Chris McCann from eBible Fellowship also believes in the date of October 6:
Get all your "party" hats ready, but do not forget where you store them. You are going to have to be real quick at putting them on sense God is coming in a twinkle of a eye.Jk jk....
But we've entered September... And many say this month is it...
However I still agree with the whole, no one knows the day or hour verse...
How will you spend September.. Also this is the month of me and my brother's'll be taking him n myself out.
Well, I listened to the entire audio from McCann, and he is really flaky. He is of the belief---with no proofs, yet he thumps the bible as truth---that May 21, 2011 saw the coming of the Lord, with signs such as the darkening of the sun, etc. and that we are in the Tribulation days now and that as of today, October 7, 2015, the end will come. He obviously missed the part when the Body of Christ is resurrected and caught up to Jesus and the part that the Tribulation extends for 7 years. He's just another false teacher, full of himself, and reveals a true lack of biblical understanding. Sad.
We must not take every Rev. Tom, Dick and Harry with such naivete. With this guy, it should be easy to spot his heresy. He'll be wearing a nice gooey plaster of egg on his face tomorrow.
Be like a Berean!
Sometimes deception comes under the guise of speaking courageously.
Deceivers don't usually know they are deceivers. They are simply convinced that what they think is true, but it's a lie. Therefore, it goes without saying that it's the deceived who deceive.
Jk jk....
But we've entered September... And many say this month is it...
However I still agree with the whole, no one knows the day or hour verse...
How will you spend September.. Also this is the month of me and my brother's'll be taking him n myself out.
New date: november 4.
New date: november 4.