Well its September... should we get the tin foil hats out ^~^

So with the shmita ending this week, let's look at how it began to see how it might end:

From my blog: http://abdicate.net/blog/?p=538

God’s Appointed Times
Posted on October 24, 2014 by abdicate
Have you ever seen events that happen on God’s calendar?

Genesis 1:14 (KJV)
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

I have a slight issue with “for seasons” because in the Hebrew, it’s really “appointed times”. Man hadn’t fallen yet, there were no seasons – he was naked! Here’s the word in Hebrew:

– Original: מועד
– Transliteration: Mow`ed
– Phonetic: mo-ade’
– Definition:
1. appointed place, appointed time, meeting
a. appointed time
1. appointed time (general)
2. sacred season, set feast, appointed season
b. appointed meeting
c. appointed place
d. appointed sign or signal
e. tent of meeting

Here’s just the last 30 days (since the beginning of the current Sabbath year – shmita):

• 23 Sep 2014: US attacks ISIS in Syria, #1 (29 Elul 5774 – last day of the year)
• 24 Sep 2014:

• Start of Sabbath year,
• Solar Eclipse,
• Feast of Trumpets,
• Thomas Eric Duncan shows first symptoms of Ebola, #2

• 25 Sep 2014: Duncan went to the emergency room of Texas Health Presbyterian in Dallas, but was sent home, #3
• 08 Oct 2014:

• 2nd blood moon,
• Feast of Tabernacles,
• Duncan dies of Ebola @ 7:51am CST, #4

• 08 Oct 2014: China surpasses US as world’s largest economy based on key measure, #5
• 15 Oct 2014:

• End of Feast of Tabernacles,
• a second Ebola victim confirmed – the nurse that helped Mr. Duncan, #6


Sep 24 is closed @ 17056.13 – (Oct 15) 16138.68 = 917.45 from start of Shmita to end of Feast of tabernacles! #7

• 19 Oct 2014: Comet makes rare close pass by Mars as spacecraft watch #8
• 23 Oct 2014:

• Last day of Tishri (30 Tishri 5775)
• A partial solar eclipse occurred, #9.
• Tishri started with a solar eclipse.
• First case of Ebola in NYC confirmed, @ 11:53 PM – 23 Oct 2014, #10.

1. http://theweek.com/article/index/268606/10-things-you-need-to-know-today-september-23-2014
2. http://www.wfaa.com/story/news/heal...an-hospital-ebola-patient-isolation/16460629/
3. http://www.slate.com/articles/healt...al_missteps_at_texas_health_presbyterian.html
4. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/texas-ebola-patient-thomas-eric-duncan-died/story?id=26045360
5. http://rt.com/business/194264-china-surpass-us-gdp/
6. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/16/us/ebola-outbreak-texas.html
7. http://stockcharts.com/h-sc/ui
8. http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/10/19/us-space-comet-mars-idUKKCN0I80T120141019
9. http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2014/17oct_sunseteclipse/
10. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-...nts-guniea-rushed-bellevue-hospital-post-repo

Still not seeing it? Here’s the last two “Sabbath” years (shmita is7 years) :

• 9/11/2001: Terrorist attack around 9am, #1 (23 Elul 5761), 7buildings (all world trade center) destroyed, #2
• 9/17/2001: Stock market loses 7% (684 points) in first day of trading after 9/11, #3, (29 Elul 5761, last day of shmita)

• 9/28/2008: Congress does not pass $700 billion bailout, #4
• 9/29/2008: at 4pm stocks close with a slide of 777 points, #5, (29 Elul 5768, last day of the shmita)

• Date difference from terror attack to 2008 market crash: 7years, 6 days (Jewish dates), 7 hours
• Date difference from 2001 crash to 2008 crash: 7 years to the minute!
• Market closed at 9,605.51 on Sept. 10, 2001, #6, and could not open until the 17th when it fell 7%, and exactly 8 years later on 9/11/2009 it was only 10 cents off closing at 9,605.41, #6. (Notice the math: 9,6+5 = 9/11)

Other notable facts:
Washington Dedicated the United States to God on April 30, 1789, #7, in the Federal Hall (destroyed in 1812), 26 Wall Street (across the street from the NY Stock Exchange, and 4 blocks from the site of the 9/11 attacks). The foundation of Federal Hall was cracked by the 9/11 attacks, #8.

