Hello, Skipper, Lanolin and Joan Thursday;
I'd like to bring this topic back to the original title, We homeschool our kids and it's....
I'm the last one who knows anything about homeschooling but will share from my own schooling. I attended public and private elementary, middle and junior high school growing up. During high school of 3500 students it was public school.
My GPA was B+ (3.0) and C- (2.5). My Dad was fulltime in the Air Force and my late Mom was a stay home parent. Homeschool existed in the 1960s and 1970s but my parents wanted their children to develop people skills with classmates and receive mentoring from other adult teachers while growing up.
My personal problem with learning was my attention span. By the grace of God I got past my general education and graduated. It helped me because college was tough but it prepared me to interact with adult classmates of different ages and teachers with more rigid guidelines for learning.
In the 1980s through today my wife and I have gotten to know many parents who opted to homeschool their children. The upside is the parents were able to give their children more personal attention while teaching them general education.
The downside is what I don't understand. Do most parents have the teaching experience to help their children learn the challenges of proper language, math beyond addition and subtraction, world history, biology and science and any other subjects that go into homeschooling?
The other downside is what I also don't understand. Are most parents opting to homeschool their children because the parents have lost confidence in our public and private schools?
The other downside is what I also don't understand. Are most parents who opt to homeschool their children sheltering them, as this may hinder their people skills - interacting with other children and adult teachers while growing up?
Please share your thoughts and answers.
God bless everyone and your families.
Hi Bob,
I can’t speak for most parents but I can give you our perspective on your questions.
At this stage of our homeschool journey, most of the subject matter isn’t terribly difficult and you certainly do not need to be an expert to teach it. The curriculums essentially tell you verbatim what to say and how to teach it. They understand that the parents aren’t subject matter experts and they endeavor to hold your hand through the teaching process. This is also the case with elementary school teachers as they are also not experts on particular subject matter and rely on the teachers guides for a lot of their lecture. When people get their teaching credentials, they can get them in single subject or multi subject. Multi subject is what elementary school teachers do. They just need to have a bachelors degree in any subject at all then take the credentialing courses. (This is all based on California law, I’m not sure about other jurisdictions.) We homeschool through a private school and have access to their teachers and administrators should we need additional help with something.
Single subject teachers can still have a bachelors degree in any subject but have to be able to pass the subject matter exam for the particular subject they are interested in teaching. They also offer courses to help prospective teachers in a subject matter get up to speed. So it may be a misconception to think the teachers are experts in the subjects they are teaching. The experts really come into play at the college level. My dad was a teacher for a number of years. He taught special education and English. He certainly wasn’t an expert in English or writing but that’s what he taught. I have an aunt who is a retired high school math teacher. She has zero background in math.
Obviously, the teachers become better at the subject matter the longer they teach it and are exposed to it but teacher credentialing is more about learning teaching methods and how to deal with classroom behavior issues, parent issues, etc. than it’s about actually knowing the subjects. So homeschool teachers are absolutely capable of teaching just as well as “normal teachers” with the the assistance of the material provided to them.
Some of this may change as the kids age and approach more difficult subjects. At that point, we intend to give our kids the choice to go to school if they desire (barring viruses or other anomalous events that would disrupt this possibility). If they choose to remain homeschooled, we will again continue to use the curriculum materials and will enlist tutors to aide where assistance is needed.
As for as why we homeschool, the schools in our area are garbage. They have very low ratings. We had our daughter attend public school for kindergarten and she came down with lice, pinkeye, and a variety of other illnesses from parents who would send their kids to school when they shouldn’t. She wasn’t learning anything because she was already able to read at a third grade level. So they were teaching her the alphabet and counting and basically wasting her time. Luckily, her teacher recognized the level she was at and she ultimately ended up skipping a grade. But by that time, we had already decided to homeschool since we were so disappointed in the public school and unable to afford private school tuition.
Fast forward a year or two and covid hit. While other parents had the difficult time figuring out what to do with their children, children weren’t in school at all, concerns about kids getting sick were abundant, etc., we were able to continue as normal. The kids never once had to miss a single day of school because of covid and my wife and I didn’t have to change our routine at all. Psychologically, the impact of covid on our kids has been minimal since they never had to drastically change their lives like so many other kids have.
As far as sheltering them, this is another stereotype and misconception people have. We live on a cul-de-sac with a lot of children on it. My kids regularly play outside with other kids, have their friends over, go to their friends’ houses, go to birthday parties, take extracurricular classes and activities, and interact perfectly well with their peers. They go on field trips with other homeschooled kids, participate in talent shows put on through the school, get student IDs, get class photos taken, get to go to dances (once old enough), go to the home football games of the school we homeschool through, etc. They get all the normal experiences and interactions they would get in school except they get to sit at their desks at home to do their work rather than sit at a desk at school to do their work.
I think the stigma the teachers associations try to put on homeschooled children is appalling. The fewer students in public schools, the less money offered to them and the fewer teachers are needed. The associations and unions want to remain strong so they fight against homeschooling by suggesting all sorts of bizarre theories that don’t hold water. They started by saying they wouldn’t learn as much but research shows homeschooled kids outperform their schooled peers. So now they’re trying to push this “awkward socialization” angle that also isn’t true but is more difficult to study and quantify so it’s more difficult to disprove.
This has led non homeschooled people to have this vision in their minds of sheltered children who have no idea how the “real world” works, unable to play or speak with their peers, functioning somewhere on the autism spectrum, sitting at home in the barn on the farm doing addition and subtraction by candlelight, while their parents sew their own clothes, shun electricity and modern technology, dress like the Amish, don’t let their children experience life, and don’t teach their children difficult truths and facts about life. They make it out to be we are a bunch of backwards thinking societal rejects who are dooming our children to a life of ignorance and social isolation.
It’s sad that this is the perspective people have and it’s completely wrong. Oh, and let’s not forget that my children are able to learn God’s truth everyday and get to pray in school. Something public schools no longer allow.