Ok. Let me give you some advice as being someone who lost their relationships to both their older children. If you go through with showing conditional love(doesn't matter if you don't see it that way) and I can assure you the couple will see it like that. Then you better get a living will protecting you from their reflection of your actions back to you in old age infirmities. I fear what my 2 oldest would have done to me if I became an involent. I plan to have a living will drawn up upon my youngest reaching adulthood to protect me from the 2 oldest. I don't have a relationship with them because they're actively oppressing my wife, youngest son and myself. I know I am in the right but am paying a huge cost against those who could care less about right and wrong.I present the hypothetical situation in light of today's attitude of 'tolerance'...
and the fine line between loving the sinner and hating the sin. The relationship
that began as adultery was never repented of and ended a legitimate marriage.
The person being asked to attend the ceremony is the believer (whose daughter
is the 'bride-to-be').
Do you feel the believer is endorsing the sinful relationship by attending? Or,
do you feel attending shows love to the daughter, in hopes she will sense this
and repent as the Holy Spirit continues His work of conviction?
If you can provide scripture for your reasoning, that would be great. It's a
sad thing to see that no longer is it enough to give people their right to make
choices, they also want others to join in and 'validate' their sin. I appreciate
the responses.