The Raptures (Harpazo) of the Scriptures

RE: the tetrad moons. The last 2 times where tetrad moons happened; the first of which Israel got it's land back (1948) and the 2nd when they got Jerusalem back (1967). It has been suggested this 3rd time, they will get their temple back and that only happens in the tribulation, according to scripture.
I can't help feeling like a kid before Christmas morning. And yet? I know I can't be positive about it until it really happens. To me - it just fits and I feel the truth of it vibrating in me.
I have not really given anything as to a date yet. I just know, whether 2015 or 2017. Us, as the bride, the body of Christ, has a lot to do before the rapture takes place.
Every single person must have heard the gospel before Christ returns on the clouds. Since I last checked there were just over 1000 languages that have not yet received a translation of the bible - does that say anything.
Never mind nations that shun any mission work - muslim nations and North Korea.
I still see a lot of work to be done - even in my own country.
Please don't think me a party-pooper. There was a well-known group that predicted Armageddon on the Feast of Trumpets in 1975.
They claimed that the reason it didn't happen was because they didn't have an accurate chronology of Eve. I have looked at Abdicate's .pdf file and he has his own interpretation of her chronology.

I think Christ's remedy is the best of all: Watch and Pray.
I don't have a chronology of Eve... there isn't one. I just threw in there that she was created, we do NOT know when. I put her a year or two out from Creation so Adam had time to name the animals and realize he was alone. It doesn't have any bearing on the chronology because it starts with the birth of Seth at the age of Adam at 130 years old. Everything up to that point is gravy.
Just to clarify: the 120th Jubilee on 2025 AD is the count from Creation (6000 / 50 = 120), which I base on Gen 6:3, seeing how no one lived an average of 120 years old - it was either 800+ or 70, 80 if they were strong. The weaning of age from 800+ down to 80 took about 1000 years. Shem, Noah's son, died many years after Abraham died! Eber was the last of the long lived and died after Shem did, in the 3rd year Jacob work for Rachel. You can see more on my timeline page: Click the highlighted words at the top to "jump" there, like creation, or drag it to the right or left to move the time line. There are three views... top, slower change, middle faster change, bottom one moves a lot faster.

A Jubilee is a count of 50 years. The scriptural Jubilee is the year after the 7th Sabbath year - i.e. the 50th year since a Sabbath year is once every 7th year. Seven 7's is 49. For instance, Jerusalem's first modern Jubilee is 2017 (1967+50=2017). Remember, all this dating is based on an unproven theory that we're only here for 6000 years and Jesus rules the 7000th year for 1000 years and then the end. So if this is actually true, it all has to come to an end within the next 50 years. But, if it is not accurate, well then, who knows. Time will tell. I sure hope the Lord comes this Fall, but if not, I'll keep praising Him and obeying Him. :D
I think Abdicate indicates that 2024 but I can buy he's off by 2 years (possibly) regarding the end of the tribulation and Jubilee.

I listened to the Video. I became troubled when the narrator said that Barak Hussein Obama was the Antichrist. Donald Trump says he has proof that Obama was born in Africa, not the U.S.

Anyway, Silk, you are very well studied. If I say 2017, and Abdicate says 2024, thats a span of 7 years. A coincidence, no more than that!
I tend to like the 120 Jubilees idea. I did (if I recall correctly) hear one other theory on the 120 years verse and that was the time between when God told Noah to build the ark and the flood. I admit I never checked it out and don't recall where I heard it. It seems to me (no math wiz) that the beginning of creation could be short a few years in man's calculation. But I agree, with the wait and see.
I don't have a chronology of Eve... there isn't one. I just threw in there that she was created, we do NOT know when. I put her a year or two out from Creation so Adam had time to name the animals and realize he was alone. It doesn't have any bearing on the chronology because it starts with the birth of Seth at the age of Adam at 130 years old. Everything up to that point is gravy.

I'm sorry for my misunderstanding. Now I know that she had no role to play in Bible chronology.
I listened to the Video. I became troubled when the narrator said that Barak Hussein Obama was the Antichrist. Donald Trump says he has proof that Obama was born in Africa, not the U.S.

