I fear that it is only going to get worse for the Christians in this country America.
Gay marriage, trans-rights reaching from K grade to senior high school. And in some state trans-rights extend to the secular domain in matters of right of access to private facilities. Bathrooms, showers, locker rooms, changing rooms.
Utah last year where a judge weakened the law against polygamy by vacating the law against polyamory. Achieved after the "stars" of the reality TV show, Sister Wives, pursued the matter. And this now makes polygamy the next target for revocation.
Meanwhile, the religious are under attack on just about any front one can imagine.
Southern Poverty Law Center, known back in the day for championing civil rights, now calls scripture hate speech. And certain evangelical groups that invoke scripture with regard to gay marriage, hate groups.
It is as if the closets are being knocked down by those who advocate tolerance and profess an anti-bullying campaign. And all the while there is being constructed new closets wherein those same groups hope intolerance and bullying will assist in corralling Christians into them.