This comes from - an interesting web site.

No man knows the time nor does the angels nor does the son Jesus but these people do know all these things ? How can this be ?This comes from - an interesting web site.
Christ gave seasons not dates. All that tried, failed. None should be ashamed: pray for Pre- and prepare for Post. There are great books on each of them. If Obama is the A-Christ, then there will be no elections in 2016.This comes from - an interesting web site.
Christ gave seasons not dates. All that tried, failed. None should be ashamed: pray for Pre- and prepare for Post. There are great books on each of them. If Obama is the A-Christ, then there will be no elections in 2016.
Christ gave seasons not dates. All that tried, failed. None should be ashamed: pray for Pre- and prepare for Post. There are great books on each of them. If Obama is the A-Christ, then there will be no elections in 2016.
We are not to know the date and any dates given should be IMO, rejected.
Silk said ; I will say all the announcers seem to be sincere God-loving Christians, though.I don't know or I should say, I haven't gotten any direct "word" from Yahweh Elohim, myself, but I'm not rejecting the month of September, 2015. We can wait and see but I also see it as a time to get ready anyway. So I'm doing lots of reading (scripture) and watching. If nothing happens in faith remains. I have seen a lot of announcements about September and no announcers are seeming to get there from the exact same places. I will say all the announcers seem to be sincere God-loving Christians, though.
I don't know or I should say, I haven't gotten any direct "word" from Yahweh Elohim, myself, but I'm not rejecting the month of September, 2015. We can wait and see but I also see it as a time to get ready anyway. So I'm doing lots of reading (scripture) and watching. If nothing happens in faith remains. I have seen a lot of announcements about September and no announcers are seeming to get there from the exact same places. I will say all the announcers seem to be sincere God-loving Christians, though.
I say He's coming tomorrow. And I'll repeat it every day until I'm right - unless He comes tonight!![]()
Silk said ; I will say all the announcers seem to be sincere God-loving Christians, though.
Yes this is true AND YET They can be sincerely wrong too.
Actually I said Jesus could have been referring (Matt 24:36) to that day (1 Tishri) as it is the only day that cannot be known in advance at that time - i.e. that it had to be declared by the sanhedrin (which didn't exist until a few years ago). But Paul says we are of the light and would know, 1 Thess 5:4-5. Time will tell in a month and a half![]()
I'm not claiming any dates. I'm only pointing out patterns that are based on past historical facts. It takes a willing heart to do the homework and this September has a glut of patterns converging at one time. It just begs the question: what does it mean? That's all. Even John asked Jesus if He was the One. They were looking for Him when He came, and those that were looking found Him. Those that were not looking, didn't find Him nor believe Him. That's all this is about. What good are signs if they're not to be believed and understood and that's my sole goal.God love ya brother but I am going to remind you of this on October 1st. Either here on the CFS or standing next to you in heaven!!!!
God love ya brother but I am going to remind you of this on October 1st. Either here on the CFS or standing next to you in heaven!!!!
I told my boss Y2K was a joke and just a means for the governments to take more control and I was write. I got sucked into 1988 because I was young, on my own and didn't know much about bible prophecy then. As I've said, time will tell.I didn't fall for Y2K - I didn't fall for 88 - whatever that was. I'm ok with being wrong but I don't see it being wrong for all seems to make sense to me. I plan to go on living the way I do - whatever happens. I hope it's wrong but AGAIN, that is not what I see. I get no joy from an I told you so, either --if it is right. It's a warning to get right with God. And that is NEVER wrong whatever happens.