Anyway, Silk, you are very well studied. If I say 2017, and Abdicate says 2024, thats a span of 7 years. A coincidence, no more than that!

There are a few things I already posted that I had problems with regarding the video and Obama was one of them. Where Obama was born doesn't contradict scripture - only the US laws for who can be president. He also says Elijah and Enoch are the 2 witnesses (my original choices for a different thread) - I've since changed to Moses and Elijah (grin). Your 2017 shemtah contradicts the 2001 and 2008 shemtah. I already noted to myself that 2024 is 7 yrs from 2017 but Abdicate is saying 2025 and none of these dates concur with the shemitahs, as already noted.
There are a few things I already posted that I had problems with regarding the video and Obama was one of them. Where Obama was born doesn't contradict scripture - only the US laws for who can be president. He also says Elijah and Enoch are the 2 witnesses (my original choices for a different thread) - I've since changed to Moses and Elijah (grin). Your 2017 shemtah contradicts the 2001 and 2008 shemtah. I already noted to myself that 2024 is 7 yrs from 2017 but Abdicate is saying 2025 and none of these dates concur with the shemitahs, as already noted.

What I meant by my first sentence is that I said there were things I was "unsure of said in the video". I have no idea if Obama is the upcoming AC. I can't say positively that he isn't either. Obama's actions these last 4 yrs. particularly trouble me. I posted the video because it says the pretrib rapture was confirmed by tables.
Bible codes. This isn't going to be a short comment - sorry. It's too broad of subject to slice and dice it. So here goes: Do you remember the game Word Find where you'd find a word jumbled in a sea of letters as a kid? Like this:


In this example you want to find the words like cheese and birthday cake by looking forwards, backwards, upside down, straight down or sideways and reversed. This is what the bible codes are essentially in the Hebrew. What makes this plausible just on the surface is the fact that great rituals were forced upon those that copied the word of God to the point that if a scribe finished one copy of the Torah and the Prophets in his lifetime, he was considered an accomplished scribe. What's interesting too is that the actual written Hebrew does not use punctuation except spacing after a paragraph. Each line contained certain number of characters and they were all "fully justified" (fit the width of the column) written into multiple columns. Another interesting fact is that Sir Isaac Newton (yep, the apple and the gravity guy) was a huge believer of the bible codes. He'd spend months trying to discover some hidden meaning. While he did find some things, nothing like today's discoveries could be found prior to these digital days. Literally, the books were sealed until the end!

So, I first heard of the Bible Codes when the Washington Post/Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Drosnin found out about it and wrote a book. I read it and wanting to do my own homework, I bought some cheesy software. I couldn't make heads or tails on how it worked until I bought a book written about an NSA analyist named Harold Gans who explained the Bible Code phenomenon very well. The book is called Cracking the Bible Code by Jeffrey Satinover. As with the word of God the findings must be understood to weed out the fluff and over exaggerators - something not easy to do. While I'm good at math, I hate statistical math. And that's what you must have a firm understanding in to understand whether a "discovery" is impossible by chance or most likely to be found. Think of it this way: if I was searching for the word "I" in the bible, I would expect it to be there multiple times over. Statistically, I could find "John Smith" there too, statistically, but not likely seeing how "smith" would be a job title and not a name. So "Smith" is found 3 times in the bible, and "John" 130 times. But "John Smith" does not appear in the bible together at all. (I say bible because I'm using a translations - KJV). This phenomenon of the Bible Codes is really found only in the Hebrew. What makes this so interesting is that the Jews discovered it and published it in Statistical Science. The publishers were so skeptical they made the paper go through three more peer reviews before they published it - because they couldn't believe it. In other words, they found it to be "more than a product of mere chance".