The One World Trade Tower started in August 25, 1966, (9 Elul 5726) a shmita, completed Hanukah (25 Kislev 5731), December 23, 1970, and was the tallest tower in the world until 1973 (a shmita). Destroyed 9/11/01 (23 Elul 5761), exactly 5 shmitas two weeks later! (35 years (5×7), 14 days (7+7)).

Shmitas are for the sign of rise or fall of nations. The Berlin Victory Parade of 1945 was held by the Allies of World War II on September 7, 1945 in Berlin, the capital of the defeated Nazi Germany, #9. That day is 29 Elul 5705, the last day of the shmita.

America’s rise as a super power began when we joined WWI, which was on April 6, 1917, #10. That day is Passover, 14 Nisan 5677, in a shmita. America’s turn downward is in Jan 22, 1973, a shmita, when it legalizes abortion, #11, 5 days later, Jan 27, 1973, it’s declared that we lost the War in Vietnam, #12.

1. http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/27/us/september-11-anniversary-fast-facts/
2. http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/analysis/collapse.html
3. http://cnnfn.cnn.com/2001/09/17/markets/markets_newyork/
4. http://money.cnn.com/2008/09/29/news/economy/bailout/
5. http://money.cnn.com/2008/09/29/markets/markets_newyork/
6. http://www.ushistory.org/valleyforge/washington/earnestprayer.html
7. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/money/stocks-back-september-10-2001-article-1.407158
8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Hall
9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin_Victory_Parade_of_1945
10. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/america-enters-world-war-i
11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roe_v._Wade
12. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/paris-peace-accords-signed

The number 9 symbolizes divine completeness or conveys the meaning of finality. The number 11, coming after 10 (which represents law and responsibility), represents the opposite – the irresponsibility of breaking the Law, which brings disorder and judgment.

9/11 was a judgment on America, not wrath. Judgment calls for repentance and brings hope for those that repent, Heb 12:8, whereas wrath is final. This date is without a doubt the turning point of America and our freedoms. While we’ve been slipping from Grace, this date is the start or beginning, of the judgment of America. In Hebrew, beginning, start is “ראשׁית” and its gematria (number value for the letter, A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.) is 911(200+1+300+10+400)!

I’ve shown the facts above, so watch out for the next crash, if these patterns hold, will occur on 9/11/2015, the last day the market is open in this shmita. A coincident? Rabbi Cahn made me do my own homework. I hope you do your own too. Look at the birthdate of America and what it means in God’s calendar. I put all the dates of the Tetrads (4 blood moons) in a studyhttp://abdicate.net/blog/?p=410 (did you know there was a beginning of them!? And there’s an end too!). I also found a timeline, http://abdicate.net/blog/?p=449 of Hosea 6:2 because of the Tetrad study, and I found a Jewish Rabbi from 1214 AD that predicted the date of Israel’s birth and the fall of the Ottoman Empire: http://abdicate.net/blog/?p=431

At what point does coincidence turn into truth…as you know, the truth has no agenda.
Only God knows but I hope He really is coming soon. The sooner, the better!

I have what you could call a good life (good health, decent job and family) but everything seems pointless and empty without Jesus Christ.
Only God knows but I hope He really is coming soon. The sooner, the better!

I have what you could call a good life (good health, decent job and family) but everything seems pointless and empty without Jesus Christ.

