Walking the Fine Line

Should a believer attend the wedding ceremony of an unrepented of adultrous relationship?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • No

    Votes: 5 71.4%

  • Total voters
She also if her heart is hardened, not care if you did not come. You have to think on that too. Just by you being there...could convict her though cos she wouldnt be happy knowing you disapprove.
If she's seeking validation, her parent's presence would provide
that... at the cost of truly feeling convicted by them being there.
It's hard to discern this...

well, when they ask, if there's any impediment to their marriage, will anyone say anything?
If not, and they don't say anything then they have to forever hold their peace.

There's a reason why the ministers ask this.
I don't know if it will be a wedding in the traditional manner where they say this, but, I would think, anyone who does marry them ought to counsel them first. If you are invited to such a wedding in which the celebrant does not care, and it's hurting the first husband..you don't have to go, and just state your reasons for not going...rather than just show up and make a scene. She will be convicted by your absence perhaps.
So 5 persons wouldn't go. But what if they get a baby. Are you going to be grandparents for the baby? Or are you never going to visit them or her again? What if she become seriously ill, are you going to visit her while her husband is present. Or are you saying to her, we will come as soon as you are divorced?
I think it would be up to the daughter if she wanted grandparents in her babies life.
Even if she didn't and had one, the grandparents can still pray for the child, cos the child is innocent I would say. But sometimes..you have to draw the line, and not tolerate wilful sin. it would likely if she wanted grandparents to visit and help she would be at a point of repentance, cos she's acknowledging that her husbands presence and fathering is not enough.
Besides theres heaps of grandchildren...and also, not every grandchild knows their grandparents. I never knew my maternal granddad. He died when I was 8 and lived in a totally different country.
So 5 persons wouldn't go. But what if they get a baby. Are you going to be grandparents for the baby? Or are you never going to visit them or her again? What if she become seriously ill, are you going to visit her while her husband is present. Or are you saying to her, we will come as soon as you are divorced?
This daughter would always be welcome in my life, and I would
make every effort to engage with her... even after the 'wedding'.
My issue is being very careful NOT to validate the ceremony God
will not validate.
Thank you everyone for the input, and scriptures shared on
this issue. It's all been very helpful, and taken to heart.

I presented this as a hypothetical situation, but I do have a
family situation going on, that is very similar. I ask for your
prayer... the clearer I get on what my response should be,
the more the pressure for 'my validation' increases. And
that despite the fact that I have made my position clear, in

Thanks again.