What was the paper about takes the "Word Find" game to a whole new level. Instead of all the locations (forwards, backwards, diagonal, etc.) the words were found at Equidistant Letter Sequence. Ok big words meaning you skip the same number of letters to find the next letter. Here's an example in English from Wikipedia (


Here you have Genesis 26:5-10 with the spacing and punctuations removed in English. The top line reads:
My statutes and my laws and Isaac dwelt i
But presented in capital letters and without spaces broken into a box of 33 characters per line. This is important because the length of the line is also used differently. You could have 50 characters per line or 54,000 characters. Now you see that if this is real, and I believe it is, it is meant for the computer age. Anyhow, in this example of Genesis broken into 33-line characters you find at the letter E (letter 14 of line two) and from that E you count 100 letters and you find the letter L, count another 100 letters and you find the letter B, another 100, I and another 100, B making the word BIBLE in reverse. No big deal except when a common word intersects your first word, BIBLE. In this example it's CODE at a ELS of 36. That is, E then 36 letters to D, then 36 more to O and then 36 to C spelling CODE backwards. Together you have "BIBLE CODE" in the passage of Genesis 26:5-10 of the English bible. So, while this is "AMAZING", the odds of this happening are not that high, meaning that it's actually VERY likely that this will occur and multiple times. What makes this phenomenon truly amazing is that large words within an array (the character line length with the number of rows) that have related meaning.

The study published in the magazine Statistical Science was that of all the known great sages of Jewish history, their birth and death dates. So this isn't just a grouping of words, but sentences and phrases too intertwined to create a matrix of meaningful related words on a subject. Here's that experiment:

The Great Rabbis Experiment published in Statistical Science demonstrates the existence of hidden codes in the Torah.

In 1994, Doron Witztum, Eliyahu Rips, and Yoav Rosenberg published a study in the peer-reviewed mathematical journal Statistical Science titled "Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis". The authors argued that conceptually related words can be found encoded closer together in the Torah than would be expected by chance. This argument was supported by an experiment, and a below is a brief summary of their experiment as they present it in their paper.
  1. The authors selected all 32 rabbis contained in the Encyclopedia of Great Men in Israel who had entries containing between 1.5 and 3 columns of text.
  2. Shlomo Havlin compiled the appellations for each of these rabbis (that is, the various names and spellings used to refer to these rabbis).
  3. The authors measured the closeness of the appellations to the birth or death dates of each of these rabbis using four different methods: P1, P2, P3, and P4. Each of these methods returned a value, and each of these values were compared with the values returned for 1,000,000 randomly shuffled lists of rabbis and dates.
  4. The P4 rank had the highest rank of 4/1,000,000. This rank was multiplied by the number of tests run to reach a final probability of 16/1,000,000. In other words, the probability that the result occurred by chance is 1 in 62,500.
A ratio of 1:20 is considered abnormally high, meaning that the odds were not in favor of the event. The one test I thought I could do was the TORAH test, which is said to be found from the first TAV (T) in Genesis, count 50 letters and you get VAV (O) then 50 more for RESH (R), 50 more to get HEY (H) - the A is not a letter, but the pronunciation. Torah is actually spelt TORH. And I did find it. The same with Exodus, not in Leviticus, but backward from the end of the books of Numbers and Deuteronomy. In Leviticus it was found God's Name YOD, HEY, VAV, HEY. So in a nutshell you have a picture of torah pointing to God in only the Torah (first five books of the OT). Like this:

//God\\ with the \ and / representing the spelling of TORAH at 50 characters, "pointing" to God!​

Why would this be anything special? Well, what are the odds of TORAH being spelled at 50-character spacing, the first T in Genesis, the first T in Exodus, forward spelling of TORAH, skipping the middle book, and the next two books, starting with the last T counting backwards 50 characters spelling out TORAH with Jehovah in the middle book at 50 character spacing found only in a collection of books called the TORAH?

So what's wrong with the bible codes. As with anything man discovers, there are zealots that want to prove how smart they are to play in God's ultimate "Word Find" game. As such, you have to understand statistical math (is it more than just by chance) and you need to understand Hebrew. While I believe this to be legitimate, I honestly don't like listening to Christians go on about what they've discovered because I find too many too immature to believe. They find Obama and then the word Antichrist across his name and the say "I've FOUND who the antichrist is!!!" and cheapen the entire process, making them a fool and a true discovery a mockery. So far, everyone is stuck in a 2D rendition, but I believe it to be so much more, even 3D like the silly movie Contact. (I'm NOT NOT NOT equating the word of God with aliens!) I'm just making an example how when they found that the information was 3D not just 2D. God made the universe so I believe He literally wrote the entire history of time within the word of God. Why not? If Hollywood can think of aliens putting text into a TV signal broadcasted from earth, and send it back to earth with more "information" and make a movie on that farce, is it too much to think the God of the universe couldn't write down all of history in HIS book?