Perhaps you just need to deepen your relationship with Jesus now ~!!~
There is no set level or place when it comes to how close and deep and real your relationship with Jesus can and should be in the here and now.
I have been following many prophecies given to the body of Christ and this one was given through Kim Clement and I thought it was intersting and fit in here.
Aug 29th, 2015

was I when this nation began? People lived in their fields, prayed to
their God, gave their hands, their feet and then their blood for this
nation that I call precious, My darling America. I was there as they
stood as families together watching loved ones die. I was there. Hear
the notes of the violin, for they played and brought sounds from nations
in Europe, Britain, and then created their own sound. America, you have
imitated nobody for I created you unique. Where were they when men
stood together and signed the Declaration of Independence? Where were
they when they said, "Under God, One God." I was there, says the Lord
And today there is still a remnant that will not bow to the naturalists,
to the secular humanists, to the atheists. No, it is not time for the
destruction of this nation. There will come a time where the wrath of
God shall be poured out upon the nations of the earth but today I will
bring recovery and restoration and once again America will sing My songs
and pray My prayers and declare under God we stand, says the Lord.

Do not be afraid of North Korea, do not be afraid of Iran; do not be
afraid of the nations, for in 2016 everything will change says the Lord.
There will be a sound of liberty from the White House, There will be a
sound of prayers from the White House. Pennsylvania Avenue shall be
surrounded by people that will pray and ask Me to intervene and I shall,
says the Lord. So what is the foreboding sound? It is the sound of the
enemies of America living in America. Those are your greatest enemies -
who call themselves citizens, who call themselves citizens but they are
enemies of the cross and enemies of the nation and they shall be dealt
with. You want judgment, says the Lord? Watch. Watch the atheists.
Watch. You want judgment? Then watch those that have risen up against Me
and said perhaps we shall embrace Baal-Allah. Perhaps we shall embrace
that religion. Maybe we shall embrace Sharia law. Ha! I laugh at you
because the spirit of Elijah is in this nation and Jezebel shall not
stand, says the Lord.

Blow the trumpet, blow the shofar! Blow it! For there shall be a
combination of the sound of Israel and the sound of the United States of
America - a new sound, and I will take the Spanish music and I will
take the Latin and I will put it together and a unique generation will
begin to rap and begin to sing with the combination of the sound of
Israel and the sound of America and the sound of Central America and the
sound of South America says the Lord!
The Lord God of Israel is a jealous God. I am the Lord Your God. I am
a jealous God. I will not allow the idols of Baal-Allah, the idols of
the Middle East - I shall not allow these idols to be worshipped. This
is a time for sobriety, to be sober. Why? Because men have been blinded.
There has been poverty, religious poverty, and yet there is a sound. We
pray, Lord, as you came to this nation centuries ago, give us one more
chance. Have mercy upon us! Have mercy upon us! Give us one more chance
and we will arise, and we pray this in the Name of the Lord God of
Israel, Yeshua! Yeshua! Yeshua
... And I'm still haven't experienced much of life.. And I'm still in school..i hope god takes his time.

Live your life sweetheart!

Love the Lord, love your family and friends and everything is going to work out perfectly for you!

JUst the fact that you are participating on a Christian web site tells me a lot about you and it is all good!
Live your life sweetheart!

Love the Lord, love your family and friends and everything is going to work out perfectly for you!

JUst the fact that you are participating on a Christian web site tells me a lot about you and it is all good!
I'm doing that, the process is just slow. For son its quick...for others its longer..everyone's journey is different.
Rosh Hashanah is clear, now we still have Trumpets and Day of Atonement. :D

The weirdest thing happened to me last night, I saw the brightest Cloud ever and it was clearly shaped as an angel. It wasn't just an abstract shape that looked vaguely like an angel, it was clear. My heart stopped and I thought 'Is this it?!' I got on my knees and said the Lord's Prayer and the Cloud was gone.

Maybe I'm going insane, maybe it was a hallucination but I saw something!
Rosh Hashanah is clear, now we still have Trumpets and Day of Atonement. :D

The weirdest thing happened to me last night, I saw the brightest Cloud ever and it was clearly shaped as an angel. It wasn't just an abstract shape that looked vaguely like an angel, it was clear. My heart stopped and I thought 'Is this it?!' I got on my knees and said the Lord's Prayer and the Cloud was gone.

Maybe I'm going insane, maybe it was a hallucination but I saw something!