The Soul

Every night when I go to bed I listen to a cd for about one and a half hours (with my ear phones on.) Sometimes it is the bible and sometimes hymns of praise.
Many times while listening I feel a great joy and experience a wonderful soaring. Is this soaring my spirit or my soul?
Oh yes, sometimes I fall asleep and have to start the cd again.
Every night when I go to bed I listen to a cd for about one and a half hours (with my ear phones on.) Sometimes it is the bible and sometimes hymns of praise.
Many times while listening I feel a great joy and experience a wonderful soaring. Is this soaring my spirit or my soul?
I am going to hazard a guess and say its both.

Spirit fills us up, Providing the warm air to our souls (balloons)

Via; having an ephithany. lol


what do you mean world-consciousness? I thought our bodies are spacesuits.. unless you mean our spacesuits are in tune more with the outer world and instinctively know what to when babies are born they know how to suck without thinking about it.

I was referring to understanding what goes on around you. an "Awareness" kind of thing.

I was also trying to show you that I was smarter than I look.
I've read that the soul is made up of the mind, the will (or desire) and emotions.

I think the soul is the unique part of us that makes us human.
We have a body, a soul and a spirit.
People that are unbelievers I guess just have a body and a soul. Or if they have a spirit it's not the holy spirit.
I also heard that animals just have bodies and spirits but no souls.

First mention of soul in the Bible is Genesis 2:7 where it says
And the Lord God formed man out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

You know that painting in the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo called the creation of Adam and its shows Adam, who is lying naked on a treeless rock and God is pointing at him with his finger and it looks like he's giving him an electric shock. Well that isn't even in the Bible so am not sure where that comes from!
You are correct about the defintion of the soul. Our mind, will & emotions. But don't let anyone tell you that animals don't have a soul! They definitely have feelings!!
You are correct about the defintion of the soul. Our mind, will & emotions. But don't let anyone tell you that animals don't have a soul! They definitely have feelings!!

Hello harriet;

There are distinct definitions of the spirit and soul in believers.

I never thought about animals having a soul. You feel they do. Tell me more!

God bless you, harriet, and your family.
Animals have feelings? , yes I like to believe they have them.

I used to watch my beloved dog look shameful when she chews my best shoes lol
But if harriet, you mean actual bodily sensations, then yes they do, as I am sure all life form do.
Hello harriet;

There are distinct definitions of the spirit and soul in believers.

I never thought about animals having a soul. You feel they do. Tell me more!

God bless you, harriet, and your family.
Thank you. God bless you and yours also.

If the "soul" is defined as the mind, will, and emotions, then picture how smart (intelligent) a trained dog is.

It's not just instinct, in my opinion, as we see in the lower life forms.
You are correct about the defintion of the soul. Our mind, will & emotions. But don't let anyone tell you that animals don't have a soul! They definitely have feelings!!
I think when other people try and tell me animals don't have souls or go to heaven I just laugh. I mean come on Jesus is riding on a white horse in heaven. Unless they think it's some kind of robot.