They weren't as clear or as delineated....almost dare I say it? precise. I am not matrixing or trying to stretch things to suit what I want. I can't say I want it, except for myself. I wanna go home. I'd like it better that the gate was wider.

Those who made the rapture dream vids. claiming sep. In november we can ask them to make more for another day.

Look you guys are getting so wrapped up in this. Scripture says when we see these things we are to KNOW the end times are near but these things do NOT say we are in them or they are now. If you think this is bad as scripture talks about in those aint seen nothing yet sister.
If you think this is bad as scripture talks about in those aint seen nothing yet sister.

Do you read my posts? I have said that I saw the tribulation in a God-given dream and I'm fully aware that things are going to get worse. I'm not "wrapped" in a date...I'm rapt with scripture. While you may be right about September - I'm fine tuning my walk. Others may have no need. The point I am making is that this is a legitimate, IMO, warning and should be used to correct (if needed) your walk with God. Instead, what is said is "sure but not now...we don't know." Since when is that an excuse to delay getting right with God? The purpose is not to fear monger or panic folks but to have them look at themselves critically. I want everyone to get thru that gate. And mourn those who won't. As for September - wait and see. You could be right but you could also be wrong.
Interesting note...I got an email from Prophecy in the News (who are hosting a summit I am live streaming tomorrow) that one of the speakers has exciting news:

TEMPLE by Robert Cornuke
Amazing New Discoveries that Change Everything About the Location of
Solomon's Temple
Special Offer!
"The Lost Shipwreck of Paul" Book - FREE!


Special Announcement!
Tomorrow starts our Pikes Peak Prophecy Summit in Colorado Springs, CO. We are so excited about the coming events the next three days! Yesterday evening the staff of Prophecy in the News had the pleasure of having dinner with Bob Cornuke and his beautiful wife, Terry. Bob revealed to us just a little of the exciting news he will be revealing at our conference for the first time. You will be blown away when you hear what he has to say about Israel! Bob is a biblical investigator and author of the famous book titled: Temple. He is also the president of the Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration (BASE) Institute in Colorado Springs, CO. Bob is the leading expert on biblical investigations going on in Israel! Don't miss out on his latest finds on the "Crucifixion Sight of Jesus." It will leave you breathless!
You can sign up for LIVE STREAMING below!





This new book titled, "TEMPLE" is absolutely an "investigative masterpiece" with outstanding archaeological and prophetic implications." Written by a famous American author, Robert (Bob) Cornuke. Bob is president of the Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration Institute (BASE), which is operated from his home in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He holds a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies and has a Ph.D. in Bible and Theology, both from Louisiana Baptist University. He is the author of several books about his explorations over the last 20 years.
Bob describes himself as a biblical investigator. He has participated in over 50 expeditions searching for lost locations described in the Bible and has traveled across Afghanistan during U.S. bombing strikes on a video and photographic assignment. He states, "After several years of biblical research sparked by the writings of the late Dr. Ernest L. Martin, personal investigation, and the study of ancient documents, I have come to the conclusion that the temple built by Solomon was not located where tradition teaches. This has tremendous implications regarding end-time events." Bob goes on to say: "The greatest archaeological blunder in all history has occurred by misplacing Solomon's Temple on the Temple Mount rather than its correct location within the City of David."

He asks if we can imagine the upheaval in political and religious thinking if the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is not the site of Solomon's and Herod's temples? And what if the stones of the Wailing Wall are not what tradition says? In this highly-researched and exciting book, Bob proposes from current archaeological excavations and Scriptural corroboration that the true temple location is not where tradition teaches.
Noted Bible teacher Chuck Missler (executive director of Koinonia House), recently accompanied Bob to the excavation site in the Kidron Valley. He states: "At first I was a skeptic, but the overwhelming evidence has convinced me of the true Temple location."
Dr. William P. Welty, Bible scholar and executive director of the ISV Foundation says, "One politically explosive implication of this evidence is that those who wish to rebuild the Jerusalem Temple can now do so without disturbing the Muslim-controlled real estate called the 'Temple Mount,' but construct it on its true ancient site."
University lecturer, Dr. Frank Turek, states: "I have been to the site with Bob Cornuke and, astoundingly, everything fits together biblically and historically."
"Temple" is said to be sending shockwaves through the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian worlds. For those of you who are serious students of Bible prophecy and want to fit together the pieces of biblical records, current geo-politics, and prophecy, this book of 207 pages will change your life!
Remember to Bro - what Jesus said - Take NO THOUGHT - SAYING. People make this mean so many religious sayings and mumbo jumbo - truth is - How does one take a thought - You Must Speak It. So take All thoughts Captive - check over them - then put them into being by saying.

God Bless You Brother Abdicate

"Take no thought"..=
Today has enough problems to be concerned over without worrying about tomorrow. The point Jesus was making was not that a Christian should adopt an attitude of apathy or laziness as a way of life (see: 2Th 3:10), but rather that worry is totally unnecessary for those who are cared for by God the Father.
Do you read my posts? I have said that I saw the tribulation in a God-given dream and I'm fully aware that things are going to get worse. I'm not "wrapped" in a date...I'm rapt with scripture. While you may be right about September - I'm fine tuning my walk. Others may have no need. The point I am making is that this is a legitimate, IMO, warning and should be used to correct (if needed) your walk with God. Instead, what is said is "sure but not now...we don't know." Since when is that an excuse to delay getting right with God? The purpose is not to fear monger or panic folks but to have them look at themselves critically. I want everyone to get thru that gate. And mourn those who won't. As for September - wait and see. You could be right but you could also be wrong.

I does!

Wish you would post more!