What I meant, in essence, was that I don't generally "fall" for what tickles my ears. I start out skeptical and try to do my homework. I have bought the 7th year sabbath year because it makes sense and it is biblical. IF the tribulation doesn't start this Sept. it can't start for another 7 years. The Iran nuclear treaty debate ends in September. Jade Helm, military exercises started in July in 10 states, where the military "practices" for martial law, ends in September. Both secular and religious folks are talking about an economic collapse - in September. (I forgot about the 2 cows with 7 on their foreheads). A French government official in a statement I'm sure he regrets, said we have 500 days until catastrophe and that 500 days ends in September. The signs Christ spoke of are showing up in perfect detail and scripture concurs. Weather is extreme and as I type California is burning. They are talking global warming but others have pictures (on youtube) that a mass is approaching and that is what is causing the hellish weather. It is speculated that this is what will bring us back to the 360 day year. So it all may not happen but if it does it's not gonna be a time where you can say "ooops" and then fix it. You won't have the time. Pray for households.