So, what's my advice? Do as you see fit. Just remember that NOTHING in the bible codes, if real, will ever contradict the plain text. To me this only proves that the word of God is a map for anyone (even mathematicians) to point to Jesus.
I've read the Satinover book (recommended) and one by Sherman (bible code bombshell) and am backed up with 3 more I plan to read. I will repeat - I posted the video because it was stating that the pretrib rapture was confirmed by code. It shows the tables where this was derived and it appears to be hebrew they are using. But it's not clear what method they are using (to me). Obama as the AC is not specified by the tables - only the name (perhaps in reference to other videos and tables shown there). The Sept., 2015 date as the rapture time has been multiplied over youtube (without bible codes) in the last couple of months. The author of the video I posted has over 100 videos on this. I haven't watched them all. I was linked to the codes by Bible Codes Digest (email) that I signed up for when I read the Bible Codes books. Shrug.
So my chronology study started because of Grant Jeffery stated that Israel was born on a very specific day. He was wrong on the number. When I finished my study, he rewrote his book and adjusted his findings... again wrong. I don't claim to be right, only that I've never had anyone refute my findings. Think of it this way, I say the Lord started His ministry in 25 AD, which coincidentally (?) was the 4000th year of Creation. I used only the word of God to find my dates. I had to use the history of the calendars in order to convert the numbers (Roman calendar to Julian to Hebrew to Gregorian) and the hardest thing was to find the information WITHOUT the AD/BC conversion. I didn't want to trust their conversion techniques. I wanted to do my own. So if Jesus started His ministry in 25 AD and died in 27 AD and we were told He'd return in like manner, when? 25 or 27 AD + 2000? Since He started 4000 from Creation, I wanted to know when was the end of 6000 years, that'll be 29 Elul 5786 = 11 Sep 2026. This is the year 2000 all over again... you have to count the last year as part of the 2000 years. So New Year's day 2001 was the first day of the millennium, not New Year's Day 2000. Think of it this way, you have 99 cents, you need that 100th penny to count a whole dollar. It's the same with calendars, otherwise someone will say the end of the 6000th year is 22 Sep 2025. See how complicated this gets? And all this is based on a theory we're here on earth for only 6000 years. It's not why I did my study. I wanted to show that one can indeed know the date of Jesus' death and His birth, and I found it. The rest is on eschatologists.
I've read the Satinover book (recommended) and one by Sherman (bible code bombshell) and am backed up with 3 more I plan to read. I will repeat - I posted the video because it was stating that the pretrib rapture was confirmed by code. It shows the tables where this was derived and it appears to be hebrew they are using. But it's not clear what method they are using (to me). Obama as the AC is not specified by the tables - only the name (perhaps in reference to other videos and tables shown there). The Sept., 2015 date as the rapture time has been multiplied over youtube (without bible codes) in the last couple of months. The author of the video I posted has over 100 videos on this. I haven't watched them all. I was linked to the codes by Bible Codes Digest (email) that I signed up for when I read the Bible Codes books. Shrug.
No problem sis. It's still good to know, and I thanked you for the video. :D Keep 'em coming!
Is it true that the church had no doctrine of the Rapture until Darby (1838)?
No. Just look at the commentaries on 1 Thess 4:17 and when they were written... over 100 years before 1838... it's just the devil wanting to steal a comforting word.
No. Just look at the commentaries on 1 Thess 4:17 and when they were written... over 100 years before 1838... it's just the devil wanting to steal a comforting word.
Thanks Euphemia and Abdicate! My faith is stronger now.
The other lie I've heard about the Rapture is, "Hope for Pre- but prepare for Post-" Have any of you heard this too?