Now you're back to what I talked about earlier...defending the global flood from a faith-based, "I don't care about the science, all that matters is what the Bible says" perspective. If you'd have done that
when I first brought it up, you'd have saved yourself a lot of bother.
But for some reason I've yet to figure out, a lot of Christians feel compelled to try and justify a global flood from a purely scientific perspective. Why is that? Do you think a scientific argument is superior to a faith-based scriptural one? If not, then why not just say "the Bible says so, and that's all that matters"? Why the need to spend so much effort on trying to make the science fit?
What's worse, is imagine yourself a young or new Christian and you've been told by people you respect that "Oh yes, there is a totally solid scientific case to be made for a global flood. Just look at salt in the pyramids, sea shell fossils on mountains, a break in Egyptian history, etc. That all makes sense if the earth was smooth before the flood and all the geologic features are post-flood."
So you go out into the world, perhaps to college, confident that you have the answers to those pesky scientists and atheists who don't believe the Bible. Then you come across one of those pesky people who knows something about these subjects, and every single one of those arguments you were told were so solid turn out to be absolute junk. The non-believer tells you, "Smooth earth? LOL! Do you have any idea how much energy would be required and heat generated to do that for even just one mountain range? You'd boil off the atmosphere!! Har, har, har!" Then "You've omitted entire Egyptian dynasties in your timeline. Why'd you do that? Sheesh!" And on and on it goes....
So this young Christian goes back to the people who told him all these things and says, "Um, these science-based flood arguments are terrible. They don't make any sense and are...well, just
wrong." Then the leaders respond, "You just have to have faith and believe no matter what. Either the Bible is 100% literally true, or it's 100% a lie." What do you think that does to a young believer?
I'll tell you what it does in the next post....